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2d · 42
Loves Whisper
Loves Whisper

        Loves Whisper
It’s soft like a baby’s skin
Like the feel of silk
Gentle and warm like a Summer Breeze
Comfortable like fully fluffed feather
Pillow, suddenly you’re in tune with
The vibrations and ways of nature
Like the leaves turning to the rain
The wonderful relationship of the Honey
Bee and the flower it’s like a lovely
Blessing that’s hard to explain
It’s like trying to describe a Butterfly KISS
Or floating on a cloud because there’s nothing we can compare it too
It’s like seeing everything with Kaleidoscope
Eyes and walking beneath glitter dust
Skies and when it’s right time stands
Still and forty years later you find yourself
Still under the spell of Loves Whisper

Written By:Charles Kean
3d · 37
Screaming Soul
Screaming Soul

      I heard a story but In today’s
World I don’t know if it’s a truth or a lie
But I guess it doesn’t really matter
The moral of telling it is reason why

When I heard of this story, I thought
To myself it needed to be re told
It’s the tragedy of a boy named
John Bolaware, he was just 16 years old

At his age he thought he was invincible
He was living his life in the fast lane
And this story of his demise is both
Very tragic and quite insane

The year was 1984 and he was
Full of life and revel
The music was loud and the song
Was Van Halen Runnin With The Devil

In a car with his friends traveling at
A very high rate of speed feeling free
They lost control of the vehicle
And went off the road and hit a tree

Hearing this I thought about the Stairway
To Heaven and The Highway To Hell
The promise and truth of Jesus and
The promise and lies the Devil has for sale

When the Police arrived on the scene
The radio was still loud with Rock & Roll
They snapped a picture just in time to
Capture the boys Screaming Soul

Written By:Charles Kean
The moral of the story is we never know
Our fate or final day so get on the right
Path while you still have a choice.
Multiple Personalities

     We all have two personalities
Even if unconsciously unaware
One Knows the good and is usually
Dominant and one we forbear

We present our softer side
On more of a routine basis
Occasionally our inner Demon
Surfaces proving we have two faces

This can be troublesome as we
Struggle with our two sides of contrary
And the reality of this can be
At times really scary

I often tell people Angel or Demon
Depends on how you approach me
So choose wisely it may trigger the
One you don’t want to see

In rare and extreme cases there
May be mass casualties
When someone releases the Demon
Of my Multiple Personalities

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 21 · 90
Moly’s Song
Chuck Kean Feb 21
Molly’s Song

     She’s a troubled soul and she thinks
She’s the only one with a woeful plight
The path she walks is illuminated
With a persistent dark light

She dreams of a better tomorrow
But she lives in yesterday
And she’s always oblivious to
The blessings of today

She’s tortured by her anxiety
And the voices of her mind
And she’s constantly searching
For something she can never find

Impossible is her ability to be happy
And it’s beyond being an absurdness
She can only find her comfort
When she’s surrounded in darkness

She’s created her own prison
Her sentence is lifelong
And Heartbreaking are the lyrics
And melody of Moly’s Song

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 20
Our Brother Steve Is Dead

     There was a time when we were
Close, but with time we drifted apart
You might say it makes it easier
But still it’s heavy on my heart

Memories of the days of our youth
Flash before me like it was yesterday
And the times as young adults how
We’d talk the night away

His heart was gold but he angered quick
He held on to grudges and couldn’t forgive
He was stubborn with his point of view
It was the way he chose to live

There was a time when we were there
Through thick & thin for each other
Sometimes we didn’t always agree
But he was still my brother

Lord I pray he’s with you in Heaven
And comfort our family in the days ahead
As we come face to face with the reality
That Our Brother Steve Is Dead

Written By:Charles Kean
R.I.P. My Brother 😢💔
Chuck Kean Feb 19
Time Again, Again In Time

     I’ve seen you before I know
It can’t be a case of Deja vu
But how could it be, you don’t know
Me and I couldn’t know you

But I feel the forces of the universe
Within this majestic galaxy
That you and I are connected somehow
In a fantastic and wonderful odyssey

Through a misty haze, I see us together
In an enchanted place
The music of nature has us locked
In a dance and we’re face to face

In the realms of time and space
Some things are just meant to be
No matter how many times we drift
Apart there will always be you & me

We will live a million reincarnations
On the vibrations of the wind chimes
Our love will truly last forever
Time Again, Again In Time

Written By: Charles Kean
Feb 18 · 40
The Truth
Chuck Kean Feb 18
The Truth

       Let’s Talk About the Truth
Our lives and our freedom of choice
We can live anyway we wish or we can
Listen to God, his still small voice

