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Juliana Aug 24
in a perfect world
you would have stayed
Juliana Aug 24
Someone told me to forget about him
But tell me how I can forget about the person that breathed life into me
About the person who stole a chunk of my heart that I’ll never get back
It’s impossible
There’s no forgetting
Forgetting him would be forgetting the best parts of my life
Memories that I want to tell my kids in the future
I can’t take losing myself in losing him
But I know sometimes I have to chose my priorities
Juliana Aug 24
When the city was lonely
You were my one friend
You said that you’d stay with me till the end
Well the end is now

When the city was dark
You showed me the light
Brought my weary bones back to life
Now they’re turned to dust

When the city was cold
You ignited a fire
Destroyed everything until only we were left
My home was left in ash

When the city was perfect
You got up and walked away
I guess you thought it was better that way
I started to cry

When the city was gone
You were no where in sight
No one was
And I finally broke
Juliana Aug 24
How long has it been?
It’s been a while and I still think about you
On the daily
I still talk to you in my head when I need someone to vent to or someone to comfort me
You always were good at that
Whenever I get a text I hope that it’ll be you
You explaining for why you ended things with me
It was never supposed to last
But you can’t blame me for hoping that you and me would be forever
I never even heard you say my name
Did you ever call me by my name
The way I called you

— The End —