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204 · Mar 8
Chuck Kean Mar 8

        Well it’s all in the past
You know the way that it was
You know the way we were
It’s gone

Lost is the tingle
Lost is the wanting
Lost is the needing
It’s gone

I can’t find the passion
I can’t find a reason
I can’t find my way
It’s gone

Lost in the darkness
Lost in the pain
Lost in my mind
It’s gone

I can’t find the feeling
I can’t even fake it
I can’t explain it

Written By:Charles Kean
193 · Jul 17
Chuck Kean Jul 17

      Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Why are you trying to affect my reality
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Why are you killing me

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
You get too much you get too high
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Not enough and you’re gonna die

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I was trapped in your Hell
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
You had me under your spell

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
In the evening I felt your heat
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I always craved for your sweet

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I know our battle is brand new
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
But I’m through with you

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Numbers gave you rounds one & two
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
But since then my numbers are true

So in claiming victory don’t be so eager
Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I think you’ll find I’m not so meager
I will defeat you MY LADY SUGAR

Written By:Charles Kean
I was diagnosed with Diabetes
On 07/11/2024
191 · Apr 2020
When It Gets Real
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
When It Gets Real

   On stand by tonight until ten
Ready for PPE
None came my way
Call it a victory mark it down as a win
Tomorrow though confirmed for me
Tomorrow is a new day
Tomorrow I will come in
I will  transport patients with COVID—19
So for them, for me I pray
No need to worry
No reason to know what to feel
All that matters is I do what I do
When it gets real

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/31/2020
All rights reserved
Happy Birthday baby!!!
Sorry I had to work so late tonight
Love you ❤️❤️❤️
186 · Dec 2021
Frozen In Time
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Frozen In Time

   Full speed ahead into the future
But the future spells disaster
For the past is catching up
And it seems to be moving faster

The Civil War pitted brother against
Brother and father against son
So many families destroyed and so many
Lives lost when it was all said and done

Recent events shows that the Devil
Is yet again up to his ***** deeds
How easily we humans are deceived
In our minds he plants his hatred seeds

And the future is whisked into the past
Is there nothing we can learn
Now they want to erase history
Riot and watch their cities burn

Our present is hanging in limbo
Hear Hells Bells as they Chime
In space our world turns
But it’s frozen in time

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/29/2021
All rights reserved
180 · Feb 15
In The End
Chuck Kean Feb 15
In The End

       Well there’s two sides to every coin
And there’s two sides to every story
And in every game there’s defeat
And then there’s obviously glory

There’s riches in currency and
There’s riches in Silver and Gold
There’s a life of youth and there’s
A life you spend when you’re old

There’s sparkling shining jewelry
Beautiful Necklaces and rings
There’s a plethora of worldly possessions
So many meaningless material things

Some might say that it brings true
Happiness but it’s just fake
But you believe what you wish and
By all means get all you can take

But life is temporary and so is everything
In it and that’s the truth my friend
You can’t take it with you and there’s
Only Heaven or Hell In The End

Written By:Charles Kean
172 · Dec 2020
Chuck Kean Dec 2020

    To live the life of a drug or alcohol
Abuser, I know nothing that can be related
But we all know that life can get us down
I’d still rather live it than to be sedated

There’s no judgment here, I’ve had my
Share of darkness and being frustrated
But I cannot imagine not feeling at all
Because of being numb and sedated

Livin life each day under a haze
With every moment highly concentrated
On getting the next fix to remain
Out of touch with reality and sedated

To be in a place so dark for so long
And to find yourself so devastated
That you cannot find joy in anything
And so you’d just rather exist sedated

Even at times I’ve been high and I’ve stood
At the edge of Suicide, I’ve never extricated
I’ve never separated myself to being
Dependent upon the vice of being sedated

A life of no joys and nothing to look forward
Too, not one thing that has me captivated
And only livin with darkness and pain
Until once again I can become sedated

I’ll pray for those who have found yourself
There for what ever reason, life complicated
Please know that I care for you and life is
Worth living without being sedated

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 12/02/2020
All rights reserved
Drug and alcohol help line
Confidential 1-800-662-4357
171 · Oct 2020
The Wails Of The Banshee
Chuck Kean Oct 2020
The Wails Of The Banshee

  As the Sun rises to kiss the day
The fog is thick and lingering
Fall has set in and the air is crisp
The leafs are colorful but withering

In the distance we can hear the wails
Of the Banshee and fear for the worst
This town has a dark history and
Some say that it’s cursed

Tonight the Moon will be full
With a hazy halo ring
As it will rise above a darkening Sea
As a breeze sends a chill I pray for spring

For the fall is just the presser to winter
And winters here can be harsh
And with the night comes the danger
Of a strange creature lurking in the marsh

It comes in the fall and leaves in the
Spring and each year lives are lost
Some have described the creature
As a sinister looking Jack Frost

The town’s people all live in fear
And never go outside at night
As the creature seems to grave humans
To satisfy his monstrous appetite

Especially on a night of a full Moon with
A hazy halo ring above a darkening sea
There’s certain to be impending death
Upon hearing the wails of the Banshee

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/22/2020
All rights reserved
168 · Dec 2020
Forest Of Death
Chuck Kean Dec 2020
Forest Of Death
(This poem is based on truth)

     As the Sun rises to kiss the day
The darkness promises to stay
The people live a life mundane
Nothing inside to strengthen or sustain

A London fog forever lingers
In the hearts the chard’s of flinders
Their souls damaged and minds anguished
For so many lives have vanished