We’re all given a life to live
No matter what it becomes
That’s truth that we know
Never knowing when death comes

In the meantime we fight our Demons
Never surrender your heart and mind
The world may be cruel but truth is
We can Always find a way to be kind

You can always find the truth
Even in this universe of lies
And there’s truth with every hello
There will always be goodbyes

So let’s plant the seed of love
And let’s watch it grow
It may do more for the world
Than we may ever know

Treasure every moment and make
Sure you hold steadfast in your youth
Keep your faith and praise and pray
For one day we’ll all know The Truth

Written By:Charles Kean
My Brother Steve Passed Away
02/17/2025 RIP MY BROTHER!!!!
Feb 18 · 94
Chuck Kean Feb 18

Chuck Kean Feb 16
Between The Sun & The Rain

       They say that time heals all wounds
In the meantime I’ll present my charade
Until something happens to remind me
And I realize time only made them fade

I don’t know why we tell
Ourselves this just to get by
Is it so wrong that we must hide
Our Scars and never cry

In a world surrounded by people
I still feel very much alone
On the outside you can never know
I’m comfortably numb clean to the bone

When you said goodbye I pretended
Some day you’d still return
All the things you attempted to teach
Me I still refused to learn

Now I understand that time will
Never take away my pain
And forever I’ll be stuck somewhere
Between The Sun & The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 13 · 59
My Sweet Madam Blue
Chuck Kean Feb 13
My Sweet Madam Blue

       I’m deep in a feeling, you know
It seems it will last and last
I look to my future and I can see
It’s the same as the past

Happiness is always just out of
My reach, I’m lost in a trance
I’d give anything to find my way out
To be given half the chance

Forever I know I’ll feel the heat from
This Fire of your loving Hell
There’s no remedy to release me
From the power of your spell

For eternity I’ll live my life dreading
The harsh and yearning for the tender
I’ll always put up a valiant fight but
I’ll wave the white flag of surrender

Every time I find a way to escape
I’ll find my way back to you
My heart forever breaking as I lay
In the arms of My Sweet Madam Blue

Written By:Charles Kean
I dedicate this to any and all who have
Suffered with or who may be currently suffering with depression.
When you suffer with it for so long
It feels like it’s the only feeling that’s right
Nothing else feels right so you always find yourself back in the arms of sweet Madam Blue. I’ve been there and my heart breaks for you!!! God Bless!!!
988 Lifeline for help
Feb 11 · 200
Chuck Kean Feb 11

        I was 15 or 16 when I decided to
Be a Philadelphia Eagles fan
Today I’m writing this to you from
The heart of a 62 year old man

I can’t be any prouder of Hurts, Dejean,
Goedert, Shipley, Slay, Baun and Brown
Barkley,Elliot,Carter, Smith, Campbell
And the rest of the boys of Philly Town

They beat the mighty Chiefs In Superbowl
Fifty nine Chiefs twenty two Eagles Forty
A franchise since Nineteen thirty three
Now have a second trophy in their story

The Chiefs are a great team and
They’ve had a great run
But I couldn’t be happier that my Eagles
Stuck a fork in them and said you’re done

So to all the Eagles fans out there
To the Chiefs wave goodbye
Lift your voices to the sky
And sing 🦅FLY EAGLES FLY 🦅

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 8 · 47
The Clique
Chuck Kean Feb 8
The Clique

    Follow, follow, follow, we’re such
An individually weak society
You’re either in or you’re out  
Leaving us with no self piety

So consumed with what others think
There’s a desire to be liked or loved
To feel a sense of belonging instead of
Being judged and pushed and shoved

Like sharks to blood they’re quick and
Swift as they move in for the ****
Everyone else is watching you and
Gauging the strength of your will

High School never ends it’s just not
Always so plain to see
Backstabbing takes you by surprise
But you were aware of their ability

You never were one to walk in line
Like ashes of a cigarette they flick
You’re so easily dismissed
If you’re not in The Clique

Written By:Charles Kean
Feb 5 · 42
The Irrational Mind
Chuck Kean Feb 5
The Irrational Mind

    I’m writing this here today
To bring awareness of the unstable
As we move further into the future
More and more will be set upon our table

Trans Gender is just another example
Of the overwhelming new trend
Whether it’s drugs or alcohol or dementia
Or just a mental illness unable to mend

The number of people suffering is rising
At an alarming out of control rate
It’s something that isn’t talked about
Though we’re beyond the crisis state

I’m talking to you as a man who’s had
More than my fair share of experience
And in each there’s a difference in the
Aspects and the individual variance

If you find yourself face to face
Ones mannerisms are well defined
And you must maintain a mind rational
When dealing with The Irrational Mind

