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Chuck Kean Feb 21
Molly’s Song

     She’s a troubled soul and she thinks
She’s the only one with a woeful plight
The path she walks is illuminated
With a persistent dark light

She dreams of a better tomorrow
But she lives in yesterday
And she’s always oblivious to
The blessings of today

She’s tortured by her anxiety
And the voices of her mind
And she’s constantly searching
For something she can never find

Impossible is her ability to be happy
And it’s beyond being an absurdness
She can only find her comfort
When she’s surrounded in darkness

She’s created her own prison
Her sentence is lifelong
And Heartbreaking are the lyrics
And melody of Moly’s Song

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 20
Our Brother Steve Is Dead

     There was a time when we were
Close, but with time we drifted apart
You might say it makes it easier
But still it’s heavy on my heart

Memories of the days of our youth
Flash before me like it was yesterday
And the times as young adults how
We’d talk the night away

His heart was gold but he angered quick
He held on to grudges and couldn’t forgive
He was stubborn with his point of view
It was the way he chose to live

There was a time when we were there
Through thick & thin for each other
Sometimes we didn’t always agree
But he was still my brother

Lord I pray he’s with you in Heaven
And comfort our family in the days ahead
As we come face to face with the reality
That Our Brother Steve Is Dead

Written By:Charles Kean
R.I.P. My Brother 😢💔
Chuck Kean Feb 19
Time Again, Again In Time

     I’ve seen you before I know
It can’t be a case of Deja vu
But how could it be, you don’t know
Me and I couldn’t know you

But I feel the forces of the universe
Within this majestic galaxy
That you and I are connected somehow
In a fantastic and wonderful odyssey

Through a misty haze, I see us together
In an enchanted place
The music of nature has us locked
In a dance and we’re face to face

In the realms of time and space
Some things are just meant to be
No matter how many times we drift
Apart there will always be you & me

We will live a million reincarnations
On the vibrations of the wind chimes
Our love will truly last forever
Time Again, Again In Time

Written By: Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 18
The Truth

       Let’s Talk About the Truth
Our lives and our freedom of choice
We can live anyway we wish or we can
Listen to God, his still small voice

We’re all given a life to live
No matter what it becomes
That’s truth that we know
Never knowing when death comes

In the meantime we fight our Demons
Never surrender your heart and mind
The world may be cruel but truth is
We can Always find a way to be kind

You can always find the truth
Even in this universe of lies
And there’s truth with every hello
There will always be goodbyes

So let’s plant the seed of love
And let’s watch it grow
It may do more for the world
Than we may ever know

Treasure every moment and make
Sure you hold steadfast in your youth
Keep your faith and praise and pray
For one day we’ll all know The Truth

Written By:Charles Kean
My Brother Steve Passed Away
02/17/2025 RIP MY BROTHER!!!!
Chuck Kean Feb 18

Chuck Kean Feb 16
Between The Sun & The Rain

       They say that time heals all wounds
In the meantime I’ll present my charade
Until something happens to remind me
And I realize time only made them fade

I don’t know why we tell
Ourselves this just to get by
Is it so wrong that we must hide
Our Scars and never cry

In a world surrounded by people
I still feel very much alone
On the outside you can never know
I’m comfortably numb clean to the bone

When you said goodbye I pretended
Some day you’d still return
All the things you attempted to teach
Me I still refused to learn

Now I understand that time will
Never take away my pain
And forever I’ll be stuck somewhere
Between The Sun & The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 13
My Sweet Madam Blue

       I’m deep in a feeling, you know
It seems it will last and last
I look to my future and I can see
It’s the same as the past

Happiness is always just out of
My reach, I’m lost in a trance
I’d give anything to find my way out
To be given half the chance

Forever I know I’ll feel the heat from
This Fire of your loving Hell
There’s no remedy to release me
From the power of your spell

For eternity I’ll live my life dreading
The harsh and yearning for the tender
I’ll always put up a valiant fight but
I’ll wave the white flag of surrender

Every time I find a way to escape
I’ll find my way back to you
My heart forever breaking as I lay
In the arms of My Sweet Madam Blue

Written By:Charles Kean
I dedicate this to any and all who have
Suffered with or who may be currently suffering with depression.
When you suffer with it for so long
It feels like it’s the only feeling that’s right
Nothing else feels right so you always find yourself back in the arms of sweet Madam Blue. I’ve been there and my heart breaks for you!!! God Bless!!!
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