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Chuck Kean May 2024
When Comes The Rain

      Though I know we set each other free
It still hurts to see you with someone new
I guess my heart must still be breaking
It’s telling me that I still love you

I could see it in your eyes, you were in
Love and loving the way he made you feel
But I could see his eyes were roaming
And his love for you isn’t real

I see a forecast of a brewing storm
And it shouldn’t be so surprising
The atmospheric pressure has been
Hinting of a bad Moon rising

I know you think it’s my jealousy but I
Tell you I’ve come to terms with my mistake
I just want what’s best for you and you
Can’t see what is so obviously fake

I want you to know, I’ll lay down on the
Tracks in front of this doomed runaway train
When the lightning flashes and the thunder
Rolls, I’ll be here When Comes The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean May 2024
Take It Back

       Since The first time we met
Somehow I guess I stole your heart
And you gave me your love ignoring
All the red flags from the very start

You told yourself you were the Angel
That was here to save my soul
But clearly you were blinded and you
Couldn’t see the Devil was in control

Despite all that was against you it
Amazed me how you always gave your best
Though you never really made any
Progress and you always failed the test

I had truly convinced myself that
There would never come a day
No I never thought you could give up
On love and you’d just walk away

I kept pushing your limits to see how
Far you would bend before you would break
I guess this was the last straw and
It was more than you could take

I shouldn’t be surprised after constantly
Shaking the foundation, it would crack
And as easily as you gave your love to me
There’d come a day you’d Take It Back

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 2024

           When there’s a fire, there’s
Always smoke that billows
When you feel a presence of evil, there’s
Always a Demon hiding in the shadows

When you feel Claustrophobic, you
Always seem to lose your breath
When you feel yourself panic, you
Always feel like you’re closer to death

When someone has Nyctophobia, it’s
Known as a fear of the dark
When someone has a deal with the Devil, it’s
Known as a contract with Hells Monarch

When you hear stories of deaths forest, you
Know one is speaking about the Aokigahara
When you hear stories of sudden death, you
Know one is speaking about the Mara

When Japanese warn of Aokigahara, they
Are warning of the forest dark deity
When Japanese warn of deaths Reaper, they
Are warning of the Demon Shinigami

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 2024
Closed For Repairs

       Well I put myself out there
I decided to take a chance
When I climbed the tree of life, I guess
I came to rest on the weakest branch

They said I’d never find love
If I kept to myself and kept so reserved
They said to open up and I would
Find love and get what I deserved

So I found myself a beautiful woman
I opened up and let her inside
I felt free and comfortable and
There was nothing I tried to hide

I was flying high on the wings of love
I learned what it was like to fall
Now the pain is unbearable and I know
It’s something I never wish to recall

She broke my heart and the damage is
Severe and there’s no pain that compares
So now I’ll just hide away in my safe place
And this heart will be Closed For Repairs

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 2024
The Wolf You Feed

    The forces are real, invisible but
But obviously they can still be seen
If you observe your surroundings
It’s as clear as red and green

It’s as simple as our morals
To do what’s wrong or what’s right
To live in the love of the day
And not die in the darkness of night

The bottom line is it all depends
Upon your own wisdom and choice
When the Demon and Angel whisper
Which one becomes the strongest voice

Is it the Wolf of light and hope
The Wolf of darkness and despair
Tell me you’re not oblivious to the
The forces you must be aware

My words of wisdom are already your
Knowledge to which is your Creed
Because your survival and happiness
Depends upon The Wolf You Feed

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 2024

     Alone again in a crowded room,
Am I dead or just dead to you
Do I still have a breath of life
Or have I gone cold and blue

So close and yet so far away
We were reaching for it all
Climbing to the top but now it’s
Clear that I have taken a fall

I speak my words but it’s like
They’re just sounds of silence
I can’t understand why you’re
So steadfast in your defiance

You’ve got no room for compromise
But love can’t be bought or sold
I tried to give you everything but
You left me standing alone in a world so cold

When our love was new you had
A way of making me feel invincible
But now everything has changed so
Drastically and  I feel I’m Invisible

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 2024
Total Eclipse

      As the Sun Rises high into
The blue midday sky
Today the Moon will conquer
If only for a few moments the Sun will die

America will be in the shadow
As a witness to this small victory
This is a very special event in our lives
It’ll certainly be a highlight in our history

God gives us signs using the Sun and
Planets but what is he trying to say
Could this be a Warning, is he telling us
That soon we will see our last day

Will this day be the beginning of decades
Of torture and agony as The world dies
As once again God makes the final decision
To destroy all that he created as he cries

In the Bible it is written that we will
Know the wrath of the pending Apocalypse
But for now we must all take a deep breath
Because today It’s just a Total Eclipse

Written By:Charles Kean
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