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Janna B Dec 2020
OK, so my heart won that latest round
in the battle between head and heart
My head is sounding loud warnings,
but my heart is rejoicing.
Hold on!
The ride of life is speeding up…
Janna B Nov 2020
If I see you
what I want to know is
where you are at.
I want to gauge you
by more than words -
by actions.

I want to tell you about me too
I now see, I've spent this life
denying my internal voice.
Doing what my head told me
over what my heart intuited.

I want to be listened to
in my small words and actions
in the small treasures of every day.

You brought alive in me
This feeling that my inner thoughts and musings
are worthy.
Not silly, inferior, or lesser.
I have been living and sharing them
(with my new poet friends) -
it is a great gift.

I didn't know that someone else
would find them interesting
and find them beautiful,
and be able to say:
me too.

You were the first for that.
Janna B Nov 2020
My head and my heart
Are usually at war
My head wins the first round
And my heart
Settles in for a long
campaign of insurgence.
Janna B Nov 2020
As I grow older
I see shades of grey.
Black and white disappearing.
Right and wrong?
Largely gone.
There are gradients,
with space there
for compassion.
Janna B Nov 2020
If making mistakes
Is part of growth
My mistakes
Are certainly helping me grow.
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