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The Last Dinosaur

     Once there was eight born in order
Three males and a female and repeat
First there was School and then came
Work all within the system of defeat

I was number six of the eight but life
Came to each in different ways
And nothing is ever as clear as black
And white it’s filled with shades of grays

Dinosaur one his retirement came natural
Dinosaur two the same but not for three
And not for four, five is still working but
Soon naturally he will also be finally free

Number five and I came close to death
Him only once but I was four times dead
But seven and eight they too dropped out
Early and no longer chase the bread

Five told me that the social worker was
Working on his plan to walk out the door
Now obviously after the simple math
You guessed it, I’m The Last Dinosaur

Written By:Charles Kean
A Place Called Shadeville

Well I was on the road of the straight and
Narrow and everything was going well
But my baby up and left me and now
I’m driving on the highway to Hell

Faster and faster I’m spiraling
Further and further down
I think I’m past the point of no return
And I can’t seem to turn myself around

A cloud of darkness is hanging over me
And I have no hope for a better tomorrow
I know a man ain’t supposed to cry
But here I am drowning in my sorrow

Up ahead in the distance I see a neon light
I need a place to stop so that I can think
I need some food for nourishment and
I could use a nice stiff drink

So I pulled into the parking lot to get a
Grip on the way that I feel
The sign outside says The Grumpy Goat
And it’s in A Place Called Shadeville

Written By:Charles Kean
5d · 24
The Last Exodus
The Last Exodus

       Modern man has had his reign
Annihilation is ultimately inevitable
Lawlessness has taken up domain
The message of Jesus is undeliverable

The people live in denial and un excepting
Of the gift of their blessedness
They live carefree and without Consequences indulging in their decadence

With a lack of acknowledgement comes
A life that’s connectionless
And without a Devine intervention
We become a society that’s directionless

The choice is of our free will and we’re so
Accepting of all of the behavior indecorous
And our time is running out and we must
Rediscover that which is precedence

It’s time to put the Creator our Lord
Jesus first again and know his excellence
If we wish our souls to be received in
Heaven upon the time of The Last Exodus

Written By: Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jun 7
Under Your Midnight Sun

    I took a walk in the forest of your love
But through the thick I could not see
I heard the howling of the wolves
I knew you were coming for me

I knew my life would never be the same
What was written would be done
I knew that I had to surrender,
I saw the rise of your Midnight Sun

(C) Under Your Midnight Sun
I was frozen in my tracks
I didn’t dare to run
Now I hunger for the Darkness
Under Your Midnight Sun

When you got your claws into me
Your cut was quick and deep
And when I bled and screamed
You knew I was yours to keep

You know I saw the warning signs
But they were something I chose to ignore
I try not to think about it too much for
You always leave me wanting more

(C)Under Your Midnight Sun
I was frozen in my tracks
I didn’t dare to run
Now I hunger for the Darkness
Under Your Midnight Sun

(Music interlude—Solo)

(B) And like the waves crashing on the shore
You always come knocking at my door
And I see the Animal in your eyes
And it doesn’t take me long to realize
I’m just a man and I was born to sin
And I always let you in
Because I hunger for the Darkness

(Cx2) Repeat last two lines of (C)
End Abruptly

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jun 5
The Price Of This Mistake

        It’s after midnight and I’m looking
Out my window watching the pouring rain
Uncontrollably my tears are falling, I never
Knew a heart could endure such pain

I know it was my fault, and my apologies
Feel like worthless words I just say
I can’t turn back the hands of time
But oh how I wish there was a way

If I could have or if I would have done
What I should have but it’s too late
Now I must carry on without you
And face the destiny of my fate

Maturity comes from lessons learned
As we grow from day to day
But I’m a slow learner and I always
Seem to learn things the hard way

They say that time always heals but I
Fear for this could be an eternal heartbreak
And I know I’ll spend the rest of my life
Paying The Price Of This Mistake

Written By:Charles Kean
Jun 1 · 25
It’s Very Deep
Chuck Kean Jun 1
It’s Very Deep

       Sometimes I feel fuzzy and full
Of love and happiness and affection
And other times there’s a darkness
And life is going in the wrong direction

Sometimes there’s no philosophy
And thoughts are worthless or cheap
But then there’s times when I can
Surprise myself with something deep

Thus is the case with this but you might
Want to smack me and call me a creep
So you might not want to continue
Reading this and take that leap

Poetry is something that I dig
And I know you dig it so true
So we dig it and he digs it and
She digs it and they dig it too

And so now that it’s done
I hope you feel that it wasn’t too steep
But I hope we can all agree
That at least It’s very deep

Written By:Charles Kean
May 29 · 22
Inter Me
Chuck Kean May 29
Inter Me

      Who am I, do I even know myself
Thoughts I have some old and some new
I try to keep an open mind, I’m not
Afraid to see a different view

