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Chuck Kean Apr 2024
The Invisibility Of Poverty

        The world never really sleeps
Life is lived in some type of capacity
We were meant for love and compassion
But that concept is beyond our mentality

Obviously we’ve been separated
There’s good guys and the bad guys
There’s the political left and right
And there’s no rule that applies

Once there was a dominant lower
And middle And upper class
But the middle is disappearing
Bitten by the snakes in the grass

And every day we just pass each other
By as we do what we need to survive
As everything is designed to cater
To the rich so that they can thrive

And every day greed takes more
Control without care of the inequality
And the world turns and the people live
With The Invisibility Of Poverty

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 2024
Without You

   Well it’s no secret, I was on the
Highway to Hell at a high rate of speed
The world had abused me enough
And I bled all that I could bleed

Just another lost worthless soul
Wondering aimlessly in the wilderness
I was without direction and without
Love and my heart was filled with bitterness

Darkness had convinced me that it was
My only friend and I would never see light
I didn’t have a dream, I was brainwashed
And broken living in a constant night

At an early age life had been ****** out
Of me and I didn’t have any desire
I was sure that my destiny was to walk
Eternally on Brimstone through fire

But God saved me by sending me an
Angel, this much I know is true
I don’t ever want to think about my one
Time fate without him and Without You

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Apr 2024
Let The Old Man In

      I was born into poverty
Just another worthless soul
Abused physically and mentally
But I began to listen to Rock & Roll

Somewhere along the way, I was able
To grow a tougher skin
With every grain of salt sprinkled into
The wounds, I developed a stronger chin

On my own off and on at age thirteen
And completely at eighteen years of age
I left home and never looked back, and for
The story to continue I had to turn the page

I had a young care free attitude and
Over the years I have kept it in my Heart
Never wanted to accept aging or let my
Youth slip Away and become an old ****

And now even at age Sixty Two I still feel
The Rock & Roll kid deep within
And each day though the struggle gets harder I still refuse to Let The Old Man In

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
Jesus Saved My Soul

    I’ve never been known for being well dressed
I sometimes can get so depressed
I can let life leave me so stressed
But I know that I am blessed

Literally you know I’ve been to Hell
I’m not sure what it means to be an infidel
Don’t know about a higher clientele
Could never seem to get off the carousel

My hearts been stabbed by the impeller
I feel like I crawled from a cellar
A real low life bottom dweller
My past is sadder than the story of old yeller

But I can say now it’s all behind me
From the chains that use to bind me
I have clearly broken free
Through the darkness the light I can see

The Devil has lost his control
Though I know I sin and love Rock & Roll
And I look like an ugly troll
It’s all good because Jesus saved my soul

Written By:Charles Kean
Copyright 03/30/2019
All rights reserved
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
Solemn Vow

      Call him the Devil, Satan or Lucifer
The Evil one or the Prince of Darkness
His presence is real and his plan is in
Full operation and clever in starkness

As we live in a world divided
Jesus has my complete piety
As the end grows ever closer
I ask where lies your deity

For the Devil has fallen in love with an
Angel and it’s the last straw and unforgiven
But it takes two and the Angel willingly
Devotes her love knowing it’s forbidden

And now the final line has been drawn
The apocalypse is imminent
There’s nothing that can stop it and there
Was nothing that could have prevented it

The world so easily slipped into lawlessness
And all sins they gracefully allow
The beginning of the end was set in motion
Ironically as  each took their Solemn Vow

Written By:Charles Kean
I have the coolest picture to this poem
And actually to several other ones as well.
It’s a shame that we can’t post pictures on HP
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
Another Funeral Parlor Reunion

      To look at us now, you would never
Believe that we are actually a family
But believe it or not we are and you
Can check our not so distant history

Somewhere over time we just drifted
Apart and went our separate ways
So far apart now and past the point of no
Return, always longing for our yesterdays

In the vaults of our memories are the
Good times and the Bad
But at least we were together to celebrate
The happy times and console the sad

Now this family is more like people
That we once knew, to each a stranger
The only time we’re together is by
The calling of the grim reaper arranger

I know what I am about to say might
Seem like I am nothing short of inhuman
But this heart of mine just can’t take
Another Funeral Parlor Reunion

Written By:Charles Kean
We use to get together because we wanted to
Not because we have to.
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
Evil Within

      For sixty one years I have been mostly
In control except every now and then
But there’s been times when the world
Has caught glimpses of the Evil within

Everyone has this problem but most
Are not as capable and strong
However some remain in complete control
Their Evil never to harm or do wrong

Daily I see the battle unfold before my
Eyes between Evil and the Good
And it breaks my heart knowing that we
never treat each other the way we should

There’s been a shift in the Matrix and more
And more I see Evil slipping through the cracks
The worlds train is derailing and it’s
Running off of its tracks

I can feel it in the Atmosphere unfolding
Before us, I see the Apocalypse begin
And I myself am losing my control
Over my own powerful Evil Within

Written By:Charles Kean
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