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Aishu Apr 2022
I'm full of scars
of sins not known.
Aishu Apr 2022
Bright light shines on a path
I never knew was mine.
Aishu Apr 2022
As I sit and ponder my path,
I understand why I went through
the darkness.

As I sit and observe the vast sky,
I understand why I fall in love
with the awe-inspiring beauty.

As I sit and listen to my heart,
I understand why I didn't believe
in love.

As I sit and reflect,
I understand my life's journey,
the lessons, and myself.
Aishu Apr 2022
A path is seen
for the first time in life.
It is where I am me.
It is where I thrive
It is where I feel alive.
It is where I belong.
Aishu Apr 2022
Two birds in love
Eagerly fly back to each other
Together again.
Aishu Mar 2022
A book in my hand
With a view of the blue sky
That is all I need.
Aishu Mar 2022
With a pen,
the artist transforms lives.
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