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47 · Oct 2020
The Night Of The Dolls
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
The Night Of The Dolls

       They are creepy and so life like
Their eyes seem to follow you
You pass it off as silliness yet down
Your spine a chill passes through

You tell yourself that dolls can’t
Hurt you and you denounce your fear
But something inside still makes you
Tremble when the night grows near

Like the stories of the werewolf and
Dracula at times the Moon is full
You know deep down there’s something
About it that let’s Evil rule

You’ve heard the myths and know
Of the legend of a baby’s cry
You’ve seen the tombstones of the dead
And know a possessed doll needs no alibi

But stuff like this isn’t really real
Yet there’s still this Erie feeling
You lay down in your bed and you
See a strange shadow upon the ceiling

You’re paralyzed and you’re about to die
You’re surrounded by a hundred eyeballs
And you realize the stories were true
And this is the night of the dolls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/16/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to my niece Karla
Who once stated that dolls
Creep her out.
47 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

  A million to one would be an
Understatement of impossible possibility
For true love from the vast sea of humanity
And to feel the completeness of tranquillity

As a lost soul with no direction
Like an asteroid floating aimlessly in space
Searching and longing for a magical embrace
To suddenly seeing her beauty her face

As if it was destiny without reason or rhyme
Opposites attract like a magnetic force
Nothing could ever have changed it’s course
Logically it must have been a higher source

For I was in a pathetic state of being
Drowning in my worthlessness and pain
Listening to the demon voices in my brain
In my own darkness and never ending rain

Then God looked down upon me and smiled
Seeing the disaster of my event in my venue
He sent an amazing Angel to my rescue
I was able to heal and start a new

I’m alive and well and very blessed
From one whom seemed to be *******
Matched with one so vestal
And now living a life so amazingly celestial

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/27/2020
All rights reserved
45 · Dec 2020
Chuck Kean Dec 2020

     Summer has long faded away, with
Only its memory that’s trying to remain
As I sit here in a shiver, so desperately
It’s Summers heat I wish I could retain

For now as I write these words
The fall rain has switched to snow
The Christmas decorations are complete
Including the hanging of the mistletoe

It’s a guilty pleasure of mine to wait
For her there just to steal a kiss
I’m a blessed man to have her and
Seriously I never dreamed a life like this

As it gets nearer to Christmas day
Like a child the anticipation is setting in
Wondering what presents wait for me
Just thinking about it brings a quick grin

It brings me more joy though to make her
Smile and I hope she likes her presents
Every year it’s always the same
My soul fills with excitement and suspense

The snow is beautiful covering the ground
And trees, like a true winter wonderland
I admit that it’s a wonderful
Feeling to see it firsthand

But seriously as I shiver, my mindset
Is dreaming of birds as they sing
And the flowers and the bees
And the butterflies and warmth of spring

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 12/22/2020
All rights reserved
45 · Jan 2020
Enchanted Kiss
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Enchanted Kiss

     In a misty vision
She still comes to me
So many sleepless nights
I close my eyes but I still see

I see her on her Pegasus
I feel her powers as they begin to impel
I feel myself falling deeper
And deeper under her spell

I know I can never break free
I feel the tug of a greater force
This is not where I belong
I’ve got to let life take its course

Into a land of make believe
Or a world of another galaxy
Can this place of fairy tales
Be my strange odyssey

Is this just a crazy dream
Or does this place really exist
Am I losing my mind
Or did we share an enchanted kiss

Written By:Charles Kean
Published in my book (New Angel)
Copyright 2009
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
I Couldn’t Stop The Tears

   Well it’s no secret, I love KISS
But that’s not all of me
There’s so much more that I love
So I wanna make my decree

I grew up in the seventies
It was the decade of the best
From my metal to easy listening and
Country and folk they all past the test

Yes I absolutely love my KISS and
Alice Cooper, Poison and AC/DC
My Nazareth and Stryper and DOKKEN
And Rush, good stuff I hope you agree

But there’s so much more music
I have in my heart and my head
Like Jim Croce, James Taylor, Dr Hook
Bob Seger  and America and Bread

I cannot forget to mention the
Beach boys and Beatles and Elvis too
And some country George Straight and
George Jones could leave ya blue

And last night I watched I’ll be me
Glen Campbell’s finale tour
A documentary about his struggle with
Alzheimer’s and the tears did pour

And now the lyrics are haunting me
I can still hear them whine
I’m the Wichita Lineman
And I’m still on the line

For the memories of it all came flooding
Back and reminded of those years
And yes I will admit I was just a big baby
For I couldn’t stop the tears

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/25/2020
All rights reserved
45 · Jan 2020
Heavens War
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Heavens War

        All around us, everywhere and every
Second there’s this eternal fight
It’s the ultimate battle
Between the darkness and the light

It’s a war unlike any other and nothing
Any director can portray on a movie screen
The casualties are astronomical and
The statistics go unknown and unseen

