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Rebecca May 2021
My arm across the chest of most loved.
His head back against the pillow.
His eyes shut in hushed rest.
My cheek rests next to his.
Blindly, he bushes my hair from my face and his.
My leg tossed across his pelvis
Room darkened but with glow of spent.
Time stands still with love shared.
I kiss tender his shoulder.
Not wanting to surrender the piece of together.
Not a time to think how much longer
A life built together.
He raises his hand and brushes the sleep from his eyes.
Releasing me and rising from his rest.
The close is finished for today.
Back to chores and everyday.
My sweetest love, my joy in life.
Rebecca May 2021
Walking through a forest
Large trees with faces in the trunks
Truths carved in the wood
Sun casting through the dark green
Shadows pushing back the heat
The earth dark and rich
New life trying to push through
the decaying floor
Secrets hidden below the brown leaves
Truth in the heart can be found
Reckoning with self and dilemma
Rotting smells rise from the floor
Trees stand above the rot in graceful stance
Showing regal in their realm ever reaching
Toward the heavens with noble bearing.
Rebecca May 2021
I see it.
Your face shows.
It is not the same.
I miss what was.
How did it leave you.
It is so vivid for me.
My heart trembles with the loss,.
I see it by the way you hold your chin.
So I drink more champagne.
No, I don't want food.
So, it is over.
My heart trembles with loss
As you eat a chicken tender.
Rebecca May 2021
Son, don't you see what matters
Don't give in
Follow your own
Don't give in to others
Love your own
Rebecca May 2021
If a clown comes at me
I will have  to run him down
Deep dark night
Where am I
Supposed to be a party
If he comes at me
I will run him down
Head back to Blacksburg
**** that clown
Rebecca May 2021
Letting it grow.
Feeling it burst from nothing.
Bright green cascades over reason.
World seeing its growth.
At first amazed then dismay.
Taking over
Climbing over
Killing life underneath by blinding
From light all below.
So huge all collapses beneath its weight
Just a thought left to grow.
Prune with reason
Feed with care.
**** anxiety from the patch.
Don't over-fertilize with manure.
Rebecca May 2021
The hunt
The push, the pull
The heat of anger
mistaken for the heat of passion
A love not sweet nor sharing
A hunt with hurt
Mean for strength
For dominance
No true care
Ich liebe Dich nicht
A harsh emotion of obsession
Without a basis in love
Never to release and never to truly want
One last call before the great love
One more attempt to pull her back
One cruel time before the date
One last phone call "I think I might love you."
Give it up ******* - I have gone
No more chase.
I won the hunt.
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