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 30 · 43
Bless The Shit
Chuck Kean Jan 30
Bless The ****

      It’s a cruel, cruel world
It’s no secret, it’s nothing new
So don’t take it personally, it’s just
A fact that’s undeniably true

The Government and the media
Is nothing but ******* and lies
Time is something so precious
And it’s true that Time flies

So if you find one day you must deal
With a Dip **** take it in stride
It’s really just a small World
Sooner or later you will collide

There’s always his **** or her ****
And someone who is the **** too
Just laugh it off and live your life
Tomorrow will be brand new

The **** will always hit the fan so
This is my message I wish to Transmit
Thank God for everything in life
And just Bless The ****

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 26 · 37
Chuck Kean Jan 26

     Well I am pretty sure this World
Isn’t supposed to be this way
It breaks my heart to think of its once
Complete beauty and watch it decay

When I say complete beauty I’m referring
To how we’ve stripped the land
And how it seems we’d rather fight with
Each other rather then lend a hand

How we have so many Religions and
Biblical Interpretations that separate
God is Love and he wants us to Love
And with all of this it generates hate

The Religions are nothing but Crap
They manipulate what’s really True
They tell you their interpretation and
Take your money as you sit in their Pew

I survive this world every day,behind
Me walks a full Angel squadron
And I set the Religion of it all aside
And let Jesus be my only Sovereign

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 18 · 119
The Battles You Fight
Chuck Kean Jan 18
The Battles You Fight

       Well there’s Demons In the day
And there’s Demons In the Night
There’s Demons to the left
And Demons to the right

They hide in the shadows
On the edge of your tranquility
Surviving on your inevitable fear
Counting on your vulnerability

Like sharks smelling blood
They’re aware of your wraith
And they will relentlessly attack
The weakness in your faith

There in lies the key so stay steadfast
And strong in what you believe
Don’t forget to praise and pray
And keep that Ace in your sleeve

Jesus is the ultimate Warrior
So let him be your Armored Knight
Eminent will be your victories when
Jesus is with you in The Battles You Fight

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 17 · 123
Gender Road
Chuck Kean Jan 17
Gender Road

        Well I was born in the sixties
The decade of Peace and Love
I grew up in the seventies
There was KISS and God above

I’ve heard about The Stairway To Heaven
And about The Highway To Hell
I knew about the two Paths and that
Trouble could land me in Jail

No one ever taught me anything different
There’s Girls and Boys
I was told about the Devil
Of his deception and ploys

I stopped pretending at age nine or ten
It was Black and White with no Grey
I’m not trying to be funny but I didn’t
Even know about the Gay

I’ve always been kind and respectful so
Forgive me I can’t handle the new Inode
As I try to walk to the Stairway to Heaven
Don’t force me to Go down Gender Road

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 17 · 37
I Can’t Explain
Chuck Kean Jan 17
I Can’t Explain

     There’s something about her way
Yes there’s something about her way
That I can’t explain

There’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
She’s got an easy smile

There’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
She’s got that look in her eyes

And there’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
I find her to be so ****

There’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
She makes me feel when she laughs

And there’s something about the way
Oh there’s something about the way
She curls her toes

There’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
She’s got a certain style

There’s something about the way
Oh there’s something about her way
That I Can’t Explain

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 13 · 32
My Mixed Emotion
Chuck Kean Jan 13
My Mixed Emotion

        She left me standing all alone
Deleted my number from her phone
My friends said let’s have some fun
But that’s easier said then done

I feel our love was just wasted years
Now I’m fighting back my inevitable tears
They say a man ain’t supposed to cry
But when a heart breaks I question why

Words of love turned to wicked scorns
The Roses have withered leaving the thorns
I’m walking with a soul so tattered
On the ground my heart is shattered

The river still flows to the sea
The Eagle still soars the sky so free
The children still play in the park
The Sun still shines but everything is dark

There’s no woman now that I can trust
My tears turn everything to rust
Forever like a sailor lost out on the Ocean
I will be lost in My Mixed Emotion

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 12 · 53
Where Her Spirit Fled
Chuck Kean Jan 12
Where Her Spirit Fled

      Once a body with a breath of life
The Doctors reported she was dead
Instantly the tears began to fall
Though knowing where her spirit fled

From a life of abuse, she now
Sleeps in peace in her best bed
During her days she watches over us
From the place where her spirit fled

She always believed in Angels
And in the Bible stories she read
Now she’s one of them
In the place where her spirit fled

She always loved spring and
Winter she would always dread
I know she’s loved and it’s always
Spring in the place where her spirit fled

A Butterfly Angel forever fluttering near a
Rainbow of purple, green, yellow, and red
In a meadow of vibrant flowers sending
Her love from Where Her Spirit Fled

