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Chuck Kean Mar 2020
I Will Re Evaluate
          My Own Intelligence

   It is the year twenty, twenty
We have come a long way right
So our intelligence should be high IQ
Our future well and bright

This was my thought as I go about
My every day simple task
But I look and see intelligence must
Be blocked by some type of casque

The brain of modern mankind
Has not advanced as it was perceived
Intelligence is far from reach
And is going un received

A media panic was put upon our nation
And for whatever reason everyone needed TP
Some one please help me, for now I feel
As if it’s fifty billion BC

What is the connection between the
Coronavirus and this
Was there a memo or warning of
Some kind, what did I miss

Are we a people of caveman brains
I really thought we were smarter
If we are, I guess everyone’s brain
Just left town on a charter

But the reality is, no we haven’t advanced
At all and so now with great diligence
Because I was wrong About us humans
I will re evaluate my own intelligence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/14/2020
Or should I say fifty billion BC
All rights reserved
72 · Aug 13
Black & White
Chuck Kean Aug 13
Black & White

    Once not so very long ago
When life was in a simpler time
Parents taught their children well
And there was reason in the rhyme

Morals and manners and common courtesy
To treat others with kindness and respect
But now generations later its something
That’s succumb to great neglect

Parents stopped parenting and tried
To be their children’s best friend
The word no started to be challenged
Parents caved so friendships wouldn’t end

Now the world is crying out loud
This incredible sad sad song
No one wants to acknowledge that
We were incredibly so so wrong

Now there’s no truth because the truth
Is lost in the vast universe of lies
The children have their participation
Trophies and we feel so proud and wise

But boys are wearing dresses and girls
Are covering their beauty with tattoos
And they’re wearing combat boots
As we’re all being fed one set of views

There’s chaos and confusion we’re lost
In the mist of grays with no wrong or right
The foundation has crumbled and blurred
Has become the clearness of Black & White

Written By:Charles Kean
71 · Feb 2020
One Bad Apple 🍎
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
One Bad Apple 🍎

       Take yourself self away to
The garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve
And from the very beginning you can
See the Devil had something up his sleeve

The serpent whispered in the ear of Eve
And persuaded her to eat the forbidden fruit
It was so much temptation she couldn’t refuse
But that fruit was rotten well beyond the root

She became aware of all of the universe
And convinced Adam to do the same
The Devil was smiling so evil for he knew
This was just the beginning of his game

Now you are back to modern day and
And see the evil that’s all around
It’s so bad that you can almost feel
The heat from beneath the ground

The Devil so great at his deception
Putting himself in positions of prestige
As priest taking advantage of children
And now it seems we are being besieged

As the battle rages between the dark & light
We must recognize and avoid the shrapnel
But in looking back now to that day
That sure was one bad apple 🍎

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/01/2020
All rights reserved
Far from my best but in
My defense, I started writing
And got pulled away and I
Couldn’t get it back.
71 · Aug 2021
Hawaiian Paradise Peace
Chuck Kean Aug 2021
Hawaiian Paradise Peace

      Never had a dream
Until I was on my own
Then my only dream
Was not to be alone

So I made a wish
And I prayed for it to come true
Then God granted my wish with a
Beautiful wife with eyes of blue

So happy I praised him
And he blessed me with a baby girl
My heart filled with joy
As I held my little pearl

Time passed by and I didn’t really think to
Dream again, I just worked to survive
The magic of it all was that I knew
It was a miracle that I was even alive

But then I started dreaming of going to
Exotic places I thought wouldn’t it be nice
And now for the second time I am blessed
To visit an Island of paradise

The first was a cruise to the Bahamas
And now I find myself in Hawaii
And even though my time here is temporary
I feel like an honorable marquis

As I sit here in early morning silence, I dream,
I wish and pray for all world violence to cease
And for every Man, Woman and Child to
Know this type of Hawaiian paradise peace

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/18/2021
All rights reserved
71 · Jan 2021
Chuck Kean Jan 2021

    She’s the daughter of a daughter
Of a cousin of mine
Such a pretty little thing
Who was destined to shine

She was an Angel in my eyes
She was perfect in her play
But things have changed, her wings
Are broken and her halo taken away

For I see her now through a smoky haze
As she’s in her grown up years
And it fills my heart up with sadness
And it fills my eyes up with tears

To hear her say those words and laugh
Especially when she had no clue
Though she was taken a stand for
A falseness she believed to be true

And she said those words
While standing so strong
Brainwashed by the media
Not knowing any better, she was oh so wrong

**** the police and they should
Just burn it all down
She didn’t know what she was saying
She didn’t care about her own town

Now there’s a shadow that hangs over
Her like a witches curse
I can’t turn back the hands of time
We can’t put this train in reverse

I will love her as always but now my eyes
Are jaded and I will never see
That Angel that I saw,
Whenever I looked at our Kalee

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/07/2021
All rights reserved
Written with a truly broken heart.
She’s family and I will love her always!!!
71 · Feb 2022
A Walk In The Rain
Chuck Kean Feb 2022
A Walk In The Rain

      Last night I had a dream,
I was living in complete tranquility
When I opened my eyes,
I found myself in my own reality

A born sinner living on a planet named
Earth somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy
Feeling like a rogue satellite
Lost in the outer limit of my apogee

