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I had a breakdown fell
apart in puzzle pieces
everywhere I spilled
was bits of my verses.
Help me put me back
to myself again, please.
We are both in our cups
when we drunk connect
one calls one answers
the same numb correct.
We talk forever after
with echos of laughter.
She died
I'll never
know why
it was left
for me to
bury her
I will join
her in death
final breath.
I lie in her grave
and slit my throat
bleed out our
true baptism.
That day was so long ago
memory is vague shadows
quiet whispers in the snow
prayers for the widows
tears for Canaries caged
as the coal mine raged.
I'm still that little boy
confessing little sins to
be forgiven by a penance.
Instead I ate a nun's stew.
Acquired taste devil dance
before I die one last chance.
Time is a brooding storm
hovering behind my back
threatens every tick tock
as universes always stack
Tarot decks against a ****.
We're always hanged seconds
before we *** on the clock.
we love the patient serpents.
I say swear words,
  smell sweet girl hair
  I never knew before.
  Susan Tucker was my
  first confusing kiss
  loved forever more.
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