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Chuck Kean Jan 17
I Can’t Explain

     There’s something about her way
Yes there’s something about her way
That I can’t explain

There’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
She’s got an easy smile

There’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
She’s got that look in her eyes

And there’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
I find her to be so ****

There’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
She makes me feel when she laughs

And there’s something about the way
Oh there’s something about the way
She curls her toes

There’s something about the way
Yes there’s something about the way
She’s got a certain style

There’s something about the way
Oh there’s something about her way
That I Can’t Explain

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 13
My Mixed Emotion

        She left me standing all alone
Deleted my number from her phone
My friends said let’s have some fun
But that’s easier said then done

I feel our love was just wasted years
Now I’m fighting back my inevitable tears
They say a man ain’t supposed to cry
But when a heart breaks I question why

Words of love turned to wicked scorns
The Roses have withered leaving the thorns
I’m walking with a soul so tattered
On the ground my heart is shattered

The river still flows to the sea
The Eagle still soars the sky so free
The children still play in the park
The Sun still shines but everything is dark

There’s no woman now that I can trust
My tears turn everything to rust
Forever like a sailor lost out on the Ocean
I will be lost in My Mixed Emotion

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 12
Where Her Spirit Fled

      Once a body with a breath of life
The Doctors reported she was dead
Instantly the tears began to fall
Though knowing where her spirit fled

From a life of abuse, she now
Sleeps in peace in her best bed
During her days she watches over us
From the place where her spirit fled

She always believed in Angels
And in the Bible stories she read
Now she’s one of them
In the place where her spirit fled

She always loved spring and
Winter she would always dread
I know she’s loved and it’s always
Spring in the place where her spirit fled

A Butterfly Angel forever fluttering near a
Rainbow of purple, green, yellow, and red
In a meadow of vibrant flowers sending
Her love from Where Her Spirit Fled

Written By:Charles Kean
Dedicated to my mother
They say only the good die young
Died of Cancer at the young age of 59
Title is (Borrowed from Emma with permission)
Chuck Kean Jan 9
Your Sad Eyes

     Looking back on my memories
I know I’m lucky to be alive
Struggling with emotions, thoughts of
Suicide and the instinct to survive

Witnessing the violence and abuse
I saw your dreams turn to nightmares
And all of your glimpses of hope
Turn to blank and empty stares

I saw all of your once joy
Turn into a life of pain
And all of your sunshine turn
Into darkness and rain

I saw your beautiful smile
Change to a half hearted grin
I watched your willingness to fight
Surrender to a battle you couldn’t win

With all of your might you prayed
For a Hero with a cape
But he never came to rescue you from
Your fate and you never could escape

And all of the emotions you ever had
Were completely drained
Except for the strongest one
And it was fear that remained

All of your love was hanging onto
Broken promises and lies
And your vision of a bright future
Became blurred in Your Sad Eyes

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 5
The One

     Attention all people gather around
Let me extend an official lathe
To tell you amazing stories about
People whom had unwavering faith

Like the story of Noah, a righteous man
Instructed to prepare for the rain
He was told to build an Ark
And the people thought he was insane

They mocked him as he built
His vessel designed to scon
Then came the rain and they
Soon realized that he was the one

Now there’s the story of Moses
He said to the Pharaoh let thy people go
He was also laughed at and mocked
As the Pharaoh stood fast with a no

Then the plagues came to destroy
The Pharaoh and the Evil that did spawn
And the day of freedom came
And they knew Moses was the one

But here’s the most amazing, for every
Person that feels like Delta Dawn
And you’ve surely lost your way
Remember he left the 99 For The One

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jan 4
The Thief Of Time

    Born into the World and you’re a
Teenager in the blink of an eye
As a teenager you wish to be an adult
You kiss your teenage years goodbye

Then before you know it you realize
You’ve got teenagers of your own
You can’t believe that this is your life
And how quickly they have grown

Then one day you’re in the Hospital
As life is about to really get wild
There’s gonna be an addition to the
Family in the way of a grandchild

Suddenly you’re reminiscing and
Memories flow like the waves of a song
And you realize you’re one of the
Lucky ones to live this long

Still you find yourself looking at your
Life like it’s the scene of a crime
And you’ve called the police to put
Out an APB for The Thief Of Time

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Dec 2024
Something You Should Know

    People always say that I don’t know
People always turn and walk away
People are lost in the darkness of the
Night even in the light of day

So many people seem to be
Paralyzed by their pain
So many people without an umbrella
Walking aimlessly in the rain

Searching for love and searching for
Answers and searching for peace
Living their lives on their own terms
Until one day they decease

We have the freedom of free will
We have the power of choice
It’s time to turn off the noise and
Listen to the still small voice

No Jesus and there’s no peace
The seed of love will never grow
Know Jesus and know peace
And love is Something You Should Know

Written By:Charles Kean
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