If you look closely, you will see
Variations of one dominant personality
It’s not necessarily a confirmation
That there’s a glitch in my reality

I’m just a man with a heart of gold
My intentions are usually good
But no matter what I say or do
Sometimes I’m still miss understood

My thoughts I transform into my
Poetry with words that tend to rhyme
Forever on the internet riding a wave
On an invisible cloud in space and time

And with each one posted it’s clear
To see the range of my diversity
And see my soul to the Devil will never
Be sold, so keep reading to inter me

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean May 25
On A Feather In The Wind

      As I continue to age, it just
Keeps Getting Harder to pretend
I’m past the point of no return
And life is closer to the end

I’ve Rock & Rolled all nite and partied
Every day and now I must comprehend
Holding on to sixteen as long as I can is
Crazy, now I guess it’s time to transcend

As the cloud of depression covers me
And the Demons begin to descend
I have a Butterfly Angel watching over me
And against them my life she will defend

But even she can’t stop my natural decline
And time will pass with out a way to suspend
And my time will come and no money
Can ever buy any time to extend

But baby If I should go before you
You’ll still feel my love deep within
Every day you’ll still receive my love
I will send it On A Feather In The Wind

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean May 14
Live, Love, Forgive And Pray

      Sometimes I feel like a ship in the
Middle of a storm trying to stay a float
I fight back my tears with everything
I’ve got but there’s that lump in the throat

I wish I could be just like a river and
I could take the path of least resistance
But the heart inside of me refuses to
Yield and continues in its persistence

When the rain comes the river rises
And the gentle flow begins to rage
When times get tough in life if our story
Is to continue we must turn the page

Life is a journey and we never know what’s
Over the next hill or around the next bend
When the rest of the world lets us down
We know Jesus can be our only friend

This life is too short for our troubles and
Our past and tomorrow can be a better day
If we all take a deep breath and learn
To Live, Love, Forgive And Pray

Written By:Charles Kean
May 4 · 56
When Comes The Rain
Chuck Kean May 4
When Comes The Rain

      Though I know we set each other free
It still hurts to see you with someone new
I guess my heart must still be breaking
It’s telling me that I still love you

I could see it in your eyes, you were in
Love and loving the way he made you feel
But I could see his eyes were roaming
And his love for you isn’t real

I see a forecast of a brewing storm
And it shouldn’t be so surprising
The atmospheric pressure has been
Hinting of a bad Moon rising

I know you think it’s my jealousy but I
Tell you I’ve come to terms with my mistake
I just want what’s best for you and you
Can’t see what is so obviously fake

I want you to know, I’ll lay down on the
Tracks in front of this doomed runaway train
When the lightning flashes and the thunder
Rolls, I’ll be here When Comes The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean
May 1 · 24
Take It Back
Chuck Kean May 1
Take It Back

       Since The first time we met
Somehow I guess I stole your heart
And you gave me your love ignoring
All the red flags from the very start

You told yourself you were the Angel
That was here to save my soul
But clearly you were blinded and you
Couldn’t see the Devil was in control

Despite all that was against you it
Amazed me how you always gave your best
Though you never really made any
Progress and you always failed the test

I had truly convinced myself that
There would never come a day
No I never thought you could give up
On love and you’d just walk away

I kept pushing your limits to see how
Far you would bend before you would break
I guess this was the last straw and
It was more than you could take

I shouldn’t be surprised after constantly
Shaking the foundation, it would crack
And as easily as you gave your love to me
There’d come a day you’d Take It Back

Written By:Charles Kean
Apr 28 · 38
Chuck Kean Apr 28

           When there’s a fire, there’s
Always smoke that billows
When you feel a presence of evil, there’s
Always a Demon hiding in the shadows

When you feel Claustrophobic, you
Always seem to lose your breath
When you feel yourself panic, you
Always feel like you’re closer to death

When someone has Nyctophobia, it’s
Known as a fear of the dark
When someone has a deal with the Devil, it’s
Known as a contract with Hells Monarch

When you hear stories of deaths forest, you
Know one is speaking about the Aokigahara
When you hear stories of sudden death, you
Know one is speaking about the Mara

When Japanese warn of Aokigahara, they
Are warning of the forest dark deity
When Japanese warn of deaths Reaper, they
Are warning of the Demon Shinigami

Written By:Charles Kean
Apr 24 · 259
Closed For Repairs
Chuck Kean Apr 24
Closed For Repairs

       Well I put myself out there
I decided to take a chance
When I climbed the tree of life, I guess
I came to rest on the weakest branch

They said I’d never find love
If I kept to myself and kept so reserved
They said to open up and I would
Find love and get what I deserved

So I found myself a beautiful woman
I opened up and let her inside
I felt free and comfortable and
There was nothing I tried to hide

I was flying high on the wings of love
I learned what it was like to fall
Now the pain is unbearable and I know
It’s something I never wish to recall

