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30 · Feb 2020
Walking With The Dead
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Walking With The Dead

  In the darkness of the night
Beneath the pale moonlight
In the stillness there’s the unknown
Hear their groan their eerie moan

You think that it can’t be real
But in the warmth feel the chill
You realize your all alone
Unarmed, no gun, no knife nor stone

Your heart beats faster, you run
You begin to pray for the light of the Sun
You scream but there’s no sound
You see glowing eyes all around

You are surrounded by zombies
Your mind wants to fight but you freeze
Then strangely as you prepare to die
Something is weirdly awry

They get closer but they walk right by
Puzzled you wonder just why
You say to yourself that’s right I’m a badass
Then you see your reflection on a shard of glass

You realize you look like they do
It’s a nightmare, this can’t be true
Then your ear falls off of your head
Then you know you’re walking with the dead

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/18/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to all you Zombie
Walking dead lovers
30 · Jun 2020
Fallen Angel
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
Fallen Angel

     I can feel your pain, I know
And I have secret to tell
This is just between you and me
Not all fallen Angels go to Hell

So if you’re feeling low and you
Think you’ll never see the Dawn
If the darkness has surrounded you
And you feel like you’re the lost one

Just listen to me, I know
If you’re feeling you can’t go on
It hurts so deep inside and
You’re just hurtin for someone

Take my word, I know
If it feels, the pain will never be gone
Just know In your heart you’re
Not the only lonely one

In the shadows between the lines
Hear the echoes and recall
Hear the whispers and know
You’re not the first to fall

No you’re not the first to fall
And you know you won’t be the last
If you want to find love again
You must release your past

Just take some time to unwind
Your broken heart from its tangle
And when you’re ready, just take
The hand of another fallen Angel

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/26/2020
All rights reserved
Another one inspired by Beautifully Broken
Dedicated to the all the broken
Hearted fallen Angels out there
God Bless!!!
30 · Jun 2020
Chuck Kean Jun 2020

   There’s a magical mystical place
Somewhere out there, they say
Maybe in another galaxy
Or in our own Milky-way

I’ve heard the people say it’s
A land of honey and rainbows
A place with unicorns and Pegasus’s
And sun flowers by the rows

I know that I wish I could be there, far
Away from this crazy world gone insane
In a place where there’s no hate
Where there’s only love and no pain

Some people would say it’s crazy
But I think we should all still dream
So I travel via a shooting star catapulting
From a comets tail that I hitched from a Moonbeam

I let my imagination run wild
With all sounds, smells and sights
A place with overwhelming love
Free from the fussing and fights

Some say that I’m speaking of Heaven
Others say that it’s Xanadu
A place far, far away in our universe
But I wonder if it’s as close as a place
In Ohio named Vanlue

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/18/2020
All rights reserved
I live in Ohio and I drive everywhere
Yesterday I saw a sign for the exit
To Vanlue. I didn’t know we had such a
Place and I thought that it was funny.
It’s probably just a very small town that
No one has heard of but it became the
Inspiration for this silly poem.
30 · Feb 2020
I Remember You
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
I Remember You

     With every gentle misty rain
With every slightest pinch of pain
With each time I feel strange
With the ultimate winds of change

As each note weaves in and out of time
As each word searches for a remembered rhyme
As each lack of air makes me yawn
As each night receives its dawn

When every butterfly gets its wings
When every bird in the morning sings
When every time I stumble and blunder
When every Lightning is followed by thunder

With every mistake that I make
With every breath that I take
With every child I see at play
With every second that ticks away

As each memory I smile from ear to ear
As each time I shiver in fear
As each sky turns cold and grey
As each time it’s a bright sunny day

When I find myself alone
When I’m being dragged down by the stone
When your comfort comes shining through
I remember you

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/06/2020
All rights reserved
In memory of my mother
Passed away 1991
29 · Feb 2020
The Hills Of Winter
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
The Hills Of Winter

      As I drove the highway I couldn’t help
But notice the abandoned look
Like something Evil,a forest in a
Fairy tales story book

A transparency, or invisibility as I could
see through the trees as far as the eye sees
For all the trees were naked
Having lost all of their leaves

The landscape looked barren like it was
another planet from another galaxy
Oh though the hills still rolled as before
It just seemed so sad like a lost legacy

I felt as if an Evil Witch or Warlock
Or the Devil himself had cast a spell
Because looking across the vast wasteland
It resembled my visions of Hell

The gloom of the season with the darkness
As the clouds blocked out the Sun light
I had visions of an epic battle between
A magnificent Dragon and a Gallant Knight

But even with all of this it seemed
These hills had lost all of their splendor
Just my observation as I drove through
The hills of winter

