The night full of moons, a firefly
Came flying with bright light and I
Was pursuing her all the night.
But vain, where I went along
Like fading away of nightingale song,
I saw a dancing boat's sail.
The moon was glowing more
Than the another day, the door
Of my heart caused her to sway.
The light of the firefly I followed
Made me rich beyond the dream of odd,
She was more sweeter than the cream.
The air was so gentle to the firefly
And suddenly she came to cry,
Later I knew Agnitanaya was her name.
Soul whispered, "you're in the desert,
Upon the sand you're drawing art,
Thus the night declared morning.
Now I know I was searching a fellow,
It was nothing but a dark shadow,
Although I felt her pleasure and lark.
(Agnitanaya: the daughter of fire)