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m Nov 2020
good morning
skipping breakfast
and start the day
push till lunch
skipping lunch
grind till dinner
ill have dinner
end the day
half hour till liftoff
the best and saddest part of the day
m Nov 2020
i was a ghost back then
not by choice
i drifted with the shadows
they kept me safe and sane

looking back
i don't know how i did it
i don't know if i could do it again
i don't know if i could continue

when i left i decided to not be me
i haven't been me since
the shadows still follow
just in case
m Nov 2020
she speaks
ill keep her secret safe
it won't harm anyone until one day it does come out
it will be tragic but inevitable

for now, lips are sealed
a time capsule with no end date
the anticipation of a champagne cork taking flight
with a lot more tears
m Nov 2020
i'm not ok
even when i tell you i am
m Nov 2020
i've taken pictures all my life
a stolen moment in time
we reminisce about those days
when everything just felt right

i've taken pictures all my life
i've taken one today
i wonder how this one will be remembered
some moments are meant to be forgotten
m Nov 2020
i am lost
i sit on the hood of my car
staring out to the open ocean
nothing to see but the horizon
a spot miles away
the waves rise and fall
crash like thunder
and then the calm

there is a spot miles away
my mind drifts there when i need it
to reset
to restart
to re-center
i wish i could live there always
m Nov 2020
you will always stay with me
from the swings in mood you could never understand
to the depths of the deepest darkness
the heights of joy
the playful smiles
you were the light that never went out
until it did
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