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m May 2023
Loss cuts deep, shadows descend,
Tears fall, hearts ache, wounds never mend.
Yet love remains, a flicker of grace,
Guiding us through life's relentless chase.

Save me
I have not yet found the way
but the way is set in permanence
Help me on my way
m May 2023
In this city
shattered dreams
we walk alone
a place to call our own
words echo
As we navigate life

Oh, your melodies inspire
a sanctuary in the night
the echoes of our our guiding light
Oh, your melodies frighten
a sanctuary in the night
the echoes of our our guiding light

Through the wreckage of our broken dreams, we rise
Finding strength in the depths of our own demise
confront the darkness within
Waving tales of struggle
redemption, and sin

Through the highs and lows, we navigate this life
we find solace in the strife
resonate with the battles we face
discover our own sacred space
m Feb 2023
lost with nowhere left to go
wrote a note but failed
oh what a mess
thought it could end with one button press
maybe there's a reason I've been denied

still lost
beat down soul
the rattle in my hand
woke up in a hospital bed
with doctors and loved ones around my head

crooked smiles
failed again
m Aug 2021
a generation lived
a generation remembered
a generation all but forgotten
a generation of photo-less family tree entries
m Jan 2021
the road turns slightly up ahead
then forks
i've taken the wrong path many times before
i've convinced myself over the years
that there is no "right" way
just my way
no matter how wrong that way is
m Jan 2021
the bumblebee stares
sometime i get high and it speaks to me
but it never has anything positive to say
badgering me to fold into myself
introspection can be valuable
but its value is subjective
it smiles with its eyes wide
taking in the room
ill go now, i'm nodding off
good night bumblebee
till tomorrows night
m Jan 2021
there it is
that shine
a sign it will be a great day
fingers crossed
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