Stepping outside to a day without Sun
The sky is different shades of grey
As I walk it begins to rain and
My thoughts just go astray

So I’m walking in the rain without focus
Wishing for a parting sky
As sadness overwhelms me
I have to fight back tears from my eyes

Lost in my emotions, God sends a warning
Touch of his love to help ease my pain
And I felt so good inside and I realized
That it’s good to take a walk in the rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/22/2022
All rights reserved
71 · Jan 1
The Rap
Chuck Kean Jan 1
The Rap

       I love my poetry and I will say
It time after time after time
I know poetry doesn’t have to include
It but I have respect for the rhyme

There’s a certain element you get
When you hear it in the song
And it can be quite beautiful even if
It’s about a good love gone wrong

I know that I’m not Shakespeare
So I just take the advice of KISS
Keep it simple stupid so that’s why
I write my poetry like this

Though I say to each his own
I question the beauties cost
When the artist can take happy birthday
And it sounds intimidating and it’s lost

There’s nothing about it that is good
It just sounds like horrible crap
Go ahead and call me old fashioned
But I say **** The Rap

Written By:Charles Kean
71 · Feb 2020
Apocalyptic Sky
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
Apocalyptic Sky

Time will come a day our
Earth will see its last
Chaos and confusion are norm,as
thoughts turn to days of past

Those whom never accepted
Thy gift of thy Christ
Whom never had faith nor
Could comprehend
his life he sacrificed

Will see his wonder and know
In death be unforgiven
And each heart like wood
Beneath the Axe be riven

And shortly it be realized
The decision of chosen path
And swiftly succumb  
to the Power of his wrath

The air be filled with sounds
Of humans cry
Beneath a dark, devilish
Apocalyptic sky

Written By:Charles Kean
Copy right 09/10/16
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Jan 18
You Won’t Find It There

    Well the lightning may strike, Thunder may crash and the wind may blow
The storm may be destructive but
There’s one thing I know

Jesus is the only answer yes Jesus
Is the one and only way
Give up your worries and troubles
Just bow your head and pray

So if your life is bad to you and your
Lost in a hopeless situation
Take my advice, don’t Look for
The answer with artificial Stimulation

You won’t find any answers at the
Bottom of a bottle or in hand full of pills
No you won’t find them at the point of a
Needle or on the table where ******* spills

No sir, the answer is sweet Jesus
When you’re overwhelmed with despair
You can search everywhere else but
You Won’t Find It There

Written By:Charles Kean
71 · Feb 8
Chuck Kean Feb 8

  Everything is wonderful, everything *****
Bipolar, Bipolar, Bipolar
I’m so very happy, I’m so very sad
This is the flipping of the mind controller

I love you, I hate you
There’s Sunshine and rain
How does this happen in an instant
There’s joy and then there’s pain

I want to live, I want to die
There’s no in between
You know it’s not my fault
Sorry you’re witness to this ****** scene

I know you just saw me full of life
But now I’m on the edge of death
Saved by the Paramedics
So it wasn’t my final breath

As long as I take my medication
I don’t have to ride that life Rollercoaster
But it’s a true struggle of strong personalities when you’re Bipolar

Written By:Charles Kean
70 · Dec 2023
A Sarcastic Know It All
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
A Sarcastic Know It All

     Well it was just a normal day
Until I ran into a sarcastic know it all
I was completely taken by surprise
With his words I was backed against a wall

He put his face up against mine and
He was intimidating and big and tall
But I stood my ground and I took it
But I refused to give in and fall

I knew that he was lost and he just didn’t
Know everything and he wanted to brawl
But I just fought back with kindness
With love from Jesus without a flaw

My actions put him in a state of shock and
Disbelief and his attack began to stall
I began to see his weakness and I began
Turning the tables with scripture I could recall

I shared some knowledge that he didn’t know
And he was saved and he began to bawl
And forever in my memory I will never forget
The day I ran into a sarcastic know it all

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean May 25
On A Feather In The Wind

      As I continue to age, it just
Keeps Getting Harder to pretend
I’m past the point of no return
And life is closer to the end

I’ve Rock & Rolled all nite and partied
Every day and now I must comprehend
Holding on to sixteen as long as I can is
Crazy, now I guess it’s time to transcend

As the cloud of depression covers me
And the Demons begin to descend
I have a Butterfly Angel watching over me
And against them my life she will defend

But even she can’t stop my natural decline
And time will pass with out a way to suspend
And my time will come and no money
Can ever buy any time to extend

But baby If I should go before you
You’ll still feel my love deep within
Every day you’ll still receive my love
I will send it On A Feather In The Wind

Written By:Charles Kean
69 · Jun 17
Upside Down
Chuck Kean Jun 17
Upside Down

        Sometimes it makes no sense
In the light it’s still too dark to see
There’s no chains binding
But still I can’t break free

I can do everything just right
And ultimately I’m still wrong,
I feel like I’m just a broken melody
A Crackling sound without a song

I can be so high and still rising up
Yet I can feel so down
Like I’m driving on the highway
And all the signs are telling to turn around

It’s a phenomenon that I can never explain
Let alone try to understand
Like having my body and my brain
But to each they’re foreign land

I’m always alone in a crowded room
The voices are loud but there’s no sound
I’m walking through life but it’s not right
It’s like everything is Upside Down

