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1.3k · Jan 2020
It Takes Two
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
It Takes Two

    When you fall in love
It's no longer just about you
Love is a commitment
It takes two

When things go wrong
You have to see it through
You can't just throw it all away
It takes two

You have to know your loved
One by heart
You should know when they
Are blue
Know what it takes to make
Them smile
It takes two

Know that the best gift in
Life is love
And always be true
Never turn your back on love
It takes two

Don't let your love fade
Find away to keep it new
Always give your love your heart
It takes two

Know the warning signs
When trouble is about to brew
Think before you speak
It takes two

Have faith in God and family
They will always be there
For you
And remember always remember
It takes two

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 2009
All rights reserved
1.1k · Nov 2021
Chuck Kean Nov 2021

    To everyone in my family
I know that I’m just a big egghead
And if I ever hurt you, I apologize
And I just didn’t want it to go unsaid

Sometimes actions and words can cut
Like a knife, though blood is never bled
And I hope I never caused any pain
And I just didn’t want it to go unsaid

I love you all, though time has passed us
By like water flows through a riverbed
life has separated us and I miss us
And I can’t let it go unsaid

I forgive for the times that I felt I wasn’t
Treated right I put it out of my thick head
I hope you can all do the same and
I just didn’t want it to go unsaid

So please if I’ve ever hardened your heart
Don’t let these words be misread
I truly love all of you and I just couldn’t
Let it go, no I just couldn’t let it go unsaid

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 11/10/2021
All rights reserved
1.1k · Mar 2021
After The Rain
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
After The Rain

    He’s got you wrapped around his finger
You’d follow him to the edge of the Earth
You’ve paid your price for love
But you’ve yet to know its worth

And all that you’d do for him
I would do for you
But his love for you is a falseness
And  my love is true

One day you’ll  see all of the things
That love has you blind
When you wake up one day and
Realize you’ve been left behind

He’s got his world and you are
There just to play a part
And one day you’ll be all alone
With nothing but your broken heart

The clouds will roll in and tears will fall
You’ll be overwhelmed with sorrow and pain
And when the storm subsides, I’ll be
Here waiting for you,  after the rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/13/2021
All rights reserved
1.0k · Jun 2023
When Love Crashes
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
When Love Crashes

   The sky turns dark, Lightning crashes
See the anger in his eyes
Puts his fist through a wall, plaster crashes
Is there any truth among the lies

Nothing can stop love when it crashes
Hearts are bound to break
The foundation gets weak and it crashes
Everything is more than they can take

Into the family, the news crashes
Into their friends too, nothing logical applies
The ripple effect so swiftly crashes
It hurts so many when love dies

Fighting begins and blame crashes
Where did they go wrong
The radio wave crackles and crashes
Hear the pain in the song

The fire that burned a proud flame
Reduced now to nothing but ashes
And it’s more than a crying shame
As Jesus sheds a tear When Love Crashes

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 06/21/2023
All rights reserved
851 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

  We’ve been avoiding each other
Trying not to collide
But there’s only so many
Places we can hide

Why does it always
Have to be this way
It’s like we’re walking on
Broken glass every day

I come home to you
I don’t know what to say
I get this feeling that it’s
Just a game you play

Like a typical spring day
The cold clashing with the warm
The clouds are moving in
I think it’s gonna storm

It’s like a thunderstorm when we fight
You’re like lightning when you strike
With your burn coming as quick as
A flash of light
And I’m like thunder when I come down
I can smash you you as I stand my ground
And our love shakes apart
As we break each other’s heart
In the wrath of a thunderstorm

Now with all the wind and rain
We’ve suffered too much damage and pain
Left alone to pick up the pieces that’s
Left from the thunderstorm

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/03/2020
All rights reserved
This is a song that I wrote but
Rearranged it to make it a poem.
660 · Jan 2022
Midnight Rain
Chuck Kean Jan 2022
Midnight Rain

Her love is motherly, her daughter is grown
She knows she must release the rein
She’ll worry about her constantly
Thus begins the midnight rain

She’s ninety years old, her time has come
The tears falling no one wishes to contain
A loving family says goodbye
Thus begins the midnight rain

A young couple once in love
Separating hearts filled with pain
He was unfaithful with lust
Thus begins the midnight rain

She loves him completely
He’s an addict and he loves *******
An overdose takes his life
Thus begins the midnight rain

Promises of love were made in the dark
But like the Devil he was being feign
His deception hardened her heart
Thus begins the midnight rain

The abused child sits alone in his room
As thoughts of suicide enter his brain
He’ll never feel his father’s love
Thus begins the midnight rain

The world is filled with  Loneliness, hear
The whistle of the midnight train
For some their darkness never ends
Thus begins the midnight rain

Lucky ones survive the storm though
Tracks of tears stain their window pane
Everyone experiences the tears of darkness
Thus no one escapes the midnight rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 01/26/2022
All rights reserved
655 · Dec 2021
No Surrender
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
No Surrender