The Devil knows that the worlds faith is
Weak and humans are so easily deceived
And so millions die as the gift
Goes without being wanted or received

As each day turns to night
The world keeps spinning out of control
The battle rages on but not for the
Flesh yet it is for the soul

As those in power improve their
Wealth and fall victim to evils lore
They ignore what is written,Jesus will
Return and be victorious in Heavens War

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 10/18/2019
All rights reserved
The title and idea came from the movie
Heaven’s War
44 · Jul 2020
Chuck Kean Jul 2020

  Does everyone remember my poem
About a coworker WITCH,
Well she’s on administrative leave and
Could lose her job, isn’t KARMA-A-B-I-T-C-H
44 · Jan 2020
When I Write
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
When I Write

   As I sit and begin to type
I release a thought from my head
It’s a realization that I am alive
And not a soul that’s dead

I also realize my own diversity
Myself from every side
And I can let go of things
That I no longer wish to hide

I know that I can be silly, like old ones
And dark like apocalyptic Sky
I can be romantic like for just one Rose
And words of steel may make you cry

With each poem I feel there’s
A need for a little story to tell
Like with screaming whisper
Or I’ve been to hell

I have been saved and if you read
Thank you then you read heart felt flight
I can show the darkness but
I also feel it’s important to show the light

Hopefully you can feel the passion
And know what I felt inside
And with Legend of the death train
I hope you enjoyed the ride

Beautifully Broken was inspired by
A user name and there’s the idea
The thought that triggers the mood
To what a heart Felt or can feel

So I hope this takes you inside the man
That I am and you have a little insight
Of what’s going on inside my head
With each poem when I write

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/27/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to Beautifully Broken
For fanning a dying flame.
44 · Jan 2020
Pupper Dog Kisses
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Pupper Dog Kisses

         The best things that I know are
The things that come with living life
The great love of Jesus, you know
That he gave me the best wife

Having a wonderful daughter and
Son in law and an awesome grandson
Going to Rock concerts and
Having loads of great fun

Taking long rides just for the heck of it
And finding adventure along the way
The Newport Aquarium, Niagara Falls or
Having Pizza at the lake on a lazy Saturday

Just so much to enjoy especially if
Work and other things have me stressed
I take comfort in the knowledge of
Being loved and being blessed

When it comes to money I don’t have
The wealth but I have so many riches
Because my life is topped off with another
Best thing and that’s Pupper Dog Kisses

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 07/09/2019
All rights reserved
43 · May 2020
Government Experiment
Chuck Kean May 2020
Government Experiment

The flu is real, COVID—19 Is real
And so is Cancer and MD
and so many other things that
Can harm either you or me

As we move forward into the future
Life isn’t a candy stick of peppermint
Please know that all the rest was
Just a government Experiment

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 05/05/2020
All rights reserved
43 · Jul 2020
Invisible Man
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Invisible Man

  I’ve been working my job one hundred
Percent, blood sweat and tears
Community service to my best ability
For the past ten years

Everyone knows my name and everyone
Knows my heart and soul
They know the work and service
I provide as I play my role

With each day my only challenge
Is the fight I have with myself
I wish I could take my thoughts
And store them on a shelf

But the bottom line is no matter
How far that I go above and beyond
It’s taken for granted and won’t be
Noticed until I’m dead and gone

I slip in to start my day unnoticed and
I go out and do everything I can
I come back stealthy as well and
It’s like I’m the invisible man

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/17/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jul 26
Watching You & Watching Me

From the beginning to eternity
All eyes are on deck
Causing all of your anxiety
Executing their ICU project

Because they’re afraid of a rebellion
Or are they afraid of our brain waves
Or is it our freedom of speech, or is it
Keeping control over their slaves

From me to you, what’s the game
Are we supposed to be blind
Can’t get away, can’t get away, can’t
Escape, all I want is my peace of mind

Beware I say of retaliation, beware
Of any negative thoughts or post
Obtain your knowledge, you cannot
**** the virus when you’re the host

Remember they see every word and every
Pic this I can guarantee
Their Eyes penetrating deep
They’re Watching You & Watching Me

Written By:Charles Kean
(Extra Secret Message First Letter Of  First 8 Lines)
43 · Sep 2020
Chuck Kean Sep 2020

     The world is beating to the rhythm
Of a different drummer, out of tune
It has become comfortably numb
It has no doubtlessly become immune

To the missing children, to the killings
On the street at the hands of a goon
To the drug addicts and homeless
Yes it is so totally immune

To the rate of abortions, to the hatred
Sweeping over us like a typhoon
To the political division, to the separation
Of family, yes so very immune

To the bullying and shootings in our
Schools, to the liberal buffoon
To the lost morals and respect of
Others yes it is so immune

To domestic violence and runaways
And Suicide and darkness and gloom
To the loss of soldiers lives for our
Freedom, so unconsciously immune

