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Chuck Kean Aug 2024

      The first comes with the loss of your
Innocence in your walk of life
When you realize that love
Can cut you like a knife

When you’re no longer Naive
And not so willing to trust
And you wonder how many times you
Can get knocked down into the dust

When your heart breaks because
You have to leave your love behind
When you think that love again is
Something you’ll never find

And again when someone you love
Passes away and you drown in sorrow
These are the times when you wonder
If the Sun will rise tomorrow

Living life can be so wonderful but it can
Also drain all the tears from your eyes
Over time through the passing years as
We come face to face with all the goodbyes

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Aug 2024
Ghost Shadow

    I’m a ghost shadow, that which
You see out of the corner of your eye
I’m a ghost shadow it’s like having
Truth but the truth is a lie

I’m a darkness that follows you
I’m a question without an answer why
I’m the reason for your sadness
That makes you want to cry

I’m the never ending madness
That’s driving you insane
And with everything you lose
It becomes my gain

I’m a ghost shadow like a constant chill
And I’m always near
I’m a ghost shadow I’m the reason
For your unnerving fear

I’m a ghost shadow, I’m calling your
Name and you can’t deny
I’m a ghost shadow, the shiver down
Your spine when know your gonna die

I’m always gonna be with you
Wherever you may go
You know you can never escape me
I’m your Ghost Shadow

Written By:Charles Kean
On XBOX ONE I am Ghost Shadow
Lol 😂
Chuck Kean Jul 2024
Watching You & Watching Me

From the beginning to eternity
All eyes are on deck
Causing all of your anxiety
Executing their ICU project

Because they’re afraid of a rebellion
Or are they afraid of our brain waves
Or is it our freedom of speech, or is it
Keeping control over their slaves

From me to you, what’s the game
Are we supposed to be blind
Can’t get away, can’t get away, can’t
Escape, all I want is my peace of mind

Beware I say of retaliation, beware
Of any negative thoughts or post
Obtain your knowledge, you cannot
**** the virus when you’re the host

Remember they see every word and every
Pic this I can guarantee
Their Eyes penetrating deep
They’re Watching You & Watching Me

Written By:Charles Kean
(Extra Secret Message First Letter Of  First 8 Lines)
Chuck Kean Jul 2024

      Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Why are you trying to affect my reality
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Why are you killing me

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
You get too much you get too high
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Not enough and you’re gonna die

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I was trapped in your Hell
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
You had me under your spell

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
In the evening I felt your heat
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I always craved for your sweet

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I know our battle is brand new
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
But I’m through with you

Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
Numbers gave you rounds one & two
Sugar, oh sugar, sugar
But since then my numbers are true

So in claiming victory don’t be so eager
Ah sugar, oh sugar, sugar
I think you’ll find I’m not so meager
I will defeat you MY LADY SUGAR

Written By:Charles Kean
I was diagnosed with Diabetes
On 07/11/2024
Chuck Kean Jul 2024
Chuck Was Here

    I’m just a nobody, just another forgetful
Face in a world of so many faces
Like one drop of water in the Ocean
Touching the shores of so many places

I do my best to care for others but I know
That I’ll be forgotten like yesterday’s news
I love my Rock & Roll but I can identify
With its origin as it comes from the blues

I talk to Jesus on a regular basis
I think of him as my best friend
And I understand that my life here
On Earth will come to an end

I still see the world as a beautiful place
But it’s getting uglier every day
And I don’t know why because it still
Won’t matter when the Lord takes me away

I wonder will I be remembered or not, yet for
Reasons that are still not completely clear
There’s something from inside me that
Wants The future to know Chuck Was Here

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jul 2024
Quantum Universe

      We are the Quantum in the Universe
The smallest discrete quantity
We are like grains of sand in the vastness
We are the strange oddity

We’re all Space travelers moving through
Space at a high rate of speed
In a relatively quick temporary life span
With false prestige and focused on greed

It’s every Man for Himself so to speak
With glimpses of love and passion
But increasingly it seems we’re consumed
By material things and the latest fashion

The future was supposed to be better
We were supposed to learn from the past
Yet here we are repeating the same mistakes And the end is approaching fast

We must stop to remember that we are
One in the same regardless of how diverse
We must love each other and embrace
Our existence in our Quantum Universe

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Jul 2024
No Rhyme Nor Reason

       Just like the guy who’s feet
Are to big for his bed, I heard in a song
Life is too short for fussing and fighting
That stuff takes much too long

What side of the fence are you on and
The difference can you rise above
Is it worth killing strangers, is it
Worth killing someone you love

In a lifetime so temporary, can you afford
To Really take a stand and draw the line
I laugh at your ignorance and integrity
It’s like fighting over Whiskey or Wine

Over politics are you really ready for
Ignoring the lessons from Civil War
Instead of fighting the enemy of foreign
Foe we fight each other on our own shore

In the middle of Summer I feel the Winter
Closing in with its cold season
Must love die in the battle of stupidly
In the darkness of No Rhyme Nor Reason

Written By:Charles Kean
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