She broke my heart and the damage is
Severe and there’s no pain that compares
So now I’ll just hide away in my safe place
And this heart will be Closed For Repairs

Written By:Charles Kean
Apr 23 · 29
The Wolf You Feed
Chuck Kean Apr 23
The Wolf You Feed

    The forces are real, invisible but
But obviously they can still be seen
If you observe your surroundings
It’s as clear as red and green

It’s as simple as our morals
To do what’s wrong or what’s right
To live in the love of the day
And not die in the darkness of night

The bottom line is it all depends
Upon your own wisdom and choice
When the Demon and Angel whisper
Which one becomes the strongest voice

Is it the Wolf of light and hope
The Wolf of darkness and despair
Tell me you’re not oblivious to the
The forces you must be aware

My words of wisdom are already your
Knowledge to which is your Creed
Because your survival and happiness
Depends upon The Wolf You Feed

Written By:Charles Kean
Apr 20 · 135
Chuck Kean Apr 20

     Alone again in a crowded room,
Am I dead or just dead to you
Do I still have a breath of life
Or have I gone cold and blue

So close and yet so far away
We were reaching for it all
Climbing to the top but now it’s
Clear that I have taken a fall

I speak my words but it’s like
They’re just sounds of silence
I can’t understand why you’re
So steadfast in your defiance

You’ve got no room for compromise
But love can’t be bought or sold
I tried to give you everything but
You left me standing alone in a world so cold

When our love was new you had
A way of making me feel invincible
But now everything has changed so
Drastically and  I feel I’m Invisible

Written By:Charles Kean
Apr 8 · 116
Total Eclipse
Chuck Kean Apr 8
Total Eclipse

      As the Sun Rises high into
The blue midday sky
Today the Moon will conquer
If only for a few moments the Sun will die

America will be in the shadow
As a witness to this small victory
This is a very special event in our lives
It’ll certainly be a highlight in our history

God gives us signs using the Sun and
Planets but what is he trying to say
Could this be a Warning, is he telling us
That soon we will see our last day

Will this day be the beginning of decades
Of torture and agony as The world dies
As once again God makes the final decision
To destroy all that he created as he cries

In the Bible it is written that we will
Know the wrath of the pending Apocalypse
But for now we must all take a deep breath
Because today It’s just a Total Eclipse

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 7
The Invisibility Of Poverty

        The world never really sleeps
Life is lived in some type of capacity
We were meant for love and compassion
But that concept is beyond our mentality

Obviously we’ve been separated
There’s good guys and the bad guys
There’s the political left and right
And there’s no rule that applies

Once there was a dominant lower
And middle And upper class
But the middle is disappearing
Bitten by the snakes in the grass

And every day we just pass each other
By as we do what we need to survive
As everything is designed to cater
To the rich so that they can thrive

And every day greed takes more
Control without care of the inequality
And the world turns and the people live
With The Invisibility Of Poverty

Written By:Charles Kean
Apr 5 · 27
Without You
Chuck Kean Apr 5
Without You

   Well it’s no secret, I was on the
Highway to Hell at a high rate of speed
The world had abused me enough
And I bled all that I could bleed

Just another lost worthless soul
Wondering aimlessly in the wilderness
I was without direction and without
Love and my heart was filled with bitterness

Darkness had convinced me that it was
My only friend and I would never see light
I didn’t have a dream, I was brainwashed
And broken living in a constant night

At an early age life had been ****** out
Of me and I didn’t have any desire
I was sure that my destiny was to walk
Eternally on Brimstone through fire

But God saved me by sending me an
Angel, this much I know is true
I don’t ever want to think about my one
Time fate without him and Without You

Written By:Charles Kean
Apr 1 · 44
Let The Old Man In
Chuck Kean Apr 1
Let The Old Man In

      I was born into poverty
Just another worthless soul
Abused physically and mentally
But I began to listen to Rock & Roll

Somewhere along the way, I was able
To grow a tougher skin
With every grain of salt sprinkled into
The wounds, I developed a stronger chin

On my own off and on at age thirteen
And completely at eighteen years of age
I left home and never looked back, and for
The story to continue I had to turn the page

I had a young care free attitude and
Over the years I have kept it in my Heart
Never wanted to accept aging or let my
Youth slip Away and become an old ****

And now even at age Sixty Two I still feel
The Rock & Roll kid deep within
And each day though the struggle gets harder I still refuse to Let The Old Man In

Written By:Charles Kean
Mar 31 · 102
Jesus Saved My Soul
Chuck Kean Mar 31
Jesus Saved My Soul

    I’ve never been known for being well dressed
I sometimes can get so depressed
I can let life leave me so stressed
But I know that I am blessed

Literally you know I’ve been to Hell
I’m not sure what it means to be an infidel
Don’t know about a higher clientele
Could never seem to get off the carousel

