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 Dec 2013 sheloveswords
 Dec 2013 sheloveswords
Your name,
a stab wound in the neck.
Memories of you,
moldy coffee grounds
and soggy biscuits;
your taste, spoiled milk.

Black, oily tendrils spill from my dying lips each time I say your name in my head.

I do not say it out loud

You are she now, I must


She was the only one
I would have
completely submitted
to, had she only asked.

Her juices, sublime.

She ruined me
for the rest of you.
Cold and dark, her love
is the shadow in my eyes.
These bloodstained years,
ashes, weightless.

I cannot love anyone now.
I gave what little I had to her,
and she killed it.

I let her

This purging of her,
will it ever end?
So many dead memories
taking up precious space.
So many lies, so many lies.
A soiled sanctuary,
dripping in poison.

My dearest and darkest love,
my only.

They were all for you,
these poems. These futile
attempts to reconcile my reality
with my guts. Even the ones that weren't for
you carried your shadow.

Her, not you.
I must remember
This one broke me
because she didn't know
how to wield
the immense power
I gave her.
She was careless.

This has to stop.

I want to hold someone
else and not think of...her.


I want to make everything right.


I want revenge.
I want her to suffer.

These dark reflections
from my nothing
are innocuous.

Pale skin, bleach and rotten milk.
Lies and lies and lies.

Her grey garden is barren
but I still have sight.
She was supposed to
pluck my eyes.
Communion, this eating of
my flesh and
drinking of my
has left me
bereft of anything
worth wanting.

*I crawl through stone
Bright red lips
Puffy red eyes

The one I want
The one that cries

Broken and tired
She sits and she stares

A thousand voices heard
But no one is there

The walls go up
Of fake laughs and cold stares

You and I know the pain
We've all been there

Small and unnoticed
Like  a crack on the curb

Time for this sweet girl
To accept the love she deserves
She's my kind of rain
I want to feel her all the time .
Through the darkest of days
Where the sun doesn't shine.
I want to be the one to cradle her .
In her most times of fear,
That's when the loud cry goes out.

She's upset and she's a mess.
But to me you are still beautiful.
You might have makeup smeared but
"That's okay",  I thought,
As I wiped it away.
The rain took out everything last night. The thunder had now stopped, and the sun now shines.

She is not only my favorite kind if rain.
She's my soul on a sun shiny day.
She's my everything, that the world and solitude can't be.
 Nov 2013 sheloveswords
Half eaten chocolates mingle with dead leaves
as wood floors yearn for elbows
and I crave the fluids
of Paradise
dripping like sweet nectar
your vile and wretched

Gate to Hell.
I remember walking home from school with you in eighth grade
being silly and naive as always
I told you I liked that necklace you wore
Not thinking much of anything
and you gave it to me
It smelled a little like grapes
which made me giggle
and a lot like you
which made me smile
I tried to return it
because it wasn't really mine
but you insisted I keep it
and thank God you did

I wore it every day
until we broke up
I thought of burning it
or simply throwing it away
But every time I tried
I couldn't bring myself to do it
So I shoved it in a blue box
hidden under my dresser
forgot it existed
forgot you existed.

I hadn't seen you in a year
when you told me you missed me
I missed you too.
I hadn't seen you in a year
when you told me you still loved me
I still love you too

I blew the dust off that blue box
picked up that simple beaded necklace
a little wooden turtle
it still smelled like grapes
and you

Three and a half years later
we talk on the phone for hours before going to sleep
I fiddle with that necklace while we talk
while I listen to your laugh
your stories
your voice
because it's all I have of you to hold
It doesn't smell like you anymore
because I wear it every single day
thats okay
because it reminds me
of everything we've been
of everything we will be
just because
this little turtle necklace
reminds me
how much I love you
how much
you love me.
 Oct 2013 sheloveswords
.. can i talk to u for a mintue ?
u c i got this problem i cant stop sinnin
constantly sippin in this liquor im swimmin
injecting my venom in trifling *** women
estilo derranged do u like? are u grinning?
can i b ur savior and lift up ur spirit?
burning slow till i slowly diminish..
and wats left u can keep cuz baby im finished ..
 Oct 2013 sheloveswords
thoughts undress
i spill the  stress
but still i am uncertain...
energy transgress
i feel the press
her voice softly spoken ...
predict the taste
soft creamy pink face
her temple is provoking ...
devour her internally
like she aint neva heard of me
till the crack of dawn ..
no joking..
but still i am uncertain ..
tryna find a deeper  ride  or die
that foreva version ...
is it worth it?
mindless pleasure
this numb *** felling i dont like
it aint workin..
tryna find something deeper  
and everytime i think , i always see her..
obsessed with a rare creature
last of her kind
i wana eat her...
in every way possible ..
4th of july make her melt like a popsicle
but still i am uncertain ..
i seek deeper meaning
that foreva version...
 Oct 2013 sheloveswords
the three of us sat with music playing and the tires rolling and
unplanned adventures in front of us on the road.
With a few bucks in the bank and a bunch of ideas floating in our skulls,
the aches and pains to escape the mundane were finally being treated.
My best buddies and I spoke only out of true stoke and excitement over our lives.
Laughter carried the weight in all of our conversations.
Each of our words were hardly coherent because they were beaten through
giggles, coughs, and mumbles.
Nothing was to be taken seriously and
nothing was to be judged.
We were free to mumble whatever words we pleased, so long as we laughed.
The car muffled its own contribution to our discussions about cats, rebellion, pounding Mountain Dew, and jumping off of ****.
Those things are our only cure from monotony,
so we spoke of them often.
But we also shared thoughts on intellect, society, passion, and time;
however, we took them out of their limitations.
To be friends means to leave the judgment to the strangers,
and to help each other grow.
We followed these guidelines as an unspoken constitution.
As friends, we understand that there is much more to a person than can be expressed in words,
so words take the short end and we do not care much for their maintenance.
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