Written By:Charles Kean
Dedicated to my mother
They say only the good die young
Died of Cancer at the young age of 59
Title is (Borrowed from Emma with permission)
Jan 9 · 41
Your Sad Eyes
Chuck Kean Jan 9
Your Sad Eyes

     Looking back on my memories
I know I’m lucky to be alive
Struggling with emotions, thoughts of
Suicide and the instinct to survive

Witnessing the violence and abuse
I saw your dreams turn to nightmares
And all of your glimpses of hope
Turn to blank and empty stares

I saw all of your once joy
Turn into a life of pain
And all of your sunshine turn
Into darkness and rain

I saw your beautiful smile
Change to a half hearted grin
I watched your willingness to fight
Surrender to a battle you couldn’t win

With all of your might you prayed
For a Hero with a cape
But he never came to rescue you from
Your fate and you never could escape

And all of the emotions you ever had
Were completely drained
Except for the strongest one
And it was fear that remained

All of your love was hanging onto
Broken promises and lies
And your vision of a bright future
Became blurred in Your Sad Eyes

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 5 · 37
The One
Chuck Kean Jan 5
The One

     Attention all people gather around
Let me extend an official lathe
To tell you amazing stories about
People whom had unwavering faith

Like the story of Noah, a righteous man
Instructed to prepare for the rain
He was told to build an Ark
And the people thought he was insane

They mocked him as he built
His vessel designed to scon
Then came the rain and they
Soon realized that he was the one

Now there’s the story of Moses
He said to the Pharaoh let thy people go
He was also laughed at and mocked
As the Pharaoh stood fast with a no

Then the plagues came to destroy
The Pharaoh and the Evil that did spawn
And the day of freedom came
And they knew Moses was the one

But here’s the most amazing, for every
Person that feels like Delta Dawn
And you’ve surely lost your way
Remember he left the 99 For The One

Written By:Charles Kean
Jan 4 · 258
The Thief Of Time
Chuck Kean Jan 4
The Thief Of Time

    Born into the World and you’re a
Teenager in the blink of an eye
As a teenager you wish to be an adult
You kiss your teenage years goodbye

Then before you know it you realize
You’ve got teenagers of your own
You can’t believe that this is your life
And how quickly they have grown

Then one day you’re in the Hospital
As life is about to really get wild
There’s gonna be an addition to the
Family in the way of a grandchild

Suddenly you’re reminiscing and
Memories flow like the waves of a song
And you realize you’re one of the
Lucky ones to live this long

Still you find yourself looking at your
Life like it’s the scene of a crime
And you’ve called the police to put
Out an APB for The Thief Of Time

Written By:Charles Kean
Dec 2024 · 42
Something You Should Know
Chuck Kean Dec 2024
Something You Should Know

    People always say that I don’t know
People always turn and walk away
People are lost in the darkness of the
Night even in the light of day

So many people seem to be
Paralyzed by their pain
So many people without an umbrella
Walking aimlessly in the rain

Searching for love and searching for
Answers and searching for peace
Living their lives on their own terms
Until one day they decease

We have the freedom of free will
We have the power of choice
It’s time to turn off the noise and
Listen to the still small voice

No Jesus and there’s no peace
The seed of love will never grow
Know Jesus and know peace
And love is Something You Should Know

Written By:Charles Kean
Dec 2024 · 43
The Dawn Phenomenon
Chuck Kean Dec 2024
The Dawn Phenomenon

    In the grasp of the disease
Glucose is your enemy
The number is to be monitored so
Twice a day you check it dreadfully

Everything we eat causes
Your Sugar level to rise
So it’s shocking in the morning after
Sleeping you wake to your surprise

Before you eat breakfast your number
Is higher than the evening before
How can it be you didn’t snack before bed
You were conscious of the score

It can’t be true it’s gotta be a false read
Yet in fact it’s your new reality
As the body awakens there’s something
That happens to you naturally

If you’re a diabetic it’s like a demon
Planted evil seeds that spawn
And you begin to fear this thing known
As The Dawn Phenomenon

Written By:Charles Kean
Dec 2024 · 127
The Dragon In Me
Chuck Kean Dec 2024
The Dragon In Me

     A darkness once consumed me
But now there’s a light that shines
Free from my chains and cages
And all that confines

When I was lost in the wilderness
For so many wasted years
When my eyes were trying to see
Through the fire of my burning tears

Then I found out the truth and
I knew I was the lost one
I looked for a fallen Angel
When I thought I couldn’t go on

Jesus saved me from the Demons
In the Shadows lying in wait
Took away my fears and the doom
Of my certain fate