In every language the words are burning
And they repeat the same warning
The forest has a power of constraining
Known to be literally life draining

It’s worse than that of cyanide
It whispers to the ear and convinces suicide
Yet many for reasons unknown why
Disregard the signs and walk right on by

The mystery of the forest remains concealed
Theories vary, some say it’s a magnetic field
Some  say it’s the Devil and his evil way
Just another game he loves to play

They come from all around to see its wonder
As if it’s a spell that they’re under
Knowing they could take their last breath
If they enter the forest of death

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 12/15/2020
All rights reserved
Note:—This is a real Forest
Located in Japan—Suicide forest
Aokigahara. —fascinating strange and true
Research—Japans Suicide forest
Chuck Kean May 14
Live, Love, Forgive And Pray

      Sometimes I feel like a ship in the
Middle of a storm trying to stay a float
I fight back my tears with everything
I’ve got but there’s that lump in the throat

I wish I could be just like a river and
I could take the path of least resistance
But the heart inside of me refuses to
Yield and continues in its persistence

When the rain comes the river rises
And the gentle flow begins to rage
When times get tough in life if our story
Is to continue we must turn the page

Life is a journey and we never know what’s
Over the next hill or around the next bend
When the rest of the world lets us down
We know Jesus can be our only friend

This life is too short for our troubles and
Our past and tomorrow can be a better day
If we all take a deep breath and learn
To Live, Love, Forgive And Pray

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 24
Another Funeral Parlor Reunion

      To look at us now, you would never
Believe that we are actually a family
But believe it or not we are and you
Can check our not so distant history

Somewhere over time we just drifted
Apart and went our separate ways
So far apart now and past the point of no
Return, always longing for our yesterdays

In the vaults of our memories are the
Good times and the Bad
But at least we were together to celebrate
The happy times and console the sad

Now this family is more like people
That we once knew, to each a stranger
The only time we’re together is by
The calling of the grim reaper arranger

I know what I am about to say might
Seem like I am nothing short of inhuman
But this heart of mine just can’t take
Another Funeral Parlor Reunion

Written By:Charles Kean
We use to get together because we wanted to
Not because we have to.
157 · Jul 2021
World Of Blackhearts
Chuck Kean Jul 2021
World Of Blackhearts

  I’ve journeyed long and far
Through the valley of shadows
I’ve been to Hell and come face to face
With the Devil and took his best blows

The Demons I face each day come
In a variety of disguises
Each one with tricks of kindness
But my shield is ready for their surprises

My armor has stood the test of time
Evil is no match for my sword
Because my faith is strong and I know
I can trust in God’s word

I will continue to fight evil
With the power of his light
And I know I’m always prepared
For the darkest night

I know soon I’ll be in Heaven for the end
Is near, for love in humans has become sparse
Each day it’s more noticeable
We live in a world of Blackhearts

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/25/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Oct 2023
The Storm Or The Roses Thorns

       Here we go again, you know I can
See the storm brewing in your eyes
I’ve always been faithful and honest
You swear I cheat and my words are lies

I can never seem to stay within the
Boundaries and stay in compliance
And I will never be able defend myself
To closed doors and your scripted silence

You never forget the past when arguing
Is our form of communication
And you use my past mistakes as your
Endless form of ammunition

You manipulate everything and avoid
The topic of discussion
And I always face the consequences
Of the repercussions

It’s always a typical No win situation
Like I’ve always got a Bull by the horns
I’m between a rock and a hard place
Facing The Storm Or The Roses Thorns

Written By:Charles Kean
154 · Dec 2022
The Woke
Chuck Kean Dec 2022
The Woke

   It’s a new darkness in a new time
Don’t let it slip by like it’s a practical joke
The evil agenda is clear to see
They call themselves the woke

They insert themselves in the mainstream
They’re swiftly attacking calling it PC
Changing harmless things they say are
Offensive and have become a cancel society

Meanwhile there’s things more offensive
Allowed to thrive on their watch
Showing their not really offended
They just have an itch in their crotch

Seriously pancake syrup and Dr Seuss
NFL team names, this is so ridiculous
I don’t know who they are but they seem
Like adults still trapped in their littleness

What gets me the most is how we’ve
Surrendered to nothing but political smoke
And now it’s time for the nation to fight back
And it’s bedtime for The Woke

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 12/27/2022
All rights reserved
152 · Dec 2023
The Essence Of A Poem
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
The Essence Of A Poem

     When it comes to writing, most say
It’s something that can be taught
And in a sense it can be true but can
That be considered as a trained thought

Creativity should come naturally
From fantasy or from what we know
But not manipulated or slow or forced
But easy and with a natural flow

Words can be powerful if used properly
And they can be forever etched in time
Poetry can be bold and beautiful and it
Can be presented with or without rhyme

But no matter if it’s fantasy or of religious
Tone or of a good love gone bad
It can be silly or sensitive and obviously
It can be of something happy or sad

And for the complicated and intellectual
One can write in the form of spoem
But that’s the true beauty of
The Essence Of A Poem

Written By:Charles Kean
150 · Aug 2023
Have You Ever
Chuck Kean Aug 2023
Have You Ever

      Have you ever, I wanna know
Lost yourself in a moment of pleasure
Taken the time to kneel before Jesus
And allow yourself to be a confessor

Have you ever just watched a Butterfly
Fluttering and floating in the air
Taken the time to give your love and
Truly let someone know you care

Have you ever felt a gentle Kiss
On the lips, cheek or chin
Taken a minute to go skinny dipping
Just to feel nature upon your skin