      Oh that Devil he’s persistent
Like a bully he’s the ultimate offender
But compared to Jesus, he’s barely
What we consider a worthy contender

He’s more like a wannabe
Just a deceiving pretender
And when he attacks me, I turn
To Jesus my ultimate defender

But there was a time when the Devil
Was easily the best tempter
And I’d drink to ease my pain and my
Best friend was my bartender

But that was a long time ago
I was so much younger
And my mind was weaker
And my heart was more tinder

I would easily just raise the white flag
But now I know Jesus and his splendor
And now I raise my fist and my voice
And I scream to the Devil no surrender

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/03/2021
All rights reserved
647 · Jun 2022
Deep Purple
Chuck Kean Jun 2022
Deep Purple

    I’ve bared my soul and I’ve shared
My struggles and with what I fight
I’ve shared with you my darkness
And I’ve shared with you my light

I’ve written things of silliness
And you’ve seen my romantic side
And when world tragedy strikes
My feelings I just can’t hide

I’ve even been political not really
Intending to favor a certain view
Some might even say that I’ve gone crazy
Needing drugs to subdue

I’ve been enlightened and encouraged
You all have written words that inspire
To all of you here on hello poetry
I’ve come to love and admire

I’ve read what you’ve written
From your reality to your fantasies
You’ve taken me inside your souls
And revealed your personalities

I’ve also read words of your darkness
One woman wrote about ****
And like me others writing of their
Pain trying in many ways to escape

Like a letter to death from
Someone I believe was dying
And I became overwhelmed
And I just began crying

Being humans unfortunately
It means that none of us are immortal
So I take this time to pray that each of
You can break free from your deep purple

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/02/2022
All rights reserved
I dedicate this to everyone here
On Hello Poetry—God Bless!!!
646 · Mar 2022
Chuck Kean Mar 2022

     Take your worry and let it go,
Let it go, release your pain
Take your anger and let it go,
Let it go, let your tears fall like rain

Take your darkness and blow it away
Blow it away, with the wind
Take your hatred and blow it away
Blow it away, it’s not your friend

Take your doubt and give it away
Give it away, for doubt can be so scary
Take it all and give it away
Give it away, it’s too heavy to carry

Take your fear and face it
Face it, let it know your ready to fight
Take your enemy and face it
Face it, with love and light

Take your insecurities to Jesus
To Jesus, go to find a reason to live
Take your broken heart to Jesus
To Jesus, go and let him forgive

When you do, you’ll know that Jesus
Is love, he is the cornucopia
When you die, you’ll just begin to live
And shall live eternal in Heaven Utopia

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/12/2022
All rights reserved
601 · Mar 2020
For The Addicted
Chuck Kean Mar 2020
My response to Addictions by Acme

For The Addicted

    For the addicted there’s no hate
For the addicted there’s sadness
For the addicted there’s anger
For the addicted there’s madness

For the addicted there’s pain
For the addicted wants to die
For the addicted hurts so many
For the addicted our tears we cry

For the addicted though it’s not a disease
For the addicted it was a choice
For the addicted there’s help
For the addicted I utter with devoice

For the addicted Have given up
For the addicted chose not to fight
For the addicted lives in the dark
For the addicted closes their eyes to the light

For the addicted there is shame
And the whole world is afflicted
For the addicted we pray for
God’s Grace for the addicted

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/22/2020
All rights reserved
Forgive me my views but myself being
A victim of child abuse at the hands of
An alcoholic father mentally and physically
Because he chose his love for alcohol instead
Of his love for his wife and children.
And I know it’s a choice not a disease
Because when my turn came to make the same choice, I chose to love my wife and daughter. And the easy way out for me could have been choosing alcohol or drugs or both because of everything I went through but I CHOSE to fight and not give up on life or myself. God Bless the addicted but you can chose to fight or you can stay addicted and cause more heartache and pain than you will ever realize.
582 · Feb 2023
Ya Get What Ya Give
Chuck Kean Feb 2023
Ya Get What Ya Give

    Okay people listen here
I’m gonna take it from the top
You can’t make a baby cry
Then expect it to stop

There’s no reason for you to
Stop and question why
If you break an Angel’s wings
You can’t expect it to fly

And I’ll never come to understand
Why a push always deserves a shove
You know you can’t break a heart
And then expect it to love

If you’re not the Devil, understand
You can’t destroy someone’s soul
Then expect them to be happy
Or even pretend and play the role

So please take my advice if
You wish for a wonderful life to live
Always try to remember this
Ya Get What Ya Give

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 02/09/2023
All rights reserved
490 · Feb 2020
Chuck Kean Feb 2020

   Lost in the world of the shadow
Lost in a place without a rainbow
Lost where darkness is as dark as it seems
Lost in a world without dreams

Lost even in a large crowd
Lost and just wanting to cry out loud
Lost in your own prison with no escape
Lost in an unfamiliar landscape