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 2/16/2018
All rights reserved
29 · Apr 2020
It Only Takes One
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
It Only Takes One

  Just food for thought
Something I’ve been thinkin
Something we all need to comprehend
And let it all sink in

You know how it is on a rainy day and
The rule is we should have our lights on
But you know some won’t
Yes there’s always one

The snow has been falling for hours
Over night so you scrape your car clean
And there’s the lazy one just wiped a spot
On the drivers side you know what I mean

So now there’s this virus we all know
The all powerful COVID—Nineteen
Shutting down a nation and people dying
But some people aren’t so keen

There’s the ones who just don’t care
And some just can’t understand
So what’s the big picture for the
Rest of us here in the heartland

I fear  this is something that will
Continue and  it will never be gone
Because the world is filled with the
Stupid and it only takes one

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/17/2020
All rights reserved
29 · Jan 2020
For Just One Rose
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
For Just One Rose

    I live my life as to ways taught
Only as the golden rule
But alone I am and I wonder
If I am but just a fool

I have given my love
For it be thrown in a fire to burn
A thousand of lessons
You’d think I would learn

Yet I know deep inside
There is someone for everyone
So I searched and I prayed to find
My love for life before my life be gone

Now I have found her
Yet I feel myself begin to hesitate
My heart is stopping me
As I question my fate

But in my eyes she is beautiful
I dare to offer my heart, for her to take
If she were to dismiss it
So fragile it would surly break

So in the misty morning,as the sweet
Smell of the dew tickles my nose
I risk the pain of thorns
For just one rose

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 10/21/2017
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
In The Darkness Of The Night

      I hear the sounds of war, bullets streaming
The bombs bursting and men screaming
I see only by fires light
In the darkness of the night

I try to sleep but rest doesn’t come easy
Now this nightmare is mine for eternity
I’ll always see the images vivid and bright
In the darkness of the night

I see the fear in my buddies eyes
I see him ****** as he dies
I promised his survival from this horrible plight
In the darkness of the night

Why must we go against Gods will
With weapons made solely to ****
Thousands die in each ****** fight
In the darkness of the night

I long for the touch of my love
I pray to God in the Heaven above
I see myself horrible in his sight
In the darkness of the night

I don’t know if I can live with what I’ve become
I fear my heart is completely numb
Can I still love her and hold her tight
In the darkness of the night

The man I was I am no more
And for my mental illness there is no cure
Even safe at home visions are trite
In the darkness of the night

Scarred by bullets scarred by knife
In my brain I’m scarred for life
I hear bullets streaming,bombs
bursting and men screaming,
I pray for the days light
In the darkness of the night

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 5/28/2018
All rights reserved
29 · Jun 2020
Democratic Propaganda
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
Democratic Propaganda

  The hate spews like the water that
Flows over the falls of Niagara
And it burns in the veins to the hearts
Like the fire from volcano magma

They so desperately want to keep
Their power and their control
They will do anything for the cause
To the Devil they’ve sold their soul

First lie, deception was the Russian Coalition, since they’ve been loading the platter
With a Covid pandemic and now with the
Rioting and Black lives matter

The Devil is working over time through the
Dems but they are failing to realize
The country they are trying to deceive
Has opened their eyes

And now like young lovers forbidden to
See each other,they always rebel
The country will do the same and the Dems
Will be putting themselves through Hell

Four more years of the Trump
And Republicans will rule for many more
The actions of the Dems have let us see
The Devil like we never have before

So since we all have a voice, I figured
I would speak with every stanza
Just Incase you’re not able to see the
Media and the Democratic Propaganda

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/13/2020
All rights reserved
29 · Mar 2020
Passion Never Dies
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Passion Never Dies

     Love is for everyone
Not just for the lucky few
Though I know if you’re loveless
You may not believe this to be true

Love is enchanted and magical
Love is a blazing and raging fire
Love is everything we long for
Love is what we all desire

You can love and be broken
You can **** it all to hell
You think you’ll never love again
But you really just can’t tell

Love is more than just a dream
Love is very, very real
For if it wasn’t it wouldn’t
Control how we feel

One thing is certain even if
No one ever hears our cries
Love can and will endure and it
Remains alive for the passion never dies

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/10/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Twas the night before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And KISS is rocking my house
Not a creature can be seen
Not even a mouse

The neighbors are all checking
To see what the heck is a matter
For none of them,not one
Has ever heard such a clatter

When they looked in my window
They saw me rocking around my tree
A nightmarish sight I am sure
They wish they didn’t see

My windows were shattered and I was
Screaming on Peter,Ace,Paul and Gene
And turning the volume up louder when
The Police arrived on the scene

They said man it is Christmas Eve
It’s obvious to us you are a black sheep
Why do you feel the need to rock when
Your neighbors are trying to sleep

