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Aishu Apr 2022
The past has passed.
It has no power over me.
I have moved forward in my life
with a new purpose.
Aishu Apr 2022
As she steps out,
the morning cool breeze
caresses her hair.

The rising sun
softly kissed her face.

And she looked up
at the cloudless blue skies,
smiling as nature welcomed
her into a new day.
Aishu Apr 2022
I inspire.
You inspire.
We inspire.
Together let's create
an inspiring world.
Aishu Apr 2022
You can't change
what has happened.

All you can do
is create a new beginning
that is greater than your past.
Aishu Apr 2022
You are more than
the fear that holds you back.

You are more than
the sorrow that you carry within.

You are more than
the pain that keeps you away
from yourself.

You are more than
the anger that consumes you.

You are more than
you think you are.
Aishu Apr 2022
How can I sleep
when the night
is so lovely?

How can I sleep
when the moon
is so charming?

How can I sleep
when I'm in love
with the magic of night?
Aishu Apr 2022
The sky wishes you good night.
The stars whisper sweet dreams.
The moon sends hugs and kisses.
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