Lost with a feeling of no way out
Lost with an overwhelming sense of doubt
Lost in a never ending Labyrinth maze
Lost in a psychedelic purple haze

Lost In hopelessness and a different reality
Lost and hearing the wale of the banshee
Lost in a depression so very deep
Lost in no inspiration and no sleep

Lost with nothing left to give
Lost hold on to a reason to live
Lost, if so find yourself at all cost
Lost, you never wanna be lost

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 02/20/2020
All rights reserved
484 · Jun 2020
The Point Of No Return
Chuck Kean Jun 2020
The Point Of No Return

  We have come to the beginning
Of the end, but it’s been for sometime
We’ve closed our eyes, just like to all
Of God’s beauty,so sublime

As time ticked away we told God we
Didn’t need him, we’re better on our own
And now here we are with no feelings
For our hearts have turned to stone

The world has gone insane, with kids
Killing kids in our schools
Everyone just doing as they please
Paying no attention to the rules

Now it seems we’ve reached the pinochle
The capital or the rebellion we must choose
Just like our past civil war but with this
There’s no winner we all just lose

Brother killing brother
From history we refuse to learn
Can we turn it around or have we
Past the point of no return

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 06/07/2020
All rights reserved
427 · Dec 2021
Impermanent Universe
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Impermanent Universe

  Like a river flows, life moves on
A moment comes and the moment is gone
In that moment did you shine
Did your heart give love, was it genuine

Or like lightning did you strike and burn
In your heart did hatred churn
Did you play a part in the Devils role
Did your darkness consume another soul

Like a song bird so beautiful when it sings
See the beauty that love always brings
If there’s something bringing you down
Only you have the power to turn it around

Like reading a book we must turn the pages
If in our hearts our anger rages
Because like a stone causes ripples on a pond
We are all responsible for what we spawn

For every moment we hesitate
It never changes the hands of fate
We all get what we give
And our lives we cannot relive

It’s your story that you’re writing
Why fill the pages with fussing and fighting
Everything is temporary, there’s no reverse
In this Impermanent Universe

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/30/2021
All rights reserved
426 · Aug 2022
Chuck Kean Aug 2022

421 · Aug 2021
Your Name
Chuck Kean Aug 2021
Your Name

    The times they are a changing
But it’s been that way for all time
In the darkness I know you are with
Me, with a love so sublime

The world keeps getting colder, hate is
Being brainwashed into our mind
But I can still see that love
Isn’t really that hard to find

As I pause under the shade of a tree
I’m just sitting in one place
I still feel the warmth of the Sun
As it caresses my face

When the storm clouds approach
I still take comfort in what I know
There’s always storms and darkness
And there’s always a rainbow

So as the Devil seems to be in control
Soon this world I pray you will reclaim
And once again you comfort me
As the wind whispers your name

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 08/11/2021
All rights reserved
413 · Jun 2023
Chuck Kean Jun 2023

     Tick Tock, Tick Tock
The second hand fly’s
We can’t stop time
Everyone is born and everyone dies

Make the best of everyday
Let Love flow from your heart
Better how life is together
Then it is to be apart

The world is impossible on its own
Let alone we fuss and fight
In the end does it really matter
Who was wrong and who was right

Stop listening to the media
As they only tell us lies
Jesus says love is the answer
His word is the only one that applies

We all need to love as much as we can
And for as long as we are able
Because we all live under the same

Written By:Charles Kean
Dedicated to MRS TIMETABLE
Thank you for your heart and spirit
And inspiration, God Bless!!!
413 · Dec 2021
Yet Venomous Is The Lie
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Yet Venomous Is The Lie

    William J Donovan wrote and I quote

                           Truth is poison
                             This monster’s
                              Back in town
                            Stay away from
                        My door. don’t come
                       Around here no more.
                    Shut the windows down.
                         Poison is the truth.

This is my reply at the risk of miss interpretation. After reading it twice
I feel his anger in what seems to be about
A good love gone bad. The truth is deadly
It’s over so don’t come around love bites
And love kills, the truth is poison and poison is the truth.  I hope that I am right.

I’m gonna work a different angle
Go in opposite direction but his words
Are the inspiration.