My hearts been stabbed by the impeller
I feel like I crawled from a cellar
A real low life bottom dweller
My past is sadder than the story of old yeller

But I can say now it’s all behind me
From the chains that use to bind me
I have clearly broken free
Through the darkness the light I can see

The Devil has lost his control
Though I know I sin and love Rock & Roll
And I look like an ugly troll
It’s all good because Jesus saved my soul

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 03/30/2019
All rights reserved
Mar 30 · 117
Solemn Vow
Chuck Kean Mar 30
Solemn Vow

      Call him the Devil, Satan or Lucifer
The Evil one or the Prince of Darkness
His presence is real and his plan is in
Full operation and clever in starkness

As we live in a world divided
Jesus has my complete piety
As the end grows ever closer
I ask where lies your deity

For the Devil has fallen in love with an
Angel and it’s the last straw and unforgiven
But it takes two and the Angel willingly
Devotes her love knowing it’s forbidden

And now the final line has been drawn
The apocalypse is imminent
There’s nothing that can stop it and there
Was nothing that could have prevented it

The world so easily slipped into lawlessness
And all sins they gracefully allow
The beginning of the end was set in motion
Ironically as  each took their Solemn Vow

Written By:Charles Kean
I have the coolest picture to this poem
And actually to several other ones as well.
It’s a shame that we can’t post pictures on HP
Chuck Kean Mar 24
Another Funeral Parlor Reunion

      To look at us now, you would never
Believe that we are actually a family
But believe it or not we are and you
Can check our not so distant history

Somewhere over time we just drifted
Apart and went our separate ways
So far apart now and past the point of no
Return, always longing for our yesterdays

In the vaults of our memories are the
Good times and the Bad
But at least we were together to celebrate
The happy times and console the sad

Now this family is more like people
That we once knew, to each a stranger
The only time we’re together is by
The calling of the grim reaper arranger

I know what I am about to say might
Seem like I am nothing short of inhuman
But this heart of mine just can’t take
Another Funeral Parlor Reunion

Written By:Charles Kean
We use to get together because we wanted to
Not because we have to.
Mar 23 · 58
Evil Within
Chuck Kean Mar 23
Evil Within

      For sixty one years I have been mostly
In control except every now and then
But there’s been times when the world
Has caught glimpses of the Evil within

Everyone has this problem but most
Are not as capable and strong
However some remain in complete control
Their Evil never to harm or do wrong

Daily I see the battle unfold before my
Eyes between Evil and the Good
And it breaks my heart knowing that we
never treat each other the way we should

There’s been a shift in the Matrix and more
And more I see Evil slipping through the cracks
The worlds train is derailing and it’s
Running off of its tracks

I can feel it in the Atmosphere unfolding
Before us, I see the Apocalypse begin
And I myself am losing my control
Over my own powerful Evil Within

Written By:Charles Kean
Mar 20 · 113
Fade Away
Chuck Kean Mar 20
Fade Away

      Just like the day surrenders
To the night without a word to say
When there’s nothing left to do
It simply knows it must fade away

Everything that ever mattered
Means nothing at all today
Just like when it’s time to die
We just let it fade away

There’s nothing left in the heart
No more tears to cry, no reason to stay
When there’s nothing but memories
And even those begin to fade away

Like the four seasons Spring, Summer
Fall, Winter, each have a role to play
Most generally they know when
It’s their time to fade away

Like the darkness of the hair on my
Head slowly gives into the grey
Everything in life must become extinct
And naturally fade away

Now quietly at 62 I know what I need to do
Like the wood on the dock of the bay
Withered by nature and time I will take
My place in society and just fade away

Written By:Charles Kean
Mar 18 · 49
In The Color Of Night
Chuck Kean Mar 18
In The Color Of Night

       Life that was once of family and
Love filled with times of togetherness
Long gone and forgotten lost in the
Shadows of darkness and loneliness

Family picnics and reunions and
Birthday parties are now just memories
Euchre tournaments and Christmas
Parties are in vaults of past centuries

No one ever calls but may send a random
Or rare text Separated by generations gap
Lost are the ones that were the glue
The Elders left behind didn’t adapt

Technically still bonded by blood
But it’s the only way we’re connected
Now we’re just people we once knew
And more like strangers rejected

The only time we’re together is when
One of us dies and walks into the light
When everyone cries around a casket
All dressed In The Color Of Night

Written By:Charles Kean
Received in a text
Funeral info is for next week 10 am on Tuesday and calling hours Monday 4-7. At Schoedinger in Gahanna
Mar 18 · 63
Life & Existence
Chuck Kean Mar 18
Life & Existence

     Just get all you can get
Work is everything, greed and money
Stay focused, dismiss the wife and kids
You’ve got your biscuits and honey

Big house and fancy car
It takes up the time you had to spare
But as long as you keep up with the
Joneses,you never seem to care

