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Tuta Feb 14
Love is more than a feeling,
Love is a state of being.
It steals your breath,
Yet makes you feel alive.
In the end, love is life.
It knows no rules.
It cannot be forced.
In the end, love is freedom.
It lingers in a touch,
Yet needs no hands.
It speaks in silence,
Yet understands.
It asks for nothing,
Yet offers all.
In the end, love is unconditional.
Nothing can change it,
Not time or any circumstance.
In the end, love remains eternal.
Drifting like the endless sea,
Love just is, and so are we.
Tuta Feb 14
I’ve never felt so free
Until I went into the sea
With a board in my hands,
Sensing the oceans dance.
As I was hit by a rushing wave,
And the sea sprayed across my face,
I knew what it meant to feel alive,
That I belong to the open sky.
Tuta Feb 12
Full moon, at night.
The water shimmers in its light.
“Will you jump with me, naked?”
I ask him in the cold wind shaking,
Standing on the edge of the unknown,
Like a lion that has fully grown.
As he hesitates fearfully,
I dive into freedom fiercely.
“I must do it”, he says, following my lead,
Before surrendering to the deep.
Tuta Feb 11
Is there anyone like me?
Just yearning to be free.
On this earth like in jail,
Always destined to fail.
To hate the human Race
Is to waste God’s grace.
So instead, I bow in praise—
Grateful for my days.

How can I hate mankind,
Yet dream of a son to find,
To place upon this Earth,
And give a daughter birth?
Although it’s all a mess,
And it’s seems hopeless,
I will not give up
Until I break the rut.

But where should I start
If the world is falling apart?
Don’t know my place,
Maybe it’s in space.
One day I’ll find out,
There is no doubt.
But til then I’ll rise each day,
Hoping to find my way.
Tuta Feb 11
Mama, you are my hero, no doubt.
You bring sunlight through every cloud.
Without you, who know’s where I’d be?
Likely not as independent as me.

Enough space to grow but love so pure,
A bond so strong, it’s always sure.
I still don’t get how you stayed strong,
Through chaos when it all went wrong.

But you stuck around and did your best,
I hope one day you’ll find some rest.
I want to give you all that you deserve,
Though no gift can truly serve.

I know you seek just peace of mind,
A treasure we both hope to find.
I’ll never forget what you did for me,
And I’ll raise my kids to be just as free.
Tuta Feb 11
You are me and I am you.
How else could I feel
What you feel too?
All the guilt and pain,
Sudden anger surging
through my veins.

You smoke too much ****,
Alcohol’s what makes me weak.
We both can’t handle reality,
It’s too much for our mentality.
That’s why we always try to run,
Masked by joy thats cheaply spun.

Two bodies, one soul,
apart in such suffer,
United so whole.
Meant to be together,
Even if not in this life—
Still forever.
Tuta Feb 11
Let the river carry me,
Oh let the river carry me
To where I belong
To where I long.
It’s time to let go
And trust the flow,
The natural rhythm of life
To bring me to the other side.
Enough with fighting.
No more holding on.
The pull is too strong.
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