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36 · Jul 14
Quantum Universe
Chuck Kean Jul 14
Quantum Universe

      We are the Quantum in the Universe
The smallest discrete quantity
We are like grains of sand in the vastness
We are the strange oddity

We’re all Space travelers moving through
Space at a high rate of speed
In a relatively quick temporary life span
With false prestige and focused on greed

It’s every Man for Himself so to speak
With glimpses of love and passion
But increasingly it seems we’re consumed
By material things and the latest fashion

The future was supposed to be better
We were supposed to learn from the past
Yet here we are repeating the same mistakes And the end is approaching fast

We must stop to remember that we are
One in the same regardless of how diverse
We must love each other and embrace
Our existence in our Quantum Universe

Written By:Charles Kean
36 · Jun 2020
Give Me Death
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
Give Me Death

      So it shall be written
So it shall be done
Here I am stuck on a planet
With nowhere to run

I’ve got no device for escape, this calls
For more than a bottle of cold gin
So it is written, time is coming to an
End but I didn’t wanna see it begin

It’s the year twenty, twenty we should
Be living in a world of peace and light
But instead we’re divided and living
In a world of turmoil in our darkest night

We’re in a constant fight and soon we’ll
Listen to the Swan as she sings
As long as we let ourselves be Marionettes
And let the media pull the strings

As for me I don’t wish to live in this world
With the fighting and political shibboleth
Give me back my world and learn to love
Or you can simply give me death

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/25/2020
All rights reserved
36 · 4d

      Some men come from nothing
But they can still be a friend
I’d take a bullet for you
And I’d bleed until the bitter end

I’m no Angel but I’d face the
Hurricane and the driving rain
And I would not back down from a
Fight with the murdering brother Cain

If we were stranded in the desert
Wilting in the blistering heat
I’d give you the last of the water
As I lay dying at your feet

Once there was a time I was drinking the
Whiskey and Rye, I began to drown
I wasn’t the person I am today and I
Thought the Devil wore the Crown

I’m a born sinner and that’s a fact
I still love my Rock & Roll
But came an Angel from Heaven above
To save my mortal soul

Now I know Jesus wears the crown
And I’ll fight the enemy and never bend
I’m proud of the man I’ve become
And I’m proud to call you Friend

Written By:Charles Kean
36 · Jan 2020
I Cheated Death
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
I Cheated Death

   I’ve cheated death
It’s true more than once I say
It’s an absolute miracle
That I am alive today

My father beat me within inches of my life
I’ve attempted suicide
I was bullied and out on the streets
From gangs I had to run and hide

I’ve totaled three cars in accidents
I don’t know how I was able to survive
I’m sensitive to anesthesia and during
Surgeries they struggle to keep me alive

So now I truly know each day is precious
But I live with this weird sensation
That I am living in a Hollywood movie
Known as the final destination

In fact during my last surgery
I took my final breath
They told my wife to call our Pastor
But again I cheated death

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/27/2020
All rights reserved
36 · Oct 2020
Legend Of The Black Swan
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
Legend Of The Black Swan

     The oath was taken and there’s
No turning back now at all
You’re a part of an elite brotherhood
Sworn to answer the call

You’re the best they’ve seen in a long time
A ****** who’s shot is sure and true
Your reputation is growing with each ****
The best of the best, there’s only been a few

This is who you are, you’ve joined the dark side the oath taken under the black rose
You’ve mastered every trick, to perfection
Allowing for wind and the use of shadows

Though this isn’t the life you’ve dreamed
It’s the life that you were born into
And it doesn’t matter how much you wish
It could change, there’s nothing you can do

So you tell yourself lies to make yourself
Feel better after each assassin
You tell yourself that you will still
Join the Angels like a Saxon

After countless murders, in the distance
You hear the toll of your own bell
You’ll spend your eternity in the
Deepest fiery debts of hell

Yes this is your destiny and long
After your extinction like the Mastodon
Your legacy is that of the Angel of death
Known as the legend of the Black Swan

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/06/2020
All rights reserved
36 · Feb 2020
My Wonderful Muse
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
My Wonderful Muse

      You’re always there in the light
You’re always there in the shadow
You’re always there in the storm
You’re always there in the rainbow

I’m not worthy of your presence
I’m not worthy of your inspiration
I’m not worthy of your intellect
I’m not worthy of your declaration

You always know what to say
You come through in a pinch
You always figure it out
You are my winch

I fall short of your glory
I am weak with my appliance
I am embarrassed to admit
I am addicted in my reliance

You are always here for me
You protect me from the Devil’s ruse
You will never know what you do for me
You are my wonderful muse

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/04/2020
All rights reserved
36 · Mar 2020
There’s No Me In I
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
There’s No Me In I

   I am different than all of you
But in reality we’re all the same
To the government we’re a number
But we all have our own name

I can take care of myself
But I can’t really take care of squat
I know this and that
But I don’t really know a lot

I can be happy with my accomplishments
And pat myself on the back
I can take the credit for it all but
There would be a falseness on the plaque

I did it without input or influence from
Anything or anyone you know that’s a lie
For I am nothing without God and you and All That surrounds me, no there’s no me in I

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/06/2020
All rights reserved
36 · Mar 2020
Old Ones
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Old Ones

  I remember my youth and
The energy that was endlessly flowing
And today I feel that energy
Continually slowing

