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  Oct 2024 Jill
Sarah Kruger
she casts her pencil like a wand as magic soaks into the page her flannel cascades around her work, shielding it from curious eyes she tilts her head to listen to the lecture, but her heart is elsewhere running through castles and stumbling through candle lit streets colors tangle to mirror the expanse of her dreams she shares her soul with every meticulous stroke each face blessed by her style but never the same when she designs she never aims for perfection for she knows perfect is just a fancy way of saying flawed she erases and redraws as if her art could never satisfy her desires it can always be better but it is never good enough if only she knew I meant it when I told her I loved her drawing her art speaks to me like Mona Lisa never could
  Oct 2024 Jill
John Edward Smallshaw
Swimming between the islands
eyes peeled looking for diamonds
we thought we'd never find them
and that's the way it seemed

never thinking that those times
would become the diamonds in our minds.
Jill Oct 2024
< I >
Day arc begins. The sunflower class gazes lovingly skyward at their fire-star teacher. The newest pupils chin-strain in awe-focused attention. Reverent but energetic, their heads smooth-turn gradually westward towards their warm reward. Their blooms are a balmy destination for sunning bees. Perfect timing, rippling into the world…  

A sage watched his plants while his plants tracked the sun
He thought that it wasn’t worth noting
that petals would right to keep facing the light
as the sun-facing side was selectively dried

So sagely inquiry was done
Until the idea could receive its refloating

A physical botanist noticed the same
He took it a logic step further
His plants were all placed and completely encased
in a darkness-bound dock for a turn of the clock

The plants kept rotating their aim
And he was the first timing rhythm observer

The more he considered, the more he was sure
He could, based on solid deduction,
with confidence say that they acted this way
Through an inner intense, sunlight following sense

And urged folks to study this more
With rigours of research and science instruction

Years later, two scientists lived in a cave
A one-month foray in spelunking
Still, noiseless and lightless, the cave was all timeless
Just like the plant dock, but encased in cave rock

Their temperature curves did not change
So humans and plants had some notes to exchange…

< II >
People invent fake sunlight. Industry never stops. A timeless, tiring blur of day into night. We sit, pale and caffeinated. A world blinking fluorescent and midnight grey. A modern, diurnal nightmare. Timing battles fought from the inside…

Perched aside the optic nerve
Perfect clock inside the brain
Captured sunlight through the eye
Keeps us synched to night and day
Time and time again

Crossing zones will lead to lags
Clock and earth fall out of step
Difficult to sleep or wake
Model it to count the cost
Measured sleeping debt

Scientists find many clocks
Timing marked out body-wide
Liver, kidney, stomach, skin
Hair and muscle, pancreas
All with clocks inside

Timing cues from inside out
Hormones and adrenal glands
Exercise, consuming food
Drinking, sleeping, changing mood
Moving clockwork hands

    It’s tricky, said the shiftworker
    I’m in a real to-do
    My stomach thinks it’s ten am, my liver, half past two
    My kidneys think it’s yesterday
    My muscles Monday night
    My brain in concert with the earth, keeps timing by the light
    And all I want is sugar and a quiet kiss goodnight

Stomach, head, and heart in flux
Health and safety chrono-shock
Out of synch with social norms
Shiftworkers are precious hands
Pulled around-the-clock

Invisible clocks set with sun-travel springs
A hidden existence in all living things
  Oct 2024 Jill
Nick Moore
What is this
You bring?
All wrapped up
With string

The excitement of childhood,
May this feeling
Never leave
What's hidden?
What's found?
Shake and listen
For a

Someone's thoughts
Contained inside,
Expression of love
Cannot be

Time to open up
"It's a pebble from the beach"
One that you picked
Just for me,
Only you're eyes could see,
It's perfect,
For me
I don't really do sentimental, but when it happens, it happens.
  Oct 2024 Jill
South by Southwest
Words are like keys if you choose them right .
They can open any heart or shut any mouth .

I opened up . . .
dumped out the words
kicked them hard !
       CRACK !
goes a breaking rib
There is no mercy that I give
Stomped them flat
Sretched them out
Made them squeal
before I made them shout
I grabbed them naked by the throat
Squeezed so hard I made them choke
I made pain flash in their eyes
I made them pay for all their lies
Their hot fear sweated out
I was resolved without a doubt
Red blood running cold
All their soul I bought and sold
I made them wish they had never been saged
Before I made a morgue of the page
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