Have you ever been vulnerable enough
To open your heart and let someone in
Taken the time to laugh at a stupid joke
Or just smile or give a quick grin

Have you ever held a tiny life
In the palm of your hand
Taken hold of a baby, a kitten or puppy
If so than surely you understand

Have you ever, just come to realize
Oh no you don’t have to be that clever
Taken the time to observe the miracles
Of God,so tell me Have You Ever

Written By:Charles Kean
150 · Jan 2022
The Perilous Realm
Chuck Kean Jan 2022
The Perilous Realm

   The knights ride off into the valley
Knowing that they may never return
Their hearts are heavy as they leave
Filled with much concern

For there’s a thousand obstacles to
Overcome and a thousand ways to die
They must slay the Dragon and return
To the King with the Dragons eye

First task is to make it through
The valley of the walking dead
Knowing as they travel many lives
Will be lost and much blood will be bled

They must also survive the beast of the
Forest of the demon shadows
So they stop to pray and vow to
Honor their oath of the sacred rose

The kingdom is dependent upon the
Knights, the Dragon must be destroyed
For if the knights fail life in the kingdom
May become a thing of void

Their quest is to catch the Dragon as he
Sleeps just beyond the ancient elm
In his cave at the top of fire mountain
So begins the journey of the perilous realm

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/15/2022
All rights reserved
Alas It Was All In Vein

     When it comes to Love we all know
That it can be like the toss of a coin
It can give a heart so much joy
Or it can be like a kick in the groin

When it comes to love we can
Feel the magic with every kiss
We can be on cloud nine and
Live a life of beautiful bliss

Or it can be like pulling a tooth
Or a thorn in the side
It can harden a heart and from it
You may wish to run and hide

For me personally I am living the
Disney Land Fairytale blissful life
I’ve been a lucky one and I’ve been
Blessed with a beautiful loving wife

It makes me sad to hear of love gone bad
And someone is crying tears like rain
Such as the two blood vessels in love
But Alas It Was All In Vein

Written By:Charles Kean
147 · Apr 20
Chuck Kean Apr 20

     Alone again in a crowded room,
Am I dead or just dead to you
Do I still have a breath of life
Or have I gone cold and blue

So close and yet so far away
We were reaching for it all
Climbing to the top but now it’s
Clear that I have taken a fall

I speak my words but it’s like
They’re just sounds of silence
I can’t understand why you’re
So steadfast in your defiance

You’ve got no room for compromise
But love can’t be bought or sold
I tried to give you everything but
You left me standing alone in a world so cold

When our love was new you had
A way of making me feel invincible
But now everything has changed so
Drastically and  I feel I’m Invisible

Written By:Charles Kean
145 · Apr 2020
All That Matters Is You
Chuck Kean Apr 2020
All That Matters Is You

  Where I work this is the way we roll
This is deeply planted in our soul
There’s things in this world we can’t control
We give comfort and we console

I do what I do because I care
I transport patients in a wheelchair
Still health care it’s the Cross I bear
Proudly my uniform I wear

From total knees and hips too
Drug abuse and alcoholics and the flu
But now the world is a scary new
But one thing will remain true

Doesn’t matter your religion Lutheran, Hindu
Doesn’t matter your race, black, white, Bantu
Doesn’t matter your political view
All that matters is you

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/03/2020
All rights reserved
145 · Dec 2022
Under The Bridge
Chuck Kean Dec 2022
Under The Bridge

    Well you know the world doesn’t
Care if you lose or win
Ain’t nothing gonna stop it
It will continue to spin

It doesn’t matter if you have a broken
Heart or if there’s tears in your eyes
The Sun and the Moon will never
Fail to set and rise

So there’s no need for you to spend
All your time rolling in your sorrow
Because dusk will turn into night
And dawn will turn into tomorrow

So you put your trust in love and you
Dreamt of a special enchanted place
And your dreams turned into nightmares
And love slapped you in your face

Well you can cry yourself to sleep
And just let it bother you a smidge
For when morning comes you know
It’s all just water under the bridge

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 12/09/2022
All rights reserved
145 · Sep 2022
The Hummingbird & Butterfly
Chuck Kean Sep 2022
The Hummingbird & Butterfly

     Like a Hummingbird he was swift
He was smooth as he stole her heart
Like a Butterfly she was graceful
With her fluttering flight from the start

But the nectar made him high
It changed who he was inside
Slowly over time the love they
Had withered and died

She stayed by his side until she passed
Even with all the damage done
Shattered hearts love destroyed
See the path of the tears as they run

Some will still argue that love
Can be beautiful and full of magic
Even though the story is repeated
Over and over and it ends so tragic

I for one can testify on the behalf of love
With a hand on the Bible not to lie
Love can triumph and we can learn from
The story of The Hummingbird & Butterfly

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/05/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2023
If I Could Write A Love Song

    If I could write a love song
I’d try to keep it short and sweet
But I’d have to mention
Just how we came to meet

If I could write a love song
I’d mention my still weak knees
I’d have to give credit to the Moon
And the nature of the birds and bees

If I could write a love song
I’d probably speak of Jupiter and Mars
I’d mention Venus, Saturn and really the
Universe and the magic of the Stars

If I could write a love song
I’d try to explain my inability to speak
I’d blame the power of your spell and I’d
Try to Describe your openness and mystique

If I could write a love song
I’d say how we’ve never fallen in defeat
I’m afraid the song would be never ending
And therefore never be complete

I couldn’t forget the Angels and Jesus
And how right came from wrong
A difficult task to say the least but
Only If I Could Write A Love Song