I told the officers that it was in my DNA
I was born to rock & roll
I have always been on Santa’s naughty list
And have always received bags of coal

They turned my music off and took my
KISS CD’S and gave them to a trooper
I waited until they all drove out of sight
And I began to listen to my Alice Cooper

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 12/24/2017
All rights reserved
Have a Rocking Christmas,God Bless!!!
29 · Jan 2020
When Sorrow Sang
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
When Sorrow sang

    With a smile nothing can
Destroy the way that I live
My heart is worn on my sleeve
And I’ve found a way to forgive

I enjoy every minute and I give
All praise to our God above
I give thanks for his grace and
I give thanks for his love

He has given me a wonderful wife
And a wonderful daughter as well
I am happier now than ever before
And far removed from my hell

So I never take anything for granted
I am grateful for life is grand
When I am busy,everything is fine
All my troubles be buried in the sand

But when I’m alone with my thoughts,in
The darkness of my mind cobwebs hang
The past always finds a way to creep in
And remind me of when sorrow sang

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 10/24/2017
All rights reserved
29 · Apr 2020
It Only Takes One
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
It Only Takes One
Re written

  Just food for thought
Something I’ve been thinkin
Something we all need to comprehend
And let it all sink in

You know how it is on a rainy day and
The rule is we should have our lights on
But you know some won’t
Yes there’s always one

The snow has been falling for hours
Over night so you scrape your car clean
And there’s the lazy one just wiped a spot
On the drivers side you know what I mean

Like you have a dog and you walk it
And you always pick up the poo
But there are those people out there
That refuse the respectful thing to do

Like when you go to a Gas Station and
Find litter that’s been dumped from a car
Yet there’s the trash can not three feet
Away but that’s how people are

These, the same people that protest about
Bad drinking water and our environment
I don’t like being the man of darkness and
Doom but there’s a need for enlightenment

So now there’s this virus we all know
The all powerful COVID—Nineteen
Shutting down a nation and people dying
But some people aren’t so keen

There’s the ones who just don’t care
And some just can’t understand
So what’s the big picture for the
Rest of us here in the heartland

I fear this is something that will continue
And that it will never be gone
Because the world is filled
With the stupid and it only takes one

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/17/2020
All rights reserved
29 · Feb 2020
I Still
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
I Still

   When I first saw her
My knees got weak
When I first met her
I couldn’t speak

When we had our first date
My heart was beating faster
I was a fish out of water
It was a beautiful disaster

I was under the influence
And my heart was exposed
I fell to the floor
The night I proposed

When she said yes
My heart soared into outer space
She is my Angel
She is my saving grace

Every time I see her even now
After all these years do I get a chill
I can honestly say the answer is
Yes you better believe I still

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 02/25/2020
All rights reserved
I dedicate this to my wife
April 14th we will celebrate our
36Th wedding anniversary
I love you baby ❤️❤️❤️
29 · Mar 2020
Edge Of Twenty One
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Edge Of Twenty One

   Standing on the edge of sixty
Looking at life still ahead of me
Looking back at what I left behind
Is almost impossible to see

Oh the stories I could tell
About so many crazy, crazy nights
But if I did, they’d probably arrest me
And throw away the key and my rights

Still cannot explain the morning I woke
Up from sleeping in the women’s room
To the sound of some girls screaming
Thought I was dead and sealed my tomb

One of those wild nights still in a haze
Escaping from the grips of the beast
My life hanging in the balance
Between living and being deceased

I don’t know how I ever survived
And those days are long, long gone
Sometimes though I still think about  
Standing on the edge of twenty one

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/01/2020
All rights reserved
28 · Feb 2020
My Wife’s Affair
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
My Wife’s Affair

  Well the word is out about my
Mistress and my mistress #2
I was afraid of this and so now
I’m feeling sad and blue

My wife has a lover on the side as well
And she does it right in front of me
This is getting out of hand and almost
After 36 years of marriage how can this be

She holds her man more than me
He helps her with puzzles and a word game
He has the same interest and loves Pinterest
And now nothing is the same

I have to force myself between them
Just to get a glimpse and a kiss
I only have myself to blame for my
Mistakes of selfish bliss

Plus I introduced them and now it’s
Something I regret for he is a lucky lad
She even takes him to bed with her and I
Hate her skinny lover boy I-Pad

Sometimes things just happen
Even to the best loving pair
I have my music and my GPS, she’s
Got her I-Pad and that’s my wife’s affair

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/17/2020
All rights reserved
My Shattered Heart

     My life is a miracle, I’ve fought
Many battles, I’ve got many scars
I’ve spent a lot of years in my own
Prison behind impenetrable bars

