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I feel sorry for those men who beg for love
Or shed tears
Are ready to sacrifice everything for a woman
The man who knows how to surrender
deserves more than love
They get less.
The more open I feel
in my home clothes,
the same I feel with you
It is never suffocating,
it is open like nature,
we can roam wherever we want
There should be this much freedom in every relationship
There should be no resistance between breath and mouth in saying something
We all have small worlds
What we call the world is an extension of all small worlds
All gardens are small worlds
Nature is an extension of gardens
We cannot take care of the entire nature
We should make our gardens beautiful
so that they can expand,
they can be open,
restrictions can be removed,
everything can appear in its true form
Love is always at its peak away from boundaries.
I need you
When I see you again on my streets after a long time, a fire rises inside me
Suppress it,
My other soul
Waves up and down and
Touches the limits of fear and goes away
Is there no place
My love?
Where you keep me in your heart
With love.
When you hold me, I can't see your face. I feel your hands tight around my waist, your fingers moving over my stomach. Your warm breath moves near my ear. I love it when you touch me. It makes a home in the deep

When you murmur softly, its effect creates shivers in every pore of my body. I want to turn and hold you, but you do not loosen your grip and this continues beyond the limit of time.

I want you to enter inside my skin and grow flowers of poetry on all the hard places inside me. You stick to me in such a way that there is no space left between us to breathe.

My body becomes cold when you open the valves of my heart and fill them with cool air. When you show your magic, my mind becomes peaceful when you love me sincerely. I feel scared when you tell me the magic is complete .
A sweet that is not available in any other shop.
Whatever happened between us, I could never write about it honestly. I write about what was not possible. I write about the empty space between us.
I am that lonely star who tried to shine after seeing you.
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