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 03/07/2023
All rights reserved
I dedicate this to my wife
She’s an Angel and my gift from God!!!
142 · Jun 15
The Last Dinosaur
Chuck Kean Jun 15
The Last Dinosaur

     Once there was eight born in order
Three males and a female and repeat
First there was School and then came
Work all within the system of defeat

I was number six of the eight but life
Came to each in different ways
And nothing is ever as clear as black
And white it’s filled with shades of grays

Dinosaur one his retirement came natural
Dinosaur two the same but not for three
And not for four, five is still working but
Soon naturally he will also be finally free

Number five and I came close to death
Him only once but I was four times dead
But seven and eight they too dropped out
Early and no longer chase the bread

Five told me that the social worker was
Working on his plan to walk out the door
Now obviously after the simple math
You guessed it, I’m The Last Dinosaur

Written By:Charles Kean
142 · Jan 27
Meant To Be
Chuck Kean Jan 27
Meant To Be

    As sure as the Earth is spinning
As sure as a baby cries
As sure as in nature, caterpillars
Will always become Butterflies

As sure as the four seasons
As sure as puppy dogs wag their tails
As sure as every Witches story
Will always include a book of spells

As sure as time will pass
As sure as the Churches ring their bells
As sure as every good suit jacket
Is synonymous with its lapels

As sure as a teenagers heart will break
As sure as the flowers need the rain
As sure as the sound of loneliness seems
To be the whistle of a midnight train

As sure as a wedding needs bridesmaids
As sure as the rivers flow to the sea
As sure as true opposites attract, Baby
You know our love was Meant To Be

Written By:Charles Kean
140 · Jun 2021
Crown Of Thorns
Chuck Kean Jun 2021
Crown Of Thorns

     We were placed in this world
By God but our home is in Heaven above
We cannot accept the worlds ways
And we’re expected to spread his love

Born sinners each and every one
Saved if we accept his gift of Grace
It must be completely felt in our hearts
And know he can read our poker face

Most ignore his love and deny it
Science says he doesn’t exist
I’ll never understand this and I’ll
Never know why anyone would resist

Looking through the eyes of the world
I see people yearning for earthly acceptance
But in seeking this instead of Jesus we will
Never reach our point of transcendence

It’s easy to become part of the World’s ways
To blend in with the masses
But this is the way we fall into the fires of
Hell and blend into the ashes

The heart desires to be loved and not
Rejected yet we are doing the same
As we turn our backs to God when we
Love the world and play the Devils game

Why do we expect the roses in life
And fear the worldly scorns
Remember God gave Jesus the power to save
But he had to wear a Crown of Thorns

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/27/2021
All rights reserved
140 · Dec 2022
Dangerous Euphoria
Chuck Kean Dec 2022
Dangerous Euphoria

    Well it’s a modern phenomenon
These new ways for the young to die
It’s something I can’t comprehend
I’m only left to wonder why

It will be a blast, let’s steal a car
It’s our lives so let’s go waste it
We’ll take this car and drive as fast
As we can and crash it

They’ll pull our dead twisted bodies
From the mangled steel
Not knowing the rush of the moment
The way it made us feel

And though drugs have been around
To give us an artificial high
Now there’s this stuff called Fentanyl
It’s certainly an early goodbye

I’ve got this phone in my hand, there’s
Something about a text I can’t explain
I’ll read it and text them back
Even if I’m driving in the rain

I know that I can **** somebody or even
Shatter my own Calvaria
We’re young and I guess and we’re just
Naturally drawn to Dangerous Euphoria

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 11/29/2022
All rights reserved
140 · Feb 2023
A Ghost In Time
Chuck Kean Feb 2023
A Ghost In Time

      It was a perfect end to a day
The night sky was well defined
There was magic in the air
All the planets were aligned

A young couple fell in love
To be together forever more
They walked barefoot beneath
The moon along the ocean’s shore

Unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be, tragedy
Re wrote what was written in the stars
She was taken away from him
Leaving him with permanent scars

She was a victim of collateral damage
Innocently being in the wrong space and time
When shots rang out in a gang drive by
In an act of a senseless crime

He’s an old man now and thoughts of her
Have disappeared into a fog of memories
The love they shared has all but been
Forgotten, locked in a vault of treasuries

She still haunts him in his dreams
He feels her presence and love so sublime
His broken heart to be forever captured
By A Ghost In time

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 02/10/2023
All rights reserved
138 · Mar 2021
Another Typical Story
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Another Typical Story

     She walked into the restaurant alone
The greeter said will this be a table for one
She nodded shyly and embarrassed
All the time wishing she had someone

She can feel the eyes upon her and the
Conversations have lowered to a whisper
And there’s no fairytale prince searching
For the foot that fits the glass slipper

None of the lovers she’s had before
Ever held her heart like a token
And if you look into her eyes you quickly
Realize she’s a woman Beautifully Broken

So desperately now she wishes for love
But she keeps her love in chains
So she spends her nights alone
As only the fear of love remains

She keeps her heart protected
It’s in a vault locked deep inside
And each time love gets too close
She finds a safe place to hide

It happens each time, she’s so predictable
For now it’s love she tends to shun
For even if there’s a hint of love
She turns her tail to run

She tells herself that love is
Something that she just can’t trust
But when the heart is made of steel
Ultimately it begins to rust

She wonders now is her life reality
Being lived forever in a destined purgatory
Or is she still in the world of the living and
Her broken heart just another typical story