I remember my elders and
How they envied me
Wishing they could store
That energy for eternity

Now the years have passed me by
And I still feel the kid Inside of me
But I have no clue just where
That energy might be

I know it's lost in some
Kind of a galaxy Void
Harnessed inside some
Kind of a robot droid

Or maybe it's frozen in the
Space and time doldrums
Or maybe it was  hijacked
By the old ones

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 4/9/17
All rights reserved
35 · Jan 2020
I Love You All
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
I Love You All!!!
This is unbelievably overwhelming!!!
I’ve never shared my poetry like this
In any type of forum.
My heart is feeling your love and
Your passion. I promise I’ll be reading your poetry as I continue to explore and experience this site. I have been inspired to write again as you may have noticed with my copyright dates. I literally just wrote a few of the poems that you are liking and loving. Thank you all!!! God Bless!!!
35 · Aug 6
Chuck Kean Aug 6

      The first comes with the loss of your
Innocence in your walk of life
When you realize that love
Can cut you like a knife

When you’re no longer Naive
And not so willing to trust
And you wonder how many times you
Can get knocked down into the dust

When your heart breaks because
You have to leave your love behind
When you think that love again is
Something you’ll never find

And again when someone you love
Passes away and you drown in sorrow
These are the times when you wonder
If the Sun will rise tomorrow

Living life can be so wonderful but it can
Also drain all the tears from your eyes
Over time through the passing years as
We come face to face with all the goodbyes

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
The Devil Is Only As Strong
                 As you Are Weak

  Life is a card game we must
Play the hand we are dealt
Life can pick you up and it can drop
You on your head and leave a welt

Like a roller coaster with all its twist
And curves and ups and downs
You’ll encounter all kinds of people
The good, the bad and the clowns

You can live in the darkness of your past
Or something you are going through
You may feel helpless and feel that
There is nothing you can do

God says I am here my child
You will never be alone
Yet so many ignore him and
Feel they are on their own

With his love, I have strength and a voice
As to which he wishes me to speak
With him you can be strong and know
The Devil is only as strong as you are weak

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 12/10/2019
All rights reserved
35 · Nov 2020
My Destiny
Chuck Kean Nov 2020
My Destiny

   It’s not a mystery, no, no, no
There’s nothing to uncover
Everyone knows this to be true
If it’s not one thing it’s another

One minute you’re at the top of the hill
And the next you’re fallen down
Yes for every chance you get to smile
It’s not long till you’re wearing a frown

When I was a young man I was a victim
Of child abuse, physically and mentally
And even though I’ve left it behind
It seems it will be my forever penalty

As my life has moved on
I’ve come to discover
No matter what I do
I’m in a constant state of recover

Mentally I know that it’s my
Own voice inside my brain
That keeps holding me back
And I keep inflicting my own pain

Physically it’s as if I have my own
Personal evil spirit that I’ve conjured
And I cannot stop myself from
Stupidly finding a way to be injured

Don’t get me wrong I’m alright, life is
Just tough when I’m my own worst enemy
My past, my present and my future will
Uncannily be the same and be my destiny

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/18/2020
All rights reserved
I tell myself that I can’t
And last week I sprained my ankle
This week I smashed my hand
I’m 58 and I hurt all over but I have
To keep on keeping on
35 · Dec 2020
Chuck Kean Dec 2020

     The clouds could roll in
Black and charcoal grey
Hiding the Sunshine so That I
Could never see the light of day

I could be homeless with my
Head down low hiding in shame
Never wanting anyone
To ever know my name

The world’s most evil witch
Could cast her most evil spell
I could be so desperately needing water
Crying out from the depths of Hell

Yes I could be the ultimate loser
In each and every game
I would still scream into a mega phone
To the world and strongly proclaim

As long as we were together
Let me make this clear and concise
Even with all of the above
I would still be in paradise

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/09/2020
All rights reserved
I dedicate this to my wife Cynthia
Love ya babe!!!
35 · Jan 2020
In Between
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
In Between

We have no future,we have no past
We drink no *****,We smoke no grass
We are not hip and we are not squares
But who we are,nobody cares
We're in between
Do you know what I mean
We're in between
Do you know what I mean
If you don't understand let me take you to the promise land
We can walk hand in hand
Through the sand
People cannot see
People like you and me
For we are different from
All the others
We have no sisters
We have no brothers
Our lives have gone to fast
We have no future
We have no past
We're in between

Written By: Chuck Kean
The very first poem I ever wrote. High school
And my creative writing class teacher had it
Published in the school paper.
35 · Sep 2020
Where Is God?
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
This is not a poem.

Where Is God?