Sure you still take vacations with the
Family but to them you’re still a stranger
Because even when you’re there you’re not
Your stress is high and you’re in danger

You asked me how I can live my life
Without the same wants and desires
I tell you that life is easier and more
Enjoyable when there’s less that it requires

So like a river that flows,  I always
Take the path of least resistance
And I just thank the Lord above
For my Life & Existence

Written By:Charles Kean
Mar 13 · 106
Chuck Kean Mar 13
The Warning —A Rock Trio From Mexico.
Three Sisters who learned English from listening to American Classic Rock.
They are very talented and they are very pretty and I love them!!!
They have Three CD’S and a fourth one is being released in June. I used the titles of all four and my favorite song from their second release. I use them in order, this is my way to share my new music passion and love for them. Also included is a Spanish translation of my poem that was done by another fan Please enjoy!!!!
Twenty First Century Blood
Queen Of The ****** Scene
Song from this CD is (Dust To Dust)
Keep Me Fed

          Keep Me Fed

       Hear the warning, hear the warning
It’s so refreshing unlike the recent crud
I was sold from the very beginning
With their Twenty First Century Blood

My life has been reborn and you can
Love or Hate but there’s no in between
As for me I surrender, loving Dust to Dust
From Queen Of The ****** Scene

I am blessed even more and Its been
So long since I’ve received such pleasure
My stereo echoes with music from
The treasure of their latest Error

And it thrills me so very much it’s like
Making love for the first time
It’s hard to explain to the ones who have
No clue, hear their poetry sublime

With another one coming in June
On the cover they’re dressed in red
And I’m so hungry for more, oh
The Warning Keep Me Fed

Written By:Charles Kean

Mantenme alimentado

     Escucha la advertencia.

Es tan refrescante a diferencia de la basura reciente.
Me vendieron desde el principio.
Con su sangre del siglo XXI

Mi vida ha renacido y tu puedes
Amor u odio pero no hay término medio
En cuanto a mí me entrego, amando a Dust to Dust
De la reina de la escena del asesinato

Estoy aún más bendecido y ha sido
Hace mucho que no recibí tal placer
Mi estéreo resuena con música de
El tesoro de su último Error

Y me emociona tanto que es como
Haciendo el amor por primera vez
Es difícil de explicar a los que tienen
Ni idea, escucha su poesía sublime.

Con otro llegando en junio
En la portada van vestidos de rojo.
Y tengo tanta hambre de más, oh
La advertencia mantenme alimentado

Escrito por: Charles Kean
Mar 11 · 47
The Spore
Chuck Kean Mar 11
The Spore

     It lies in waiting in the darkness
Like a spider patiently waiting to strike
It attacks with the swiftness and the
Ruthlessness of a shrike

There’s no rhyme or reason
Just it’s desperation to find a host
Its victims never see it coming for
It’s as stealth as a ghost

It’s deadly as a black widow or the
The most venomous of snakes
The mere thought of it gives me chills
And the uncontrollable shakes

Its evolution has risen to the extreme
Its destruction is very evident
Death is definitely inevitable
Its superiority is overwhelmingly prevalent

Human existence is on the edge of extinction
In my heart and soul I deeply deplore
And caution the world of the Evil invaders
Humans will soon succumb to The Spore

Written By:Charles Kean
Mar 10 · 42
Chuck Kean Mar 10

        Well it’s all in the past
You know the way that it was
You know the way we were
It’s gone

Lost is the tingle
Lost is the wanting
Lost is the needing
It’s gone

I can’t find the passion
I can’t find a reason
I can’t find my way
It’s gone

Lost in the darkness
Lost in the pain
Lost in my mind
It’s gone

I can’t find the feeling
I can’t even fake it
I can’t explain it
It’s gone

Written By:Charles Kean

    I Can’t Stop The Rain

       Now that it’s Gone
My Heart and soul are empty
I have become completely numb
I can’t stop the rain

How can I continue on
How can I pick up the pieces
How can I put myself together again
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder who I am
Now I wonder if I’ll ever love again
Now I wonder about tomorrow
I can’t stop the rain

How can I soften my heart
How can I let my guard down
How can I allow myself to be vulnerable
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder if I can find strength
Now I wonder if I even want to try
Now I wonder about everything
I Can’t Stop The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean

   Starting Over Again

           Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Now time has passed and I am
Starting over again

Every time I see a pretty face
Every time I see a smile
Every time I see beautiful eyes
Starting over again

I can’t bring myself to look
I can’t bring myself to conversation
I can’t bring myself to even speak
Starting over again

Every time I think I can
Every time I see her face
Every time I tell myself I can’t
Starting over again

I can’t even imagine it
I can’t begin to believe it
I can’t bare to breathe
Starting over again

Written By:Charles Kean

The Damage Done

      Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Starting over again
The damage done

I am so badly broken
I am so deeply defeated
I am so lost in self pity
The damage done