Written By:Charles Kean
69 · Jul 2022
Deadly Is The KISS
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Deadly Is The KISS

      She’s the human equivalent of the
Killer spider known as the black widow
And she’ll get under your skin
Like the penetrating chigoe

She spins her Webb and awaits her
Un expecting prey to fall into her lap
And she’ll quickly incircle as he slowly
Dies in the grasp of her death trap

In her world she is the dominant one
She will forever reign
Falling in love with her will bring
Even the strongest man a life of pain

I warn every man of the danger
Of love, it can tear your world apart
You might think you’re tough but
Yet fragile is the heart

Beware the pretty face and the fragrance
Of her perfume, though it’s hard to resist
Her stunning eyes and her smile are just
Her tricks, remember Deadly Is The KISS

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/22/2022
All rights reserved
69 · Mar 2021
Away From The Lights
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Away From The Lights

  I live in the City,life is lived
In a whirlwind, a quickened pace
I’ve never felt like this was the life
For me, no I feel so out of place

But it’s been this way for all my life
And I’ve learned to adapt
But there’s always been a yearning
For a simpler way, to be untapped

A slowed down way of things with
A porch and a lemonade or tea
A place where the Rooster crows and
Stars fill the sky like the water of the sea

Away from the sirens and crowded streets
Away from the concrete highways
Away from the skyscrapers and malls
Away from the this mental craze

Away from the life of the fast lane
And all of the City sights
Just once I want a life of peace
Somewhere far away from the lights

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/04/2020
All rights reserved
69 · May 2022
Chuck Kean May 2022

   I don’t know if it’s getting older
Something that comes with age
Or if life is like reading a book
And I’ve just turned the page

Maybe it comes with experience’s
Maybe it comes from hearing all the lies
Or just being able to recall the past Angels
And seeing demons with my open eyes

I can see the the Devil at work
With the endless tricks up his sleeve
I can see Jesus and his everyday miracles
And still  there’s people that don’t believe

Feel your heartbeat
Ask yourself how and why
Your life is a miracle with every
Smile and every tear you cry

Everyday we venture out into the
World we encounter worldly scathe
The only way I survive the trials and
And the Devils temptation is by Faith

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/05/2022
All rights reserved
68 · Jul 2021
Chuck Kean Jul 2021

      Well I don’t know about tomorrow
I’m just just living for today
I can’t waste anytime on yesterday
It’s gone and far, far away

You keep thinking about tomorrow
Precious moments are slipping away
You can’t enjoy yourself if your mind
Is wondering and if it has gone a stray

Thinking about tomorrow
Well it may be alright for some
But I know the reality and I know
That tomorrow may never come

If you have some one that you love
Make sure that they know
Because our time is something that
Is sure to come and sure to go

We just had to say goodbye to a loved one
And with the joy of love also comes sorrow
Her time is gone from this Earth so know
There’s no guarantee of tomorrow

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/30/2021
All rights reserved
68 · Feb 2021
Winter & Some Friends
Chuck Kean Feb 2021
Winter & Some Friends

     I use to love winter, we use to have
So many good times to together
Now winter to me, is really nothing
More than just annoying weather

I remember the joy and laughter
And all of the fun we once had
Now when winter comes to visit, it
Just brings me pain and makes me sad

I feel that winter has turned on me
And it stabs me in the back
Even though I am aware of its arrival
It still feels like a surprise attack

It’s like some friends that I’ve trusted
These friends I thought I knew well
I’ve prayed for them and gave my best
And now I feel they can go to Hell

As a Christian I generally do forgive
And being one time friends I don’t regret
But when someone stabs you in your back
It’s something you never forget

I guess it’s true, if it doesn’t **** ya
It can only make ya stronger
So when I look in the mirror, I think of Spock,
I tell myself, live long and prosper

And so as we go through life
The cycle is one we find never ends
We pick ourselves back up when we get
Knocked down by winter and some friends

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/18/2021
All rights reserved
68 · Mar 2020
Music Interlude
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Music Interlude

   The hustle of the day to day
Can leave us tired and drained
Working so hard just to pay the bills
With nothing really gained

The weekend comes I just want to relax
But I gotta run to the BMV
The salon and the dog groomer
With no time just for me

The Sun is shining and I just wanna
Be by the Ocean on a beach
With a drink in my hand but that’s just
A fantasy a dream out of my reach

Knowing now of my lover music
Her best quality un like life being so crude
I wish I could be more like my music and
Take a break a music interlude

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/07/2020
All rights reserved
68 · Nov 2021
Soon There Be Snow
Chuck Kean Nov 2021
Soon There Be Snow

     Spring is just a distant memory
Now that the crispness of Fall has settled in
The wood has been chopped for the fire
To warm the chill of spine and skin

All the preparations have been made
But nothing can truly prepare
The harshness of winter is for nothing
But the Abominable and the Polar bear

Summer has slipped away, its heat long
Forgotten and hidden by clouds of grey
As Winter is knocking on the door
Adding to my dismay

I know that I must accept it because
I know the seasons will change
It would definitely be weird without it
But I would welcome the strange

So I guess there’s just one thing left to
Do and that’s to stock up with Bordeaux
For one thing is for certain
Soon there be Snow

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/02/2021
All rights reserved
67 · Mar 2020
A Trolls Revenge
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
So I got off closer to my off
Time tonight after driving over 200 miles today which isn’t uncommon for me but as I’m driving I am aware with all the rain we’ve been having that our creeks and rivers are rising. Yea on top of everything else there could be some flooding. Anyway this is an example of how my brain works and I wanted to share it with everyone. You see I started thinking about ugly Trolls like in our childhood story Billy Goat Gruff, not the cute little trolls in the new children’s movies today. Anyway one thing led to another and this whole different story started turning in my head as I was driving. About a Sheriff and his daughter in a small town down south and well everyone in town knew the sheriff as Troll. I couldn’t wait to get home and write it the only way I know how and I hope I did it justice, so just let me know.