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/10/2021
All rights reserved
Another poem inspired by
Beautifully Broken
138 · Jun 2021
Witch In An Angel Disguise
Chuck Kean Jun 2021
Witch In An Angel Disguise

    She was so beautiful with her
Green Emerald eyes
In an instant I was swept away
I was taken by surprise

I didn’t know that I signed my name
In blood, I was under her spell
I didn’t know that I was about to burn
Living my life in an eternal Hell

In a lapse of reason, a moment of indecision
In vulnerability my thoughts were unwise
If I could turn back the hands of time
It’s definitely a moment I would revise

So I send a warning for all men
To look beyond the beauty to what’s within
For the beauty is only skin deep and love
Needs more than something so thin

My heart was desperate for love
And I believed all of her deadly lies
Now I’m trapped forever in the grasp
Of a Witch in an Angel disguise

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/04/2021
All rights reserved
Trying to get back to normal
First time I have written in awhile
138 · Jun 2020
Coffee House Poetry
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
Coffee House Poetry

   I ordered a cup of coffee
Black and hot
The waitress brought my order
And a cup of coffee black and hot
Is what I got
And the finger symbols clang,
Clang, clang, clang, clang

I woke this morning to hear
a bird singing on my window seal
I got out of bed and saw a bird
All to real, yes a bird was
Singing on my window seal
And the finger symbols clang,
Clang, clang, clang, clang

I heard an echo of a wise man who said
If your eye hurts while drinking tea
Remove the spoon
And the finger symbols clang,
Clang, clang, clang, clang

It was night and I Thought it
Would be dark, I looked
Outside and it was dark
And the finger symbols clang,
Clang, clang, clang, clang

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/29/2020
All rights reserved
136 · May 2022
Chuck Kean May 2022

  My tears fall uncontrollably
My heart is splitting in two
The news of this tragedy
Feels like D”e ja”vu  

As still I have not forgotten Columbine
How could this happen again
All of our progress and advance
Will this be the legacy of man

The normal arguments will arise
Gun control and the amendment rights
But Evil doesn’t yield to any laws
And it delights in our arguments and fights

Yes this horrible event was Evil
But there was Evil to him that pre-seeded
And his head was in a different state
His mental rationality was long defeated

You can make all the laws you want
But the laws will always fail
And until we teach our children love
Stories like this we’ll always tell

God must be allowed back into the
Schools and our heart
We must begin a new narrative
We must find a way to make a new start

So as we morn the for those lost
And Heaven receives 21 new Angels
We need to devise a battle plan
And carefully cover all the angles

In the meantime we must immediately
Allow armed soldiers to protect and serve
This will bring comfort and peace and
It’s what our children deserve

As I bring this poem to a close
And my tears continue to flow
Please join me in prayer and pray
This horror future children never know

Take some time, this I ask from
Just not one person but from everybody
Find a way some how to send your love
To all of the people of Uvalde

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/28/2022
All rights reserved
136 · Sep 2022
Breaks My Heart
Chuck Kean Sep 2022
Breaks My Heart

     You know my heart breaks
For the mentally afflicted
And when I see so many lives destroyed
When they are substance addicted

And my heart breaks
When it seems there’s no one to care
And when I see the handicapped
Confined to a chair

And my heart breaks
When I see the children cry
And when I try to comfort them
But I don’t have the answers why

You know my heart breaks
When I see that our leaders let us down
And when I see my beautiful world
With so much litter on the ground

And my heart breaks
When I see our veterans treated so poor
And when I wonder if humanity
Was even worth fighting for

And my heart breaks
When I see the homeless on the street
And when with War tell me who has won
The data will always be incomplete

And my heart breaks
When I see young love fall apart
And when I have the knowledge of it all
You know it Breaks My Heart

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 09/29/2022
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Apr 2022
Looking For Bigfoot In All The Wrong Places

   I’ve looked under the bed
And I’ve looked in the closet too
I’ve searched in the man cave
And even in the Loo

I’ve checked the state house
And I’ve looked at the town hall
I’ve been to the bowling alley
And even the food court at the Mall

But there’s no signs of him anywhere
He’s an illusive creature to say the least
And I’m not really sure that I’m
Prepared to meet such a big hairy beast

But people swear they’ve seen him
Someone said he was down by the Lake
But when the witness was questioned
It turns out he was drunk and his story a fake

I’ll keep searching for him among
The strange and familiar faces
But I’m beginning to think that I’m
Looking for Bigfoot in all the wrong places

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/15/2022
All rights reserved
134 · Jan 2023
The Lord Of The Kings
Chuck Kean Jan 2023
The Lord Of The Kings

    In your darkness, in your despair
And everything else the Devil brings
There’s No magnitude of your woes
Too much for The Lord Of The Kings

When your tears are falling and your
Pain is too much for your heartstrings
Just keep your faith and remember the
Power of The Lord Of The Kings

Take your troubles and your worries
Gather all your burdening things
Bring them to the altar and give them
To The Lord Of The Kings

Watch it all just fly away
As the Angels spread their wings
It’s all just another one of the miracles
Provided by The Lord Of The Kings

Peace will come into your heart
As softly the Church bell rings
You’ll feel love like never before
And know it’s Jesus The Lord Of The Kings

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 01/10/2023
All rights reserved
134 · Jun 2022
Melancholy Of Innocence
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
Melancholy Of Innocence

   As the Sun kisses the day,
There’s a crisp misty morning dew
The past is behind me, I’m refreshed
With a promise of a day brand new

There’s a familiar fragrance in the air
And it pleasantly tickles my nose
I indulge myself with its essence
As I quickly realize it’s the scent of a Rose

I take in the moment wishing it could last forever as I watch the dance of a butterfly
In similar waltzes I noticed nature waking
A bee pollinating and a spider nabs a fly

I feel the warmth of God’s love come over me
And I truly know that I’ve been blessed
But as usual my time is short and I
Must get showered and dressed

I give my praise and thanks for my blessings
And especially his gift of my vigilance
My life is filled with every day enjoyment
Never missing my Melancholy Of Innocence

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/25/2022
All rights reserved

Inspired by and dedicated to
Melancholy Of Innocence.