To the littered city streets and country
Side, as if we’ve put ourselves in a cocoon
We’ve closed our eyes to evil as if it
Doesn’t exist, oh so immune

To the Lost good will of man, to the
Terrorism of 9/11 and the Antifa loon
To the acceptance of evil acts and lost
Teaching of God, oh so very immune

To the fact that even the Devil believes
And as my tears flow like a monsoon
I can’t help but wonder how and why
We’ve become so heartless and immune

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/11/2020
All rights reserved
43 · Sep 2020
The Doctor Will Say
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
The Doctor Will Say

     I’m a man in my late fifties
My body has been abused
I wish I could have a new one or
At least from life be excused

I still need to work and so
Each day I must carry on
As each day arrives though I can
Feel the weakening of the pion

For I have been beaten by an abusive
Father and by bullies too
I’ve been injured playing sports
And to me pain is nothing new

Car totaling accidents you
Know I’ve been in a few
I’ve also had surgeries and here’s
something I need to share with you

I’m sensitive to the Anesthesia
So I die and they bring me back
I’ve always survived some how but I
Don’t wanna be a surgery crackerjack

Years ago I had a forklift accident and I
Injured my right shoulder but no surgery
I was much younger and tougher
But now that old injury is killing me

The pain is getting unbearable and I don’t
Take anything afraid to be a drug addict
But the pain and my brain are now in
A constant bitter conflict

Mind over matter is not an option
My shoulder is now in a rapid decay
Still though I hesitate to see the Doctor
Because I know what the Doctor will say

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/21/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean May 2020
Caterpillar To A Butterfly

  I Never thought I would be a husband
Never thought I would be a dad
Never thought life had a purpose, never
Saw anything good from a life so sad

But through it all some how I survived
And it’s something I’ll never understand
But there’s always been a light from above
And I guess I don’t need to know the plan

Never saw myself as more than worthless
For it was pounded in my brain
Never had a moment to be proud
Never wanted to carry on my fathers name

But as we fast forward to now
I can see all the times Jesus carried me
So I gave him my heart
And from the darkness I am free

I have a beautiful wife and daughter too
You know that life that wasn’t for me
But some how here I am
And I feel it was meant to be

When I think about it you know, it most
Always brings tears of joy to my eye
Because I got to see my baby girl
Transform from a Caterpillar to a Butterfly

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/11/2020
All rights reserved
43 · May 2020
Chuck Kean May 2020

  In America, we let it take over,
It replaced our quality
We started making it cheaper
And quicker to sell more quantity

In America, we let it take over,
It replaced our pride
We took our production over seas
We let everything slide

In America, we let it take over,
It replaced our values in our brothers
Now we’re in a position that we
Have to depend on others

In America, we let it take over,
It replaced made in the USA
To make America great again
There’s just one thing I can say

In America, we need to take it over,
Bring it all back, that’s what we need
No more Mexico no more China and one
Last thing, no more greed

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/20/2020
All rights reserved
43 · Jul 16
Chuck Was Here
Chuck Kean Jul 16
Chuck Was Here

    I’m just a nobody, just another forgetful
Face in a world of so many faces
Like one drop of water in the Ocean
Touching the shores of so many places

I do my best to care for others but I know
That I’ll be forgotten like yesterday’s news
I love my Rock & Roll but I can identify
With its origin as it comes from the blues

I talk to Jesus on a regular basis
I think of him as my best friend
And I understand that my life here
On Earth will come to an end

I still see the world as a beautiful place
But it’s getting uglier every day
And I don’t know why because it still
Won’t matter when the Lord takes me away

I wonder will I be remembered or not, yet for
Reasons that are still not completely clear
There’s something from inside me that
Wants The future to know Chuck Was Here

Written By:Charles Kean
43 · Apr 23
The Wolf You Feed
Chuck Kean Apr 23
The Wolf You Feed

    The forces are real, invisible but
But obviously they can still be seen
If you observe your surroundings
It’s as clear as red and green

It’s as simple as our morals
To do what’s wrong or what’s right
To live in the love of the day
And not die in the darkness of night

The bottom line is it all depends
Upon your own wisdom and choice
When the Demon and Angel whisper
Which one becomes the strongest voice

Is it the Wolf of light and hope
The Wolf of darkness and despair
Tell me you’re not oblivious to the
The forces you must be aware

My words of wisdom are already your
Knowledge to which is your Creed
Because your survival and happiness
Depends upon The Wolf You Feed

Written By:Charles Kean
42 · Mar 2020
Chuck Kean Mar 2020

Since the beginning of our time
Good and evil have existed side by side
Good is all around us in the open
Evil likes the darkness and tries to hide

Good we seem to overlook and evil
Reveals itself when we least expect it
Good is in our hearts and soul but we can
Be evil too for evil’s Fire is always lit

All of technology can be used for good
And evil can use it to play it’s game
We know good in the name of Jesus
And Lucifer to be evil’s name