I’ve been my own worst enemy
I thought I had to make it on my own
I’ve always done my worst damage
When I find myself alone

Life has always been so hard to face
When I’ve been so broken
And words have been so hard to find
And usually have gone unspoken

Now time has passed me by
I’m slowly beginning to feel my age
As my life journey begins to enter
It’s last mortal stage

But by fate and Grace I’ve been saved
I can reflect my feelings in my art
And I can live my life while Jesus puts
Back the pieces of My Shattered Heart

Written By:Charles Kean
28 · Jan 2020
Your Eyes
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Your Eyes

     Your eyes they’re so beautiful
So sparkling and blue
But your eyes are just a part
Of the wonderful of the whole you

I get lost in the universe that’s
In the depths of your eyes
That’s where I find the warmth
Of your overwhelming love lies

I don’t know what I would do without you
I know I’ve fallen short of what you deserve
And it shakes me to think when it came to
Taking that first step I almost lost my nerve

Thirty four years together and still going
Strong for you’re my soul mate
I am so happy that I was able to speak
And ask you out on that first date

You could have done so much better
And for that I sincerely apologize
Forever I will always Love you
And be under the spell of your eyes

To my beautiful wife Cindy
Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 12/27/2018
All rights reserved
I wrote this for my wife and to my wife last year
We’ve been married 35 years now and on April 14th we celebrate our 36th. For just one rose is also a poem I wrote reflecting back on the thought of what if I hadn’t taken the risk of the pain of thorns for the Rose, literally and metaphorically because we all know love can be filled with the pain of thorns.
28 · May 2020
The Fringe
Chuck Kean May 2020
The Fringe

     Throughout history it’s been so evident
And we can see it today as well
This is the ultimate proof of the fire
Raging in the depths of Hell

It’s racism in its pure form
Just in case you didn’t have a clue
It’s a lunatic vision it’s a dangerous
Movement with a dangerous view

It’s ****** and his attempt to annihilate
The race known as the Jew
It’s the English and what they did to
The Native American Indian too

It’s what the White have done to the Black
And what Japan tried to do to America
It’s an evil in all of us and it presents itself
Everywhere and it’s also Media hysteria

America as we are seeing signs of becoming
Third world like as they want us to cringe
Please open your eyes so you can see
We must be aware of the fringe

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/30/2020
All rights reserved
28 · Mar 2020
Hello Poetry PSA
Chuck Kean Mar 2020

In all seriousness I hope that everyone is
Doing well and you are all safe and secure
From this Coronavirus.
I’m an FTO for a private Ambulance company
In Ohio. I am just getting ready to start my shift for today. I do have an off time but just to give you an example, Yesterday my off time was at 1700 hours 5:00 PM.
I clocked out five hours after that at
2200 hours 10:00 PM.
I posted my last poem over 20 hours ago.
I pray that all of you stay safe and that no one catches this virus.
28 · Jan 2020
Midnight Train
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Midnight Train

  The moon is full but it's
Hard to see it's light
For the fog is thick
As it settles in for the night

There is an erie feeling
And a strange silence
Most stay indoors
With little defiance

Legend states that when
the fog is thick, moon is full & bright
Death comes as you hear
wolves and train at midnight

The legend they say is true
And very,very disturbing
The innocent becomes prey
It's really quite unnerving

So death is surely pending
Hear the wolves howling
Time stands still in the woods
Now hear them scowling

Those whom disregard the warning become the slain
in the fog hear the wolves and whistle of the midnight train

Written By:Chuck Kean
Copyright 09/26/16
All rights reserved
28 · Jan 2020
Scripted Silence
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Scripted Silence
    The alarm sounds in the morning
As they wake they kiss
He thinks to himself what did
I do to deserve such bliss

But she’s been broken and love
Is something she just can’t trust
She’s guarded her heart from Cupid’s arrow
With a bulletproof vest, leaving it to rust

He is innocent and not the reason she’s
Hardened and cold
And he is usually unprepared for
When her feelings become uncontrolled

Like a train in the night that gets derailed
He’s done something that reminds her
And soon her wrath comes crashing down
As she’s let it bubble and stir

At first he tries to defend himself
And he circumbs to just apologize
He doesn’t know what to do
As the tears flow from her eyes

She separates herself behind a
Closed door and there’s no more sound
He has a loss of words as well but
He realizes his love is profound

And if love is to prevail he must prove it
And become comfortable with her defiance
Though he may never erase the reason
For her scripted silence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/29/2020
All rights reserved
Inspired by user name and dedicated to
Scripted Silence. I get a title and I just go
Thanks and God Bless !!!
27 · Jan 2020
Native American Way
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Native American Way

      Out in the wilderness at peace
With the Miakoda and the Tadewi
The Omaha words for Power of the Moon
And wind, this is the life for me