To those who may be wondering,
Where is God?
To those who believe,
You know the answer.
The notion and miss conception is
That if there’s a God,
Then why?
Why is there all of this Hell on Earth?
Why is there all of this pain and suffering?
Why?, Why?, Why?
The answer is—- This is Earth,
We were created to Love!!!
Love each other unconditionally!!!
Just like his love for us.
The battle between good and evil has been
Since the beginning of time.
We are given the freedom to choose,
It’s that simple!!!
We can choose to be good or evil.
God is not and will not just gonna save everyone from this world.
That’s not the deal.
The Deal——It’s very simple,
He says, choose me.
That’s it, in your heart choose me
And ask to be forgiven of your sins.
Choose me and I will save you, I will
save your soul from
An eternal life in Hell and give you an everlasting life in Heaven.
Die unto yourself and be reborn into a life
With me and when your days are over here in
This world you will join me in Heaven!!!
The signs are showing—It is written these are the end of days.
It’s been for awhile and there’s nothing written about how long the end of days
Will last.
We cannot turn it around.
All that we can do is make that choice.
The choice to be saved, the choice to receive the gift. We can choose to love and not to hate. We can choose forgiveness and to forgive.
That’s it people, it’s that simple!!!
Look, for those whom already know,
You have nothing to worry about.
I’m not here trying to force my beliefs onto anyone. I am just trying to be a messenger and present the news.
You can say it’s just a fairytale, a fantasy or a dream and that’s okay, I will never judge you or  condemn you because that’s not my job or my intent.
So you can say that I am wrong and I can tell you that you are wrong and that will be that.
I just know this one most important factor,
Disappointing, oh you bet ya, it would most definitely be if I die and find out that I am wrong.
But just think about that and think about how disappointed you will be if you find out that I am right.
I’d rather believe and be wrong
Then not believe and be wrong.
All I can do now is Love you and pray for you!!!
God Bless!!!
35 · Sep 2020
Like Dracula
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
Like Dracula

   Take a look inside your heart, search
For any speck of love that remains
You can take the hate and throw it away
and break away from your chains

Somewhere there’s got to be
Something there to remind you
Of a heart and soul that you left
Somewhere far behind you

The damage and suffering came to
You on your journey through life
But the damage and suffering doesn’t
Have to be a continued strife

Know this deep down in your heart
The darkness fears the power of the light
So it’s time to rise up to the challenge and
Find the strength from inside to fight

We have the freedom to choose
We can Love or we can Hate
We have the power and it begins with
Each one of us, I pray it’s not too late  

We can’t be separated by minor differences like the black widow and the tarantula
We’re all humans and a spider is a spider
Know the dark fears the light like Dracula

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/25/2020
All rights reserved
35 · Apr 2020
Front Line
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
Front Line

   We don’t have the evidence if this
COVID-19 Was an accident or deliberate
But the fact remains that it is real
And it is able to mutate

So this is not technically called a war
There’s no Bombs or Bullets flying
But all over the world, reports are coming
In with thousands of people are dying

We hear China talking but we all
Know that they are lying
And quickly we have a Pandemic
And the world is crying

The numbers could be astronomical
And I don’t want to sound like a manic
I am not writing this to cause chaos
And certainly I don’t want to cause panic

But I do want to stress, in these times
Well I’ll put it like this
I want you all to stay home
Stay calm and listen to KISS

Seriously though it is getting scary
And it’s not something anyone would pine
But here we are the people in health care
Standing on the front line

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/08/2020
All rights reserved
God Bless everyone!!! Stay safe!!!
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
The Legend Of The Death Train

    In the still of the night
You can hear the engine moan
Soon you know the bell will toll
Another soul will die alone

Like a tsunami
Leaving destruction in its wake
It is relentless as it rolls down the track
With the lives it will take

Like a story from the twilight zone
Or something evil from a witches spell
In your ear you hear the deathly screams
From the deepest depths of hell

As the clock strikes midnight
You hear the whistle blow
You look in the sky and see
The moon in an eerie glow

Then you hear a sound you’ve
Never heard and you can’t explain
A dark and deep devils growl
And a man screech in pain

You feel a strong breeze come over you
And it’s hotter than the Suns mid day heat
You look down and see a mans
Head roll from the hill to your feet

It’s a living nightmare that leaves
You with a heavy chilling fear
You will forever dread the night
And any train whistle you hear

For you know as sure as there’s
A heaven above evil will also reign
Because you witnessed first hand
The legend of the death train

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/24/2020
All rights reserved
In honor of a poem I posted Midnight train written in 2016
I thought I would try to write something new
But with a familiar haunt. Train whistles are lonely and eerie and so I hope I did it justice.
I just wrote this. It was after one am changed title
34 · Jul 2020
Everyone’s Talking
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Everyone’s Talking

   A still small voice is calling
Know that Jesus saves
Out in the streets hear the noise
Hear it over the airwaves

This is the Devil at his finest
It’s so hard to find the love
When the world is fighting and
Every push becomes a shove

Everyone one knows the two paths
We all have the right to choose
In times of difficulty when we fight wrong
With wrong the end result is we all lose

Every Time there’s a disaster see it
On the news, those that come to rescue
And then there’s those that loot
Forgive me and my pirlicue

When one is killed wrongly by police
We agree that it wasn’t right
But in turn is this cause or reason to
Rioting and causing a national racism fight

In hindsight couldn’t we have protested
And voiced ourselves in a way that inspires
Not by disrespecting others property by
Busting windows and setting fires

Outside at your door you
Cannot hear him knocking
The Devil has us fighting and no one’s
Listening but everyone’s talking

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/29/2020
All rights reserved
34 · Aug 2020
When Night Falls
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
When Night Falls

   Sometimes I pray for the light of day
I welcome the distraction of my mind
Sometimes at night I wish that
My visions were not so well defined

I really have left my past behind but
Those pesky cobwebs still hang
They’re in the attic of my brain and it
Reminds me of when sorrow sang