            A Trolls Revenge

   He’s the Sheriff of a small town down south
His day is boring with routine patrol
But everyone knows you don’t cross him
He’s known to everyone as Troll

Her name was Sara Jane a blonde haired
Blue eyed beauty, his only child
They were Christians and very reserved
But she yearned for just once to be wild

She was untouchable to all the boys
No one wanted to date the sheriff’s daughter
For if you broke her heart then surely
You’d face his wrath and slaughter

He was mean and protective and he
Warned her of boys and their devilish way
Each night he would thank the Lord for his  Blessings and for her safety he would pray

One evening three boys attacked her and
Had their way, threatened what they’d do
If she told her daddy, she got home and went
To her room and daddy knew

Daddy couldn’t protect her that day
Each night in her room she’d cry
And one year later she took her life
Leaving a letter of a sad goodbye

Soon after a warning went out stating
A killer of boys was in the area
The town was on alert and parents
We’re in a state of hysteria

One afternoon he came upon those boys
As they were unaware of his presence
He heard their laughter about What they had
Done, now they’d face their sentence

It would get blamed on the unknown killer
His outrage and anger was so profound
He tortured and killed those boys
Their bodies will never be found

His daughter was everything to him
Her death he swore he would avenge
And silently the whole town knew that
Those boys fell victims to a trolls revenge

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/20/2020
All rights reserved
67 · Jan 2022
Chuck Kean Jan 2022

    They were strangers at the same party
Their eyes met, love at first sight suddenly
Wedding plans were made and a month
Later they were married so suddenly

Their love was bliss and it didn’t take
Long a positive pregnancy so suddenly
They were so happy with excitement
And anxiety everything coming suddenly

A house was bought and they moved in
Nursery complete so suddenly
She’s going into labor he’s at work
And they call get to the hospital suddenly

He hears over the phone there’s complications things going wrong suddenly
He’s driving as fast as he can
He must get there suddenly

He prayed don’t take them from me
If you need someone, take me suddenly
And a semi runs a red light and hit him
Broadside and it took his life suddenly

And a cheer was heard loud in delivery
Momma and baby are doing fine suddenly
And someone had to tell mamma the
News and everything changed so suddenly

Our lives so precious, so live and love
And change your life suddenly
For life is too short and temporary and
In the blink of an eye it can end that suddenly

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/08/2022
All rights reserved
67 · Mar 11
The Spore
Chuck Kean Mar 11
The Spore

     It lies in waiting in the darkness
Like a spider patiently waiting to strike
It attacks with the swiftness and the
Ruthlessness of a shrike

There’s no rhyme or reason
Just it’s desperation to find a host
Its victims never see it coming for
It’s as stealth as a ghost

It’s deadly as a black widow or the
The most venomous of snakes
The mere thought of it gives me chills
And the uncontrollable shakes

Its evolution has risen to the extreme
Its destruction is very evident
Death is definitely inevitable
Its superiority is overwhelmingly prevalent

Human existence is on the edge of extinction
In my heart and soul I deeply deplore
And caution the world of the Evil invaders
Humans will soon succumb to The Spore

Written By:Charles Kean
67 · Jun 2021
Life Things
Chuck Kean Jun 2021
Life Things

    We think my mother in law’s husband was murdered
By his daughter for money,
$64,000 total. We also think she had Mom erased from his history and we don’t know why she would do that. The legal stuff
All the papers from the Lawyers office
Don’t even have mom listed as his wife
and only list her with her maiden name.
No mention of her in the will and nothing left to her. He was a Christian man who loved her dearly and he would have never done anything like this to her, I know that for a fact. The daughter portrays herself to be an Angel but she’s the Devil.
and now my mother in law is in a nursing home in Hospice Comfort Care.
She’s dying without her husband and with
No life insurance money to help pay for her own funeral. My Mother in law is also her mother in law, how could someone be so cruel?
Charles Kean
67 · Mar 2020
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
     The world buys what the media sells
Now everyone is manic
#Coronavirus #Media manipulation
#Stupid People

Nation Panic coming soon
66 · Jul 2022
Chuck Kean Jul 2022

This way and that
And on a flower land
Like a raindrop splat
Then fly away high away
high away high
With a quick swoop back
down as if to wave bye,bye
So effortlessly and light
Then flutter,flutter
Out of sight

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 12/11/18
All rights reserved
66 · Jun 2021
Living The Dream
Chuck Kean Jun 2021
Living The Dream

    Some may say I’m crazy
But dreams never came my way
Though nightmares were a constant,
To me the difference is night and day