The sky was not littered with Skyscrapers
The rivers were not littered with waste
The Buffalo were many and brotherhood
Was alive but its all been erased

The white man came and now the Buffalo
And the Native man is all but extinct
Only by my ancestry blood line
Am I distantly and slightly linked

Today we are un respectful of the land
We take and take and destroy
Soon the wilderness will be gone as well
And there will be nothing left to enjoy

Everyone seems to carelessly litter
Without even blinking an eye
But when the drinking water is poison
They don’t understand why

Sometimes I wish I could travel back
In time before the white man invasion
Where a man could be at one with nature
Where I visualize a much better nation

I let my mind take me away to a time
Long ago and far, far away,
So peaceful you can hear the winds whisper
Back to the Native American Way

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/28/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
When You Realize You Were Wrong

   I was there for you
On my shoulder you cried
He cheated on you, and your innocence
Broke your heart and a part of you died

My love for you has been strong
You failed to see
Now I am here but you,
No you’ll never shed a tear for me

Well I know that my love,
It grows weary by the day
What’s right in front of you, you cannot
See and I’ll let you leave without affray

Because love is something that cannot
Be forced or be held captive
I cannot change your destiny or direction
My love for you fails to be refractive

One day you will leave me
Though I’ve proven to be the one
Though I’ve given you my heart
One day I’ll wake and you’ll be gone

You’ll make your bed in the night
And disappear like a fading song
And one day you will cry again
When you realize you were wrong

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/15/2020
All rights reserved
Just thought it would be nice to write something other than something about  world problems for a change. God Bless!!!
27 · Jan 2020
Chuck Kean Jan 2020

  As I type I assure you that I am
In a complete state of dress
Sometimes I am romantic and
Sometimes dark and other times a mess

Sometimes I am silly and other
Times I can be inspirational
Sometimes I cannot believe it
When someone writes that I am sensational

But each time know that you are
Getting pieces of my multiple personalities
And you read words of my fantasies
And of my all too real realities

I function outside in the world each day
But I live inside of my mind
Words usually come easy but difficulty
Is something that I occasionally find

But with each poem I write whether it
Be of passion or love or of being jaded
It’s as if I am baring myself
And therefore I feel naked

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/28/2020
All rights reserved
27 · Feb 2020
When Darkness Wins
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
When Darkness Wins

     When you get lost in darkness
And hopelessness and doubt
When you feel there is nowhere to turn
And there’s no way out

When you feel worthless and you turn
To drugs or alcohol to ease your pain
You’ve lost everything and your dreams
Are washed away in a never ending rain

And suicide becomes the answer
And your own life you take
That’s when your loved ones get
Swallowed in darknesses wake

They loved you and tried to help
But you closed all the doors
And now your pain has been planted
In them like millions of spores

Your death left your soul
Unforgiven of your sins
emptiness devours the ones left behind
And that’s when darkness wins

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 07/06/2018
All rights reserved
Suicide doesn’t take away the pain
It just transfers it to someone else
Don’t let Darkness win!!!
27 · Feb 2020
Rose In The Fire
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Rose in the fire song version of
All that remains are the thorns

                      Rose In The Fire

We had a love
We had a love so strong
Where did we
Where did we go so wrong

You use to smile
You use to smile so bright
It use to feel
It use to feel so right

(C) Now our love,Is like a rose in the fire
I feel like I’ve got a bull by the horns
When you throw a rose into a fire
All that remains are the thorns

I wish you
I wish you were still my only one
But I can see
I can see those days are gone

I think we
I think we both know
It’s time to
It’s time to just let it go

(C) Now our love,is like a rose in the fire
I feel like I’ve got a bull by the horns
When you throw a rose into a fire
All that remains are the thorns

(Music Interlude—Solo)

(B) Now as the smoke Clears from the sky
I’ve wiped the tears from my eye
It’s time to move on to a better day
We took our best years
And we threw them away

(Cx2) Rock out with the following x3

Rose in the fire,rose in the fire
Will we ever learn
Rose in the fire,rose in the fire
Just watch it burn

(End in music)

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 09/10/2013
All rights reserved
27 · Mar 2020
Living In The Horror
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Living In The Horror

   Life we took for granted
The Sun will rise tomorrow
But now the cloud of darkness has
The world in the threshold of its sorrow

Even the addicted, with so many
Attempts of suicide they try
Are clinging to life because they
Really don’t want to die

It feels like we should all paint with
The lambs blood above our door
So that the death cloud passes over
And swear to sin no more

For now we face a real pandemic
And life seems to be an uncertainty
And we are a world facing a new
Challenge and a new reality