Take away my eyes
Take away my heart
Take away my mind
The damage done

I am so lost without her
I am so deep in depression
I am so very hopeless
The damage done

Take away the Sun
Take away my dreams
Take away my desires
The Damage Done

Written By:Charles Kean
Just Poetry
Mar 9 · 73
The Damage Done
Chuck Kean Mar 9
The Damage Done

      Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Starting over again
The damage done

I am so badly broken
I am so deeply defeated
I am so lost in self pity
The damage done

Take away my eyes
Take away my heart
Take away my mind
The damage done

I am so lost without her
I am so deep in depression
I am so very hopeless
The damage done

Take away the Sun
Take away my dreams
Take away my desires
The Damage Done

Written By:Charles Kean
Just Poetry
Mar 9 · 31
Starting Over Again
Chuck Kean Mar 9
Starting Over Again

           Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Now time has passed and I am
Starting over again

Every time I see a pretty face
Every time I see a smile
Every time I see beautiful eyes
Starting over again

I can’t bring myself to look
I can’t bring myself to conversation
I can’t bring myself to even speak
Starting over again

Every time I think I can
Every time, I see her face
Every time I tell myself I can’t
Starting over again

I can’t even imagine it
I can’t begin to believe it
I can’t bare to breathe
Starting over again

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 9
I Can’t Stop The Rain

       Now that it’s Gone
My Heart and soul are empty
I have become completely numb
I can’t stop the rain

How can I continue on
How can I pick up the pieces
How can I put myself together again
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder who I am
Now I wonder if I’ll ever love again
Now I wonder about tomorrow
I can’t stop the rain

How can I soften my heart
How can I let my guard down
How can I allow myself to be vulnerable
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder if I can find strength
Now I wonder if I even want to try
Now I wonder about everything
I Can’t Stop The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Mar 8 · 186
Chuck Kean Mar 8

        Well it’s all in the past
You know the way that it was
You know the way we were
It’s gone

Lost is the tingle
Lost is the wanting
Lost is the needing
It’s gone

I can’t find the passion
I can’t find a reason
I can’t find my way
It’s gone

Lost in the darkness
Lost in the pain
Lost in my mind
It’s gone

I can’t find the feeling
I can’t even fake it
I can’t explain it

Written By:Charles Kean
Mar 4 · 39
Chuck Kean Mar 4

     I’m just taking a walk through life
Can’t bring myself to believe the nothing
The theory that nothing thought of everything no it had to be something

Don’t let yourself be blinded
Blinded by Science, blinded by evil eyes
Don’t let yourself be blinded
Blinded by Media, blinded by lies

Take the time to stop and smell the roses
Enjoy every Creation that you see
Take the time to realize that it didn’t
Come from nothing and it was meant to be

Don’t let yourself be blinded
Blinded by ignorance, blinded by fools
Don’t let yourself be blinded
Blinded by leaders, blinded by schools

Don’t you fall into their trap
They are so corrupt and Evil minded
Open your heart and eyes to see the
Truth and don’t let yourself be Blinded

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 26 · 101
The Broken
Chuck Kean Feb 26
The Broken

        She fell in love and she fell
At lightning speed
He gave,  he took and he was gone
The damage done, a heart left to bleed

Their parents divorced
When they were in an early age
Two shattered children
Life goes on turn the page

His father abused him, mentally, physically
For years there was nothing he could feel
He was left with so many scars
He thought would never heal

Bullied by others because she was different
She felt unloved and outcast
She lived in a cloud of darkness
Never escaping her past

There’s a still small voice
Like a whisper his words are spoken
I am that I am and I am the only way
I hear the prayers and heal The Broken

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 25 · 156
The Beauty Of Poetry
Chuck Kean Feb 25
The Beauty Of Poetry

    What is Poetry, that is the question
Shakespeare and Poe
Most definitely the best
Any of us will ever know

I’m just a simple man
I write in simple rhyme
Never knowing the Intricacies
Of that period of time

But does poetry really need to be
So deep and have such complexity
To be held to such high honor
By all of our human society

I believe that poetry can be
Reduced to a mere word or two
And there’s no law requiring rhyme
It’s just the way I present mine to you

So be it Romantic or Religious or if
It’s of Darkness or Drollery
It’s all relative and wonderful
That’s The Beauty Of Poetry

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 22
A Monkey In The Kitchen

      Well just to give you a small glimpse
Of my mind and my Awesome life
First of all you need to know that I truly
Give thanks for it especially my wife

I’m the only person that I know
That literally falls up the stairs
I lose every game I play on Xbox
And all of me impairs

I can never seem to stop hurting myself
And so part of me is in constant pain
Every time I’m running late for work
I always get stopped for a Train

Don’t get me started on technology
It hates me and always causes stress
If I fix myself something to eat, I can
Never make it without making a mess

We live on the wrong side of the lot
Remember I’m not Bitter and *******
Life is great, I have a dog so life is always
Fun when there’s A Monkey In The Kitchen

