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 Aug 24 Jimmy silker
Pump primed
A squeal of metal as rust crumbles
Groaning and gurgling with effort
The flow forced from hiding
By my energy

a trickle,
a sputter,
a gush

Warm, murky with sediment
No clear and cool refreshment, this
I will continue the motions
Wetting the ground with my efforts
Until the output is fit to consume
I watch the
parade of
trivialities line
up like
like mad dogs
yipping at
my ankles.

I'm too
crafty for them.
I laugh and
and watch
my cats play with
an electric fish.
Check out my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recent book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
The truth
in the mouth
of a politician
Love is a loaner armchair
Low enough to relax me
Built to embrace me
With arms that support me
While I return to my book
And sup hot tea
My Parker Knowles armchair is being reupholstered.   But I have a loaner.
It's flip a coin day
I stay in bed and read the Beano
or tails
I get up and go to work

it came up tails,
best of three.
 Aug 24 Jimmy silker
In the end,
When we become nothing more
Than just memories
On the brink of oblivion
Promise me
We won’t just become
People of places and things
Take this blank canvas
and make it your masterpiece
with pops of color
 Aug 24 Jimmy silker
A little girl once said to me

" You say your fine, but your eyes

make you look dead inside. "

And then I got scared,

Thinking she new what was wrong,

But then I remembered to lie,

And all my problems were gone.
This is a true story.
your eyes still look familiar
but the looks they give me now are foreign
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