It is now we must all realize, precious
Yes life is and we must hold on
And instead of taking learn to give
For a day soon we may be gone

As the world is playing out a most
Enormous powerful scene
The scariest one ever anyone has
Witnessed upon its screen

For it seems there is no end to this
Coronavirus as it continues to devourer
And we will all play our parts
As we are living in the horror

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/25/2020
All rights reserved
26 · Mar 2020
The Heart Of A Knight
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
The Heart Of A Knight

   He’s a warrior, a gallant knight
He’s a fearless dragon slayer
He’s got no time for love, he hides
His heart under many a layer

He walks to his quarters alone
He see’s his life with certain clarity
And he hardens his heart
Knowing this is his destiny

Though at times he feels his King
Abuses his power with his dominion
He must honor his King and keep
His pledge to the people of the kingdom

She was of Cinderella beauty
Living her life in poverty
With only dreams of love
But also aware of her own destiny

One evening coming home from his
Routine patrol he saw her at the well
Instantly he knew his life had changed
For he had fallen under her spell

She too had felt something
That she thought she would never feel
The magic was in the air, something
So powerfully undeniably real

Cupid had saved them both
From their dark and doomed plight
With an arrow that pierced through the
Armor and the heart of a knight

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/04/2020
All rights reserved
26 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

  In the darkness of the night
I’m shaking in fear
I was asleep in my bed but I have to ***
But a monster is very near

I know the monster is sleeping, I don’t
Dare wake him and feel his wrath
But the bathroom is down the hall
And I may cross his path

So in my bed I stir until it’s too late
Yep I’ve wet it and I have to face him anyway
But at least it won’t be in the darkness
Of night but in the light of the day

He seemed to be gentle but it was a charade
His blue eyes changed to Devil red
He was my father and he would beat me
But the scars came from the words he said

Though the beatings would put me within
Inches of my life from the blood I’d bleed
The mental beat downs would ultimately
Be what would plant the seed

I got caught up in self doubt and I
Began to take drugs and drink
Self destruction and suicide was
The only things that I could think

But Angeles were put before me
And changed my direction
But it took a long time for my heart
To accept and to be able to give affection

It hampered my life in so many ways
But somehow I was able to survive
I live a blessed life now and I am
So very happy to be alive

My fear ran deep but it didn’t come
From some imaginary ugly imposter
My father was an abusive alcoholic
He was my real life MONSTER

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/21/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to Carlo C Gomez
26 · Mar 2020
Our Certain Uncertainty
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Our Certain Uncertainty

  Since the beginning of time
This has always been true
In our life we never know when our
Time here in this world is through

With this Coronavirus though humans
May be closer to being extinct
I am not one to push the panic button
But by being human we are linked

Now our Mother Earth is getting its
Revenge for our abuse
For we take and take and litter and
Dump our waste and there’s no excuse

So now here we are, the world
Is on the edge of an emergency 🚨
And the one thing that hangs in the
Balance is still our certain uncertainty

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/20/2020
All rights reserved
25 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

     I was a troubled teenager,
I think most of us are at that age
So I’m not gonna try to say mine
Was worse and put myself on a stage

I’ve never mentioned this before
But within our poetry we share
We release what’s locked up inside
And it’s our inner soul we bare

So here’s a story that I’ve never told
One that haunts me to this day
There was a single mother I befriended
And I became her prey

She was in her twenties and I was fourteen
She was my real life (Maggie May)
I didn’t know it was wrong
It felt alright and I thought it was okay

She liked to dull her pain with wine
And Marijuana and there was me
We would spend time together on Saturday’s
Getting high and having *** if I would agree

She had an infant baby girl
And one Sunday early morning
Tragedy would suddenly strike
As it came without a warning

We were feeling good at around one
I’m gonna bathe the baby she said
We should all get some sleep so off
They went and I fell asleep on her bed

As the clock was about at three
I thought I was having a dream
I heard a screeching cry and waking
Me I quickly realized it’s a woman’s scream

As she was bathing her baby
That’s when things went awry
She fell asleep too the baby drowned
And died because we were high

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/09/2020
All rights reserved
This is a true story.
24 · Mar 2020
My Corona
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
My Corona

  I live my life on the edge so I
Bought some corona beer
I drank three of them and I
Drank them free of fear

Let’s all Panic and and buy all the
Sanitation supplies from the stores
Let’s use them excessively and then
Touch the handles on the doors

The gas pump and the escalator rail
Wash your hands but did the one before
Are you aware of everything that you touch
Like the simple every day at the store

The grocery store provides the wipes
For your protection, they do their part
Then you get to the register
And they switch your cart

You wiped yours down but did the one before
Let’s all protest about our environment
Let’s show our pride so everyone can see
And let’s blame it on the government