Written By:Charles Kean
Note: Five days after our last Snow
The opposite side of our parking lot shows no
Sign of it and on our side, it looks like it just happened. The Monkey is obviously a stuffed animal dog toy. He loves them and drops them wherever he pleases.
Chuck Kean Feb 18
There’s No Second Chance

     There once was a man
His heart was as hard as stone
He was pure Evil with no remorse
He lived his life all alone

He didn’t believe in God and Grace
He didn’t have an ounce of righteousness
Sometimes he would hurt others
For no other reasons but spitefulness

Drugs and Alcohol and a mindset
To get all that he could possibly get
Killing and stealing with no respect
For the law in its face he would spit

He lived his life on the edge of darkness
But tears never fell from his eyes
Then one day he got a taste of his own
Medicine and he met his demise

Falling to Hell he cried out to God please
Help me but God stood strong in his stance
You ignored me in life, never changing your
Evil ways and There’s No Second Chance

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 16 · 82
A Black Rose Butterfly
Chuck Kean Feb 16
A Black Rose Butterfly

      Like a Warrior she fought, her
Heart was full of love and hope
Her eyes held the Stars of the Universe
Once only seen with Hubbles Telescope

But now she’s as cold as Winter
For reasons only Heaven knows
Her tears fall from the sky above
And give life to the Black Rose

The world never knew her for if it
Ever did it would be a better place
But her fate was sealed by a man
With blue eyes and a handsome face

Her love for Spring and the world
Could only be concentrated on her eight
A lifetime of suffering and sorrow and
Struggle to put food on our plates

Like a Caterpillar turns into a Butterfly
Its life gets to be redesigned
But the World lost its best chance
When our Angel left us Behind

In my heart she’ll always stay, forever
Burning tears my eyes will cry
Never forgetting our Angel
In my dream I see A Black Rose Butterfly

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 15 · 134
In The End
Chuck Kean Feb 15
In The End

       Well there’s two sides to every coin
And there’s two sides to every story
And in every game there’s defeat
And then there’s obviously glory

There’s riches in currency and
There’s riches in Silver and Gold
There’s a life of youth and there’s
A life you spend when you’re old

There’s sparkling shining jewelry
Beautiful Necklaces and rings
There’s a plethora of worldly possessions
So many meaningless material things

Some might say that it brings true
Happiness but it’s just fake
But you believe what you wish and
By all means get all you can take

But life is temporary and so is everything
In it and that’s the truth my friend
You can’t take it with you and there’s
Only Heaven or Hell In The End

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 8 · 57
Chuck Kean Feb 8

  Everything is wonderful, everything *****
Bipolar, Bipolar, Bipolar
I’m so very happy, I’m so very sad
This is the flipping of the mind controller

I love you, I hate you
There’s Sunshine and rain
How does this happen in an instant
There’s joy and then there’s pain

I want to live, I want to die
There’s no in between
You know it’s not my fault
Sorry you’re witness to this ****** scene

I know you just saw me full of life
But now I’m on the edge of death
Saved by the Paramedics
So it wasn’t my final breath

As long as I take my medication
I don’t have to ride that life Rollercoaster
But it’s a true struggle of strong personalities when you’re Bipolar

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 6 · 55
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Chuck Kean Feb 6
Kaleidoscope Eyes

   The first time that he saw her
She was such a beautiful surprise
It transformed his whole world, he
Saw everything with kaleidoscope eyes

Love at first sight is an understatement
Love is a phenomenon we can’t explain
The wheels were set in motion for his
Journey aboard a runway train

Head over heels he was for her
But she was just a modern day Delilah
She despised the male species
Their only obsession is the ******

She saw him coming from a mile away
She thought she’d take him for a ride
He was made to believe it was love
But she was laughing on the inside

Then she chose her time wisely to
To reveal her true self under the disguise
His heart was broken into a million pieces
But he still sees her with Kaleidoscope eyes

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 4 · 41
Redwood Tall
Chuck Kean Feb 4
Redwood Tall
    Every time I get up, you know
Something happens to knock me down
Sometimes this world makes me feel like
I’ve got egg on my face or like a clown

It’s the law of the jungle, what doesn’t
**** you will make you stronger
But sometimes I fight it until
I just can’t fight it any longer

Somehow I’ve survived knowing I’ve
Been blessed by the one who provides
When I walk head on into the darkness
I feel his love and all my fear subsides

He’s provided me every Angel along
The way through every stage of life
And my eyes have been opened to his
Glory and I know he gifted my wife

She’s my personal life Angel, now every
Time this world makes me feel small
She’s always there to give me love
And when she does I feel Redwood tall

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 3 · 43
Yeti Rocks
Chuck Kean Feb 3
Yeti Rocks

   I’ve always felt a connection but it’s
Something I could never put my finger on
It’s like seeing a clear vision and in
Just a moment the vision is gone

