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62 · Apr 2020
Away From The Lights
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
Away From The Lights

  I live in the City,life is lived
In a whirlwind, a quickened pace
I’ve never felt like this was the life
For me, no I feel so out of place

But it’s been this way for all my life
And I’ve learned to adapt
But there’s always been a yearning
For a simpler way, to be untapped

A slowed down way of things with
A porch and a lemonade or tea
A place where the Rooster crows and
Stars fill the sky like the water of the sea

Away from the sirens and crowded streets
Away from the concrete highways
Away from the skyscrapers and malls
Away from the this mental craze

Away from the life of the fast lane
And all of the City sights
I just once want a life of peace
Somewhere far away from the lights

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/04/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Feb 22
A Monkey In The Kitchen

      Well just to give you a small glimpse
Of my mind and my Awesome life
First of all you need to know that I truly
Give thanks for it especially my wife

I’m the only person that I know
That literally falls up the stairs
I lose every game I play on Xbox
And all of me impairs

I can never seem to stop hurting myself
And so part of me is in constant pain
Every time I’m running late for work
I always get stopped for a Train

Don’t get me started on technology
It hates me and always causes stress
If I fix myself something to eat, I can
Never make it without making a mess

We live on the wrong side of the lot
Remember I’m not Bitter and *******
Life is great, I have a dog so life is always
Fun when there’s A Monkey In The Kitchen

Written By:Charles Kean
Note: Five days after our last Snow
The opposite side of our parking lot shows no
Sign of it and on our side, it looks like it just happened. The Monkey is obviously a stuffed animal dog toy. He loves them and drops them wherever he pleases.
61 · Mar 2020
Chuck Kean Mar 2020

   The desert is long, the desert is wide
The Sun is hot, the Sun is high
The Tarantula and the Scorpions creep
The Buzzard and the Eagle and the Falcon fly
The Canyon is large, the Canyon is deep
The Cactus and the Joshua tree grow
The Tumble **** rolls and spirits call
The night is cold, the night is long
The Moon is bright, the River winds
The Rattle Snake and the Coral Snake live
And the Mountain Lion Stalks
The Shadows play tricks
And Men lose their minds
The Wind blows, the Wind howls
The colors are like the Rainbow
The time stands still.

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 2009
All rights reserved
From my book “New Angel”
61 · Feb 4
Redwood Tall
Chuck Kean Feb 4
Redwood Tall
    Every time I get up, you know
Something happens to knock me down
Sometimes this world makes me feel like
I’ve got egg on my face or like a clown

It’s the law of the jungle, what doesn’t
**** you will make you stronger
But sometimes I fight it until
I just can’t fight it any longer

Somehow I’ve survived knowing I’ve
Been blessed by the one who provides
When I walk head on into the darkness
I feel his love and all my fear subsides

He’s provided me every Angel along
The way through every stage of life
And my eyes have been opened to his
Glory and I know he gifted my wife

She’s my personal life Angel, now every
Time this world makes me feel small
She’s always there to give me love
And when she does I feel Redwood tall

Written By:Charles Kean
60 · Nov 2020
Chuck Kean Nov 2020

     It started out as a normal day, with
The waves softly crashing upon the shore
The Sun was was kissing the day
Like it has always done before

Little did anyone know just how quickly
That it was all about to change
The events that would take place that
To say the least would be extremely strange

And it would be the beginning of the end
A slow but seemingly deliberate evolution
The end of our present existence
And our mindless stagnation

It came aimlessly from the vastness of space
And it crashed at the ocean’s edge
A living Alien Rock of cells and upon impact
Immediately started to grow like a sedge

It multiplied and created its own atmosphere
It invaded every living thing as to merge
To become one with the host or more like
A take over if you will, a sort of purge

And the world as we know it was lost
Forever by this uninvited annexation
And this virus entity that inherited the
Earth Forcibly by Human Annihilation

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/22/2020
All rights reserved
60 · Dec 2020
Familiar Ghost
Chuck Kean Dec 2020
Familiar Ghost

    It’s four Am and familiar ghost are haunting me but like a thousand times before
I know that the Sun soon will rise and Kiss the day and my tears and the ghost will fade away. In the middle of the night my sleep gets disturbed, sometimes I can’t put my finger on it and the images are scattered and it’s like a million movies that have been sliced together and it doesn’t make any sense and other times I see it all so clear as if the moment is happening live but I know that it happened so very long ago.
I’m okay and I live a happy blessed life
God is in control but the Devil is persistent and he’ll test my faith every chance he gets and he loves to torment me. So he gets inside my head while I’m sleeping and he releases
The ghost of days gone by and the emotions overwhelm me and the tears flow freely until I wake enough to gather my senses.
I’m able to then realize what is happening
and I can fight the Demons and tell the Devil where he can go.
The promise of tomorrow and it’s light
I know it will conquer the darkness and even if the pain lingers the Devil will never break me now even with his best surprise attack when I least expect it like tonight when I fell  asleep so happy and peaceful with no pain and so far removed from what was before, completely living in the moment of my joy.
So now I await the rising Sun and brush it off like brushing a fresh snow fall from my car.
And deep down I know that I will be reminded of when sorrow sang and I’ll see them again.
Those familiar ghost.

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 12/28/2020
All rights reserved
A work in progress for my book
Just wanted to share
60 · Feb 2020
Where Is God
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Where Is God

   My heart seeps
My Soul weeps
Everywhere evil creeps
Where is God?

Know, no life isn’t fair
Know, no one seems to care
Yes evil fills the air
Where is God?

I ask when I hear of evil strains
I ask when I see evil in someone’s veins
It seems that evil reigns
Where is God?

