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Winds of change
always blowing
breathing strange
never knowing
what tomorrow
will finally bring
joy or sorrow
songbirds sing!
With war painted eyes
weapons between thighs
in Boston's combat zone
tempting men all alone
smell the pungent bait
pay the fee for no wait
you always want it pure
no promise nothing sure
no heartache to endure
kiss a wife at the door.
We fell in love
for our ****
anger and dove
hope better luck.
Naked in fields
of summer gold
thunder builds
clouds get bold.
Lightning strikes
nothing but ash
left of love's likes
left in the trash.
I'm 75
still alive
beat the odds
defied the gods.
My libido dead
wet the bed
depends instead
Keep your head.
Hold the present now
it will be precious.
Hug it, and taste it.
Remember it delicious.
Falling in love is easy.
Riding a carousel in
the bed together until
full moon and fireworks
a wedding and a baby
and bills and we get fat
and forget how to laugh.
We want to make love or
even **** but these tired
beasts of burdens forget.
I need Aphrodite.
You need Hercules.
What kind of dust
will my remains be?
What worms taste
in my funeral waste.
Humorous and kind
angry and cruel blind.
Hedonist pleasure
my ultimate treasure.
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