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Sheeba 3d
The wind whispered gently sweetly  ,
It lured me asked to be let in
brushed its gentle cold fingers against my face  it was such a cold yet warm promise , the wind observed ,
The  wind planned the wind wrote down all my short comings  it waited to strike , It waited for my guard to crumble like a sweet knife cutting through my tounge so sweet but stole my ability to scream , to Yearn, to cry out for help , It rised up slowly and slowly building itself up as it cut through me a whole consuming me  a full.
I thought I asked for a breeze not a storm….
Sheeba Mar 17
A trapped helpless soul
a mad artist confined in cages of limits  
i was stuck in the cold caves of fear always wondering always thinking
always so calculated
never too brave to drift forward
I would burn and perish if I got to close to the “boundry”
“The world will eat me alive”
I said
“To explore is to be human”
They said
“i might die if i fall”
I said
“To fall is to be human!”
They said
But i am no human am i?
Im a lost misreable soul filled with moans of melancholy.
Adrift In my own  absurd rules and fears.
I drift around the cold caves its so cold …
It gave me blisters and i felt something
The cold is eating me alive  and i can feel it
Maybe i am the human who feels after all
Maybe i feel too much
But if i move forward ill burn
What if there is an escape?
What if i took the risk?
After all
“To explore is to be human”
And Maybe i am a “Human” …
Not much effort i felt silly so i felt i should post it hehe
Sheeba Mar 15
A girl’s eyes once bright with passion now stare  weakly dull and empty.
She lies on the bed trembling fingers twisting the sheets. She pleads. She screams. The walls do not listen. The air does not carry her cries.
The earth shifts graves loosen their grip ready to swallow the unwanted.
I tear her apart. Every breath I draw is stolen from her lungs.
I was welcomed into this world when she bid farewell to her world
After all this is the circle of life
Sheeba Mar 11
I once gleamed, as bright as the stars

A beautiful piece, adored in their eyes

Eyes that once admired

Eyes that envied

Eyes that weighed me with expectations

Eyes alight with love
But those eyes began to consume me

My gold faded

My shine dimmed

I pleaded with my diamond-coated mouth
Desperate to save myself
My throat sealed with my own sucess the pleading falls useless.
nothing worked

The hunger of expectations devoured me
Leaving only a broken and a tainted surface no longer special no longer the cool of the eyes
The sun no longer graces my surface.

It once made me radiant

But now it embarrasses me

Exposing my flaws for all to see

And they consume me more

So, I retreat

Hiding in the deepest, darkest rooms

Where no one will find me.

At last, in the dark

I can blend in
The sunshine isn’t mine anymore

I am nothing but a mess

With no one left to impress
Sheeba Feb 3
The fire had  a chance to redeem itself once more But this time it will provide warmth to the people around it instead of burning them.

Is this what redemption looks like?
The agressive roaring of the fire now whispers soothing words into my veins.

Instead of ashes, embers rise,  
A dance of fire sparks in golden skies a warm light twinkling in my eyes.
Im beginner chat plz trust ;)
Sheeba Feb 1
When i first saw my little sister i thought to myself  “what is this..” . But now that she is an 8 year old and im twice her age i think to myself “What would i be without this”.

— The End —