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owls at dawn Feb 26
I awoke this morning, love drunk
pulled like taffy from a dream where we were submerged
in union
your face is fresh in my mind
my body saturated with divine grace
I am grateful for me, for you, for existence

I wish I could spend the day in this altered state
with you
but the euphoria settles
the blood circulates reality back through my veins

I arise, a separate being
engaging the illusion of time and space once more
yep, I’m off to work
owls at dawn Feb 25
we went to the cryptozoology museum
which was filled with oddities and people staring
at the oddities
and demonizing the oddities
and reading about other people demonizing
the oddities
poor secretive creatures
just trying to live their best hidden lives
it made me sad but

if I'm honest
                   I have
         an oddity
                           of my own
  I stare
Like two children at play, a wonder on the streets of Casco Bay,  
My heart skips as I sidestep the cobbled, ice-laden paths,  
Splashing through puddles, we feed off each other's desire—  
Just one spin on the merry-go-round.  
Seats abound; places to grasp and relive our youth.  

WOOSH! A glimmer of wrapped wings swirls around me—  
Falling, diving, toward the ground in this exhilarating dance.  
A crash never manifests;  
She is a  mirror of my dash, now two ****** skyward,  
Our backs arch, eyes ablaze,  
Soaring to unfathomable heights of pure ecstasy.  

A search ignites, the deep thrum booming,  
Fingers strumming across invisible strings—  
My heart’s afire with a pulsing melody,  
Music familiar yet unnamed on this carousel, now just for two.  

Reappearing on the stone-studded streets,  
I walk to the water's edge,  
Bursting from a diamond's tip, where cherubs caress  
A billion luminous suns.  
My heart ignites, my lips blaze, yearnings align—  
Counting down the days until our meeting.
Once more, let us spin again...
owls at dawn Feb 25
he plays all the cards right
I am taut, straining to see his hand
I need an edge
starry eyed mythical creature
owls at dawn Feb 24
I am a peach, juicy and pink
dripping down his chin

I am succulent lamb
tender flesh falling to pieces between his teeth

I am a strap of leather
taking his pain, with pleasure

I am a tapas
teasing his taste buds
one morsel at a time
owls at dawn Feb 24
my new car is teaching me to be a better driver
it tells me when to speed up
or slow down
it tells me when to stay in line
or get off
it keeps me safe and
always gets me there
whether I take the scenic route
or want to get there as fast as possible

my new car keeps me safe
and always makes me wear my seat belt

I think my car is my new fantasy man
owls at dawn Feb 24
my roots shoot down into the emerald crust of gaia
I hold the strings of our story in my hands up high  
a dizzying expanse of kites tumbling wildly in the golden chaos
     the lives and possibilities of us, in technicolor geometries

your existence is woven into the web of my soul
let's dance along with carefree love
just a girl and a guy
and their super powers
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