Seek and you shall find
Open your eyes for they’re blind
There’s still humans very kind
Hello poetry this is where is God

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/29/2020
All rights reserved
Dedicated to everyone here at
Hello poetry for welcoming me
To a world I didn’t know existed
Where I find God is alive and well
God Bless you all!!!
60 · Jan 2020
Beautifully Broken
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Beautifully Broken

    I was lonely and in despair
I turned around and she was there
Just when I needed someone in my life
I thought she would be my wife

But on a rainy day she said goodbye
A million tears we both would cry
She said it wasn’t her she said it wasn’t me
She said it just wasn’t meant to be

For awhile I was lost in darkness
I was a person that seemed heartless
But time would land me in a new day
And with the Sunrise I knew I was okay

Though I never thought I would love again
Because I was such a shattered man
But my life was turned around
When there was a new love that I found

Sometimes we do get a second chance
For love and for romance
She took my hand,no words were spoken
For she too had been beautifully broken

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 01/25/2020
All rights reserved
Inspired by and for user name
Beautifully Broken
60 · Jun 2020
Chuck Kean Jun 2020

   My tears they flow
Like rain from the sky
My thoughts, from here, where do we go
So many questions why

The world in despair
The future no longer bright
Are we beyond repair
Forever locked in a fight

Is this the true beginning of the end
Is everyone the enemy
Can no one be a friend
Is this our final destiny

I think of the children, and sigh
This is the world we leave
What do we say when they ask why
My heart and soul they grieve

God we’ve suffered through the years
Now only words of hate are spoken
We’ve all shed the tears
We need your love, for we are broken

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/04/2020
All rights reserved
59 · Feb 2020
A whisper In The Wind
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
A Whisper In The Wind

Sitting on my deck as night begins to fall
Thinking of a time I thought would never end
And in a sense it still exist
For now it’s a whisper in the wind

A monsters attack in the middle of the night
A child in fear unable to defend
Without warning it sometimes returns
For now it’s a whisper in the wind

A beautiful girl, young loves first kiss
Time separated, love letters I didn’t send
Hope she can still read them
As they are now a whisper in the wind

The sounds of us as children at play
And the promise of a forever friend
Though long ago it’s not forgotten
But now it’s just a whisper in the wind

A mother’s love, and watching her die
Her last breath, her soul ascend
She’s still with me, her love is a comfort
Now as a whisper in the wind

Time has flown so quickly
And it’s hard for me to comprehend
All the faces and voices still echo as
Everything still lives as a whisper in the wind

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/07/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Oct 2021
You Can’t Hold Me No More

    Well you took me by surprise
Just one look into your eyes
I was caught in your witches spell
And your diva head began to swell

I thought I’d never get away
As you were desperate that I stay
And I became a prisoner of doubt
As I told myself there was no way out

And I was just like so many that came before
You scratched another notch another score
And I just needed to believe in me
To be able to set myself free

As the years slowly passed me by
Hope was lost with each tear I would cry
And In my darkness I saw a flicker of light
And I heard a whisper telling me to fight

And somehow I was able to survive
Waiting for this day to arrive
I saw an opportunity to slip out the door
And now you can’t hold me no more

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/27/2021
All rights reserved
59 · Jan 8
The Depths
Chuck Kean Jan 8
The Depths

      As I age each day I realize things
That I never realized before
I don’t know if you can call it wisdom
Maybe it’s just medicine for the cure

I see myself in a time long ago
And I see myself in the here and now
Sometimes I feel that I haven’t changed
But boy have things changed and how

As the past continues to get further away
And as much as I love that it’s behind me
I’ve realized that the past has made me
Who I am and now it’s clear to see

I had to live through it and I had to be
Where I Am here in this place
I’m in the present because of the past
It’s all relative to time and space

I couldn’t be this man without the past
And breathing each of my breaths
And sometimes we must re visit the past
To understand The Depths

Written By:Charles Kean
59 · Mar 18
In The Color Of Night
Chuck Kean Mar 18
In The Color Of Night

       Life that was once of family and
Love filled with times of togetherness
Long gone and forgotten lost in the
Shadows of darkness and loneliness

Family picnics and reunions and
Birthday parties are now just memories
Euchre tournaments and Christmas
Parties are in vaults of past centuries

No one ever calls but may send a random
Or rare text Separated by generations gap
Lost are the ones that were the glue
The Elders left behind didn’t adapt

Technically still bonded by blood
But it’s the only way we’re connected
Now we’re just people we once knew
And more like strangers rejected

The only time we’re together is when
One of us dies and walks into the light
When everyone cries around a casket
All dressed In The Color Of Night

Written By:Charles Kean
Received in a text
Funeral info is for next week 10 am on Tuesday and calling hours Monday 4-7. At Schoedinger in Gahanna
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Back To The Beginning Of The End

  It’s all clear to me now
But I didn’t see it then
How my world was falling apart
And I was losing more than just a friend

I set out on the road, in search
For something that was already mine
I was sure it was just over the horizon
But with each day I could see that I was blind

Further and further, I moved on
And all the fault was my own
I thought that there was something better
But all that it left me was alone

How can a man do what I did
And dream of lust and fantasy
When everything he ever wanted
Was already his reality

How could I throw it all away
Without blinking an eye
Now I have to live with this regret
Until the day that I die

Thinking about it, Brings nothing but pain
And memories of the past
If I could turn back the hands of time
Then I would be back home at last

But now I live each day and I
Punish myself for my crime
I’ll spend the rest of my life wishing
That I could turn back the hands of time

Back to the beginning of the end
That is where I wish I could be
Back to the beginning of the end
When I thought I just needed to be free

Back to the beginning of the end
Just before our last goodbye
Back to the beginning of the end
Just before I made you cry

Yes right before I made my worst mistake
For now my life is in a state of suspend
And the reality is knowing that I can never
Go back to the beginning of the end