And when the day is done
And silence is the only sound
Let’s leave the area in peace and
Leave all of our trash on the ground

Yes let’s go to the gas station and dump
Our trash pump side that’s what we do
A trash can is provided two feet away
So is the problem, shame on you

Pick up after your pets it’s your responsibility
Bags are provided and yet there’s the poo
Right at the post with the bags
I swear this is true

Now your family is sick and you don’t know
Why and you want to place blame
Well just look in the mirror and see
The person that deserves the fame

Litter is everywhere the guilty know who
They are, the water isn’t safe to drink
Yes blame it on everything else but when
You threw your trash down did you think

No you didn’t so this is where we are
People you literally make me sick
This is poem is intended for the careless
You know the ones that are just a *****

So now it’s time to Panic, oh but you’re
To cool to put litter in it’s place
That’s the mindset of this declining
Evolution of the human race

You know the first stanza was just for
A laugh but the rest I hope was more
This is not a joke and so wash your hands
Touch everything, did the one before

Last stanza I’m through with my rant
I surrender to the woman of Zeus Latona
I will pray that you are safe from the
Coronavirus as I drink my corona

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/11/2020
All rights reserved
23 · Jan 2020
Old Ones
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Old Ones

  I remember my youth and
The energy that was endlessly flowing
And today I feel that energy
Continually slowing

I remember my elders and
How they envied me
Wishing they could store
That energy for eternity

Now the years have passed me by
And I still feel the kid Inside of me
But I have no clue just where
That energy might be

I know it's lost in some
Kind of a galaxy Void
Harnessed inside some
Kind of a robot droid

Or maybe it's frozen in the
Space and time doldrums
Or maybe it was hijacked
By the old ones

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 4/9/17
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Words Of Steel
              (Scars That Won’t Heal)

   They hit you like a fist
And they hurt the worst
The words of an alcoholic father
He was able to sling them in a burst

They cut like a knife
And leave a deep long lasting scar
I never understood his hate
And I wish I could seal the pain in a jar

He passed in ninety nine
And I’m over forty now
But those words always seem
To come back and hunt me somehow

Out of nowhere I see his angry face
And I hear those words of steel
That’s when one realizes that he’s
Been left with scars that won’t heal

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright was 2009
From my book New Angel
I’m over fifty now and still I
Hear those words of steel
But Jesus is healing the scars
That I thought would never heal
I wrote I’ve been to Hell Years Later
As a sequel to this poem.
God Bless!!!
23 · Jan 2020
Chuck Kean Jan 2020

   She’s a lady of evil, when she
Changes her blue eyes to red
If she sets her eyes upon you
You’ll be walking with the dead

She lives inside of her pain
She goes out on her own
She’s like the ancient medusa
She can turn a man into stone

If you come in contact with her
Make sure you stay on her good side
If she feels you’ve done her wrong
There’s no place you can hide

Most of the time she’s alright
Soft and gentle as a child
But when she drinks, she thinks about him
And it drives her crazy and she goes wild

They say she’s been dead a hundred years
And she rides an over ridden horse
And she’ll forever haunt the village
She’s known as the ghost of Middendorf

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/10/2020
All rights reserved
23 · Jul 7
There’s No Remedy
Chuck Kean Jul 7
There’s No Remedy

       Warning my words come with a
Warning, I’m never gonna be PC
I won’t be a captive in a world
With chains to bind me

I will speak my mind so don’t try to
Make me live in your transgender fantasy
That’s your world not mine, I wish
To stay in my own world of reality

I keep my Faith while living in this World
When everything is so misleading
And there’s not a Band aide large
Enough to stop the bleeding

There’s a virus that everyone is ignoring
And it’s spreading rapidly out of control
No one is safe from its infectious attack
It easily destroys the heart and soul

It replaces who we are in the most dangerous theft of our identity
America has past the point of no return
And  there’s no potion There’s No Remedy

Written By:Charles Kean
21 · Jan 2020
The Sound Of Silence
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
The Sound Of Silence

     Everyone knows the song and everyone
Knows its complete real beauty
But I ponder the question to everyone
Is there truly, is there truly

I try so hard to listen but it’s impossible
For even in my times of glorious poise
I have never experienced it because
There’s always noise, always noise

It doesn’t matter where I am or where I go
In the country or in the city
No matter how hard I try, I know
It always escapes me, always escapes me

When I lay my head down on my pillow
I hear the traffic and every little thing
People yelling and doors slamming
And sirens ring, sirens ring

Out in the country I’ll admit it’s much
More peaceful but we all know
Owls hoot, birds sing and crickets chirp
And train whistles blow, train whistles blow

Even if I lock myself in a quiet room, I
Cannot escape the thoughts of my mind
Though I still wonder what it would be like
If I could ever find, I could ever find