Social media is one such example
Of just how each can be used
Anything good is wonderful and
Evil just cannot be excused

Here at hello poetry our thoughts and
Feelings are here for all to see
We have an opportunity to share ourselves
And it’s easier to just be free

And is doesn’t matter about our age or
Gender or views or race
We get to know each other no matter the
Miles apart, it’s as if we’re face to face

For me writing is one of the ways that
With the evil I can cope
And here at hello poetry I’ve found
All of you and in humanity I’ve found hope

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/16/2020
All rights reserved
42 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

    Are we alone is the question
As we search the vastness of space
The curiosity and the wonder of life
In another galaxy but still no trace

Sometimes we wonder if this is it
Is there nothing more
We wonder about the meaning of life
What are we living for

As we get caught up in the day to day
Sometimes we forget to live
We sometimes get angry, we forget
We have love in our hearts to give

We lose our faith in a supreme being
Because it just seems unfathomable
How can this ancient story be true
But can it be so unimaginable

Can it be that we are like rebellious teens
And just refuse to be docile
Just because we cannot comprehend
Something so beautiful and colossal

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/23/2020
All rights reserved
42 · May 1
Take It Back
Chuck Kean May 1
Take It Back

       Since The first time we met
Somehow I guess I stole your heart
And you gave me your love ignoring
All the red flags from the very start

You told yourself you were the Angel
That was here to save my soul
But clearly you were blinded and you
Couldn’t see the Devil was in control

Despite all that was against you it
Amazed me how you always gave your best
Though you never really made any
Progress and you always failed the test

I had truly convinced myself that
There would never come a day
No I never thought you could give up
On love and you’d just walk away

I kept pushing your limits to see how
Far you would bend before you would break
I guess this was the last straw and
It was more than you could take

I shouldn’t be surprised after constantly
Shaking the foundation, it would crack
And as easily as you gave your love to me
There’d come a day you’d Take It Back

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jun 7
Under Your Midnight Sun

    I took a walk in the forest of your love
But through the thick I could not see
I heard the howling of the wolves
I knew you were coming for me

I knew my life would never be the same
What was written would be done
I knew that I had to surrender,
I saw the rise of your Midnight Sun

(C) Under Your Midnight Sun
I was frozen in my tracks
I didn’t dare to run
Now I hunger for the Darkness
Under Your Midnight Sun

When you got your claws into me
Your cut was quick and deep
And when I bled and screamed
You knew I was yours to keep

You know I saw the warning signs
But they were something I chose to ignore
I try not to think about it too much for
You always leave me wanting more

(C)Under Your Midnight Sun
I was frozen in my tracks
I didn’t dare to run
Now I hunger for the Darkness
Under Your Midnight Sun

(Music interlude—Solo)

(B) And like the waves crashing on the shore
You always come knocking at my door
And I see the Animal in your eyes
And it doesn’t take me long to realize
I’m just a man and I was born to sin
And I always let you in
Because I hunger for the Darkness

(Cx2) Repeat last two lines of (C)
End Abruptly

Written By:Charles Kean
41 · Mar 9
Starting Over Again
Chuck Kean Mar 9
Starting Over Again

           Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Now time has passed and I am
Starting over again

Every time I see a pretty face
Every time I see a smile
Every time I see beautiful eyes
Starting over again

I can’t bring myself to look
I can’t bring myself to conversation
I can’t bring myself to even speak
Starting over again

Every time I think I can
Every time, I see her face
Every time I tell myself I can’t
Starting over again

I can’t even imagine it
I can’t begin to believe it
I can’t bare to breathe
Starting over again

Written By:Charles Kean
41 · Aug 22
Heaven & Hell
Chuck Kean Aug 22
Heaven & Hell

    We’re all on our own journey
In our own walk of life
Sometimes our hearts are filled with joy
Sometimes our hearts are filled with strife

Time passes us by and no matter how far
We’ve come it’s like we’re standing still
We question our existence and we
Question what’s truth and what’s real

Born sinners all on our own
But we have a freedom of choice
And we don’t have to make it alone
If we listen to the still small voice

Every day we’re just a choice away
From the same old grind
We control our own destiny
Listen to the heart or listen to the mind

And when our time has come, when
There’s nothing left to buy or sell
Did we make the right decision as we
Stood on the corner of Heaven & Hell

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
        Definition-(Keep It Simple Stupid)

Whispers in the wind, shadows glistening
Enchanted silo-wets naked together
In a longing embrace on a majestic cloud.
The universe to your beauty
Is why the weeping willow weeps
As the wind blows, hear nature speak.
The epitome of what is meant to be,
A stream in the meadow, a birds song,
A soft butterfly caress, a good witches spell
Never to be broken. Voices carry a love song everlasting with words that linger
All thrown together, never understood
And make no sense but because they are beautiful it seems they were written by a genius. Though I could write them if I tried I Simply just like to leave you with a KISS