     Yet Venomous Is the Lie

    Poison is the truth
The truth is poison, this is our life
Today’s world, today’s problems
This is today’s strife

What’s good is evil
What’s right is what’s wrong
We’re living in turmoil
We don’t hear the lyrics in the song

The Devil in this time, he reigns
For he is the master deceiver
Oh Lord please have mercy
For the non believer

For they let themselves be tricked
They cannot see through the disguise
What they see is their truth
But blind are their eyes

I pray that they soon realize
The reality before they die
Truth is not poison
Yet Venomous is the lie

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/04/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean
Poison is not the truth and the truth
Is not poison yet venomous is the lie and
The great deceiver will always disguise the
lie in the way of the truth, therefore
It can seem like you've been bitten by the
poisonous truth but underneath the
disguise it was nothing more than the
venomous lie.
390 · Mar 2021
I Love Dr Suess
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
I Love Dr Suess

     I love Dr Suess
I love him I do
I love him under a sky fiery red
And under a sky of baby blue

I love him before bed time
Over here and over there
I love him in the in the afternoon
In the morning and everywhere

The Cat in the Hat
And things one and two
All of the craziness in the stories, it
Made me laugh when Horton heard a Who

Don’t know how it could be offensive
It makes me scratch my head
I never found anything offensive
In any of the words I read

I wonder now what will be next
Will they go after mother goose
I will defend and stand firm and state
I love Dr Suess

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/04/2021
All rights reserved
366 · Mar 2021
Jesus Christ
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Jesus Christ

   Unconditional love is the gift
Eternal life is the promise
Accept the gift and forever
You can embrace the calmness

One creator our God
One race is the human race
The truth we all know but refuse
To come face to face

One blood we all bleed
The color is red
Listen with your heart
And not with your head

There’s just one problem
And the problem is sin
But we don’t have to lose
When there’s a way to win

There was an answer when
He offered himself to be sacrificed
There’s just one solution
And it’s Jesus Christ

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/25/2021
All rights reserved
362 · Jan 2020
Finding Bigfoot
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Finding Bigfoot

      Call it Bigfoot or Sasquatch or Yeti
Either way it describes a big hairy beast
There’s one thing for sure I know
If he does exist, I wish not to be his feast

Be it Legend or a myth
It still sends a chill down my spine
I shiver thinking of being face to face
My dilemma would be genuine

Why do people go in search of
Is it for their own peace of mind
If the day ever comes to be
We may not like what we find

Are we expecting a hug and a kiss
When we finally find he does exist
I would think he would simply
Just tear us to bits

I think that if I ever did see one
I would try to stealthy leave as pussyfoot
Knowing for sure Sasquatch or Yeti I don’t
Want to be the one finding Bigfoot

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 10/19/2018
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Apr 2022
The Thieves That Steal Your Happiness

    You can be happy
I know that it’s true
And I know being happy
Is better than being blue

Sometimes life can be bad to you or
There’s darkness from your past
These are moments that come and go
No need to make them last

Find a reason to smile
And never look back
Always get back up after being knocked
Down from a surprise attack

When bad things happen you
Gotta find a way to let it go
You can take it from me
I tell you it’s something that I know

Bad things can become a darkness
They can destroy you with their craftiness
Don’t let this or your past become the
Thieves that steal your happiness

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 04/19/2022
All rights reserved
337 · Jan 30
Winters Death
Chuck Kean Jan 30
Winters Death

     As spring arrives it ushers in a re birth
Of life as its rain quenches Earths thirst
And every year I enjoy being a witness
To this dance that seems well rehearsed

Within a blink of an eye summer arrives
And comfort comes in the form of ice cream
The shade of a tree, a summer breeze
and a nap so deep it includes a dream

And the Summers can seem to be too long
But soon comes the October morning wind
And fall is knocking on the door like
A once old lost and forgotten friend

The life cycle that comes with the four
Seasons is such a wonderful thing
Each of us having our favorite in our
Hearts and mine is the life of  Spring

I always dread the Winters darkness
And its cold poisonous breath
And unfortunately now I’m stuck
Smack dab in the middle of Winters Death

Written By:Charles Kean
335 · Jul 2021
The Rise Of Socialism
Chuck Kean Jul 2021
The Rise Of Socialism

     In America, the land of the free
From Sea to shining Sea
No longer do we need to worry about War
To the Devil we’ve opened the door

Other countries build their military will
Have no mercy, No prisoners, just ****
Our soldiers, that’s offensive to me
When I don’t have a special place to ***

It’s not fair, there’s the rich and I have none
But their so stupid to see what has begun
America is now divided as we stand
And together in the fall of our land

In lands of socialism in the gutter and street
Loads of money is everywhere at your feet
In Venezuela it is worthless the Bolivar
That’s Socialism and the way things are

Our world will certainly crumble to dust
If we give our Government control and trust
Our America will be a land of Communism
If we surrender to the rise of socialism

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/20/2021
All rights reserved
321 · Jan 2020
Space Time Continuum
Chuck Kean Jan 2020