My past darkness was my reason for
My Melancholy and it also robbed me of
My innocence so early that I never really had it. God’s love has removed my Melancholy
And as far as my innocence goes how do
You miss something you never had.
133 · Jan 2022
Chuck Kean Jan 2022

     I was walking a path in the woods
When I came upon a peculiar pine
It had a warning of no trespassing
Order of the Kingdom of Eberwine

Nothing else looked out of place
And I became overwhelmed with curiosity
So much so that I couldn’t control
The persuasion of my impetuosity

So I entered through the gate without a
Fence across the boundary of Eberwine
And suddenly I was whisked through
A portal to another place and time

To a world within our world where everything
Is unimaginable but so very real
My heart was racing and I had much anxiety
Beyond what I ever thought I could feel

My eyes gazed upon a huge mountain
That no human could possibly climb
As I pause to take in the beauty before me
In a near distance I hear bells begin to chime

I realize now that I may never see home
Again and I may be stuck here in Eberwine
From the mountain a water fall cascades
Into a river as mighty as the European Rhein

I’m sure out of the corner of my eye
I saw a large creature of some kind
But I’m no longer sure of my reality
Eberwine may be playing tricks on my mind

As I’m walking I notice strange wildlife
With unfamiliar and familiar traits
Like horses but they have camel humps
And one seems trapped and in dire straits

As I was heading towards him to attempt
A rescue on my shoulder I felt a poke
Startled I turned around to find a four
Winged Owl and I stopped and he spoke

He said you don’t belong here and you’re
In great danger, didn’t you read the sign
Warning the other side of trespassing
By order of the Kingdom of Eberwine

I said yes but curiosity got the best of me
And there appears to be no danger here
He said that’s the problem nothing is what
It seems and you’ve yet to see what we fear

When night falls all the gentle beast
Become evil and are fixated on the ****
There’s nothing we can do to fight it
Though it’s the opposite of our will

Our days last five times that of yours
And our nights do too so beware
This is the first day but we must find where you entered, we must get you safely there

He added there’s also the creature of
The trees who is swift with his doom
But his weakness is that he loves eating
What we call the sleepy time shroom

Even though I feel compelled to venture
Further to unravel this mystery
I must leave this strange enchanted place
I know that I must cease my inquiry

The gentle beast all know I don’t belong
Here in their place and time
So I said my goodbyes and thanked the four winged Owl, and I’ll never forget Eberwine

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/23/2022
All rights reserved
133 · Jan 2020
When A Woman Cries
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
When A Woman Cries

       When a woman cries
A part of her world is lost
A piece of her heart crumbles
And it eats away at her soul

When a woman cries
She has become overwhelmed
She doesn’t know where to turn
She feels she’s losing control

When a woman cries
She usually cries alone
A darkness seems to fall
it seems to follow her too

When a woman cries
You can see and feel her hurting inside
You want to help her
But there’s nothing you can do

When a woman cries
You have to just let her be
She just needs to let it out
And release her pain

When a woman cries
Sometimes you need to step aside
And let her hide away
And let the tears rain

When a woman cries
It doesn’t matter the reason
She has the right to cry
As she tries desperately to be strong

When a woman cries
If you don’t know the reason why
Just swallow your pride and apologize
And just admit you are wrong

When a woman cries
It’s something that’s real
It rises from deep in the core and it’s
something you must quickly realize

So give her love and compassion
Let her know you’re on her side and
Never be the cause for the heartache
Of when a woman cries

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 5/9/2018
All rights reserved
133 · Apr 8
Total Eclipse
Chuck Kean Apr 8
Total Eclipse

      As the Sun Rises high into
The blue midday sky
Today the Moon will conquer
If only for a few moments the Sun will die

America will be in the shadow
As a witness to this small victory
This is a very special event in our lives
It’ll certainly be a highlight in our history

God gives us signs using the Sun and
Planets but what is he trying to say
Could this be a Warning, is he telling us
That soon we will see our last day

Will this day be the beginning of decades
Of torture and agony as The world dies
As once again God makes the final decision
To destroy all that he created as he cries

In the Bible it is written that we will
Know the wrath of the pending Apocalypse
But for now we must all take a deep breath
Because today It’s just a Total Eclipse

Written By:Charles Kean
131 · Mar 13
Chuck Kean Mar 13
The Warning —A Rock Trio From Mexico.
Three Sisters who learned English from listening to American Classic Rock.
They are very talented and they are very pretty and I love them!!!
They have Three CD’S and a fourth one is being released in June. I used the titles of all four and my favorite song from their second release. I use them in order, this is my way to share my new music passion and love for them. Also included is a Spanish translation of my poem that was done by another fan Please enjoy!!!!
Twenty First Century Blood
Queen Of The ****** Scene
Song from this CD is (Dust To Dust)
Keep Me Fed

          Keep Me Fed

       Hear the warning, hear the warning
It’s so refreshing unlike the recent crud
I was sold from the very beginning
With their Twenty First Century Blood

My life has been reborn and you can
Love or Hate but there’s no in between
As for me I surrender, loving Dust to Dust
From Queen Of The ****** Scene

I am blessed even more and Its been
So long since I’ve received such pleasure
My stereo echoes with music from
The treasure of their latest Error

And it thrills me so very much it’s like
Making love for the first time
It’s hard to explain to the ones who have
No clue, hear their poetry sublime

With another one coming in June
On the cover they’re dressed in red
And I’m so hungry for more, oh
The Warning Keep Me Fed

Written By:Charles Kean

Mantenme alimentado

     Escucha la advertencia.