Some people chased their dreams
And they were able to make them come true
But I was always running from my nightmare  And dreams were something I never knew

So I’m not rich and famous and
I’m not some company CEO
I didn’t become a millionaire by being
A self made man who’s in the know

I’m not a homeless man by being a victim
Of circumstances or self destruction
But I feel my life will always Be like a
Growing city constantly under construction

But having said that I’ve realized
The nightmares have flowed down the stream
I have a beautiful wife and a wonderful life
And you could say I’m living the Dream

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/18/2021
All rights reserved
66 · Jul 2020
Chuck Kean Jul 2020

19 Because it’s the 19th
China experiment disease to **** Americans
We need to ban travel to and from China
And boycott all things made in China
And boycott all things coming from China
66 · Feb 2020
My Mistress
Chuck Kean Feb 2020
My Mistress

    I have a secret that I need to tell
Whenever I’m down and blue
There’s always someone that
I can count on to pull me through

She’s a lady but like no other
Lady you’ve ever known
Yet every time we’re together
I’m still very much alone

She can take me by the hand
And go with my flow
But she has the power to take
Me wherever she wants to go

If I’m sad she can leave me there
She can comfort me while I cry
But if she wants, she can pick me up
And together we can fly

She can be hard and heavy and loud
Or she can be soft and light and low
She has a way to make me smile
And sometimes even glow

So if you don’t know by now
Let me openly confess
My lady, my beautiful lady is music
Yes music is my mistress

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/31/2020
All rights reserved
65 · Apr 2021
Sad Eyes
Chuck Kean Apr 2021
Sad Eyes

      I know I’ve told you of my darkness
I’ve shared with you my pain
I’ve opened up my heart as I shared
My stories of my never ending rain

I know that everyone has a story
For we live in a world so cold
Unfortunately for most of us
Our story never gets to be told

But now my story is one of triumph
It’s one of grace and glory
But today I was faced with darkness
Again in the form of someone else’s story

It was my day off but the phone rang
The voice was desperate can you come in
And nothing could have prepared me
And I don’t know where to begin

I work for a Private Ambulance company
I take discharged patients to a rehab
Because they usually can’t be
Transported by car or a cab

So I take the elderly that have fallen
And it’s an arm, leg or a hip they broke
People injured in car accidents or sick
Or have had a heart attack or a stroke

I hear a new story every day and some
Are silly and some are heart breaking
Some are of a freak accident and the
The story and injuries are breathtaking

So as I share with you the experience
That I had with this patient I had today
I seriously want you to take a moment
And bow your head to pray

Because her darkness was a darkness
That was darker than my darkest night
And my tears are falling because I feel even
Though I tried, I failed to shine my light

You see she needed to share her story
With all of her struggles and fight
And I was supposed to be the comfort
And tell her that it was gonna be alright

She was pretty and young just twenty five
A recovering addict and doing well
With a baby the age of two when the
Devil grabbed her from the depths of Hell

She was driving her pickup home and she
Passed out and killed a family of four
My mind went blank as her story sunk
In and hit me to the core

I tried to speak words of wisdom as I
Started thinking of her situation
The thought of her having to live with
That became my only thought fixation

I left her in the care of the rehab team
And I wished her a speedy recovery
I wanted to stay by her side as she cried
But time was not a luxury

I had to move on to the next patient
Which was to be a long distance drive
As I continued my day I prayed for her
And I prayed her life she could revive

But I cried all day, it will stay with me
Forever knowing she’ll forever agonize
And I’ll never forget the darkness I saw
In her tear filled sad eyes

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/12/2021
All rights reserved
65 · Oct 2020
An Angel To Me
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
An Angel To Me

   My baby is an Angel to me
Oh I know you can’t see her Angel wings
But I see Heaven in her eyes and I see
the beauty of Saturn and her rings

When she holds my hand
The feeling is overwhelming giddily
And I feel the warmth of her love
Knowing it’s given unconditionally

You may think that it’s silly and say
There’s no such thing as sweet bliss
But I am telling you the complete truth
And I feel it every time we kiss

It’s not hard to please her
No her love doesn’t have to be bought
She’s not a material girl, no sometimes
It just takes a gesture or the thought

I’m a lucky man and I know that I’m
Blessed to have a lady like mine
She can always pick me up when I’m down
And I’ll love her till the end of time

When you look at her, with your eyes
Her Angel wings you may never see
But my love for her will never stray
Because my baby is still An Angel To Me

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/26/2020
All rights reserved
I dedicate this poem to my wife
Cynthia, my Angel for life
I love you baby ❤️❤️❤️
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Beast Of The Angels Demise

    It’s Two Am and the darkness
Still reigns the night
The tears are fallen and it’ll
Never be too soon come the light

In the shadows I see the vision and
I can hear the echoes of love and joy
But love was conquered and destroyed
In a battle matching the likes of Troy

She was an Angel so pure,
She was sure she had the power to heal
But my pain was over bearing
Ultimately crushing her Keel

Disabling her so badly that she was
Unable to spread her wings and fly
My darkness took her life with
Unknown powers that mystify

I guess I’m destined to be without love
My heart just a sacrificial lamb
A darkness will forever reign and
Time will be forever frozen at two AM

It’s unbelievable the events
That came to materialize
And I can never forgive myself for being
The beast of the Angels demise