   Space and time exists together simultaneously
At least that's the theory.
When I think about it of
course my brain gets overloaded But having
said that it would seem that there would be no such thing as time travel so to speak.To me we are living in the past,present and future all at the same time somewhere in space or you could probably turn that around and say that there is no such thing as space travel for we are all in space somewhere in time. Space being three dimensional and time being one dimensional therefore we live in a four dimensional world of space and time. Everything we did yesterday and today and what we will do tomorrow is actually happening at the same time somewhere in space or in the same space somewhere in time. Having said that it would seem it is an eternal existence and could explain a lot of
Deja Vu. The past never being gone and tomorrow never really in our future it is said live for today. Yet we are born we live we age we die or do we. Somewhere in space we may not be born yet and somewhere in space we have already died. I don't know somewhere in time we exist in all of space so the aliens we are looking for could be ourselves. Just in another time, Give that some thought I have a headache.
Not a poem necessarily but just a silly thought
300 · Jun 2021
In A Dark Place
Chuck Kean Jun 2021
I’m in a Dark place
I know that God will get me through
To the light but just know I am
Feeling a sense of non existence.
Please pray for me.
290 · Oct 2022
Crystal Shard’s
Chuck Kean Oct 2022
Chrystal Shard’s

     When I was young, mother told me
My heart was fragile like Crystals
Beware of Cupids Arrows and
Annie Oakley’s shiny silver pistols

Each would prove to be deadly
If I was to cross in their path
She said to always treat women
With tender love to avoid their wrath

But don’t fall in love
Because Love is destined to fail
When that day arrives
You’ll feel the fires from Hell

As time slipped away momma’s voice
Became just an echo from the past
I heard so many stories about love
And forever it was supposed to last

So I had to learn the hard way with no
Caution to the wind or regards
My love I gave to you and now my heart
Is shattered into Crystal Shard’s

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/27/2022
All rights reserved
287 · Apr 24
Closed For Repairs
Chuck Kean Apr 24
Closed For Repairs

       Well I put myself out there
I decided to take a chance
When I climbed the tree of life, I guess
I came to rest on the weakest branch

They said I’d never find love
If I kept to myself and kept so reserved
They said to open up and I would
Find love and get what I deserved

So I found myself a beautiful woman
I opened up and let her inside
I felt free and comfortable and
There was nothing I tried to hide

I was flying high on the wings of love
I learned what it was like to fall
Now the pain is unbearable and I know
It’s something I never wish to recall

She broke my heart and the damage is
Severe and there’s no pain that compares
So now I’ll just hide away in my safe place
And this heart will be Closed For Repairs

Written By:Charles Kean
281 · Jan 2020
Eeyore’s Cloudy Day
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Eeyore's Cloudy Day

  Back to the days of Christopher Robin
Back to the days of Pooh.
You know a cloudy day can
Make us all feel sad and blue

Great friendship stories
Together through and through
Are the stories you find in
The adventures of Pooh

I have always loved
Pooh and the rest
But Eeyore is truly the
One I love the best

I don't know if this is
The actual story line
But it will work for this
Little poem of mine

Oh bother Eeyore said to
Piglet as a rain cloud appeared above
I feel so sad and lonely
And without love

I may as well just stand here
In the rain for nobody cares
And just then piglet said I
Care Eeyore as he pulled out
His Umbrella to share
On Eeyore's cloudy day

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 02/21/17
All rights reserved
280 · Jun 2023
The Lost
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
The Lost

     She was so young and so pretty
She was Daddy’s little girl
He told her she could be anything
A Ballerina, she loved to twirl

She loved clear summer nights
She spent them stareing at the Stars
Maybe she could be a female astronaut
And be the first to walk on Mars

She had so much potential and
She had so many dreams
But she fell in love with a guy
Making promises and working schemes

Nothing ever seemed to go her way
She was overwhelmed with her situation
All she ever wanted was to be happy
She began using artificial stimulation

She ultimately became addicted
And her heart and soul became the cost
She had so much life to be lived but now
She’s all but invisible and one of The Lost

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 06/06/2023
All rights reserved
277 · Oct 2022
Little Lies
Chuck Kean Oct 2022
Little Lies

     I really don’t know, I guess pathetic
Is the only word that comes to mind
Yet you knowingly still tell your lies
When the truth isn’t hard to find

I’m not a wise man by any means
But it doesn’t take much to realize
You’d never be a good actor because
You can’t even fake a poor disguise

I can see the evil Aurora that surrounds
You as it invades attempting to Demonize
And as you utter your words, I can see
The fluctuation in your eyes

I don’t know who you’re trying to impress
But none of us were born yesterday
So just some information I give for free
No one believes anything you say

Only God can save you, I can only pray
But as long as you believe you
You’ll be lost in your own whirlwind
Never knowing what is really true

Under your feet, you’re slowly losing
Any solid ground upon which you stand
There’s nothing but fire below
I’m just trying to help you understand

So if you wish to turn it around
Then quickly a plan you must devise
Because I can tell ya all roads to Hell
Begin with just telling Little Lies

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/27/2022
All rights reserved
274 · Dec 2021
Before It’s Too Late
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Before It’s Too Late

       When I look around me I see
As the world keeps spinning around
We have failed our future
Our world is crashing down

We see wrong in everything
Even if what we see is right
If the Sun is high in the mid day sky
Someone would swear that it’s night

And if you tried pointing out the obvious
They would be offended by your view
There’s no in between in this reality
We must find a way to breakthrough