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/18/2020
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Until Only The Ugly Remains

   The world is beautiful still, if we
Just take a good look around
The flowers and the trees, butterflies
And the bees and the grass from the ground

The Sun that shines in our day
And the Moon that lights up the night
All of God’s children, the red and the
Yellow, brown and black and white

But there’s ugly too and it’s everywhere
As well, from the litter making me blue
To the political and corporate corruption
To the hate and trouble we brew

I know we think we’re fighting against
Racism when things we begin to ban
But if you stop and think about it
Only more trouble will be at hand

So listen to me when I say, go ahead and
Ban the books and Television shows
Wipe away all the history and soon
It will be that everything goes

It will start with the books
In the name of love and care
In the name of racism we’ll all
Have the same hair

You’ll start banning our clothes because of
Color and everyone will wear charcoal Grey
No one will be able to have tattoos
Or piercings or even words to say

For if someone plants roses of yellow
Another plants blue another plants red
Soon one will hate the other and
They will want them to be dead

So let’s say red says yellow and blue
Are offensive and the law agrees
Now only red can grow and now yellow
And blue take to the law with their pleas

And now red is banned as well now
The hate is deeper, fire burns the flames
So go ahead and ban it all
Until only the ugly remains

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/13/2021
All rights reserved
I get offended every day but
I don’t hate you but if I can’t wear
What I want on my days off,
If I can’t read what I want or watch
What I want or listen to the music I want
Or grow the flowers that I want.
Listen to me when I say to all of the
Offended people you think you’re
Going to end racism and hate in
This manor but if you get what you
Wish for. You wanna talk about hate
And racism?
I am Human and I will hate you!!!
This is how non racist become racist.
58 · May 2021
Eternal Life
Chuck Kean May 2021
Eternal Life

     Time keeps on ticking
As the moments slip away
Did you make the minutes count
As you went along in your day

With his mind all was created
All is energy we cannot create or destroy
Now all energy can only transform
We must take our time and fully enjoy

God promises if you believe
In Heaven for you there’s a place
We get caught up in our every day
We forget about God while we race

For those whom don’t believe
Yes there’s a place for you as well
We know this place is down deep
And it’s all of fire, known as Hell

So take one of your precious moments
You spend trying to make a buck
And  listen to these words written
Here by your friend Chuck

Knowing that all life is eternal
As we struggle with everyday strife
Two choices, to transform too
Heaven or Hell for your eternal life

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/29/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
I wrote this back in 1993
The poem was about world problems
Headlines material.
It asked a question with its title and
It re occurred throughout the poem,
Where Do We Go From Here?
And now only 27 short years later I have written the answer poem titled Immune.
Here they are back to back.

Where Do We Go From Here

  When a man named King
Gets beat in the street and
the line between right and wrong
keeps getting thinner

When kids **** kids for the
Jackets that they wear
Because everyone wants
To feel like a winner

Where do we go from here
Have we all gone crazy
Is this how life is to be
Have our minds gotten
So hazy that we can't see

When a man in Waco says
He's Jesus,he promised
Heaven to those who would believe,those
who did lived and died In his hell

When inmates in Lucasville
Riot and take control,what
Evil do they possess that
Made them **** even from their cell

Where do we go from here
Have we all gone crazy
Is this how life is to be
Have our minds gotten so
Hazy that we can't see

When the world buys
what the media sells
and we'll never know
Just who to trust

When we still can't get
Past the color of another
Mans skin and everything
We touch turns to dust

Where do we go from here
Can anyone tell me
Where do we go from here ?

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright was in 1993
All rights reserved


     The world is beating to the rhythm
Of a different drummer, out of tune
It has become comfortably numb
It has no doubtlessly become immune

To the missing children, to the killings
On the street at the hands of a goon
To the drug addicts and homeless
Yes it is so totally immune

To the rate of abortions, to the hatred
Sweeping over us like a typhoon
To the political division, to the separation
Of family, yes so very immune

To the bullying and shootings in our
Schools, to the liberal buffoon
To the lost morals and respect of
Others yes it is so immune

To domestic violence, and runaways
And Suicide and darkness and gloom
To the loss of soldiers lives for our
Freedom, so unconsciously immune

To the littered city streets and country
Side, as if we’ve put ourselves in a cocoon
We’ve closed our eyes to evil like the media
as if it Doesn’t exist, oh so immune

To the Lost good will of man, to the
Terrorism of 9/11 and the Antifa loon
To the acceptance of evil acts and lost
Teaching of God, oh so very immune

To the fact that even the Devil believes
And as my tears flow like a monsoon
I can’t help but wonder how and why
We’ve become so heartless and immune

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/11/2020
All rights reserved
58 · Aug 2020
When Night Falls
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
When Night Falls

   Sometimes I pray for the light of day
I welcome the distraction of my mind
Sometimes at night I wish that
My visions were not so well defined

I really have left my past behind but
Those pesky cobwebs still hang
They’re In the attic of my brain and it
Reminds me of when sorrow sang

Most days and nights I get through
And I am left completely un phased
But something sparks a memory and
It can’t leave me completely unscathed

I’ve learned to rely on Jesus
And the visions I can quickly dismiss
And there were good times and
It’s healthy to reminisce

But I confess without warning
Frighteningly I will awaken
And the sweat and tears are flowing
And I am left shaken

The visions of what was long ago
Come straight from the Devils castle halls
And forgive me but it’s the reason why
Sometimes I dread it when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/03/2020
All rights reserved

               When Night Falls —2

   Sometimes the day is too long
And it lacks in its charms
Sometimes I pray for the day to end
So that I can be in my baby’s arms

When I wake up I’m next to her
It’s the only place that I want to be
When the work day is done I know
She’ll be there with me

We’re so good together
And it comes as no surprise
I knew we were meant for each other
The moment I looked into her eyes