Now I spread my wings and fly
His glory is plain to see
I stand before you as I reveal
The Dragon In Me

Written By:Charles Kean
Nov 2024 · 185
My Miracle
Chuck Kean Nov 2024
My Miracle

      Sometimes in the middle of the night
The shadows they run deep
And when I awake from my nightmare
I’m left to just watch you sleep

I’m careful to not disturb you but I
Wonder what you’re dreaming of
As my heart begins to slow in its beating
I’m overwhelmed with love

I can’t believe I have an Angel
And this is truly my reality
I can’t take my eyes off of you
And I thank the Lord for blessing me

As the nightmare fades from my mind
I feel that there’s a reason spiritual
If I could write a song, I could never
Write one correctly lyrical

You just mean so much to me and I
Must take the time panegyrical
Because I’m a man who understands
That you are My Miracle

Written By:Charles Kean
I dedicate this to my Wife Cindy
I Love You baby My Miracle ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 2024 · 54
I Know It Was Jesus
Chuck Kean Nov 2024
I know It was Jesus

     With each stanza
I’m just gonna add an extra line
Because it’s coming from
This heart of mine
know it was Jesus

When I am alone and it’s just me and
My thoughts, this is when I write
In all of my darkest hours
I was still able to see the light
Know it was Jesus

When ever I was angry and every
Time I just wanted to run and hide
Every time I was sad and depressed
When I had thoughts of suicide
Know it was Jesus

Every time I thought that I was alone
I didn’t know that he was there
When I thought it was just me against
The World and no one could care
Know it was Jesus

He was the one who saved me from
World and from myself
I’ll never take his love for granted
And put it on a shelf
Because I know it was Jesus

Written By: Charles Kean
Nov 2024 · 101
Chuck Kean Nov 2024

     I was living alone
Just trying to survive
Working my life away
Not sure if I wanted to be alive

I’d cry myself to sleep
After I turned out the light
My dreams were absent of color
They were always in black & white

Each day I’d force myself to carry on
Though I never knew why
Time was always in slow motion
As the world just passed me by

Never knowing God’s plan
Living in a dismal reality
Wishing on the brightest Stars
From a distant galaxy

Then I saw your face
And I heard love call
The Angels were singing
And I knew I was gonna FALL

Written By:Charles Kean
Nov 2024 · 55
Chuck Kean Nov 2024

       Praise God for your fortune, it’s time
To plan your destination chart
Follow the steps that lead you to Heaven
His Sacrifice waits for your beating heart

Enter the Temple kneeling at the Altar
Open your eyes, see how great thou Art
For he is the giver of life, held in his
Hands is your still beating heart

Civilization is lost with their lust for Gold
Forgotten in time cities fall apart
No forgiveness if you never surrendered
He comes to claim the still beating heart

Carved in stone are the stories before you
His word is truth, his love will never depart
He gave his Son,  his blood washes us clean
His Sacrifice waits for your beating heart

With the blood on the Cross,
Nothing but your heart will suffice
Surrender yourself today and
Make it worth his SACRIFICE

Written By:Charles Kean
Oct 2024 · 106
Time To Cut The Rope
Chuck Kean Oct 2024
Time To Cut The Rope

       You’re my best friend I won’t deny
But your problems are too much
Making life hard and our connection
Is getting further out of touch

The rope I gave was for your rescue but
You’re using it for committing a suicide
Killing our relationship and your career
And my emotions I just can’t hide

Life is hard, I can’t wait for it to get easier
Or comfortable like a favorite sweater
Life is never going to be easy so in hard
Times I must find a way to get better

I will always be here for you, this
I need you to understand and realize
But now that rope that’s killing you is
Killing me As tears fall from my eyes

For you and your life
I will never give up on hope
But if I am to save myself
It’s Time To Cut The Rope

Written By: Charles Kean
Oct 2024 · 56
The Edge Of November
Chuck Kean Oct 2024
The Edge Of November

     Like a Caterpillar to a Butterfly
I find myself in a transition
I gave myself to Jesus and
I escaped from my own prison

From the dark visions of my past
I have been blessed and set free
My eyes were opened and I realized
I was my own worst enemy

Though I still see my mother’s sad eyes
And the Devil in my father’s face
When I see those visions now
It’s something that I embrace

My dreams no longer turn into nightmares
Jesus and his Angels sing me a lullaby
Those visions can’t hurt me anymore
And they can’t make me cry

So as I look out of my window
I tell myself that it’s okay to remember
As October comes to an end and I’m
Standing on The Edge Of November

Written By: Charles Kean
Oct 2024 · 66
Don’t Hold On To Me
Chuck Kean Oct 2024
Don’t Hold On To Me

