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I'm wearing Camo shorts
a wife beater undershirt
I'm 75 run 2 miles a day
ignoring arthritis  hurt.

I live with 2 dogs, blind cat
and the wife of my dreams.
Our happy hour from 7 to 11
Franzia romantic as it seems.
I was firstborn son
namesake was done
delivered by a nun
already on the run.
I felt pain and cleansing rain.
I burned in summer sun shines.
Faced bullies on a playground
Fell in love forever many times.

Made some babies lost a few
Eden Park's greener grass
in the insane summer of love
much too much **** and ***.

I'm dead now I guess so
I miss laughs and crying.
It's painless and forever.
I want to fear my dying.
I'm god awful alone with friends.
Why? What piece of me is missing?
Is my world always just pretends?
Married again and again dismissing
cracks in my mind the shrinks deny
the quacks follow Freud 'til we die
over and over they ask only "Why?"
no answers to question always I lie.
Give an inch
keep the dead
**** the king
maggot bread
fight tomorrow
eat our sorrow.
I drove a dump truck
full of lies and blight
through the blinding
of the sun's true light.
I delivered it to you
Happy Hour at night.
Our government is a carcass
parasites eating its ideals
political prostitutes rich
from inside trader steals.

Lobbyists own all of DC.
**** the bone marrow dry.
**** the middle class now
the poor will do or die.
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