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/28/2021
All rights reserved
64 · Nov 2021
Chuck Kean Nov 2021

        As an individual I am one within
Myself as an independent identity
A living breathing form of life
Science would explain me as an Entity

I am and you are no different than
The rock or the flower or the tree
We are all one with all of Earths wonder’s
Each as special as the dog, bird and bee

I once wore a shirt that had a print
That read I am special, I am me
This is true but it applies to all
I am sure with this it’s easy to agree

But we are not so special that we can
Put ourselves above the others
No matter our riches or fame or power Because we’re all sisters and brothers

That’s right you heard me clearly
This is our real glorious reality
Our God the Creator he made everything
And we’re all one big entity

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/14/2021
All rights reserved
64 · Mar 2020
Willie’s Corner
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Willie’s Corner

  Everywhere I go I just try to be me
I don’t think about clientele
As far as I’m concerned if they don’t
Like it they can all go to Hell

So even at fifty seven I wear my KISS
Shirts and Paul Stanley designer shoes
I sing KISS songs out loud like Black
Diamond and Nothin To Lose

I don’t care if I am going to Church or a
Restaurant with a rating of five stars
I am who I am, it ain’t gonna change even
When people stare at me as if I’m from Mars

I don’t try to be someone I’m not
Rarely do I wear a suit and a tie
Like when I have to go to a funeral home
Because someone I love happened to die

Most of the time I don’t  even notice
Them looking at me for I am immune
Because until the day I die, I will
Dance to my own rhythm and tune

But there are times when I feel a little
Out of place and resigned
When over the speakers I hear
You were always on my mind

And I must say it was strange
And I was feeling somewhat like a foreigner
At Texas Roadhouse and I Was surrounded by Cowboys and sitting in Willie’s Corner

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/09/2020
All rights reserved
We went to a Texas Roadhouse Restaurant
I was wearing a KISS shirt and my
KISS necklace and my KISS jacket
My Puma shoes designed by
Paul Stanley and there was some
People in there with Cowboy hats
And boots and the waitress took us
To a booth back in the corner with Willie
Nelson stuff all over both walls and a
Little sign said Willie’s corner.
We no sooner than we sat down and I
Hear Willie’s big hit song begin to play
You were always on my mind. Too funny!!!
64 · Aug 2021
Hawaiian Paradise
Chuck Kean Aug 2021
Hawaiian Paradise

      As I stand here at the Oceans edge
I can feel the presence of the Lord
No reason to fight the Evil here
He whispered so relax your sword

Enjoy your time here and take in all of its
Beauty, it’s another gift I bring
And as I felt the weight lifting from my
Shoulders I heard the Angels begin to sing

The view is breathtaking and it overwhelms
Me as the waves crash upon the shore
And I can feel his love
Like I never have before

This is the life I want for all time
But I know that I must return
And finding my way back here
I know forever I will yearn

Because even though it’s not Heaven
I imagine it’s very close to precise
I give the Lord thanks and praise and I’ll
Never forget this time in a Hawaiian Paradise

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/15/2021
All rights reserved
64 · Aug 2022
The Best Is To Feel
Chuck Kean Aug 2022
The Best Is To Feel

     In the middle of the the night
I’m in rem in the middle of a dream
Nothing is real but it’s what I feel
And oh how real it can seem

With my eyes closed, I take a journey
Into the unknown everything is a mystery
Even if I’ve been down the road before
And it’s just a part of my history

When the day is over and I come home
To my love and we embrace
It’s amazing to feel her love and my
Troubles she can easily erase

With my eyes closed we come lip
To lip and lock into a passionate kiss
It’s always like the first time
Like I’ve never felt anything like this

When I bow my head and I pray
I feel the love of God in my soul
The warmth overwhelmingly comforts
Me and I know he’s in control

With my eyes closed I see his kingdom
So beautiful and so bright
I feel so wonderful inside and
It feels like a big hug nice and tight

Everything  in life that we experience
With touch and smell or sight are real
But the best things in life with our eyes
Closed The Best Is To Feel

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/08/2022
All rights reserved
64 · Jun 2020
Chuck Kean Jun 2020

     I’d like to think I’m stable
If I am, I’ve gotta be on the edge
If you examine my mind, I think you’ll
Find you won’t have to dredge

For I’m sure it’s alive just beneath the
Surface, just milliliters from escape
So I warn you, be careful where you tread
For the outer layer is as thin as a crape

I’m trying desperately to hold it all
Together but it’s a shaky reality
If you listen to my words, they’re
Screaming like the wails of the Banshee

It’s not like I’m hearing voices
It’s more like an annoying itch
The best way I can describe it is,
It’s like a video game with a gli -gli-glitch

I know it’s just a matter of time
Before I lose myself inside my brain
The circuits are blowing, if you look
Closely you’ll see, I’m Crazy/Sane

Written By Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/24/2020
All rights reserved
63 · Oct 2021
The Day She Said Goodbye
Chuck Kean Oct 2021
The Day She Said Goodbye

     His darkness fell upon him like an Atomic Bomb his destruction was likewise as well
Needless to say the rest of his days he
Will live his life in an eternal Hell

She was his heartbeat she was his everything
His world revolved around her
He never took it for granted but
Forever together of this he was sure