     Well I don’t know about tomorrow
But I can’t say that it was a surprise
You’ve been distant for awhile now
And I could see the sadness in your eyes

My mind is in a whirlwind and here I am
Standing on the edge of a broken heart
I’ve been living inside of my perfect
World and now it’s all falling apart

Once there was a spark that ignited
A flame and it burned so bright
But like a black hole in the midst
Of Space you’ve consumed all the light

Though I’ve tried to save our love
I’ve got nothing left in the vault
So here I am with a gaping wound
As you continue pour in the salt

Now there’s nothing left to do but to
Let go and set you free
And forever I’ll hear the echo of your
Voice crying Don’t Hold On To Me

Written By:Charles Kean
Oct 2024 · 72
Still Fallen
Chuck Kean Oct 2024
Still Fallen
        It was love at first sight
Though I couldn’t believe it was true
I kept telling myself that it couldn’t be
But I was falling for you

We dated for a year and I made one
Promise that I knew I could keep
So I took a chance to risk it all and I
Walked to the edge and took that leap

You made me forget all of the times
My heart was turned to stone
You gave me your heart and told me
You’d never leave me alone

And now after all these years
I still find it hard to speak
I still get butterflies in my stomach
And my knees still get weak

Our love is a blessing and it’s stronger
Everyday without any signs of stallen
The spark that ignited the flame and it’s
Still burning bright and I’m Still Fallen

Written By:Charles Kean
Dedicated to my Wife Cindy
Love you Forever Babe ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 2024 · 41
Chuck Kean Oct 2024

       I thought that I was invincible
Breaking hearts without caution or yield
But I wasn’t going to fall in love, no
Not with my love deflection shield

Every time I felt myself fallen, I’d search
The depths of love so profound
I’d put the brakes on and skid to a stop
And I’d just turn myself around

But as fate would have it somehow, like
With fall the color of the leaves change
The law of averages would take love
And put it on center stage

Every time you would come near
I found it difficult to see and speak
I’d feel my stomach turning and I’d
Lose my strength and my knees got weak

That’s when I knew what it was like to
Be Superman with his Super Human Might
And I realized that I didn’t stand a chance
Because I knew you were my Kryptonite

Written By:Charles Kean
Oct 2024 · 59
A Me Without You
Chuck Kean Oct 2024
A Me Without You

     Let’s take a look at the facts of life
There’s no up without a down
There’s no front without a back
And for every smile there’s a frown

There’s two sides of every story
There’s the truth and a lie
With every birth there’s death so with
Every Hello somewhere there’s a Goodbye

There’s two sides to every coin
There’s a heads and a tails
We can’t have epic triumphs
Without epic fails

When it comes to sports we
Can’t have a win without a loss
And we could never have Grace
Without Jesus and the Cross

There’s no Heaven without Hell
There’s no pleasure without pain
With everyday of Sunshine we
Know eventually there will be rain

There’s no negative without a positive
They say opposites attract, it must be true
Because Baby oh baby there could
Never be A Me Without You

Written By:Charles Kean
Dedicated to my Beautiful Wife Cindy
Sep 2024 · 261
Alas It Was All In Vein
Chuck Kean Sep 2024
Alas It Was All In Vein

     When it comes to Love we all know
That it can be like the toss of a coin
It can give a heart so much joy
Or it can be like a kick in the groin

When it comes to love we can
Feel the magic with every kiss
We can be on cloud nine and
Live a life of beautiful bliss

Or it can be like pulling a tooth
Or a thorn in the side
It can harden a heart and from it
You may wish to run and hide

For me personally I am living the
Disney Land Fairytale blissful life
I’ve been a lucky one and I’ve been
Blessed with a beautiful loving wife

It makes me sad to hear of love gone bad
And someone is crying tears like rain
Such as the two blood vessels in love
But Alas It Was All In Vein

Written By:Charles Kean
Sep 2024 · 90
My Shattered Heart
Chuck Kean Sep 2024
My Shattered Heart

     My life is a miracle, I’ve fought
Many battles, I’ve got many scars
I’ve spent a lot of years in my own
Prison behind impenetrable bars

I’ve been my own worst enemy
I thought I had to make it on my own
I’ve always done my worst damage
When I find myself alone

Life has always been so hard to face
When I’ve been so broken
And words have been so hard to find
And usually have gone unspoken

Now time has passed me by
I’m slowly beginning to feel my age
As my life’s journey begins to enter
It’s last mortal stage

But by fate and Grace I’ve been saved
I can reflect my feelings in my art
And I can live my life while Jesus puts
Back the pieces of My Shattered Heart

