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This old arthritic man
pain my constant friend
will jump from fry pan
into my youth's fiery end.
Danny Ayer died in 8th grade driving a '57 Chevy pedal to the metal down Dead Man's hill in Winton Woods.
I smell your hair
I love you then
we kiss us there
perfect within.
Hank Kissinger was a cruel kid
who grew up into a psychopath
complete with his patent bid
to destroy filthy needy trash
all dead in his nuclear bath.
   ­   never.
I wish that I knew you more
than I knew your brother.
How can I even the score?
There's an open window.
**** it and say goodbye.
I found a magazine
left lonely in a field.
I was 13, what I'd seen
set me free. I was healed.
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