Es tan refrescante a diferencia de la basura reciente.
Me vendieron desde el principio.
Con su sangre del siglo XXI

Mi vida ha renacido y tu puedes
Amor u odio pero no hay término medio
En cuanto a mí me entrego, amando a Dust to Dust
De la reina de la escena del asesinato

Estoy aún más bendecido y ha sido
Hace mucho que no recibí tal placer
Mi estéreo resuena con música de
El tesoro de su último Error

Y me emociona tanto que es como
Haciendo el amor por primera vez
Es difícil de explicar a los que tienen
Ni idea, escucha su poesía sublime.

Con otro llegando en junio
En la portada van vestidos de rojo.
Y tengo tanta hambre de más, oh
La advertencia mantenme alimentado

Escrito por: Charles Kean
131 · Mar 30
Solemn Vow
Chuck Kean Mar 30
Solemn Vow

      Call him the Devil, Satan or Lucifer
The Evil one or the Prince of Darkness
His presence is real and his plan is in
Full operation and clever in starkness

As we live in a world divided
Jesus has my complete piety
As the end grows ever closer
I ask where lies your deity

For the Devil has fallen in love with an
Angel and it’s the last straw and unforgiven
But it takes two and the Angel willingly
Devotes her love knowing it’s forbidden

And now the final line has been drawn
The apocalypse is imminent
There’s nothing that can stop it and there
Was nothing that could have prevented it

The world so easily slipped into lawlessness
And all sins they gracefully allow
The beginning of the end was set in motion
Ironically as  each took their Solemn Vow

Written By:Charles Kean
I have the coolest picture to this poem
And actually to several other ones as well.
It’s a shame that we can’t post pictures on HP
130 · Jun 2022
Lingering Lyrics
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
Lingering Lyrics

   As another dawn approaches
And the Sun kisses the sky
Nature is waking up and in lingering lyrics
In my head I hear a dog and a butterfly

When I was younger music was everything
Now when I listen, it takes me back in time
I still love listening and I savor all the
Songs of remembered rhyme

There’s too many to mention here and
I wouldn’t want to favor one over another
But I’m sure you know the ones I’m
Talking about like Sylvia’s Mother

The songs you don’t have to hear
But in your mind they’re as clear as day
Like American pie and who’ll stop the
Rain and let’s not forget Maggie May

Oh I could go on and on listing them
Especially if I mentioned songs by KISS
But this isn’t about that and besides
There’s still so many songs that I’d miss

And even if they were political like
Ohio and they remind us of violence
They are still songs we’ll never forget
Songs with substance like Sound of Silence

And as always there’s Hotel California
And I know our opinions will always vary
We all have songs we choose for our best
For some it’s Manic Monday or Voice’s carry

And believe it or not I like them too so let
Those speakers crackle with atmospherics
And crank up the music and enjoy all
Of those songs with Lingering Lyrics

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/05/2022
All rights reserved
129 · May 2021
I Miss You
Chuck Kean May 2021
I Miss You

   The days fly by so fast
But the nights are so long
All of the memories, they play
In my head like a song

Everyday I try to grow in my faith
I try so hard to walk the right path
I’ve seen the power of God’s love
And I’ve seen the power of his wrath

And I know that I am blessed because
He gave me Angels but especially two
The Angels I’m speaking of are
Your mother and you

And I remember so vividly
The times of just you and me
Playing house and sitting together
Drinking little cups of pretend tea

And WWF Saturday matches
We watched on our TV
And how we would wrestle together
Down for the count daddy 1, 2, 3

And I couldn’t  be prouder of the
Woman you are today
And I know our love for each other
Will always be strong and never stray

Just know no matter how much you grow
This one thing will remain true
You’ll always be daddy’s little girl
But daddy’s little girl, I miss you

Written By Charles Kean
Copyright © 05/20/2021
All rights reserved
I dedicate this to my daughter Karissa
She’s become a nurse and is currently
Working on an ICU unit in one of the best
If not the best Hospital in Ohio
God bless my little girl ❤️❤️❤️
129 · Jul 2022
The Echoes Of O-H-I-O
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
The Echoes Of O-H-I-O

   The Lady and the Gentleman of
The house use to host parties here
People would come and watch Buckeye football and eat food and drink beer

The Buckeyes rarely lost a game and
The boys would have a great time
But times have changed and nothing
Has reason or rhyme

Now the gentleman of the house
Only comes down to reminisce
He’ll play his video games or watch his
DVD’S of Buckeye games or KISS

Sometimes he’ll watch a movie
And I’ll see the Lady as she passes through
She’ll give him a Kiss but she stays busy
With laundry and other things to do

I get lonely and I feel forgotten
And I’m not sure normal life will resume
I feel like there’s never going to be
Another party here in the Buckeye room

I wish things were as they were before
Those days were really something you know
But now I’m here all alone with nothing
But The Echoes Of O-H-I-O

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/26/2022
All rights reserved
128 · Sep 2023
On The Edge Of Your Blues
Chuck Kean Sep 2023
On The Edge Of Your Blues