The day was like any other day but we all
Know things can change in the blink of an eye
The date was nine eleven two thousand one
The time was eight forty six, her time to die

They were both good people and I wonder
What is the purpose for their fate
The answer is there is no reason, it’s just
The Devil and his whisper of hate

The earthly Angels were there in abundance
As well and some received their wings
Two thousand nine hundred and ninety seven people perished and it rips my heartstrings

This is the proof that the battle between good
And evil still rages on and it’s not a lie
We must all remember this day as he will forever remember the day she said goodbye

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/06/2021
All rights reserved
63 · Dec 2023
The Drink Takes The Man
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
The Drink Takes The Man

     I’m not a Preacher and I’m not here to
Judge, we all take pleasure in a drink
But maybe I’m here to just give you
A thought or something to at least think

I’ve seen it happen time and time again
This was how my father met his demise
And it brought out his inner demon
And he changed right before my eyes

So I’m just giving a word of caution
When you’re flirting with disaster
You got to be in control with alcohol
Don’t let it become your master

Please go on and enjoy your holidays
But do it with care and reserve
Don’t let the alcohol ruin your life
Because it can definitely throw you a curve

Take it from someone who’s knows
Whether its from the bottle or the can
I’ve seen the man as he takes the drink and I’ve seen it when The Drink Takes The Man

Written By:Charles Kean
63 · Feb 3
Yeti Rocks
Chuck Kean Feb 3
Yeti Rocks

   I’ve always felt a connection but it’s
Something I could never put my finger on
It’s like seeing a clear vision and in
Just a moment the vision is gone

It could be something very real or at
Least real to you with every sensation
Or it could be something from stories
And just a figment of your imagination

But I’m sure of it as clearly as night and
Day never being someone who lies
Less than thirty yards away from me
I swear I saw it with my own two eyes

In the early morning misty fog
On a dock on the edge of a lake
I saw a Yeti with sunglasses and a
Guitar and red sneakers no fake

He was jamming and having a blast
I noticed he wasn’t wearing socks
And the connection finally came to me
The day I discovered that Yeti Rocks

Written By:Charles Kean
63 · Mar 2020
Black & White
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Black & White

  Their love is youthful and beautiful
He makes her smile with just a glance
He’s so happy to have someone love him
Something more than a lustily romance

The planets were all aligned
The day they caught each other’s eye
A match made in Heaven so glorious
It even made the Devil cry

Everything about it was so picturesque
Butterflies spreading their wings to the wind
A storybook love we all dream about
Every word written would trend

A colorful rainbow and white puffy clouds
The Sun shining through so bright
Darkness never fell upon them except
The natural of the night

As they grew older and their hair
Turned grey,  it was as from the start
Their love for each other was held
Firmly deep down in their heart

They loved each other with every ounce
Of their being, such a majestical sight
They died together and all that’s left is
The memories in pictures of black & white

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/27/2020
All rights reserved
63 · Mar 2021
I Had To Watch Them Die
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
I Had To watch Them Die

   As a soldier for my country
I’ve taken the Oath to defend
The weight of my country upon my
Shoulders in which so many depend

My brothers in arms feel it too and we
Carry it into battle with honor and pride
Some of us came back home alive
Only to later commit suicide

The things that we see
In this nightmare of war
I pray for a life time
That I see them never more

But in my brain I know
That the visions will forever stay
And they will haunt me to my grave
And be with me in my final place I lay

What I will carry with me the most is in
The heat of battle as it would intensify
I would see my brothers in arms dropping
Around me and I had to watch them die

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/09/2021
All rights reserved
63 · Dec 2021
Chuck Kean Dec 2021

     When I was younger,
I just wanted to die
There were times I didn’t want to get
Out of bed, I still did but I don’t know why

There were so many times that I
Would just lay there and cry
Through my darkness, I couldn’t see
And I was constantly asking why

She was broken and she
Was barely getting by
Her past was nearly just as bad
And she couldn’t understand why

We both had bad father’s
And her Ex was a bad guy
Neither one of us ever felt really loved
What was the reason why

We both survived somehow
Though we really didn’t try
There just had to be a reason
But we didn’t know why

Then one day by chance or was it
We happened to pass each other by
But we missed our chance at the time
And we’ll never know why

And as I look back on it now
My memories around my head they fly
My thoughts drifting in the wind
I realize nothing is by chance, ask me why

When we finally met face to face
We couldn’t fight it, so it was best to comply
The feeling was overwhelming
We couldn’t explain why

Some things are meant to be
Just like in physics certain laws apply
God and his band of Angels
Are the answer and the reason why

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/05/2021
All rights reserved
62 · Mar 2020
Bat Delicacy
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
Bat Delicacy

   China is a place known for exotic
Foods things like perhaps Horse or Rat
Dogs,Cats, Scorpions, Snakes and more
Including yes you know it the Bat

So this Coronavirus upon us now
Is you guessed it from the Bat
They were killing one and in the
Process the blood did splat

Of course they were unaware of what
Conspired and so this virus did spread
And now the world is getting sick
And some are ending up dead

Now here’s the thing about this particular
Virus that most people don’t know
They aren’t telling us but it is available
But I will enlighten with another blow

You see this one is a cell with thorns
Making it easier to attach
And the other thing is even if you survive
The initial there is still a catch