I give Jesus my praise
And I thank him for his love
I will forever be in his debt
For the gift he sent from above

When I’m in her presence
Believe when I say and I’m not faken
My knees still get weak and I
Can’t keep them from shaken

So I guess you could say it’s forever love
I always come running when she calls
And I can’t wait for the day to end
And I cherish the time when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/03/20/20
All rights reserved

            When Night Falls—3

   Sometimes when I’m working
Time ticks away so **** slow
I know it’s wrong to wish the moments away
But sometimes I just wanna go

Sometimes knowing it’s five o’clock
Somewhere gets me to thinking
I wish I was at a party somewhere
And I could be dancing and drinking

I thank God for my job and my life
I enjoy what I do, it’s a form of giving
But sometimes I wish I had more time
For fun and more time for living

So don’t get me wrong
I don’t want it to be mistaken
But I know somewhere there’s people
Out on the dance floor doin some shaken

I just wanna be somewhere with my baby
When my day of working is done
I want to be the life of the party
I just wanna have some fun

So let me go to the club and get the
Party started within its walls
Sometimes you just gotta get away from
It all and enjoy yourself when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/04/2020
All rights reserved
Sometimes as writers we never know
Where the thought is going to go.
The title (When Night Falls)
Popped into my head while I was
Putting my clothes in the closet
Of course if I don’t write it down,
I’ll lose it. It could have gone any direction
But because of my dark past the first original write went in that direction.
I thought about it and I thought what if I revisit the title and put a little romance to it.
So you get it again. Then I thought let’s look at with the working class view and
So you get it again. Thinking of just one more (Horror?) God Bless!!!
58 · Nov 2023
Book Deal
Chuck Kean Nov 2023
Book Deal

                Fingers Crossed
       I may have a book deal by Monday
57 · Jul 2020
Edge Of Suicide
Chuck Kean Jul 2020
Edge Of Suicide

   How sad does one have to be
How dark is the soul inside
For the brain to begin the thought
Process to stand on the edge of Suicide

When does one start to withdraw
And from society hide
When does the depression push
The sanity to the edge of Suicide

When does the light fade and ones
Passion for life subside
At what point does the rationality switch
To think it’s ok to be on the edge of Suicide

When does happiness and sadness
Like a storm front of hot and cold collide
It frightens me to know the answers to the
Questions for I’ve been to the edge of Suicide

I know when sanity and insanity
Become ones reality as they coincide
And when insanity over takes ones hope
So they find themselves on edge of Suicide

But I was given an Angel, someone
To whom in my feelings I could confide
It reversed my steps and I began
To retreat from the edge of Suicide

So if your days are as dark as the darkest
Night, I pray for enough sanity so you decide
To reach out for something or someone
So you never stand on the edge of Suicide

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/10/2020
All rights reserved
57 · Jan 2020
Light House
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Light House

Light house, light house for all sailors to see
A beacon to warn the dangers of the shore
In the thickest of fogs or stormy nights
You will keep them safe for ever more

Built to last on a hill or cliff
You will stand strong and true
Lives are saved every night
When your light comes shining through

Warning, warning you’re getting to close
The rocks beneath me are jagged and large
They are capable enough to sink your ship
Whether it be an ocean liner or barge

I was put here to shine for you
I won’t let you down
As long as you heed the warning
And turn away or turn around

Thank you light house
With your light so bright
Helping all ships at sea
Sail safe in the night

You are a hero to all
Who’s lives that your light saves
You deserve all recognition
Accolades and praise

Written By: Charles Kean
Published in my book (New Angel)
Book Copyright 2009
All rights reserved
57 · Apr 2021
Find Your Own Way Home
Chuck Kean Apr 2021
Find Your Own Way Home

   I’ve walked through the valley
Of shadows and despair
I’ve been surrounded by darkness
In a world so cold and unfair

I never understood it
And I know I probably never will
But somehow in the chaos and confusion
There came a calmness and still

Over and over it happened, Time and time again and I realized I wasn’t alone
I knew I didn’t have to fight the forces
Of Evil all on my own

So I prayed for guidance so desperately
Needing a new life to begin
I had to come to understand that humans
We’re born to sin

So I asked for forgiveness
And Jesus saved my soul
I had to find my own way home
And trust in letting him take control

So if you’re lost and wondering
Aimlessly as you roam
Reach out for Jesus so you can
Find your own way home

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/28/2021
All rights reserved
56 · Jan 2020
Shattered Rose 🌹
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Shattered Rose

   As a young girl she dreamed about
Marrying a Prince in a fairytale life
And being a Princess and being so
Happy just being the Princess wife

As she grew, she learned the realities
Of life but a girl can still dream
So she would hide away in her room
And imagine lying next to a crystal blue stream

She would be there next to her Prince
On a bright Sunny day
Laughing as they enjoyed their time
Watching the dog and butterflies play

Time passed and love would come and go
The mirror would show she was older
Her heart never felt that kind of love
So it just grew so much colder

Her perception of life was false
She couldn’t handle reality
She withered her life away
Waiting for her fantasy

She lived in the comfort of her room
With the Moon & Stars and shadows
She died alone with her heart in pieces
On the floor like a Shattered Rose

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/30/2020
All rights reserved
56 · Jun 10
The Last Exodus
Chuck Kean Jun 10
The Last Exodus

       Modern man has had his reign
Annihilation is ultimately inevitable
Lawlessness has taken up domain
The message of Jesus is undeliverable

The people live in denial and un excepting
Of the gift of their blessedness
They live carefree and without Consequences indulging in their decadence

With a lack of acknowledgement comes
A life that’s connectionless
And without a Devine intervention
We become a society that’s directionless

The choice is of our free will and we’re so
Accepting of all of the behavior indecorous
And our time is running out and we must
Rediscover that which is precedence

It’s time to put the Creator our Lord
Jesus first again and know his excellence
If we wish our souls to be received in
Heaven upon the time of The Last Exodus

Written By: Charles Kean
56 · Nov 2020
Butterfly Angel
Chuck Kean Nov 2020
Twenty nine years ago I lost my mother to
Cancer, she was fifty nine. She died in May before her sixtieth birthday which would have been on this date November twelfth
So today is her birthday in Heaven.
Happy Birthday Mom❤️❤️❤️
I miss ya!!! Her favorite time of year was
Spring and she loved Butterflies and she is our Butterfly Angel.