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/12/2020
All rights reserved
Inspiration from Mark S
Dedicated to Mark S
Chuck Kean Nov 2020
Twas the night before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And KISS is rocking my house
Not a creature can be seen
Not even a mouse

The neighbors are all checking
To see what the heck is a matter
For none of them,not one
Has ever heard such a clatter

When they looked in my window
They saw me rocking around my tree
A nightmarish sight I am sure
They wish they didn’t see

My windows were shattered and I was
Screaming on Peter,Ace,Paul and Gene
And turning the volume up louder when
The Police arrived on the scene

They said man it is Christmas Eve
It’s obvious to us you are a black sheep
Why do you feel the need to rock when
Your neighbors are trying to sleep

I told the officers that it was in my DNA
I was born to rock & roll
I have always been on Santa’s naughty list
And have always received bags of coal

They turned my music off and took my
KISS CD’S and gave them to a trooper
I waited until they all drove out of sight
And I began to listen to my Alice Cooper

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 12/23/2017
All rights reserved
Have a Rocking Christmas,God Bless!!!
40 · Jul 9
No Rhyme Nor Reason
Chuck Kean Jul 9
No Rhyme Nor Reason

       Just like the guy who’s feet are
Are to big for his bed, I heard in a song
Life is too short for fussing and fighting
That stuff takes much too long

What side of the fence are you on and
The difference can you rise above
Is it worth killing strangers, is it
Worth killing someone you love

In a lifetime so temporary, can you afford
To Really take a stand and draw the line
I laugh at your ignorance and integrity
It’s like fighting over Whiskey or Wine

Over politics are you really ready for
Ignoring the lessons from Civil War
Instead of fighting the enemy of foreign
Foe we fight each other on our own shore

In the middle of Summer I feel the Winter
Closing in with its cold season
Must love die in the battle of stupidly
In the darkness of No Rhyme Nor Reason

Written By:Charles Kean
40 · Sep 2020
God Is Crying
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
God Is Crying

      With his voice, it began
Out of the darkness, there was light
He was happy with his creation, when it
Was finished, it was beautiful in his sight

All he wants for us is to love, if you
Listen you can hear his still small voice
He loves us so much so that his love
Is not forced, it’s still our choice

Now as he looks down and sees so many
Are so consumed in hate and people dying
His heart is breaking in two as it fills
With pain and know that God is crying

How can a soul, anyone with a heart
Think that it’s right and find it gratifying
To riot and burn and **** in any rage
Without remorse, know God is crying

No one knows what is right as the Devil
Deceives so well and finds it satisfying
Pitting us all against each other
All the while he knows God is crying

We cannot see what is beyond the surface
The bigger picture of the evil underlying
The media has told so many lies, the truth
Is lost forever and know that God is crying

With each day that passes, the words
And the images become more horrifying
The fire down below now burns in the
Heart of man and know God is crying

People I pray please open your eyes
To all the signs that are notifying
From up above he grieves
Yes know that God is crying

In the end of days, evil will be called good
And good be called evil, so terrifying
So it is written and so it shall be done
And know that God is crying

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/04/2020
All rights reserved
40 · Mar 2020
Chuck Kean Mar 2020

  It’s what we all require
Something to our heart inspire
A longing a real desire
We need fire 🔥

Love making heat bodies perspire
Something to lift us higher
A coming together rectifier
We need fire 🔥

Passionate souls aspire
A connection all can admire
A flame that will never expire
We need fire 🔥

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/12/2020
All rights reserved
Here’s hoping everyone finds their fire
And that it stays lit like mine!!!
40 · Aug 2020
Love Prevail
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
Love Prevail

   Well now that the work day is done
I’m looking out my window at the setting sun
As it marks the end of another day
I close my eyes and begin to pray

Lord the world is spinning out of control
Let your love heal every soul
So that we may erase this hate
To start a new life with a clean slate

We’ve got to find a way to come together
Like the birds of a feather
We cannot continue to fight
Let us find a way to unite

There’s always room for love to be found
We all share a common ground
Knowing that life is so minutely temporary
We still get lost in the ancillary

As the Devil has us in division
Open our eyes to see with new vision
Destroy forever the Devil and his domain
And let peace and love forever reign

As I continue to look out my window
Lord please remove this great shadow
Help us fight evil so we may not fail
Once and for all let love prevail

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/31/2020
All rights reserved
40 · Jul 2020
Chuck Kean Jul 2020

    As humans we are far from perfect
Though some of us try to be
We all fall short of this task
We are just incapable of this ability

Daily struggle keeps us from focusing
And well it’s just impossible
Most of us believe in a higher power
There’s some who believe it’s implausible

God is known the only form of perfection
And he is believed to be the creator
All that is good and the Devil is known as
The fallen Angel and as the perpetrator

We have two paths we can choose
And we are responsible for our decision
Ultimately though this results in our
Inability to love and causes our division