The damage that it leaves behind
Can lead to heart or liver disease
So I caution you to be very careful
Be very careful I beg you please

Now I am not a racist but I’ve always felt
To make America great again
Then should we like years before
Have products made by the American

I also wanna say please wash your hands
Keep them away from your faces
And know that it survives the heat too
Florida, Australia, also  have known cases

Anyway here we are under attack by a
Virus, so I will say this sarcastically elegantly
The world is in some real danger all because
China likes their stupid Bat Delicacy

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/23/2020
All rights reserved
62 · Aug 2021
Inside The Walls
Chuck Kean Aug 2021
Inside The Walls

   In the darkness all alone, I can hear something but  I can’t figure it out
I could just be losing my mind
Which leaves me with some doubt

The sound is faint but it breaks the silence
It keeps me awake as I lay in my bed
Both scenarios frighten me, is something
There or is it in my head

I have all of these thoughts just
Racing through my brain
As the night slowly creeps, I find myself
On the edge of becoming insane

I find myself being paralyzed, unable
To make a sound, let alone a scream
I begin to pray that in the morning I
Will awaken to find it was just a dream

But even so I wonder if tomorrow night
I will hear the same whispered calls
And I’ll wonder if it’s just in my mind
Or is someone inside the walls

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 08/02/2021
All rights reserved
62 · Mar 2022
My Glitch
Chuck Kean Mar 2022
My Glitch

    It’s amazing, how quickly things can
Change and flip your world upside down
A peaceful Sunday lunch at a favorite restaurant and it all turned around

A phone call with horrible news
My friend Paul had died
This threw me for a loop
And uncontrollably I cried

Sunday night I couldn’t sleep
My mind in a thick foggy smoke
And when Monday morning arrived
My wife Cindy had a Stroke

I don’t know how I managed to call 911
And have that kind of focus
Is all of this really happening, is this the
Work of the Sanderson sisters Hocus Pocus

Now on the outside I have to be strong
So I’m trying desperately to hide my twitch
But inside I’m going absolutely crazy and if
You look closely I’m sure you’ll see my glitch

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/18/2022
All rights reserved
62 · Jan 2020
A Pirates Life
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
A Pirates Life

       When you’re a pirate
Life at sea can be so unforgiving
You **** and rob people
To finance your way of living

Fighting other pirates with battles
At sea for chest of treasures
And spending so much time without
Touching land are a few of many displeasures

Once on land you take women for your
Pleasure as you sail from town to town
You’re not the kind of man
That’s ever gonna settle down

In your heart and soul hidden
Just beneath your layers of skin
You feel you’re good man but your
Life is filled with violence and sin

When you’re out at sea drinking whiskey
At times it can be a life of bliss
But when you dance with the Devil you
Might be wakened by a dark Angels kiss

It might be just as well because ultimately
You feel forsaken without a wife
And no resemblance of any type of
Normalcy but that’s a pirates life

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 07/18/2019
All rights reserved
62 · Apr 2020
Babies & Love
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
Babies & Love

  Yellow Roses and Butterflies
Ice Cream and babies & Love
These are the simple things
She held dear, along with the Lord above

She had a beautiful smile
And we could make her laugh until she peed
She would laugh so hard
And be unaware of the liquid she freed

She had a heart of gold
No one can deny
Sometimes I scream to Heaven
I cry, why, why, why

But the world keeps turning
And we all know the drill
We all have to keep on living
And understand that it’s God’s will

So now I cherish the simple things
She held so dear, along with the Lord above
Like yellow Roses and Butterflies,
Ice Cream and babies & Love

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 2009
All rights reserved
I revised this today 04/06/2020
For you here at Hello Poetry
I wrote this about my Mother after
She passed away.
I miss her every day!!!
God Bless anyone who has lost a loved one
62 · Apr 2020
Away From The Lights
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
Away From The Lights

  I live in the City,life is lived
In a whirlwind, a quickened pace
I’ve never felt like this was the life
For me, no I feel so out of place

But it’s been this way for all my life
And I’ve learned to adapt
But there’s always been a yearning
For a simpler way, to be untapped

A slowed down way of things with
A porch and a lemonade or tea
A place where the Rooster crows and
Stars fill the sky like the water of the sea

Away from the sirens and crowded streets
Away from the concrete highways
Away from the skyscrapers and malls
Away from the this mental craze

Away from the life of the fast lane
And all of the City sights
I just once want a life of peace
Somewhere far away from the lights

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/04/2020
All rights reserved
62 · Apr 28
Chuck Kean Apr 28

           When there’s a fire, there’s
Always smoke that billows
When you feel a presence of evil, there’s
Always a Demon hiding in the shadows

When you feel Claustrophobic, you
Always seem to lose your breath
When you feel yourself panic, you
Always feel like you’re closer to death

When someone has Nyctophobia, it’s
Known as a fear of the dark
When someone has a deal with the Devil, it’s
Known as a contract with Hells Monarch

When you hear stories of deaths forest, you
Know one is speaking about the Aokigahara
When you hear stories of sudden death, you
Know one is speaking about the Mara

When Japanese warn of Aokigahara, they
Are warning of the forest dark deity
When Japanese warn of deaths Reaper, they
Are warning of the Demon Shinigami

Written By:Charles Kean
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