🦋Butterfly Angel🦋

  In the dark of the night
Sometimes I cry
It’s been so hard,
Since you said goodbye

When I’m alone
Sometimes I see your face
The tears may fall
But I know you’re in a better place

Butterfly Angel,
So high and free
Butterfly Angel,
Watch over me

There isn’t a day,
I don’t think of you
I know I should be happy,
But sometimes I feel blue

Now you’ve sent me a sign,
Saying everything’s ok
A reason to live,
For a better day

Butterfly Angel,
So high and free
Butterfly Angel,
Watch over me

When I see you,
In your fluttering flight
With your colorful wings,
In the shimmering light

I know when God comes for me
I’ve got nothing to fear
The memory of you,
Will always stay strong and clear

Butterfly Angel,
So high and free,
Butterfly Angel,
Watch over me

Butterfly Angel,
So high and free
Butterfly Angel,
I know you’re watching over me

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 2009
From my book (New Angel)
All rights reserved
56 · Sep 2020
Be One
Chuck Kean Sep 2020
Be One

The world is full
Of nice people,
If you cannot find one,
Be One

Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
Police/Flashing lights

  It is just another day
And we are on our way home from School
But good or bad
We had to remember the golden rule

Well there was really more than one, never
Make too much noise coming in the door
Never leave your shoes or toys
In the middle of the floor

Never bring a friend over
To spend the night
It was always best if we
Kept them out of sight

Because we never knew when
There was going to be Police/Flashing lights
Chaos/Confusion-Pain and tears
Another day with on of his drunken fights

Like the time the Refrigerator & Stove
We’re in the yard and he was on the porch
With a Shotgun Holding the Police at bay
Or the time in the middle of the night
My sister had to run across the street to
Get the Police so they could take him away

Paddy Wagons and slurred words
Sights and sounds I’ll never forget
Though I pray that they leave me
But they haven’t yet

I think the visions of my mothers face
Every time that he made her cry
Will truly stay with me
Until the day I die

I guess even if I lived a life of illusion
I would still not escape
Police/Flashing Lights, Chaos/Confusion

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 2009
All rights reserved
Another poem from my past from my
First book (New Angel) as I am sifting
Trough it to decide what I want to put
In my new book (Heart Felt Flight)
The events in this poem were a constant
Way of life for us.
He drank all day and by afternoon it didn’t
Take much for the whole neighborhood to
Know that our dad Joe was at it again and
It wouldn’t be long until there
Was Police/Flashing Lights
Chuck Kean Jun 5
The Price Of This Mistake

        It’s after midnight and I’m looking
Out my window watching the pouring rain
Uncontrollably my tears are falling, I never
Knew a heart could endure such pain

I know it was my fault, and my apologies
Feel like worthless words I just say
I can’t turn back the hands of time
But oh how I wish there was a way

If I could have or if I would have done
What I should have but it’s too late
Now I must carry on without you
And face the destiny of my fate

Maturity comes from lessons learned
As we grow from day to day
But I’m a slow learner and I always
Seem to learn things the hard way

They say that time always heals but I
Fear for this could be an eternal heartbreak
And I know I’ll spend the rest of my life
Paying The Price Of This Mistake

Written By:Charles Kean
56 · Jul 2020
Chuck Kean Jul 2020

    You were warmth,you were love
You were life, you were the essence
You were the light, but now it’s dark
And it’s cold in your absence

I visit you when I can
Especially when I feel so alone
But I cannot touch you or hold you
But just stare at the stone

So much life you’ve missed
But today life isn’t worth living
The world has gone crazy
There’s no more caring and giving

If I could join you I would, so badly
I wish there were some mechanism
For some type or form of communication
To hear your voice of wisdom

But I come and I talk and talk
And I cry in desperation of my reliance
But I’m left with more loneliness
And the sound of silence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/01/2020
All rights reserved
56 · Mar 4
Chuck Kean Mar 4

     I’m just taking a walk through life
Can’t bring myself to believe the nothing
The theory that nothing thought of everything no it had to be something

Don’t let yourself be blinded
Blinded by Science, blinded by evil eyes
Don’t let yourself be blinded
Blinded by Media, blinded by lies

Take the time to stop and smell the roses
Enjoy every Creation that you see
Take the time to realize that it didn’t
Come from nothing and it was meant to be

Don’t let yourself be blinded
Blinded by ignorance, blinded by fools
Don’t let yourself be blinded
Blinded by leaders, blinded by schools

Don’t you fall into their trap
They are so corrupt and Evil minded
Open your heart and eyes to see the
Truth and don’t let yourself be Blinded

Written By:Charles Kean
56 · Jun 2020
The Heart Of America
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
The Heart Of America

  Together we stand
Divided we fall
All for one
And one for all

This is what was
This was the heart
Beating strong and true
But it’s now broken apart

Now it’s divided we stand
And I don’t care if you fall
There’s no love for thy neighbor
There’s no love at all

Only the strong will survive
There’s no future or hope, it’s just hate
When the weak are dead, they’ll turn
On each other and this is the fate

Destiny when they don’t know how to
Farm or hunt or cook
They think they can take and take
Then they’ll see what they took

