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Aishu May 2022
I follow the rhythm of my heart.
I trust my instinct.
I believe in myself, and I do
all things with love.
Poem written in 2011
Aishu May 2022
Flying in the air
Bright orange wings with black lines
Monarch butterfly.
Aishu May 2022
My home is my living space,
my comfort space, my creative space,
an environment of inspiration,
good vibes, and memories.
Aishu May 2022
I believe in something
for the first time.
Love! I believe in love,
and that's the beginning
of you and me.
Aishu Apr 2022
Anxious about spending
the rest of my life
as the same person.
I want to change
into something
that I am.
Aishu Apr 2022
Is darkness
a blessing or a curse?

It moulds me to become
the better person I am today.
Aishu Apr 2022
This path is new, and
It has been quite challenging,
yet I want it so badly for myself,
and I will do whatever it takes
for my vision to come true.
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