Written By:Charles Kean
Sep 2024 · 67
Chuck Kean Sep 2024

      Some men come from nothing
But they can still be a friend
I’d take a bullet for you
And I’d bleed until the bitter end

I’m no Angel but I’d face the
Hurricane and the driving rain
And I would not back down from a
Fight with the murdering brother Cain

If we were stranded in the desert
Wilting in the blistering heat
I’d give you the last of the water
As I lay dying at your feet

Once there was a time I was drinking the
Whiskey and Rye, I began to drown
I wasn’t the person I am today and I
Thought the Devil wore the Crown

I’m a born sinner and that’s a fact
I still love my Rock & Roll
But came an Angel from Heaven above
To save my mortal soul

Now I know Jesus wears the crown
And I’ll fight the enemy and never bend
I’m proud of the man I’ve become
And I’m proud to call you Friend

Written By:Charles Kean
Sep 2024 · 76
Kool Aide Kids
Chuck Kean Sep 2024
Kool Aide Kids

        Well unfortunately it’s that time again
Those political adds are dominating
I don’t care what side you’re on
And I don’t care who they’re nominating

I’m not here to sway your opinions
I’m not trying to tell you how to vote
But I am here to give words of caution
To give you something to take note

The media will feed you only what they
Want you to see and hear
They are servants of the Devil
And the Devil thrives on your fear

I just want you to do your own research
That’s my true and best advice
Don’t be so steadfast to stand your ground
Because you might be standing on thin ice

They want you to blindly accept their lies
They don’t want you to do your own thinking
They’re just here to supply the Kool aide
And the Devil smiles as we keep drinking

So please stop and turn off the noise
Don’t replicate like the Plasmids
You don’t need the sugar to decide
Please don’t be the Kool Aide Kids

Written By:Charles Kean
Aug 2024 · 70
Heaven & Hell
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Heaven & Hell

    We’re all on our own journey
In our own walk of life
Sometimes our hearts are filled with joy
Sometimes our hearts are filled with strife

Time passes us by and no matter how far
We’ve come it’s like we’re standing still
We question our existence and we
Question what’s truth and what’s real

Born sinners all on our own
But we have a freedom of choice
And we don’t have to make it alone
If we listen to the still small voice

Every day we’re just a choice away
From the same old grind
We control our own destiny
Listen to the heart or listen to the mind

And when our time has come, when
There’s nothing left to buy or sell
Did we make the right decision as we
Stood on the corner of Heaven & Hell

Written By:Charles Kean
Aug 2024 · 65
World Of Tomorrow
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
World Of Tomorrow

    I was born in nineteen sixty two
I was still a baby during Vietnam
As I grew older I began to realize
There’s never going to be a calm

Never thought that my eyes would
Witness a day like Nine One One
There’s never going to be peace
Until all the Humans are Gone

I remember when I was young
There was an echo of a future so bright
But we can’t even get along with ourselves
And that future is as dark as night

Once America was strong and men
Were men with their masculinity
Now they’re wearing dresses and mascara
And cry if we don’t identify their insanity

As I pray to God with tears in my eyes
And my heart filled with sorrow
I’m also grateful that I’ll die and I won’t
Have to live in the World Of Tomorrow

Written By:Charles Kean
Aug 2024 · 80
Under Construction
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Under Construction

      When I tell people that I follow Jesus
They always have the same assumption
They think that I’m perfect but I tell them
No it just means I’ve had my introduction

I’m still a human and I’m still gonna make
Mistakes so I’m still a product in production
I still live here on Earth and my life still
Has its moments of interruption

The Devil tries desperately to deceive
And I must overcome his obstructions
I always witness people of power with
The willingness of their corruption

I have a family and we all love each other
Despite our obvious dysfunction
Though the past was a difficult one
We’ve all survived it’s destruction

So don’t give me a label of perfection
I’m just trying to follow instructions
So think of me like a growing city and
Understand  I’m always Under Construction

Written By:Charles Kean
Aug 2024 · 98
Black & White
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Black & White

    Once not so very long ago
When life was in a simpler time
Parents taught their children well
And there was reason in the rhyme

Morals and manners and common courtesy
To treat other with kindness and respect
But now generations later its something
That’s succumb to great neglect

Parents stopped parenting and tried
To be their children’s best friend
The word no started to be challenged
Parents caved so friendships wouldn’t end

Now the world is crying out loud
This incredible sad sad song
No one wants to acknowledge that
We were incredibly so so wrong

Now there’s no truth because the truth
Is lost in the vast universe of lies
The children have their participation
Trophies and we feel so proud and wise

But boys are wearing dresses and girls
Are covering their beauty with tattoos
And they’re wearing combat boots
As we’re all being fed one set of views