That’s when we have to have faith
And for thy neighbor still show them love
This may let them see the light
And know the power from above

I do my best to do my part and I let his
Word be my armor my shield and my sword
Second Kings ten sixteen, come with me

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/25/2020
All rights reserved
Stryper was a Heavy Metal
Christian Rock band of the 80’s
They got their name from Isiah 53:3
With his stripes we are healed
I use to write songs for a local Ohio
Heavy Metal Christian Rock/ Stryper like band in The 80’s called Zeal. They got their
Name from 2nd Kings 10:16
Come with me and see my Zeal
For the Lord, God Bless!!!
Chuck Kean Jun 24
A Place Called Shadeville

Well I was on the road of the straight and
Narrow and everything was going well
But my baby up and left me and now
I’m driving on the highway to Hell

Faster and faster I’m spiraling
Further and further down
I think I’m past the point of no return
And I can’t seem to turn myself around

A cloud of darkness is hanging over me
And I have no hope for a better tomorrow
I know a man ain’t supposed to cry
But here I am drowning in my sorrow

Up ahead in the distance I see a neon light
I need a place to stop so that I can think
I need some food for nourishment and
I could use a nice stiff drink

So I pulled into the parking lot to get a
Grip on the way that I feel
The sign outside says The Grumpy Goat
And it’s in A Place Called Shadeville

Written By:Charles Kean
39 · Jul 2020
Living In A World New
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Living In A World New

   Once not long ago, the birds use to
Sing in the trees outside my window
But where are they now
I’d give my life to know

Once not long ago, the Sun use to shine
Life was as beautiful as a rainbow
But where is it now, its warmth
And its light it refuses to show

Now the sky is grey and heavy with rain
The leaves whither and fall
My days are filled with darkness
And life doesn’t feel worth living at all

Even the Stars refuse to sparkle
And the Moon has lost its glow
Old man river is dry and his
Water is stagnant without flow

Once not long ago, you were mine
And I thought our love was true
But now you’re gone and I’m alone in
Darkness, living in a world new

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/12/2020
All rights reserved
39 · Jul 2020
39 · Mar 2020
Unlimited Time
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Unlimited Time

   She was a beautiful woman she was
So vein, she didn’t want to grow old
More importantly she didn’t want to die
So to the Devil her soul she sold

The deal was for her, time would stand still
She gets to keep her beauty for eternity
In blood she signed on the dotted line
And a life of hell was a certainty

Time would still pass for everyone around
Her and loved ones would die
A thousand years and a thousand lover’s
And millions of tears she would cry

A catch twenty two, to love or not to love
Her world was torn apart
Either decision still left her
With an ultimately broken heart

The end of days would come and she
Would walk the Earth alone
She’s still as young and beautiful as she was
Before and the Devil laughs on his throne

As she walks and cries she hears the
Echoes of Hell’s Bell’s as they chime
All the while regretting her wish
For unlimited time

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/17/2020
All rights reserved
39 · Oct 2020
The Residual
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
The Residual

     He said he’d love her until the end
Of time, his love would never die
He promised that her eyes would never
Because of him sad tears cry

They lived happily and his love
Was true and never strayed
There were women who tried
But his heart was never swayed

One day he came home from work
And something just wasn’t right
Later that evening he went down to the
Kitchen for a snack and he died that night

One of his promises was broken
And sad tears fell like rain
Because it broke her heart and
It was such an unbearable pain

The very next night she was in the
Kitchen and she couldn’t take being apart
She took a kitchen knife and she
Pierced it through her heart

The new owners of the house swear they
See the couple locked in a time perpetual
He walks to get a snack as she pierces
Her heart in what’s known as the residual

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 10/29/2020
All rights reserved
39 · Apr 5
Without You
Chuck Kean Apr 5
Without You

   Well it’s no secret, I was on the
Highway to Hell at a high rate of speed
The world had abused me enough
And I bled all that I could bleed

Just another lost worthless soul
Wondering aimlessly in the wilderness
I was without direction and without
Love and my heart was filled with bitterness

Darkness had convinced me that it was
My only friend and I would never see light
I didn’t have a dream, I was brainwashed
And broken living in a constant night

At an early age life had been ****** out
Of me and I didn’t have any desire
I was sure that my destiny was to walk
Eternally on Brimstone through fire

But God saved me by sending me an
Angel, this much I know is true
I don’t ever want to think about my one
Time fate without him and Without You

Written By:Charles Kean
39 · Jun 28
Defying Gravity
Chuck Kean Jun 28
Defying Gravity

     It’s hard to hide in the dark when you’re
The Darkness ruled by your own personality
And it’s hard to walk in the light when you’re
The Brightness struggling with the Duality

There’s always something to keep you down
Life at times can be such a Calamity
And every day we encounter cruel people
And suffer from their insensitivity

Sometimes I just want to close my eyes
And live a life in a wonderful fantasy
But I know I can’t do that and if I did I would
Eventually have to open them to my reality