Because it’s like we’re walking through
A minefield carrying a heavy load
Just one false move and everything
Will just simply explode

There’s got to be a common ground
What’s the reason for all this hate
Can we begin a new narrative
And turn it around before it’s too late

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/15/2021
All rights reserved
274 · Dec 2023
Christmas Bird
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
Christmas Bird

      It’s Christmas Eve and I’m sitting
On my couch staring at the Christmas tree
Overwhelmed with emotions,  I feel the love Of the Christmas Angel come over me

Up in the night sky the Christmas Star
Is shining so vividly bright
And I can’t help myself but to feel
Peace from its wonderful light

In the silence of the night
I feel myself drifting off to sleep
Soon it will be Christmas morning and
Inside my heart this feeling I wish to keep

So I fought for as long as I could through
Each and every uncontrolled yawn
Like a child tossing and turning restlessly
Anticipating the coming of the dawn

And just before the Sunrise came the
Most Beautiful sound I’ve ever heard
And I quickly realized it’s the sound
Of the Song of the Christmas Bird

Written By:Charles Kean
In case I can’t say it later
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
God Bless!!!
272 · Nov 2023
The Devil’s Game
Chuck Kean Nov 2023
The Devils Game

       Call me insensitive or call me whatever you wish, even call me down right mean
But in my eyes I can see the true evil
For now it’s so easily seen

The good are Evil and the Evil Good
This is the forced perception being sold
But I tell you that I wasn’t born yesterday
And literally I’m getting quite old

Now everything is offensive and you want
Me to tiptoe around your feelings
Yet you’re not so worried about mine
As you continue your agenda and dealings

Now men want to identify as Women
And Women want to identify as men
It’s an upside down world and time
Is quickly approaching the end

For my remaining days I will not surrender
And pretend and call you by another name
No offense but you need to understand
I refuse to play The Devil’s Game

Written By:Charles Kean
268 · Mar 2021
God They’ve Rejected
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
God They’ve Rejected

    The Sun rises and kisses the day
And the Moon rises in the night
The Sun shines it’s light of love onto
The Moon and so it too has a light

We all have a light given to us and
All we have to do is choose to let it shine
The world keeps getting darker
And it’s breaking this heart of mine

I pray for all the lost souls
And the prayer is to change their destiny
To give their hearts to God
And release themselves from Devilry

It’s a well known fact of life
That life as a human, for all of us will end
The question is where will our souls go
Will they descend or will they ascend

Know that Hell is not full because souls
Were by God not accepted
But Hell  is full with souls because
It’s God they’ve rejected

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 03/01/2021
All rights reserved
266 · Mar 2021
Stepping Stone
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Stepping Stone

    I gave you my heart so easily
You didn’t have to take it
My love for you was real
I didn’t have to fake it

I was the one beside you all the way
While you were chasing your dreams
And I was the one pulling you back together
When you were falling apart at the seams

I was there to hold you when you would
Wake up from your nightmare
I would tell you everything will Be
Alright each time you were in despair

And in the blindness of my love
I couldn’t see through your disguise
I lost myself in the magic of love
Because I saw the universe in your eyes

I made it possible for you to reach for the
Stars and now here I am on my own
You got everything you ever wanted, now
I realize I was just your stepping stone

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/12/2021
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
The Day The Fallen Angels Return

     The end of days is upon us but
It doesn’t mean time will stop tomorrow
But seeing the way people are behaving
Makes my heart fill with sorrow

Most of us will probably already be dead
On the day the air is filled with humans cry
And the Sun is no longer visible, obscured
By a dark devilish apocalyptic sky

As I observe the coming of the worlds fate
The nearer it gets there’s more rejection
His love is true and for all to receive
But no one seems to welcome his affection

If in your heart you just wish to deny
It’s okay you have that right
If you’re reading this now you’ll most
Likely also be gone before this night

You’ll already know where you’ll be
Spending eternity or nothing at all
Because some don’t believe in God
Or the Devil but I wouldn’t make that call

I pray that all whom are still alive that
Final day will have no cause for concern
Having given their hearts to Jesus
Before the day the fallen Angels return

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 12/24/2021
All rights reserved
248 · Dec 2021
Happy Birthday Jesus
Chuck Kean Dec 2021
Happy Birthday Jesus ❤️❤️❤️
246 · Mar 2023
The Devil, I Knew Him Well
Chuck Kean Mar 2023
The Devil, I Knew Him Well

      Well I’ve set at his table
I’ve smelled his breath, intoxicating
His saliva dripping while he eats
His control is suffocating

Take my words and take heed
I was locked in a cage
He fed on my anger and he became
Stronger from my rage

The more I cried
He found it to be exhilarating
I was driven mad
My tempers infuriating

The secret of his game is
He’s the master deceiver
My victory and my escape was
Because in Jesus I became a believer

Out of the ashes I rose, so trust when I
Say There is a Heaven and a Hell
Because now I know Jesus and yes
The Devil, I Knew Him Well