I can see the future clear in their world
The farmer is dead and his crop too
His cattle and chickens as well
With nothing to renew

Then they’ll have it all and have nothing
All the money with nothing to buy
The cars the houses no fuel no law
Not a thing no factory for supply

This is the Liberal way
They think this is best
Back to the days
Of the Wild Wild West

**** or be killed
Nothing left to live for or die for
Just empty city streets and barren land
And time ticking away to hell’s door

The liberals, what’s yours is mine
Though they didn’t work a day
But it’s not fair if anyone has it
And they don’t, are the words they say

But in reality when they get what they
Want, they will have nothing at all
Everything will be worthless when it’s
Divided we stand and I don’t care if you fall

Because now there’s no love
Only hate and hysteria
That’s what we have beating
In the heart of America

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/03/2020
All rights reserved
55 · Aug 2020
Black Widow
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
Black Widow

    You know it’s hard for me
To see the truth in your eyes
When you’ve spent so many years
Spinning out your web of lies

I thought that you loved me, you
Kept your true feelings well in disguise
I was just your back up lover
When there were no other guys

You captured me and took a swift bite
I was just another delicious find
You wrapped yourself around my heart
And refused to unwind

You took what you wanted
Like a viscous ****** violator
And you would set me aside
So you could save me for later

I was lost in a cloud of deception
My eyes were in a hypnotic glaze
I was trapped in a trance
Of your poisonous haze

When I saw through the charade you
Left me and nightly tears stain my pillow
After the mating you devoured me
Like the deadly Black Widow

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/11/2020
All rights reserved
55 · Aug 11
Rising Hope
Chuck Kean Aug 11
Rising Hope

       I open my eyes to a new day
And I think about its opportunities
I know that things can go both ways but
I’m trying to be positive of the possibilities

I give my thanks to God for waking
Up to another day of life in the light
Because I understand the miracle
Of surviving the death of the night

I’m just a simple man living in the moment
I’m not a wise man always giving advice
But I’ve experienced both extremes from
The heat of the fire and the cold of the ice

I can tell you only what I know when I’m
Confronted by the Demons in the shadow
When I’m in the middle of the darkness of
The storm I search for the rainbow

It’s the comfort of the promise and it’s
What gives me the strength to cope
When things are going wrong my heart
Is always filled with Rising Hope

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Twas the night before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And KISS is rocking my house
Not a creature can be seen
Not even a mouse

The neighbors are all checking
To see what the heck is a matter
For none of them,not one
Has ever heard such a clatter

When they looked in my window
They saw me rocking around my tree
A nightmarish sight I am sure
They wish they didn’t see

My windows were shattered and I was
Screaming on Peter,Ace,Paul and Gene
And turning the volume up louder when
The Police arrived on the scene

They said man it is Christmas Eve
It’s obvious to us you are a black sheep
Why do you feel the need to rock when
Your neighbors are trying to sleep

I told the officers that it was in my DNA
I was born to rock & roll
I have always been on Santa’s naughty list
And have always received bags of coal

They turned my music off and took my
KISS CD’S and gave them to a trooper
I waited until they all drove out of sight
And I began to listen to my Alice Cooper

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 12/23/2017
All rights reserved
Have a Rocking Christmas,God Bless!!!
55 · Jan 2020
Just Walk Away
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Just Walk Away

   For most of us we’re taught to do
Unto others as we wish they do unto us
It’s better to be nice and
Not give cause for a fuss

For others it’s do unto others
Before others do unto them
It’s a dog eat dog world, When we’re
thrown into the water it’s sink or swim

When someone treats us badly
The first instinct is to seek revenge
This has always been human nature
Even before the age of Stonehenge

So you live for that moment and
Again you come face to face
You want so badly and with anger
To put that person in their place

But I tell you from deep in my heart
Just take heed to the words I say
Your heart and soul will be better off
If you just walk away

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 09/09/2019
All rights reserved
54 · Jan 2020
Apocalyptic Sky
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Apocalyptic Sky

Time will come a day our
Earth will see its last
Chaos and confusion are norm,as
thoughts turn to days of past

Those whom never accepted
Thy gift of thy Christ
Whom never had faith nor
Could comprehend
his life he sacrificed

Will see his wonder and know
In death be unforgiven
And each heart like wood
Beneath the Axe be riven

And shortly it be realized
The decision of chosen path
And swiftly succumb  
to the Power of his wrath

The air be filled with sounds
Of humans cry
Beneath a dark, devilish
Apocalyptic sky

Written By:Charles Kean
Copy right 09/10/16
All rights reserved
54 · Apr 1
Let The Old Man In
Chuck Kean Apr 1
Let The Old Man In

      I was born into poverty
Just another worthless soul
Abused physically and mentally
But I began to listen to Rock & Roll

Somewhere along the way, I was able
To grow a tougher skin
With every grain of salt sprinkled into
The wounds, I developed a stronger chin

On my own off and on at age thirteen
And completely at eighteen years of age
I left home and never looked back, and for
The story to continue I had to turn the page

I had a young care free attitude and
Over the years I have kept it in my Heart
Never wanted to accept aging or let my
Youth slip Away and become an old ****

And now even at age Sixty Two I still feel
The Rock & Roll kid deep within
And each day though the struggle gets harder I still refuse to Let The Old Man In

Written By:Charles Kean
54 · Dec 2023
The Oxymoron
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
The Oxymoron

         Well I went to a seafood restaurant
The best I could hope, it was worth the trip
I was reading the menu and I laughed
Reading they had Jumbo Shrimp

During the dinner conversation led
Into things we had planned for tomorrow
And as we were preparing to leave
I was overwhelmed with sweet sorrow

I went to bed around two Am just wanting
Sleep but my mind was in defiance
And I found that after I turned off the noise
I couldn’t sleep for the Thundering Silence

