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Chuck Kean Feb 11

        I was 15 or 16 when I decided to
Be a Philadelphia Eagles fan
Today I’m writing this to you from
The heart of a 62 year old man

I can’t be any prouder of Hurts, Dejean,
Goedert, Shipley, Slay, Baun and Brown
Barkley,Elliot,Carter, Smith, Campbell
And the rest of the boys of Philly Town

They beat the mighty Chiefs In Superbowl
Fifty nine Chiefs twenty two Eagles Forty
A franchise since Nineteen thirty three
Now have a second trophy in their story

The Chiefs are a great team and
They’ve had a great run
But I couldn’t be happier that my Eagles
Stuck a fork in them and said you’re done

So to all the Eagles fans out there
To the Chiefs wave goodbye
Lift your voices to the sky
And sing 🦅FLY EAGLES FLY 🦅

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 8
The Clique

    Follow, follow, follow, we’re such
An individually weak society
You’re either in or you’re out  
Leaving us with no self piety

So consumed with what others think
There’s a desire to be liked or loved
To feel a sense of belonging instead of
Being judged and pushed and shoved

Like sharks to blood they’re quick and
Swift as they move in for the ****
Everyone else is watching you and
Gauging the strength of your will

High School never ends it’s just not
Always so plain to see
Backstabbing takes you by surprise
But you were aware of their ability

You never were one to walk in line
Like ashes of a cigarette they flick
You’re so easily dismissed
If you’re not in The Clique

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Feb 5
The Irrational Mind

    I’m writing this here today
To bring awareness of the unstable
As we move further into the future
More and more will be set upon our table

Trans Gender is just another example
Of the overwhelming new trend
Whether it’s drugs or alcohol or dementia
Or just a mental illness unable to mend

The number of people suffering is rising
At an alarming out of control rate
It’s something that isn’t talked about
Though we’re beyond the crisis state

I’m talking to you as a man who’s had
More than my fair share of experience
And in each there’s a difference in the
Aspects and the individual variance

If you find yourself face to face
Ones mannerisms are well defined
And you must maintain a mind rational
When dealing with The Irrational Mind

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 30
Bless The ****

      It’s a cruel, cruel world
It’s no secret, it’s nothing new
So don’t take it personally, it’s just
A fact that’s undeniably true

The Government and the media
Is nothing but ******* and lies
Time is something so precious
And it’s true that Time flies

So if you find one day you must deal
With a Dip **** take it in stride
It’s really just a small World
Sooner or later you will collide

There’s always his **** or her ****
And someone who is the **** too
Just laugh it off and live your life
Tomorrow will be brand new

The **** will always hit the fan so
This is my message I wish to Transmit
Thank God for everything in life
And just Bless The ****

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 26

     Well I am pretty sure this World
Isn’t supposed to be this way
It breaks my heart to think of its once
Complete beauty and watch it decay

When I say complete beauty I’m referring
To how we’ve stripped the land
And how it seems we’d rather fight with
Each other rather then lend a hand

How we have so many Religions and
Biblical Interpretations that separate
God is Love and he wants us to Love
And with all of this it generates hate

The Religions are nothing but Crap
They manipulate what’s really True
They tell you their interpretation and
Take your money as you sit in their Pew

I survive this world every day,behind
Me walks a full Angel squadron
And I set the Religion of it all aside
And let Jesus be my only Sovereign

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 18
The Battles You Fight

       Well there’s Demons In the day
And there’s Demons In the Night
There’s Demons to the left
And Demons to the right

They hide in the shadows
On the edge of your tranquility
Surviving on your inevitable fear
Counting on your vulnerability

Like sharks smelling blood
They’re aware of your wraith
And they will relentlessly attack
The weakness in your faith

There in lies the key so stay steadfast
And strong in what you believe
Don’t forget to praise and pray
And keep that Ace in your sleeve

Jesus is the ultimate Warrior
So let him be your Armored Knight
Eminent will be your victories when
Jesus is with you in The Battles You Fight

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 17
Gender Road

        Well I was born in the sixties
The decade of Peace and Love
I grew up in the seventies
There was KISS and God above

I’ve heard about The Stairway To Heaven
And about The Highway To Hell
I knew about the two Paths and that
Trouble could land me in Jail

No one ever taught me anything different
There’s Girls and Boys
I was told about the Devil
Of his deception and ploys

I stopped pretending at age nine or ten
It was Black and White with no Grey
I’m not trying to be funny but I didn’t
Even know about the Gay

I’ve always been kind and respectful so
Forgive me I can’t handle the new Inode
As I try to walk to the Stairway to Heaven
Don’t force me to Go down Gender Road

Written By:Charles Kean
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