Even when I can get to the point of
Getting my mind completely clear
Though it be so gentle and still so soft
The voice of God I still hear,I still hear

So I’ve come to find the true reality
And surrender in complete compliance
There’s no such thing as the
Sound of silence, the sound of silence

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 04/15/2019
All rights reserved
20 · Jan 2020
The Graveyards Gate
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
The Graveyards Gate

    I stand here not wanting to cross
The threshold into the land of the dead
But I force myself to do it from time to
Time even though it’s something I dread

We’ve lost so many and I come to visit
Unsure if they know
And I wonder how long I should stay
Before I decide to go

I think about myself among the living
Walking and talking in their space
And if they can do the same in ours
Or if they are restricted in this place

In my heart I know there’s a heaven above
But I’m not sure if they all made it there
I wonder if they know the love in my heart
Or if they are completely unaware

It’s the hardest thing that I do because
It means I have to face that they’re gone
I have to re cry tears I cried when I said goodbye
And again I have force myself to move on

It’s so hard to re visit the pain of the loss
So forgive me as I hesitate
And it chills me to know that one day
I will permanently cross the graveyards gate

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/28/2020
All rights reserved
20 · Jan 2020
Screaming Whisper
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Screaming Whisper

The pain so hurtful
Left me paralyzed
I was lost in a haze
Like I had been hypnotized

The shadows are filled with demons
They reach for me
The past has left me with scars
I’ve hidden them so no one can see

I’ve forever had a broken heart
I’ve cried tears like rain
My thoughts have been suicidal
Desperately I’ve tried to stay sane

Now a change has come over me
Something words cannot explain
I am free from the prison, a force
Has helped me break the chain

I’ve realized that when I’m alone
I can feel you near
In my darkness, you are the light
Shedding my fear

A still small voice like a beacon
For the wonderer, a lone drifter
I’ve been saved by you
And your screaming whisper

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/23/2020
All rights reserved
20 · Jan 2020
The Past Is Gone
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
The Past Is Gone

     Some people say that I dwell
In the darkness of my one time hell
I don’t feel that I am bottled up in my despair
People take their pain to therapists to share

We all must vent before we blow
The reason for our pain we’ll never know
Jesus has taken me by the hand
He is helping me to understand

When I put it down in my simple rhyme
It helps release the hurt from that time
So I take what’s on my mind and write
To show the dark and the light

I tell people about what was once before
And they can see that it is no more
I have come a long way this I know
But I can see I still have a long way to go

I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me
I don’t need them to necessarily agree
God is healing the scars I thought would
Never heal
But know those scars are real

I am still awkward and strange
But I accept the things that I cannot change
I am moving forward no longer in a lull
And for the Lord waits my soul

The Devil will still use my darkness in his fight
God will be victorious with his light
I assure you all I am moving on
Though I still write about it,the past is gone

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 10/16/2018
All rights reserved
20 · Jan 2020
Your Poetry Story Teller
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Your Poetry Story Teller

   I don’t know how I do it
But I’ll try to really explain
Just as the clouds get too heavy
Sooner or later it has to rain

I get a thought in my head
And a title is born
And for me every poem needs a rhyme
Just like every Rose has a thorn

You see what I did there
A little poison a little KISS
Keep it simple stupid
Just like this

Then a story ensues
And I am off and running
Sometimes I boggle my own mind
And I find it rather stunning

But I hope You’ll let me inhabit
Your heart like a dweller
So that I might become
Your poetry story teller

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/25/2020
All rights reserved
19 · Jan 2020
Some Days
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Some Days

     Some days are better than other days
And other days are better than some days
But it doesn’t matter anyways
Because we all have to get through our days

Some days we can do no wrong
We can multi-task while singing a song
We feel healthy and strong
The day goes fast it doesn’t seem so long

And other days we drag ourselves out of bed
We can’t think straight thoughts in our head
We feel weak and have a strong feeling of dread
The day is slow as we wish we were home instead

So here’s to you and better days
May the bad ones be a short passing phase
And all of your some days be as good as other days
And all of your other days be as good as some days

From my book “New Angel “
Written By:Charles Kean
All rights reserved
18 · Jan 2020
Worn Out MyWelcome
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Worn Out My Welcome

   I was welcomed with open arms
I zealously showed all of my charms
Now it seems interest is lost
Or have I been blocked by not paying the cost

Did everyone take a vacation leave
Do I need more tricks from my sleeve
Did I do something wrong
Have I stayed too long

I tried to be just as polite
I tried to do everything right
Am I just being dumb
Or have I worn out my welcome

Written:By Charles Kean
Copyright 01/29/2020
All rights reserved

— The End —