I felt a feeling of loneliness, as if I were
Just like a useless garden Gnome
And that’s just an added silly Simile
But I’ll leave those for another poem

As I wind this down, please be aware of the
Anti Christ speaking words of the Koran
And the media as their truth is only lies
And so this ends my poetry of the Oxymoron

Written By:Charles Kean
53 · Oct 2021
When Jesus Comes
Chuck Kean Oct 2021
When Jesus Comes

   It doesn’t matter where you come from
The richest of Hollywood or from the slums
All that matters is what’s in your heart
And soul when Jesus comes

Your decisions take you on your path
And determine what your life becomes
So please choose wisely so you’re in
The right place when Jesus comes

No one is perfect so don’t be quick to judge
We must control the flame of our tongues
Hate has no place in Heaven and it won’t
Be acceptable when Jesus comes

So I pray that you ask for forgiveness
And let his love flow like the River runs
Give thanks and praise so you’ll be
Prepared when Jesus comes

Let there be no doubt when you hear
The trumpets and the drums
That your heart mind and soul are where
They need to be when Jesus comes

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/07/2021
All rights reserved
52 · Jan 2020
The Past Is Gone
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
The Past Is Gone

     Some people say that I dwell
In the darkness of my one time hell
I don’t feel that I am bottled up in my despair
People take their pain to therapists to share

We all must vent before we blow
The reason for our pain we’ll never know
Jesus has taken me by the hand
He is helping me to understand

When I put it down in my simple rhyme
It helps release the hurt from that time
So I take what’s on my mind and write
To show the dark and the light

I tell people about what was once before
And they can see that it is no more
I have come a long way this I know
But I can see I still have a long way to go

I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me
I don’t need them to necessarily agree
God is healing the scars I thought would
Never heal
But know those scars are real

I am still awkward and strange
But I accept the things that I cannot change
I am moving forward no longer in a lull
And for the Lord waits my soul

The Devil will still use my darkness in his fight
God will be victorious with his light
I assure you all I am moving on
Though I still write about it,the past is gone

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 10/16/2018
All rights reserved
50 · Jan 2020
Chuck Kean Jan 2020

This way and that
And on a flower land
Like a raindrop splat
Then fly away high away
high away high
With a quick swoop back
down as if to wave bye,bye
So effortlessly and light
Then flutter,flutter
Out of sight

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 12/11/18
All rights reserved
50 · Aug 2020
When Night Falls
Chuck Kean Aug 2020
When Night Falls

   Sometimes I pray for the light of day
I welcome the distraction of my mind
Sometimes at night I wish that
My visions were not so well defined

I really have left my past behind but
Those pesky cobwebs still hang
They’re In the attic of my brain at it
Reminds me of when sorrow sang

Most days and nights I get through
And I am left completely un phased
But something sparks a memory and
It can’t leave me completely unscathed

I’ve learned to rely on Jesus
And the visions I can quickly dismiss
And there were good times and
It’s healthy to reminisce

But I confess without warning
Frighteningly I will awaken
And the sweat and tears are flowing
And I am left shaken

The visions of what was long ago
Come straight from the Devils castle halls
And forgive me but it’s the reason why
Sometimes I dread it when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/03/2020
All rights reserved

               When Night Falls —2

   Sometimes the day is too long
And it lacks in its charms
Sometimes I pray for the day to end
So that I can be in my baby’s arms

When I wake up I’m next to her
It’s the only place that I want to be
When the work day is done I know
She’ll be there with me

We’re so good together
And it comes as no surprise
I knew we were meant for each other
The moment I looked into her eyes

I give Jesus my praise
And I thank him for his love
I will forever be in his debt
For the gift he sent from above

When I’m in her presence
Believe me when I say and I’m not faken
My knees still get weak and I
Can’t keep them from shaken

So I guess you could say it’s forever love
I always come running when she calls
And I can’t wait for the day to end
And I cherish the time when night falls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/03/20/20
All rights reserved
Stay tuned for When Night Falls—3
50 · Oct 2020
The Angels Tears
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
The Angels Tears

   It’s only logical, listen to me
And what I’m about to share
You don’t have to live a life alone
If deep down you can prove you care

So you’re a tough guy
You’ve got your pride
But if you want love
You’ve gotta put it aside

You’ve gotta be willing
To open up your heart
You’ve gotta be gentle and genuine
Be a soul mate and counterpart

If you want an Angel, be her Heaven
And treat her well
Because my dear friend
Angels don’t live in Hell

You’ve got to be able to comfort
Her and take away her fears
And never be the reason
For the Angels tears

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/21/2020
All rights reserved
50 · Dec 2020
Silent Night
Chuck Kean Dec 2020
Silent Night

    In the darkness, alone I sit
With just the flicker of one candle lit
As random thoughts flow, through my mind
Let my words be thoughts refined

No matter your troubled heart
Don’t let your life fall apart
Settle yourself deep therein
Find your strength and peace within

Take yourself to a secluded nook
Close your eyes,visualize a peaceful brook
For yourself take some time
In the night find beauty sublime

When your world has gone awry
And your sorrow escapes in tears you cry
Let Jesus be that flicker of one candle lit
Open thy heart and eyes, and focus on it

You will feel his holiness
His warm embrace and gentle kiss
And take that heart felt flight
And you’ll know the joy of a silent night

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/06/2020
All rights reserved
50 · Aug 17
Under Construction
Chuck Kean Aug 17
Under Construction

      When I tell people that I follow Jesus
They always have the same assumption
They think that I’m perfect but I tell them
No it just means I’ve had my introduction

I’m still a human and I’m still gonna make
Mistakes so I’m still a product in production
I still live here on Earth and my life still
Has its moments of interruption

