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Rebecca Feb 2022
Hold it in your heart.
Close to those you love.
Have your pride.
Let it well inside.
Makes you strong.
Belief makes the difference.
Bravery wins allies.
Daunts your enemies.
Confuses the nonbelievers.
Please hold your ground.
Rebecca Feb 2022
Take to the streets;
Follow a higher law;
Never be a captor of wrong;
Don't be a victim of disorder;
History will be your guide.
Test your own conscience.
Use your own sense of justice.
Don't be led into disrespect
of your fellow human.
Love your freedom and
The God given free will.
Some leaders are no leaders
and stay hidden.
Other boldly mix
with their people
and hear the voices of their people.
The hidden have no conscience,
only self interest.
Rebecca Feb 2022
Thought I was old enough
To have fought for a place
in my profession,
but I wasn't.

I merely held a place
that other generations
had gained.

Said you like my hair color,
was it mine,
but it wasn't.

My colorist is just
really good and
I go often.

Its all just an illusion.
Made up of thoughts.
A careful smile,
A gentle, undeserving
Acceptance of credit
But I appreciate you.
Rebecca Feb 2022
Lift the bowl.
Drink it all in.
Dribble on the chin.
Push back up
Into your mouth.
Don't let a fulfilling drop
Leave your tongue.
Enjoy the passion
of the moment.
Slurp life's passion
with hungry delight.
Rebecca Feb 2022
Just outside the window
Sitting on a limb.
Legs dangling.
So many possibilities.
To shimmy to the bottom
Or cross to the window.
Possibilities inside
More interesting than out.
Surrounded by fresh green.
The bark imprinting my hands.
The full moon staring down
With curiosity about the next move.
To shimmy to the bottom
And walk without the dare.
To go inside and greet the fate.
Breezy night brushing
Leaves against my arms and face.
Not so bold so I go.
The moon gently laughing,
Guiding me home.
Chance will come again.
Just not now.
Rebecca Feb 2022
Today is empty.
Nothing in my heart.
No brew of emotion.
Love seems lost.
Waiting for a toss
of sweet gentle feeling
in my path.
So even.
Next week will bring a wave.
But nothing now.
Might as well sleep
as write.
Rebecca Feb 2022
The invite opens
For those who are young.
Please RSVP.
Youth without a guest.
Youth without a guess.
Occasion arises.
Warm fate stands ready.
Welcome for those
Who accept.
No going back,
only forward.
Table of options,
Accept the consequences.
Warm fate serves youth.
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