Most days and nights I get through
And I am left completely un phased
But something sparks a memory and
It can’t leave me completely unscathed

I’ve learned to rely on Jesus
And the visions I can quickly dismiss
And there were good times and
It’s healthy to reminisce

But I confess without warning
Frighteningly I will awaken
And the sweat and tears are flowing
And I am left shaken

The visions of what was long ago
Come straight from the Devils castle halls
And forgive me but it’s the reason why
Sometimes I dread it when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/03/2020
All rights reserved
34 · May 2020
Heaven Or Hell
Chuck Kean May 2020
Heaven Or Hell

    They say the end is near, they say
There will be a day as dark as night
I’ve got no worries about that time
For I’m on a heart felt flight

I know that I won’t be one among
The millions of humans cry
Beneath that dark and Devilish
End of times Apocalyptic Sky

But I am not writing this to say I’m
Above you, no not by far
But just to ask a question, I’m just
Wondering where you are

Have you received God’s precious gift
Or can you hear Hell’s Bell’s toll
If what they say is true, there’s no time
To waste to decide who gets your soul

As long as you breathe, you can
Listen to that still small voice
You have the mind and freedom
To decide, it’s your choice

You may question, how do I know,
I say I feel it in my heart
I’ve been put back together
After being so torn apart

I just know I feel his love,
I don’t have to worry or wonder
This may not be enough for you
And you may hesitate as you ponder

I just want you to know, I gave him my
Heart and he took away my pain and sorrow
Life is short and everyone knows
There’s no guarantee of a tomorrow

Maybe there’s nothing to it at all
How can any one human really tell
Until you’ve breathed your last breath
And find yourself in Heaven or Hell

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/06/2020
All rights reserved
I used a couple of lines from
Poems I’ve written before
Heart Felt Flight and Apocalyptic Sky
But they fit and helped me write this one
Hope you have enjoyed it and it gave you
Something to think about. God Bless!!!
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
My Poetry, My Brain
             (I Don’t Know)

  A poem is a poem
Even if it’s just a word
For once it’s written
It’s seen, it’s read, it’s heard

My brain is wired strangely
An idea, a title the first rhyme
Then quickly a story line and
I write as if I am running out of time

(Sample— Old Ones)

At fifty seven I guess I’m middle
Aged and I know I’m out of shape
To go back in time to a younger day
Would be a great escape

I see children playing with energy
That never seems to drain
I thought to myself, if I could capture
That energy wouldn’t it be insane

Then I thought that’s probably
The same thing my elders thought
And then I said to myself boy
I’m glad that I didn’t get caught

My first rhyme becomes my last
In a sense becomes the outer chrome
You read the title and story and
Then I want to bring you home

(Sample-Old Ones first rhyme-Doldrums)—Then really it just becomes filler to get to the point
Where I get to Doldrums and Old Ones.) So here it is Incase you
Missed it the first time.

                  Old Ones

  I remember my youth and
The energy that was endlessly flowing
And today I feel that energy
Continually slowing

I remember my elders and
How they envied me
Wishing they could store
That energy for eternity

Now the years have passed me by
And I still feel the kid inside of me
But I have no clue just where
That energy might be

I know it’s lost in some
Kind of a galaxy void
Harnessed inside some
Kind of a robot droid

Or maybe it’s frozen in the
Space and time doldrums
Or maybe it was hijacked
By the old ones

(My poetry, My Brain
I get it I go,
Don’t ask me because
I don’t know)

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/25/2020
All rights reserved
34 · Sep 2020
Heaven Sent
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
Heaven Sent

    I can tell you all about my deficiencies
And I can tell you about all that I’m not
I can tell you about the darkness
And everything that I haven’t got

I can tell you a million excuses
To why I’m not where I once wished to be
But I cannot explain the cosmos
Nor can I explain God’s plan for me

I can’t tell you how many tears I’ve cried
Or how many times my world fell apart
I can’t show you the million cracks
That make up this broken heart

I know that I am no Casanova
And I am not the man of steel
I’m not the Prince of England
But my love for my baby is real

I’ll never have the riches of my dreams
But no longer do I have a heart of discontent
Because I know my baby is an Angel
And I know she was Heaven sent

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 08/02/2019
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
I’ve Decided To Write A Book

I will write a book of short stories and
My poetry and it will be titled
(Heart Felt Flight)
Inspiration from my Hello Poetry Friends
Beautifully Broken—Scripted Silence—
Mark S—Mrs Timetable—Carlo C Gomez—
v V v—Perry—Thunderstorm—and I will add the rest of you as I write it. God Bless!!!
34 · Apr 2020
Chuck Kean Apr 2020

   Enchanted is a word associated
In books and movies of fairytales
A vision of the love Angel Cupid
Through the heart his arrow empales

Twinkling starlight and love everlasting
In a land of wonder and fireflies
Of blue skies and rivers of honey
And a land of flowers and butterflies

The world of reality is far removed
From the world of our dreams
And all we can really hope for is a life
Somewhere in between the two extremes

Thirty seven years ago I laid my eyes
Upon her and my heart was brought to life
I told my friend that she was the one
That I would have for my wife

It was truly love at first sight, we had a date
It was a year and a day later we said I do
And suddenly I was living in a fairytale
And a life so wonderful and new

Today is our thirty sixth anniversary
So maybe Cupid’s arrow was implanted
Just maybe the fairytale does exist
For my reality is enchanted