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright ©️ 03/03/2023
All Rights Reserved
240 · Jan 2021
Chuck Kean Jan 2021

   In an instant life can change
It can happen in the blink of an eye
Sometimes you just can’t explain it
There’s no reason to try

Her love was like a whirlwind
She swept me off of my feet
I couldn’t believe this was happening
To me, her love was so sweet

But it was like I was Adam taking a bite
Of the Apple from the forbidden tree
Was this a contract with the Devil, trapped
In loves chains never breaking free

And as quickly as I fell in the grasp
Of love with the power of just one KISS
Knowing it for just a moment in time
That overwhelming feeling of its bliss

I found myself a drifter in the wind, circling
In the air as the strong winds blow
My heart torn to pieces as if it were
Destroyed by an F5 Tornado

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 01/25/2021
All rights reserved
229 · Dec 2023
For You
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
For You

        For you have closed your eyes
For You there’s no more trying
For you have left it all behind
For You there’s no more crying

For You have made your last decision
For You there’s no more pain
For You have forgotten your darkness
For You there’s no more rain

For You took it upon yourself to be selfish
For You there’s no more sorrow
For You there’s no past or future
For You there’s no more tomorrow

For You have nothing you can change
For You there’s no more feelings to hide
For You don’t have a life to live
For You have committed suicide

For You cut everyone out of your life
For You transferred to us your blue
For You took the easy way out
For You, there’s nothing for you

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Hello Poetry
        (Where The Heart Is In The Write)

    Here I am, just a man in a changed
World and I’m lost in what to believe
And it saddens me deeply and I
Wear my heart upon my sleeve

I still like to think that the world
Is full of people whom still are kind
But the media has filled their hearts with
Hate and they’ve become reality blind

But miracles still happen every day
This much I truly know
And each of us in our hearts
Still have room to grow

One day I was feeling really low
And I had this phone in my hand
I was truly puzzled by things
In this world that I didn’t understand

I began to cry and I couldn’t stop
And as usual a poem I began to write
It had nothing to do with my pain
It was silly and fun and light

The title was Old Ones
And I simply just wanted to share
I found Hello Poetry and I found
There’s still wonderful people out there

We write about a plethora of things
In general just what’s on our mind
We post them here and we read
Other poetry that we find

In a world full of hate, there’s love here
It’s a family that I’ve never known
I feel it in my heart and even deeper
Clean down to the bone

I want to thank you all for your kindness
Deb Jones, and Scripted Silence too
Carlo C Gomez and Timetabled and
Beautifully Broken just to name a few

God Bless you all for your love
And for shining your light
Thank you so much my people of Hello
Poetry, where the heart is in the write

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 03/11/2021
All rights reserved
Dedicated to everyone here at HP

               Old Ones

  I remember my youth and
The energy that was endlessly flowing
And today I feel that energy
Continually slowing

I remember my elders and
How they envied me
Wishing they could store
That energy for eternity

Now the years have passed me by
And I still feel the kid Inside of me
But I have no clue just where
That energy might be

I know it's lost in some
Kind of a galaxy Void
Harnessed inside some
Kind of a robot droid

Or maybe it's frozen in the
Space and time doldrums
Or maybe it was  hijacked
By the old ones

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 4/9/17
All rights reserved
The first poem that I posted here
221 · Oct 2022
Cancel Society
Chuck Kean Oct 2022
Cancel Society

    The dawn has risen on a new day
History is now just a word
The world has changed, it’s not
Recognized and it’s so absurd

Did a past ever exist
What do we really know
Are we children to be seen not heard
In a stagnant life unable to grow

It’s all about feelings so terribly hurt
The world is so very cruel
So erase it all and make it go away
With a very demanding new rule

The sky cannot forever be Sunny
There will always be rain
We cannot experience pleasure
If there’s never any pain

So go ahead and cancel it all
What will be our new reality
You just might find that you
Cancel your own Cancel Society

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 10/14/2022
All rights reserved
220 · Jun 2023
I’ll Make Believe
Chuck Kean Jun 2023
I’ll Make Believe

     I can be anything to anyone
I’m a man of a thousand faces
But what am I trying to hide
How can I gain your social graces

I’m a Hollywood movie star
A superhero on your theater screen
When you cry out for help
I’m the first on the scene

I’m your knight in shining armor
The Prince Charming of your dreams
When you have a nightmare
I’m the only one to hear your screams

I’m a Billionaire I’m your provider
I’m Handsome and I’m Debonair
There’s not a man in the whole world
That can come close to compare

I’m a Magic man and I’ve always
Got a trick up my sleeve
But in my true reality to you I don’t
Exist and so I’ll Make Believe

Written By:Charles Kean
220 · Feb 25
The Beauty Of Poetry
Chuck Kean Feb 25
The Beauty Of Poetry

    What is Poetry, that is the question
Shakespeare and Poe
Most definitely the best
Any of us will ever know