It could be something very real or at
Least real to you with every sensation
Or it could be something from stories
And just a figment of your imagination

But I’m sure of it as clearly as night and
Day never being someone who lies
Less than thirty yards away from me
I swear I saw it with my own two eyes

In the early morning misty fog
On a dock on the edge of a lake
I saw a Yeti with sunglasses and a
Guitar and red sneakers no fake

He was jamming and having a blast
I noticed he wasn’t wearing socks
And the connection finally came to me
The day I discovered that Yeti Rocks

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 31 · 84
Into The Night
Chuck Kean Jan 31
Into The Night

   Like a bridge over troubled water, I’ll
Be your safe passage to the other side
When you’re afraid and trembling, let
Me be the one place you seek to hide

Like a light house Beacon, I’ll
Be your guide back to the shore
When you’re in need of comforting
Let my arms hold you tight forever more

Like your favorite song I’ll be
The music that will calm you
When life gets to be overwhelming
Let my voice be strong and true

Like an Army of a thousand men, I’ll
Fight Hell to keep you from harm
Let me be the one to answer the call
When you sound the alarm

Like the brightest Moon light, I’ll
Shine when you’re in darkness fright
Let me be with you forever when
You go uncertain Into The Night

Written By: Charles Kean
Jan 30 · 319
Winters Death
Chuck Kean Jan 30
Winters Death

     As spring arrives it ushers in a re birth
Of life as its rain quenches Earths thirst
And every year I enjoy being a witness
To this dance that seems well rehearsed

Within a blink of an eye summer arrives
And comfort comes in the form of ice cream
The shade of a tree, a summer breeze
and a nap so deep it includes a dream

And the Summers can seem to be too long
But soon comes the October morning wind
And fall is knocking on the door like
A once old lost and forgotten friend

The life cycle that comes with the four
Seasons is such a wonderful thing
Each of us having our favorite in our
Hearts and mine is the life of  Spring

I always dread the Winters darkness
And its cold poisonous breath
And unfortunately now I’m stuck
Smack dab in the middle of Winters Death

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 27 · 117
Meant To Be
Chuck Kean Jan 27
Meant To Be

    As sure as the Earth is spinning
As sure as a baby cries
As sure as in nature, caterpillars
Will always become Butterflies

As sure as the four seasons
As sure as puppy dogs wag their tails
As sure as every Witches story
Will always include a book of spells

As sure as time will pass
As sure as the Churches ring their bells
As sure as every good suit jacket
Is synonymous with its lapels

As sure as a teenagers heart will break
As sure as the flowers need the rain
As sure as the sound of loneliness seems
To be the whistle of a midnight train

As sure as a wedding needs bridesmaids
As sure as the rivers flow to the sea
As sure as true opposites attract, Baby
You know our love was Meant To Be

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 18
You Won’t Find It There

    Well the lightning may strike, Thunder may crash and the wind may blow
The storm may be destructive but
There’s one thing I know

Jesus is the only answer yes Jesus
Is the one and only way
Give up your worries and troubles
Just bow your head and pray

So if your life is bad to you and your
Lost in a hopeless situation
Take my advice, don’t Look for
The answer with artificial Stimulation

You won’t find any answers at the
Bottom of a bottle or in hand full of pills
No you won’t find them at the point of a
Needle or on the table where ******* spills

No sir, the answer is sweet Jesus
When you’re overwhelmed with despair
You can search everywhere else but
You Won’t Find It There

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 8 · 54
The Depths
Chuck Kean Jan 8
The Depths

      As I age each day I realize things
That I never realized before
I don’t know if you can call it wisdom
Maybe it’s just medicine for the cure

I see myself in a time long ago
And I see myself in the here and now
Sometimes I feel that I haven’t changed
But boy have things changed and how

As the past continues to get further away
And as much as I love that it’s behind me
I’ve realized that the past has made me
Who I am and now it’s clear to see

I had to live through it and I had to be
Where I Am here in this place
I’m in the present because of the past
It’s all relative to time and space

I couldn’t be this man without the past
And breathing each of my breaths
And sometimes we must re visit the past
To understand The Depths

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 1 · 61
The Rap
Chuck Kean Jan 1
The Rap

       I love my poetry and I will say
It time after time after time
I know poetry doesn’t have to include
It but I have respect for the rhyme

There’s a certain element you get
When you hear it in the song
And it can be quite beautiful even if
It’s about a good love gone wrong

I know that I’m not Shakespeare
So I just take the advice of KISS
Keep it simple stupid so that’s why
I write my poetry like this

Though I say to each his own
I question the beauties cost
When the artist can take happy birthday
And it sounds intimidating and it’s lost

There’s nothing about it that is good
It just sounds like horrible crap
Go ahead and call me old fashioned
But I say **** The Rap

Written By:Charles Kean
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