I have come face to face with Death
And I know about my own mortality
But just maybe with my poetry I’ve
Found a way to achieve an Immortality

And with everything that tries to bring
Me Down I keep my strong mentality
But I couldn’t do it on my own and Jesus
Is the one that keeps me Defying Gravity

Written By:Charles Kean
39 · Sep 12
Kool Aide Kids
Chuck Kean Sep 12
Kool Aide Kids

        Well unfortunately it’s that time again
Those political adds are dominating
I don’t care what side you’re on
And I don’t care who they’re nominating

I’m not here to sway your opinions
I’m not trying to tell you how to vote
But I am here to give words of caution
To give you something to take note

The media will feed you only what they
Want you to see and hear
They are servants of the Devil
And the Devil thrives on your fear

I just want you to do your own research
That’s my true and best advice
Don’t be so steadfast to stand your ground
Because you might be standing on thin ice

They want you to blindly accept their lies
They don’t want you to do your own thinking
They’re just here to supply the Kool aide
And the Devil smiles as we keep drinking

So please stop and turn off the noise
Don’t replicate like the Plasmids
You don’t need the sugar to decide
Please don’t be the Kool Aide Kids

Written By:Charles Kean
39 · Mar 2020
Writers Block
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Writers Block

     Forget the pen, the crayon, the chalk
Throw the words in a wok
My brain is in a complete state of shock
I hear it whisper to me as if to mock

The words un flowing as if they’re in a loch
I try but it’s all just a bunch of schlock
From my wheels I forgot to remove the chock
Can’t even free myself from my frock

So badly as before I want to rock
Everything seems like seagull squawk
Un organized and separated from the flock
Nothing logical desperately needing Spock

Beginning to feel somewhat of a gawk
Thinking I should seek help from a Doc
Because the word inventory is of low stock
This is officially known as writers block

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/05/2020
All rights reserved
38 · Feb 2020
My Mistress #2
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
My Mistress #2

     I’m guilty as charged but I
Really just can’t live without her
But I never have to buy her diamonds
And I don’t have to buy any fur

She’s with me every day as I drive
But we’ve never taken a walk
Sometimes she is annoying
But I love to hear her talk

She tells me what to do
When I turn her on
She tells me where to go
And then I’m gone

She is a persistent one but
Sometimes I still ignore
Sometimes she makes me feel
Like I wanna kick her out the door

But she’s saved my life more than once
And I love her so very much
We’ve got a great relationship
Though I’ve never felt her touch

She’s my obsession my GPS
Something I cannot subdue
My Global Positioning System
Is my mistress #2

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/16/2020
All rights reserved
38 · Feb 2020
I just started my book
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
I just started my book, please pray for me
As I reflect back on my hell and tell my triumph with the help of Jesus and to tell about where I am today, being blessed.
I will attempt to tell my story through short stories and my poetry. I will include most of the poetry that I have shared with all of you here at Hello Poetry.
I don’t know how long this part of my journey will take but my book title is
(Heart Felt Flight) I have just started and I am pausing to share this with you.
God Bless you all!!!
38 · Jul 2020
Old School VS New School
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Old School VS New School

  My wife and I get up and go to work
With a constant pain as our bodies are
Feeling their age.
I’ve been in three automobile accidents that my car was totaled and a forklift accident,
Long story but I ran it off the dock and my shoulder slammed into the roll cage as I hit the ground. I’m a victim of physical child abuse-and I’ve come close to death from surgeries because I’m sensitive to Anastasia
That makes my heart stop and they almost lose me every time.
My sister in law gets up and goes to work
And she is facing not one but two
Brain surgeries and I have an old friend
With Ménière’s disease.
It’s a ringing in the ears and it causes
Vertigo and nausea and hearing loss
And he is about to ride a bike from Denver
Colorado to Columbus Ohio to raise money
For researching and awareness for this
Disease and we have coworkers that
Call off work for a hang nail

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/30/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
The Scorpion Queen And Her Twin Telson
    She’s an Angel, or at least
That’s the illusion she wants us to see
But I believe she’s the Devil
And there’s fire burning within thee

She’s beautiful in every way
Her dress is yellow and black
She’s perfect in every way but I
Caution you, beware of her attack

She may promise you Heaven
You may easily fall under her spell
But if you do, you may soon realize
You’re on the highway to Hell

I’ve heard the myths and fear the legend
Of her Angelic voice as she begins to sing
And how that’s the only warning
She gives just before her sting

There’s unbearable pain as her venomous
Poison runs through your veins
And how death is welcomed as you realize
You’re trapped inside a world she reigns

I know you’re the King of your castle
The Captain of the ship
I hope you have a heart of stone
And a stiff upper lip

Be prepared for your sentence, a life
In the grips of her power with no parole
You’ll be a useless man, a zombie
Without existence and without a soul