        Once I had a baby and loving her
Came so naturally like leaves turn to rain
But she lived in a world of darkness
And I couldn’t heal her of her pain

One day she just walked out the door
There were no words spoken
She left me with a thousand questions
Why and a heart completely broken

I could never understand her sadness
But it seemed as ancient as Stonehenge
I figured someone must have broken her
Heart and I was the subject of her revenge

So as I see you in your distress
And drowning in your river of sorrow
I know you’ve given up on your dreams
And you’ve lost your faith in tomorrow

As much as I wish I could reach out
I’ve lived a life in your shoes
So please don’t confide in me and leave
Me standing on the edge of your blues

Written By:Charles Kean
127 · Mar 20
Fade Away
Chuck Kean Mar 20
Fade Away

      Just like the day surrenders
To the night without a word to say
When there’s nothing left to do
It simply knows it must fade away

Everything that ever mattered
Means nothing at all today
Just like when it’s time to die
We just let it fade away

There’s nothing left in the heart
No more tears to cry, no reason to stay
When there’s nothing but memories
And even those begin to fade away

Like the four seasons Spring, Summer
Fall, Winter, each have a role to play
Most generally they know when
It’s their time to fade away

Like the darkness of the hair on my
Head slowly gives into the grey
Everything in life must become extinct
And naturally fade away

Now quietly at 62 I know what I need to do
Like the wood on the dock of the bay
Withered by nature and time I will take
My place in society and just fade away

Written By:Charles Kean
127 · Jun 2023
Unnatural Divide
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
Unnatural Divide

    Beware the first fallen Angel
He feeds his hunger and quinces his thirst
He’s the snake, causes loved ones to fight
But remember family comes first

It’s alright for you to be you
It’s the land of the free
Don’t you think if that applies
It’s alright for me to be me

Our opinions may differ
But we’re flesh and blood
Don’t take our love
And bury it in the mud

You can’t be so strong
On the ground that you stand
To break the bonds over something
We may never fully understand

Who’s right or who’s wrong
Forget your pride
Does it really matter in the end
Is it worth this Unnatural divide

Written By: Charles Kean
In honor of badwords
I’ve dropped the presumptuous
In my defense it was just a bad habit
When I first started writing, my mother
Told me that I should do it.
She said that it couldn’t stop anyone from copying your writing but it might keep them from trying. I’ve been doing it since I was 14-15 years old. I apologize.
126 · Jul 2022
Hard Rain Fallin
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Hard Rain Fallin

    I know you don’t love me anymore
But I don’t know your reasons why
I know I’ll drown without you
I can’t swim in the tears you cry

I know I’m losing you
My life is slowly slipping away
I’m reaching for something to hold on to
My blue sky is turning grey

My heart is breaking
I just wanna scream
I once believed in love
But love is just a dream

Love might as well be just
A Drop of water in an endless sea
A heart even in its mass is just
Broken and useless debris

If you say goodbye
I won’t come back crawlin
I’m not ready for departure and
I’m not ready for the Hard Rain Fallin

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/08/2022
All rights reserved
125 · Sep 2022
Ripple Effect
Chuck Kean Sep 2022
Ripple Effect

    With my words usually there’s
Little to nothing one needs to dissect
And never do I ever write words
Intended to harm or disrespect

Most generally I’m not focusing
On any particular type of subject
And never do I require from my
Readers their deepest intellect

There’s things we do, positive or negative
Like ripples on a pond, we must respect
Our ability to be kind is a serious thing
And it’s something that we can’t neglect

Each day as we just go through life
We can encounter things we don’t expect
Our tempers rise and disaster
Occurs and things can get wrecked

But if we pause and take a breath
All of the boxes can be checked
We can search our mind and heart
And we can find any type of defect

If we all infest in ourselves
And become our own personal project
We can be better humans when we’re
Always aware of our Ripple Effect

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 09/24/2022
All rights reserved
123 · Oct 2021
I Married An Angel
Chuck Kean Oct 2021
I Married An Angel

    No I don’t have a mansion on a hill
And no I’m not rolling in dough
I don’t know the meaning of life
But I ask what is there to know

I still work for a living and sometimes
It seems the Devil still deals the cards
But when people stab me in the back
I just remove the chard’s

When sad times hit me
Of course there’s always tears
But you know I’ve got Jesus
And I’ve got friends I’ve had for years

I’ve got my wife and daughter
And my dog Buckeye who love me
Recent trips were to Disney and the
Bahamas and Hawaii

I tell you these things not to brag
That’s just not my style
Just never saw this life for myself
Then she walked down the aisle

I said will you marry me and free
My heart from this horrible tangle
She said yes and kissed me and
I married an Angel

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/04/2021
All rights reserved
123 · Jun 2022
Sheila The Bahamas Vixen
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
Sheila The Bahamas *****

    His name was Dixon
Women were just notches on his belt
None of them were ever aware
Of the deal they were about to be dealt

He chewed them up and spit them out
As if they left a bad taste in his mouth
Just as soon as they were hooked
He’d cut the line and things went south

His time was coming
Believe me there was no doubt
A man like that you know surly
His luck was running out

He met a woman in the Bahamas
She had a reputation of her own
Her name was Sheila
She had a heart of stone

He fell for her in an instant
Her beauty was beyond compare
But just like his victims
He didn’t have a prayer

He was handsome and debonaire
The heart breaker known as Dixon
But He met his match when he fell for
Sheila The Bahamas *****

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 06/30/2022
All rights reserved
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