I’m just a simple man
I write in simple rhyme
Never knowing the Intricacies
Of that period of time

But does poetry really need to be
So deep and have such complexity
To be held to such high honor
By all of our human society

I believe that poetry can be
Reduced to a mere word or two
And there’s no law requiring rhyme
It’s just the way I present mine to you

So be it Romantic or Religious or if
It’s of Darkness or Drollery
It’s all relative and wonderful
That’s The Beauty Of Poetry

Written By:Charles Kean
215 · Dec 2023
A Song Waiting To Be Sung
Chuck Kean Dec 2023
A Song Waiting To Be Sung

         In the darkness and silence
It so patiently waits
But even I don’t know why
It persistently hesitates

Is it shyness or fear or I wonder
Does it question its worth
Does it feel it will be greeted with
Sadness or overwhelming Mirth

Could it be that it wants its timing
To be perfect when it arrives
All I know is that inside the heart
It’s a song that still thrives

One of these days just maybe
It will burst into existence by surprise
And just maybe it will triumph and joyful
Tears will fall from everyone’s eyes

But for now at least we’ll have to wait
As it remains to stay deep within the lungs
And it will continue to be just
A Song Waiting To Be Sung

Written By:Charles Kean
215 · Mar 2021
The Hope Of Cindy Lou
Chuck Kean Mar 2021
Copied and pasted, I didn’t write this.

Alas they've come for Dr. SEUSS, they wish to hang him with a noose. They claim his tales were racist bent, they judged him fast, missed what he meant.  
But if we look inside his tales, you'll find the balance of the scales.  Remember when Horton heard a Who, and we heard the wisdom of the Lorax too.  The lesson behind Green Eggs and Ham,  that changed the mind of Sam I am.  Remember too the rotten Grinch, who once would never give an inch. He taught us lessons, one and all, boys and girls, big and small.  
So if you've judged his works as poor, you should re-read them, I implore.  The man we know as Dr. SEUSS, turned our imaginations loose.  His impact was beyond compare, he taught us it was good to care.  To accept the red, the blue, the green, and on each other we can lean.  
So if you still won't give an inch, your heart has hardened like the Grinch.  Release the grudge, the hate, the rue, and embrace the hope of Cindy Lou.
Copied. Shared.
215 · Jul 2022
Courtesy Flush
Chuck Kean Jul 2022
Courtesy Flush

     Well it happens all the time
And I’m sure it happens to all
And I’m not ashamed to admit
I cringe from what rises from the stall

Your day is going well but you
Must go inside to take a ****
Your a good person and really
No one deserves a torcher such as this

So please I have but one request
If you must go number two
In a public restroom, you know
It’s just the right thing to do

Remember the last time you walked
In and you thought something had died
And the smell was so overwhelming
That you broke down and cried

There’s nothing worse than walking in and
That smell hitting your nostrils in a rush
It’s really the least you can do is give
The person walking in a curtesy flush

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/29/2022
All rights reserved
213 · Aug 2022
Twilight’s Shadow
Chuck Kean Aug 2022
Twilight’s Shadow

    I’m lost in my thoughts and In the
Silence of the night hear my heart beat
Life always finds a way to knock me
Down but I’ll never face defeat

I’m not a wise man by any means
But I’ve managed to survive
Ask yourself if you feel dead inside
What will make you feel alive

Take a pause feel your heart
Know the joy and know the pain
Find your reason to live
Enjoy the Sun enjoy the rain

Don’t decide to find happiness
With artificial stimulation
Search yourself like a dead poet’s society
Find your own life’s translation

Your life was a gift so live and love
If darkness hits you with a deathblow
Roll with the punch and
Dance in Twilight’s Shadow

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright © 07/31/2022
All rights reserved
206 · Jan 2020
Jesus and Dogs
Chuck Kean Jan 2020
Jesus And Dogs

    As we go through life and
Just live the life we are living
There’s one thing we know
Jesus and dogs are always forgiving

When people give up on you as they
Become inpatient, it can be so frustrating
But again here we are knowing
Jesus and dogs will always be waiting

Love can be so hard to find and yet
Love can be such an easy thing to lose
But you can never go wrong with love
If Jesus and dogs are what you choose

I’m not an expert on anything really so
Maybe I shouldn’t be giving advice to you
But if you investigate I’m sure you’ll find
What I say of Jesus and dogs to be true

You won’t find it in magazines or catalogues
Nor will you get it from cats, frogs or hogs
You might as well just have a pile of logs
True love only comes from Jesus and dogs

Written By: Charles Kean
Copyright 10/11/2019
All rights reserved

P.S. Jesus gives his true love with gifts
Wives,husbands, family,friends,and especially
Dogs. This poem is dedicated to the dogs in
My life. Prince,Freely,Harley,Doby and Buckeye.

How could you not believe in Jesus
Getting unconditional love from my Buckeye.
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