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/14/2020
All rights reserved
Happy Anniversary to my beautiful wife
Cynthia, my Snow White, My Sleeping Beauty, My Belle, My Cinderella,
My real life fairytale come true.
I loved you then and I love you now
And forever I will always love you
33 · Mar 2020
We Are Healed
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
We Are Healed
     With a Star in the night over Bethlehem
And his birth it was bestowed
And after a life of love and miracles
Into the city of Jerusalem on a Donkey he rode

Soon he would be beaten and whipped
To the point of being near dead
They made him carry his own Cross
And placed a Crown of thorns upon his head

Nailing Spikes through his hands and feet
They secured him to that Cross
His life they would take and the world
Would all know of his loss

For all of the worlds sin was placed upon him
And even after everything he was put through
He spoke Father Forgive them
For they know not what they do

And with the Death of our Christ for
Everyone in the world it was revealed
To all each man woman and child
With his stripes we are healed

God Bless everyone!!!
Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 04/21/2019
All rights reserved
33 · Jan 2020
New Angel
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
New Angel

                      Someone you love
                   Has just passed away
                            And for you
                      It’s a very sad day

                    As your heart breaks
                        You feel the pain
                     The hurt is constant
                    Your tears fall like rain

                          Now you wonder
                      Will the hurt ever end
                          You feel the void
                        The loss of a friend

                        They say that in time
                          Your heart will heal
                           But they can’t feel
                               What you feel

                     God may have taken them
            But he’s covered you from every angle
                      Because he just gave you
                                  A new angel

                       Written By: Charles Kean
This poem was self published in a book with the same title in 2009. It won me
The editors choice award. God Bless!!!
33 · Jul 2020
When You’re Broken
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
When You’re Broken

   The sky is charcoal grey
The flowers no longer in bloom
The world outside is not for you
You’re better off in your room

The darkness seems to follow you
There’s an endless rain
You can’t fill the emptiness
There’s a constant pain

Even the birds singing their morning song
Seems to bring you more sadness
The depression you feel is overwhelming
Like the universe and its vastness

You’re just a dying star
Your light flickers and fades
Your heart feels as if it were being
Stabbed with a million blades

Someone came into your life
And your love they stole
Now there’s nothing left but to surrender
Yourself to the depths of a Black hole

Questions arise in your mind
Will I ever see the light
Is life worth living or should
I just give up in my fight

If your life was a song, it would be a sad
Tune about a heart turning to stone
The lyrics would be of burning pain
And the Devils grin as he sits on his throne

A bad moon rising and rivers overflowing
Everything in your life is spoiling
It feels no different than nature’s wrath
Of Hurricanes and Tornadoes destroying

The damage is like a disaster, the
Destruction is as far as the eyes can see
Picking up the pieces to start again is
Like trying to organize a scree

Your eyes are dry from crying
There’s no words to be spoken
Your just a soul with a heart of stone
When you’re broken

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/19/2020
All rights reserved
33 · Jul 2020
Soulless Souls
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Soulless Souls

      I’m not making any excuses
And today I wouldn’t change a thing
My past and my street wasn’t paved
In Gold, nor did the bird of happiness sing

I never had ambition, I was told I was
Worthless and so it became true
I believed those words and I never
Strived to break through

So therefore there were no goals
Except to survive for another day
Life passed and my dreams, well
My dreams just faded away

The people around me, just passed me by
They all lived for success
They all achieved the American Dream
But they also had the means of access

They all had visions of a goal and the
Passion and the soul and heart
My soul was lost, my heart was broken
In the race, I was left at the start

Sometimes I feel that I would do anything
To have another chance
But I know if I did, it would have changed
My music and my dance

But to have anything, to have a goal
A chance to shine, so bright
To see the world with a different view
To see it in a whole new light

And it saddens me to see this generation
Of stone cold hearts with vicious goals
Of spreading hatred and rip, rip and
Destroy in their soulless souls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/06/2020
All rights reserved
33 · Jan 2020
I Cry
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
I Cry

       When I see it, it makes my heart break
I don’t know how much more I can take
I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

America the beautiful and I look around
So carelessly people throw trash on the ground
I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

Out in the cold, out in the heat
Homeless people living in the street
I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

With no care for the lives they are seizin
People killing people for no reason
I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

We are all on this world together to live
And selfishly we take instead of give
I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

Our children should be safe from the villain
And more and more mothers are doing the ****’n
I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

For the Devil is the one who planted the seed
Of all the cheating, lying and greed
I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

Soon again humans of Earth will be ridden
If we don’t stop doing what is forbidden
I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

I wonder and I don’t understand why
And it gets to my very soul and I cry
And it gets to my very soul and I cry
And it gets to my very soul and I cry

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 06/05/2019
All rights reserved
33 · Jun 2020
We Are Healed
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
We Are Healed
     With a Star in the night over Bethlehem
And his birth it was bestowed
And after a life of love and miracles
Into the city of Jerusalem on a Donkey he rode

Soon he would be beaten and whipped
To the point of being near dead
They made him carry his own Cross
And placed a Crown of thorns upon his head

Nailing Spikes through his hands and feet
They secured him to that Cross
His life they would take and the world
Would all know of his loss

For all of the worlds sin was placed upon him
And even after everything he was put through
He spoke Father Forgive them
For they know not what they do