There’s chaos and confusion we’re lost
In the mist of grays with no wrong or right
The foundation has crumbled and blurred
Has become the clearness of Black & White

Written By:Charles Kean
Aug 2024 · 81
Rising Hope
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Rising Hope

       I open my eyes to a new day
And I think about its opportunities
I know that things can go both ways but
I’m trying to be positive of the possibilities

I give my thanks to God for waking
Up to another day of life in the light
Because I understand the miracle
Of surviving the death of the night

I’m just a simple man living in the moment
I’m not a wise man always giving advice
But I’ve experienced both extremes from
The heat of the fire and the cold of the ice

I can tell you only what I know when I’m
Confronted by the Demons in the shadow
When I’m in the middle of the darkness of
The storm I search for the rainbow

It’s the comfort of the promise and it’s
What gives me the strength to cope
When things are going wrong my heart
Is always filled with Rising Hope

Written By:Charles Kean
Aug 2024 · 58
Chuck Kean Aug 2024

      The first comes with the loss of your
Innocence in your walk of life
When you realize that love
Can cut you like a knife

When you’re no longer Naive
And not so willing to trust
And you wonder how many times you
Can get knocked down into the dust

When your heart breaks because
You have to leave your love behind
When you think that love again is
Something you’ll never find

And again when someone you love
Passes away and you drown in sorrow
These are the times when you wonder
If the Sun will rise tomorrow

Living life can be so wonderful but it can
Also drain all the tears from your eyes
Over time through the passing years as
We come face to face with all the goodbyes

Written By:Charles Kean
Aug 2024 · 156
Ghost Shadow
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Ghost Shadow

    I’m a ghost shadow, that which
You see out of the corner of your eye
I’m a ghost shadow it’s like having
Truth but the truth is a lie

I’m a darkness that follows you
I’m a question without an answer why
I’m the reason for your sadness
That makes you want to cry

I’m the never ending madness
That’s driving you insane
And with everything you lose
It becomes my gain

I’m a ghost shadow like a constant chill
And I’m always near
I’m a ghost shadow I’m the reason
For your unnerving fear

I’m a ghost shadow, I’m calling your
Name and you can’t deny
I’m a ghost shadow, the shiver down
Your spine when know your gonna die

I’m always gonna be with you
Wherever you may go
You know you can never escape me
I’m your Ghost Shadow

Written By:Charles Kean
On XBOX ONE I am Ghost Shadow
Lol 😂
Chuck Kean Jul 2024
Watching You & Watching Me

From the beginning to eternity
All eyes are on deck
Causing all of your anxiety
Executing their ICU project

Because they’re afraid of a rebellion
Or are they afraid of our brain waves
Or is it our freedom of speech, or is it
Keeping control over their slaves

From me to you, what’s the game
Are we supposed to be blind
Can’t get away, can’t get away, can’t
Escape, all I want is my peace of mind

Beware I say of retaliation, beware
Of any negative thoughts or post
Obtain your knowledge, you cannot
**** the virus when you’re the host

Remember they see every word and every
Pic this I can guarantee
Their Eyes penetrating deep
They’re Watching You & Watching Me

Written By:Charles Kean
(Extra Secret Message First Letter Of  First 8 Lines)
Jul 2024 · 420
Chuck Kean Jul 2024

      Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Why are you trying to affect my reality
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Why are you killing me

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
You get too much you get too high
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Not enough and you’re gonna die

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I was trapped in your Hell
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
You had me under your spell

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
In the evening I felt your heat
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I always craved for your sweet

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I know our battle is brand new
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
But I’m through with you

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Numbers gave you rounds one & two
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
But since then my numbers are true

So in claiming victory don’t be so eager
Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I think you’ll find I’m not so meager
I will defeat you MY LADY SUGAR

Written By:Charles Kean
I was diagnosed with Diabetes
On 07/11/2024
Jul 2024 · 61
Chuck Was Here
Chuck Kean Jul 2024
Chuck Was Here

    I’m just a nobody, just another forgetful
Face in a world of so many faces
Like one drop of water in the Ocean
Touching the shores of so many places

I do my best to care for others but I know
That I’ll be forgotten like yesterday’s news
I love my Rock & Roll but I can identify
With its origin as it comes from the blues

I talk to Jesus on a regular basis
I think of him as my best friend
And I understand that my life here
On Earth will come to an end

I still see the world as a beautiful place
But it’s getting uglier every day
And I don’t know why because it still
Won’t matter when the Lord takes me away

I wonder will I be remembered or not, yet for
Reasons that are still not completely clear
There’s something from inside me that
Wants The future to know Chuck Was Here

Written By:Charles Kean
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