The Devil tries desperately to deceive
And I must overcome his obstructions
I always witness people of power with
The willingness of their corruption

I have a family and we all love each other
Despite our obvious dysfunction
Though the past was a difficult one
We’ve all survived it’s destruction

So don’t give me a label of perfection
I’m just trying to follow instructions
So think of me like a growing city and
Understand  I’m always Under Construction

Written By:Charles Kean
49 · Mar 10
Chuck Kean Mar 10

        Well it’s all in the past
You know the way that it was
You know the way we were
It’s gone

Lost is the tingle
Lost is the wanting
Lost is the needing
It’s gone

I can’t find the passion
I can’t find a reason
I can’t find my way
It’s gone

Lost in the darkness
Lost in the pain
Lost in my mind
It’s gone

I can’t find the feeling
I can’t even fake it
I can’t explain it
It’s gone

Written By:Charles Kean

    I Can’t Stop The Rain

       Now that it’s Gone
My Heart and soul are empty
I have become completely numb
I can’t stop the rain

How can I continue on
How can I pick up the pieces
How can I put myself together again
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder who I am
Now I wonder if I’ll ever love again
Now I wonder about tomorrow
I can’t stop the rain

How can I soften my heart
How can I let my guard down
How can I allow myself to be vulnerable
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder if I can find strength
Now I wonder if I even want to try
Now I wonder about everything
I Can’t Stop The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean

   Starting Over Again

           Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Now time has passed and I am
Starting over again

Every time I see a pretty face
Every time I see a smile
Every time I see beautiful eyes
Starting over again

I can’t bring myself to look
I can’t bring myself to conversation
I can’t bring myself to even speak
Starting over again

Every time I think I can
Every time I see her face
Every time I tell myself I can’t
Starting over again

I can’t even imagine it
I can’t begin to believe it
I can’t bare to breathe
Starting over again

Written By:Charles Kean

The Damage Done

      Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Starting over again
The damage done

I am so badly broken
I am so deeply defeated
I am so lost in self pity
The damage done

Take away my eyes
Take away my heart
Take away my mind
The damage done

I am so lost without her
I am so deep in depression
I am so very hopeless
The damage done

Take away the Sun
Take away my dreams
Take away my desires
The Damage Done

Written By:Charles Kean
Just Poetry
49 · Mar 2020
Chuck Kean Mar 2020

     Destiny is a video game
We play it on our Xbox or PS3
I am still not sure if it's a game
That's a good game for me

My brothers are hoping
That I become a true hero fighter
I don't know if it will ever come to be
But I did **** the giant tank spider

Time slips away as we fight aliens
On a distant planet in a far off Galaxy
It is amazing how realistic it all seems
As the three of us get lost in the fantasy

As Titans or Warlocks we fight
To save the existence of Humanity
And we bond as brothers and pat
Ourselves on the back for our false vanity

We are men with lives and we all
Have our own responsibility
We become children when we play
As we join together in a war of hostility

Me in Worthington and Dave in Gahanna
And Jimbo in Zanesville
Yet we fight together on the same planet
In the same building or on the same hill

Having a great time with out a care
Of our everyday life and stress
Taking turns being the one forging forward
With initiative and great aggress

As I pack it all into my vault of great memories
I wonder of our fantasy and our reality
And what will become of each when
We reach our final destiny

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 7/8/2017
All rights reserved
48 · Jun 2020
Chuck Kean Jun 2020

      Some might say there’s no such
Thing as Witches and a Witch’s spell
But I tell you there is and all
Evil Witches go to Hell

Some may not have the ability
To make a magical potion
But still find a way to be Evil
If they choose to have the notion

Oh they can be such a deceptive charade
So innocent with blue eyes
But if you fail to see it, you’ll quickly become
A victim of their manipulation and lies

They slip into your life so silky smooth
They just have that special knack
And when you least expect it
They swiftly stab you in your back

So I warn you all of Witches
Be careful of their wake
If you have the opportunity
Burn them to a stake

Just trust me on these words I say
I have fallen victim, my life in ruin
All because my heart is trusting
And I couldn’t see what she was brewin

It takes an evil within oneself
To posses such a unique niche
I pray that no one out there ever
Comes in contact with a Witch

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/30/2020
All rights reserved
A Co worker has wiggled her way
Into a position that is now making it
Difficult to go to work and enjoy my life.
48 · Jun 2021
Sands Of Time
Chuck Kean Jun 2021
Sands Of Time

      Time, it just keeps ticking away
It’s unforgiving as it passes us by
Everyday must be cherished even
If it brings sad tears to cry

Time, it has no feelings for us
Though we treasure it so
It’s almost our enemy because
Eventually it steals what we love and know

Time, one day there won’t be any
Left for us to carelessly spend
It will be gone so quickly like
The dust in the wind

Time, it will break your heart
Again and again and again
We can’t freeze it or stop it, to try
Would just be a foolish game we can’t win

Time, yes our precious time
In our hearts it’s so sublime
So give your love each day for we never
Know when we’ll run out the sands of  time

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/21/2021
All rights reserved
47 · Jun 1
It’s Very Deep
Chuck Kean Jun 1
It’s Very Deep

       Sometimes I feel fuzzy and full
Of love and happiness and affection
And other times there’s a darkness
And life is going in the wrong direction

Sometimes there’s no philosophy
And thoughts are worthless or cheap
But then there’s times when I can
Surprise myself with something deep

Thus is the case with this but you might
Want to smack me and call me a creep
So you might not want to continue
Reading this and take that leap

Poetry is something that I dig
And I know you dig it so true
So we dig it and he digs it and
She digs it and they dig it too

And so now that it’s done
I hope you feel that it wasn’t too steep
But I hope we can all agree
That at least It’s very deep

Written By:Charles Kean
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