And with the Death of our Christ for
Everyone in the world it was revealed
To all each man woman and child
With his stripes we are healed

God Bless everyone!!!
Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 04/21/2019
All rights reserved
33 · Jul 2020
The Voice Within
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
The Voice Within

    Sometimes in a whisper, sometimes in
A scream, I hear the voice within
Sometimes in the light, sometimes in
The dark, speaking like a kingpin

The words echo, from my dark past
It’s an evil voice, this voice within
Alcohol became a friend of mine
A bottle of beer, a bottle of cold Gin

Sometimes it’s a constant ringing
This strange voice within
Pitching itself between that
Of a Mandolin or a Violin

It’s mean and it’s ugly
This voice within
I believe the Devil would say
It’s his favorite immortal sin

It’s ironic that the hot and fiery
Burning of this voice within
Can be so very, very cold
Even too cold for the mighty Quinn

It use to control me but God is
My most powerful indomethacin
And though I still hear it, I just don’t
Listen to the voice within

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 07/03/2020
All rights reserved
33 · Jul 2020
Quick Sand
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Quick Sand

      Your love was the oasis
Something I couldn’t resist
My lips were ******
Never being kissed

I ran to you with the vision of paradise
I was like a moth to your flame
I wanted something everlasting
You were just playing a game

I was Young and didn’t know about
Girls or anything about love
I thought that I was in Heaven
And you were my Angel from above

You made a bet, you said you could
Get me, that it would be a breeze
You proved your point as I fell for
You with such a willingly ease

Time has passed now and many have
Come and gone in my life
I find myself happily married
To a wonderful wife

But I’ll never forget that broken heart
Because we all remember our first
It’s just part of life and a memory
And it’s like being cursed

From time to time, I see a vision of your
Face, but I know it’s just a Hologram
Just like before, the illusion of the oasis
Was just you and your unholy scam

There’s nothing like your first broken
Heart, I was left a person of Analysand
After I fell for you and your charade
Neck high into your Quick Sand

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/30/2020
All rights reserved
33 · Aug 19
World Of Tomorrow
Chuck Kean Aug 19
World Of Tomorrow

    I was born in nineteen sixty two
I was still a baby during Vietnam
As I grew older I began to realize
There’s never going to be a calm

Never thought that my eyes would
Witness a day like Nine One One
There’s never going to be peace
Until all the Humans are Gone

I remember when I was young
There was an echo of a future so bright
But we can’t even get along with ourselves
And that future is as dark as night

Once America was strong and men
Were men with their masculinity
Now they’re wearing dresses and mascara
And cry if we don’t identify their insanity

As I pray to God with tears in my eyes
And my heart filled with sorrow
I’m also grateful that I’ll die and I won’t
Have to live in the World Of Tomorrow

Written By:Charles Kean
32 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

    I’ve just been destroyed by my father
In my room now with tears in my eyes
My head in my pillows
To muffle my cries

When I was through sobbing
I put the music of KISS on my stereo
It brought me out of my darkness
I keep them in my heart wherever I go

There was something about it
That kept me from suicide
I wear my T-Shirts proudly
My love for them I’ll never hide

No one knows what it’s like
What my past was for me
But I can honestly say that it
No longer exist, I am free

I may write about it as a testimony
To show the darkness I’ve been through
I wear my heart on my sleeve
And on my back and chest too

So you can put me down for
Liking KISS or at least try
You may say they **** but
For me it’s KISS TIL I DIE

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 11/06/2018
All rights reserved
32 · May 2020
One World
Chuck Kean May 2020
One World

    I don’t know what you believe
But believe me it’s just fine
We live on the same planet
But it ain’t mine

Just got a question, Somethin I don’t
Understand and it gets me to the core
It really boggles my mind
What the heck are we fighting for

Your religion my religion,
What does it matter, we all die
Why do we **** and why are we killed
For religion in this world gone awry

I feel what I feel in my heart
But I have no desire to ****
If you feel what You feel in your heart
We shouldn’t force each other’s will

When everything is temporary
Why is there such need for control
And why do people have to die
If they don’t willingly play the role

Why can’t anyone see that no one
Should have to concede
That love and peace is the
Only thing we all need

What can one race gain
Or one religion to unite
Sooner or later someone somewhere
Would find a reason to fight

There’s no reason for the way things are
There’s no sense in our state of unfurled
We can all be different, it’s alright
Because there’s only one world

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/16/2020
All rights reserved
32 · Oct 2020
Mr, Story Teller
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
Mr, Story Teller

      Mr, story teller, tell me  a story of twinkle and twilight and fairytale
Tell me a story, a story of Hope
One in which the world doesn’t fail

For I woke up this morning, I opened
My eyes to see all that I could see
I saw a vision of the universe and our
World in a doomed destiny

I saw the planet’s and the stars
And I saw chaos in a confused galaxy
I saw it all so vividly losing its
wonder and all of its majesty

I’ve never felt so sad and broken
Hearted, never been so blue
So my friend here I am and I
Am putting my faith in you

So Mr, story teller, Mr, make believe
Master of magic and illusion and pretending
Tell me a story, a wonderful story
A beautiful story with a happy ending

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/09/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
My Beautiful Forever Valentine

