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Chuck Kean Sep 2024

      Some men come from nothing
But they can still be a friend
I’d take a bullet for you
And I’d bleed until the bitter end

I’m no Angel but I’d face the
Hurricane and the driving rain
And I would not back down from a
Fight with the murdering brother Cain

If we were stranded in the desert
Wilting in the blistering heat
I’d give you the last of the water
As I lay dying at your feet

Once there was a time I was drinking the
Whiskey and Rye, I began to drown
I wasn’t the person I am today and I
Thought the Devil wore the Crown

I’m a born sinner and that’s a fact
I still love my Rock & Roll
But came an Angel from Heaven above
To save my mortal soul

Now I know Jesus wears the crown
And I’ll fight the enemy and never bend
I’m proud of the man I’ve become
And I’m proud to call you Friend

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Sep 2024
Kool Aide Kids

        Well unfortunately it’s that time again
Those political adds are dominating
I don’t care what side you’re on
And I don’t care who they’re nominating

I’m not here to sway your opinions
I’m not trying to tell you how to vote
But I am here to give words of caution
To give you something to take note

The media will feed you only what they
Want you to see and hear
They are servants of the Devil
And the Devil thrives on your fear

I just want you to do your own research
That’s my true and best advice
Don’t be so steadfast to stand your ground
Because you might be standing on thin ice

They want you to blindly accept their lies
They don’t want you to do your own thinking
They’re just here to supply the Kool aide
And the Devil smiles as we keep drinking

So please stop and turn off the noise
Don’t replicate like the Plasmids
You don’t need the sugar to decide
Please don’t be the Kool Aide Kids

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Heaven & Hell

    We’re all on our own journey
In our own walk of life
Sometimes our hearts are filled with joy
Sometimes our hearts are filled with strife

Time passes us by and no matter how far
We’ve come it’s like we’re standing still
We question our existence and we
Question what’s truth and what’s real

Born sinners all on our own
But we have a freedom of choice
And we don’t have to make it alone
If we listen to the still small voice

Every day we’re just a choice away
From the same old grind
We control our own destiny
Listen to the heart or listen to the mind

And when our time has come, when
There’s nothing left to buy or sell
Did we make the right decision as we
Stood on the corner of Heaven & Hell

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
World Of Tomorrow

    I was born in nineteen sixty two
I was still a baby during Vietnam
As I grew older I began to realize
There’s never going to be a calm

Never thought that my eyes would
Witness a day like Nine One One
There’s never going to be peace
Until all the Humans are Gone

I remember when I was young
There was an echo of a future so bright
But we can’t even get along with ourselves
And that future is as dark as night

Once America was strong and men
Were men with their masculinity
Now they’re wearing dresses and mascara
And cry if we don’t identify their insanity

As I pray to God with tears in my eyes
And my heart filled with sorrow
I’m also grateful that I’ll die and I won’t
Have to live in the World Of Tomorrow

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Under Construction

      When I tell people that I follow Jesus
They always have the same assumption
They think that I’m perfect but I tell them
No it just means I’ve had my introduction

I’m still a human and I’m still gonna make
Mistakes so I’m still a product in production
I still live here on Earth and my life still
Has its moments of interruption

The Devil tries desperately to deceive
And I must overcome his obstructions
I always witness people of power with
The willingness of their corruption

I have a family and we all love each other
Despite our obvious dysfunction
Though the past was a difficult one
We’ve all survived it’s destruction

So don’t give me a label of perfection
I’m just trying to follow instructions
So think of me like a growing city and
Understand  I’m always Under Construction

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Black & White

    Once not so very long ago
When life was in a simpler time
Parents taught their children well
And there was reason in the rhyme

Morals and manners and common courtesy
To treat other with kindness and respect
But now generations later its something
That’s succumb to great neglect

Parents stopped parenting and tried
To be their children’s best friend
The word no started to be challenged
Parents caved so friendships wouldn’t end

Now the world is crying out loud
This incredible sad sad song
No one wants to acknowledge that
We were incredibly so so wrong

Now there’s no truth because the truth
Is lost in the vast universe of lies
The children have their participation
Trophies and we feel so proud and wise

But boys are wearing dresses and girls
Are covering their beauty with tattoos
And they’re wearing combat boots
As we’re all being fed one set of views

There’s chaos and confusion we’re lost
In the mist of grays with no wrong or right
The foundation has crumbled and blurred
Has become the clearness of Black & White

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Rising Hope

       I open my eyes to a new day
And I think about its opportunities
I know that things can go both ways but
I’m trying to be positive of the possibilities

I give my thanks to God for waking
Up to another day of life in the light
Because I understand the miracle
Of surviving the death of the night

I’m just a simple man living in the moment
I’m not a wise man always giving advice
But I’ve experienced both extremes from
The heat of the fire and the cold of the ice

I can tell you only what I know when I’m
Confronted by the Demons in the shadow
When I’m in the middle of the darkness of
The storm I search for the rainbow

It’s the comfort of the promise and it’s
What gives me the strength to cope
When things are going wrong my heart
Is always filled with Rising Hope

Written By:Charles Kean
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