If you dare to venture into the stormy sea
Be sure your ship has a sturdy keelson
For even Hercules would succumb to
The Scorpion Queen and her twin telson

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 10/12/2020
All rights reserved
37 · Dec 2020
Land Of The Blind
Chuck Kean Dec 2020
Land Of The Blind

   Like illusionist on the big stage
They use lights and things to distract
As they make all the rules and take all
The money and stab us in the back

People are losing jobs as they are
Sure to receive their check
They say that they care about us
But they really don’t give a heck

They tell the media what to report
And we hang on every word
This is hanging on the edge of insanity
This is really getting absurd

A free nation in where we live
But we must be inside by ten
Someone please tell me what I’m missing
The line is getting thin

We must wear mask and we cannot go
To Church or gather in a group
Next thing you know they’ll be
Telling where and when we can ****

The whole ironic part about it is
No one at the top needs to be a mastermind
Because we’re all just like sheep
And living in the land of the blind

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/11/2020
All rights reserved
37 · May 29
Inter Me
Chuck Kean May 29
Inter Me

      Who am I, do I even know myself
Thoughts I have some old and some new
I try to keep an open mind, I’m not
Afraid to see a different view

If you look closely, you will see
Variations of one dominant personality
It’s not necessarily a confirmation
That there’s a glitch in my reality

I’m just a man with a heart of gold
My intentions are usually good
But no matter what I say or do
Sometimes I’m still miss understood

My thoughts I transform into my
Poetry with words that tend to rhyme
Forever on the internet riding a wave
On an invisible cloud in space and time

And with each one posted it’s clear
To see the range of my diversity
And see my soul to the Devil will never
Be sold, so keep reading to inter me

Written By:Charles Kean
37 · Aug 2020
Chuck Kean Aug 2020

    New born baby, so delicate, so fragile
This little life in your hands
I just wanna say this clearly
So that everyone understands

Give your love unconditionally
To this heavenly sent gift
Treasure each moment of their life
For time can be so unforgivingly swift

And if today you find conflict with anyone
And tempers rage and hatred reigns
Quickly find a way to forgive and
Don’t keep your love in chains

Pray for those whom don’t know Jesus
This doesn’t take special skill or magic art
It’s just the simple power of prayer
And prayer comes from the heart

This shouldn’t be that difficult so
Give your love freely with every breath
For life is so minutely temporary, we
Never know come death

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/16/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Nov 2020
In The Woods Beneath A pine

    Last night I slept next to his
Body one last time
They may have his head
But they won’t get mine

Did she **** him and is she
Now a fugitive on the run
Or did they **** him and they
Need to get her for the job to be done

If I left it there, it would be
A deep dark mystery
But I will continue on and reveal
A story from our grim history

The year was eighteen sixty five, the
Slaves were freed and the KKK was born
The Republicans fought for race equality
And the Dems felt a deep scorn

The leaders of the Democratic Party
Believed the good black was a dead black
Earlier that night they burned a cross on
His lawn and later came the attack

They were known as the men in white
Pastors and law men and the butcher
They killed her husband and now
They were out to catch her

As the clock strikes midnight, in the
Distance she hears the howls of the canine
As she stops for a quick breath
In the woods beneath a pine

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/28/2020
All rights reserved
37 · Jul 2020
Fallen Angel
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Fallen Angel

     I can feel your pain, I know
And I have secret to tell
This is just between you and me
Not all fallen Angels go to Hell

So if you’re feeling low and you
Think you’ll never see the Dawn
If the darkness has surrounded you
And you feel like you’re the lost one

Just listen to me, I know
If you’re feeling you can’t go on
It hurts so deep inside and
You’re just hurtin for someone

Take my word, I know
If it feels,the pain will never be gone
Just know In your heart you’re
Not the only lonely one

In the shadows between the lines
Hear the echoes and recall
Hear the whispers and know
You’re not the first to fall

No you’re not the first to fall
And you know you won’t be the last
If you want to find love again
You must release your past

Just take some time to unwind
Your broken heart from its tangle
And when you’re ready, just take
The hand of another fallen Angel

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/26/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to the all the broken
Hearted fallen Angels out there
God Bless!!!
37 · Feb 2020
For Just One Rose
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
For Just One Rose

    I live my life as to ways taught
Only as the golden rule
But alone I am and I wonder
If I am but just a fool

I have given my love
For it be thrown in a fire to burn
A thousand of lessons
You’d think I would learn

Yet I know deep inside
There is someone for everyone
So I searched and I prayed to find
My love for life before my life be gone

Now I have found her
Yet I feel myself begin to hesitate
My heart is stopping me
As I question my fate

But in my eyes she is beautiful
I dare to offer my heart, for her to take
If she were to dismiss it
So fragile it would surly break

So in the misty morning,as the sweet
Smell of the dew tickles my nose
I risk the pain of thorns
For just one rose

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 10/21/2017
All rights reserved
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