     When I first saw your face
I knew you were my saving grace
My world was instantly a better place
I was no longer just a wonderer in time & space

A purpose was bestowed upon me
A reason to live a life that was meant to be
A life beyond the dream or a fantasy
But a life of our own wonderful odyssey

I never pictured myself in this way
I always thought I’d live an endless lonely day
Even when I get evil your heart will not stray
Your love is planted firm to stay

You love me though I be awkward and strange
Even still as my evolution is slow to change
It’s a bond with a unique interchange
With an endearing kind of exchange

Sometimes I feel like worthless slime
And stealing your love is a crime
I am so blessed that you are mine
My beautiful forever valentine

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/05/2020
All rights reserved
Love Chuck ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕
For my wife, just wanted to share:
32 · Jan 2020
Picturesque Moon
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Picturesque Moon

  Tonight is still and silent except for the
Sound of crickets and an occasional breeze
Walking alone on this deserted road,a smell
Of manure made me break the silence with a sneeze

Though I'm feeling sad and depressed
I feel this eerie feeling of peace
It seems that time is standing still
And the beating of my heart will soon cease

For tonight she left me and I felt an instant
Burst of a piercing pain
As I continue to walk now
It has begun to rain

I cannot imagine my life without her
As I wonder if the Sun will rise Tomorrow
I look to the sky and pray the Lord
Relieve me of my sorrow

With all my faith I know I'll be alright
But that time couldn't come too soon
And as if to say I love you he parted
The sky to reveal a picturesque Moon

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 07/10/2017
All rights reserved
32 · Jun 2020
Twenty Thousand BC
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
Twenty Thousand BC

  It’s the year twenty twenty
We should be far advanced
We should be as one working together
Our lives should be much more enhanced

A unison inferior existence ready
To explore the realms of space
Lives living in harmony in a
Beautiful utopia of one human race

But no instead we are in a pitfall
As if we’re living in the era of the Stonehenge
Fighting amongst ourselves in fits of
Racial and political rage and revenge

A world of unrest pulling ourselves
Away from the matters of the heart
Letting the media and corporate entities
Keep us further and further apart

I don’t know about anyone else
But this is not the world for me
By now we should be aboard the Enterprise
Out in space but no we’re livin in twenty
Thousand BC

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/20/2020
20,000 BC
All rights reserved
32 · Jul 2020
Old Ones
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Old Ones

  I remember my youth and
The energy that was endlessly flowing
And today I feel that energy
Continually slowing

I remember my elders and
How they envied me
Wishing they could store
That energy for eternity

Now the years have passed me by
And I still feel the kid Inside of me
But I have no clue just where
That energy might be

I know it's lost in some
Kind of a galaxy Void
Harnessed inside some
Kind of a robot droid

Or maybe it's frozen in the
Space and time doldrums
Or maybe it was  hijacked
By the old ones

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 4/9/17
All rights reserved
31 · Mar 2020
Permanent Hurt
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Permanent Hurt

  When you find a love
How will you know it's real
If you're diving in head
First with so much zeal

You gotta take it slow,so
You don't land in the dirt
Your heart can't take that
Kind of a permanent hurt

Don't get caught in the
Trap that you set
Don't put your money down
On that sure bet

If you feel yourself falling
It's time for a red alert
Your heart can't take that
Kind of a permanent hurt

You spend your time working
On your sophisticated flirt
You got your high heels on
And your slit skirt

Your makeup is perfect and
You’re wearing that KISS T-Shirt
Your heart can’t take that
Kind of a permanent hurt

You need to protect yourself from yourself
You play with fire and you’ll get burned
You must remember your fragile heart
And all the lessons you’ve learned

The red lights are flashing
You need a quick divert
You’re just setting yourself up
For another permanent hurt

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/03/2020
All rights reserved
31 · Feb 2020
The Master And Me
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
The Master And Me

      It’s a miracle that I am still alive
Fighting against all odds and the Masters jive
My bracket is dead but I still breathe
As we come to the end the battle continues to seethe

With every ounce of myself I will give
As the Master must die for all to live
I’ll apologize now if I should fail
I’ll take this fight to the darkest debts of Hell

I understand that I am not wise
I have never tried to deceive with a disguise
I am battle tested and battle weary
I fight without a formula or scientific theory

There is no way to have a full proof battle plan
You just have to stand toe to toe,man to man
Find the heart to rise higher and higher
And fight Fire with Fire

I know that all of my warriors have died
I’ve grieved and I’ve cried
Their lives lost,in vain I vow this not to be
As we fight on it’s down to just the Master and Me

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 04/08/2019
All rights reserved
Basketball Bracket battle last year
Against one who calls himself Master
Because he has won so many times
I was the victor in the end!!!
31 · Jan 2020
My Ugly
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
My Ugly

      I don’t know if you believe in God
And I’m not here to change your mind
Either way, in the scheme of things
Isn’t best to just be kind

I’ve found that yes it’s true
The nice guy finishes last
But living isn’t about winning a race
You pass life by if you go to fast

So I write these words for you
Just another simple rhyme
We should all be like the Tortoise
And just take our time

You may find your miracle and
You may feel the warmth of God’s Love
And in your heart and soul realize
There’s a higher power up above

When he gives you a partner
Be it a husband or a wife
And like God’s Love, there’s is
Unconditional and for life

You’ll understand and see the light
love is easy when we’re sweet and cuddly
But like me and my miracle, my wife
Still loves me when she’s seen my ugly

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 08/28/2019
All rights reserved
31 · Jan 2020
Where Do We Go From Here
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Where Do We Go From Here

  When a man named King
Gets beat in the street and
the line between right and wrong
keeps getting thinner

When kids **** kids for the
Jackets that they wear
Because everyone wants
To feel like a winner

Where do we go from here
Have we all gone crazy
Is this how life is to be
Have our minds gotten
So hazy that we can't see

When a man in Waco says
He's Jesus,he promised
Heaven to those who would believe,those
who did lived and died In his hell

When inmates in Lucasville
Riot and take control,what
Evil do they possess that
Made them **** even from their cell

Where do we go from here
Have we all gone crazy
Is this how life is to be
Have our minds gotten so
Hazy that we can't see

When the world buys
what the media sells
and we'll never know
Just who to trust

When we still can't get
Past the color of another
Mans skin and everything
We touch turns to dust

Where do we go from here
Can anyone tell me
Where do we go from here ?

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright was in 1993
All rights reserved
30 · Feb 2020
I Remember You
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
I Remember You

     With every gentle misty rain
With every slightest pinch of pain
With each time I feel strange
With the ultimate winds of change

As each note weaves in and out of time
As each word searches for a remembered rhyme
As each lack of air makes me yawn
As each night receives its dawn

When every butterfly gets its wings
When every bird in the morning sings
When every time I stumble and blunder
When every Lightning is followed by thunder

With every mistake that I make
With every breath that I take
With every child I see at play
With every second that ticks away

As each memory I smile from ear to ear
As each time I shiver in fear
As each sky turns cold and grey
As each time it’s a bright sunny day

When I find myself alone
When I’m being dragged down by the stone
When your comfort comes shining through
I remember you

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/06/2020
All rights reserved
In memory of my mother
Passed away 1991
30 · Jan 2020
Chuck Kean Jan 2020

       A snake slithers across the ground
It is a predator without any feet
By flicking its tongue it picks up chemical
Information from its preys heat

A snake can be harmless and pretty
However most think they are hideous
Some have a vicious poisonous bite
And are revered as being devilishly devious

Certainly a creature of evil and when
It comes to snakes we have a since of fear
A good life lesson we are taught
If you see a snake to just stay clear

This world is full of people and some have
A strange charisma and are quite mystic
They can be cruel and selfish and
Take on a snake like characteristic

Some people rob or **** or ****
And some view themselves to be supreme
Others bully and enjoy your pain
And others take pride in their scheme

With some it’s easy to see the obvious
Others it’s harder to see their on the take
Just remember the serpent is the Devils
Pet and you must beware of the snake

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 06/19/2019
All rights reserved
30 · Jun 2020
Her Spell
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
Her Spell

    I was young but far from innocent
But I still thought love passed me by
Forever grounded and always alone
My broken wings to never fly

The fairytale, never a reality but I
Dreamed life could still be bliss
Then I saw her and I was hypnotized
And my life changed with a kiss

What they say about it, all the symptoms
Was becoming my experience
But everyone said not to worry about it
For it was proven not to be deleterious

In her presence I felt so strange
And I would lose my ability to speak
My stomach would turn upside down
And my knees would grow weary and weak

And now as the years have passed us by
Still burning brightly is the flame
I know that for me, forever
It will always remain the same

I’ll always remember my flight
And the instant of the Sudden chandelle
The day that everything changed
As I fell helplessly under her spell

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/22/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to my wife Cynthia
April 13th 1983 was our first date
I married her April 14th 1984
I truly still get the symptoms of her spell
When we’re together.
30 · Jun 2020
Fallen Angel
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
Fallen Angel

     I can feel your pain, I know
And I have secret to tell
This is just between you and me
Not all fallen Angels go to Hell

So if you’re feeling low and you
Think you’ll never see the Dawn
If the darkness has surrounded you
And you feel like you’re the lost one

Just listen to me, I know
If you’re feeling you can’t go on
It hurts so deep inside and
You’re just hurtin for someone

Take my word, I know
If it feels, the pain will never be gone
Just know In your heart you’re
Not the only lonely one

In the shadows between the lines
Hear the echoes and recall
Hear the whispers and know
You’re not the first to fall

No you’re not the first to fall
And you know you won’t be the last
If you want to find love again
You must release your past

Just take some time to unwind
Your broken heart from its tangle
And when you’re ready, just take
The hand of another fallen Angel

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/26/2020
All rights reserved
Another one inspired by Beautifully Broken
Dedicated to the all the broken
Hearted fallen Angels out there
God Bless!!!
30 · Jan 2020
Chuck Kean Jan 2020

        She is the smile upon my face
She is my wonderful dream in the night
She is my thoughts through the day
She is my only delight

She is my calm and my reasoning
She is what keeps me from going insane
She is my bright Sunshine
She is my umbrella from the rain

She is the reason that I wake up
She is the tingling in my spine
She is my heart beat
She is everything so divine

She is my happiness
She is the best part of me
She is my forever
She is my Kings decree

She is my prayer answered
She is my Angel,a gift from above
She is everything that I see
She is my only love

She is my Everything
She is my life
She is my Cynthia
She is my wife

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 4/18/2018
All rights reserved
Love you baby!!!
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