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Chuck Kean Mar 2024
Fade Away

      Just like the day surrenders
To the night without a word to say
When there’s nothing left to do
It simply knows it must fade away

Everything that ever mattered
Means nothing at all today
Just like when it’s time to die
We just let it fade away

There’s nothing left in the heart
No more tears to cry, no reason to stay
When there’s nothing but memories
And even those begin to fade away

Like the four seasons Spring, Summer
Fall, Winter, each have a role to play
Most generally they know when
It’s their time to fade away

Like the darkness of the hair on my
Head slowly gives into the grey
Everything in life must become extinct
And naturally fade away

Now quietly at 62 I know what I need to do
Like the wood on the dock of the bay
Withered by nature and time I will take
My place in society and just fade away

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
In The Color Of Night

       Life that was once of family and
Love filled with times of togetherness
Long gone and forgotten lost in the
Shadows of darkness and loneliness

Family picnics and reunions and
Birthday parties are now just memories
Euchre tournaments and Christmas
Parties are in vaults of past centuries

No one ever calls but may send a random
Or rare text Separated by generations gap
Lost are the ones that were the glue
The Elders left behind didn’t adapt

Technically still bonded by blood
But it’s the only way we’re connected
Now we’re just people we once knew
And more like strangers rejected

The only time we’re together is when
One of us dies and walks into the light
When everyone cries around a casket
All dressed In The Color Of Night

Written By:Charles Kean
Received in a text
Funeral info is for next week 10 am on Tuesday and calling hours Monday 4-7. At Schoedinger in Gahanna
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
Life & Existence

     Just get all you can get
Work is everything, greed and money
Stay focused, dismiss the wife and kids
You’ve got your biscuits and honey

Big house and fancy car
It takes up the time you had to spare
But as long as you keep up with the
Joneses,you never seem to care

Sure you still take vacations with the
Family but to them you’re still a stranger
Because even when you’re there you’re not
Your stress is high and you’re in danger

You asked me how I can live my life
Without the same wants and desires
I tell you that life is easier and more
Enjoyable when there’s less that it requires

So like a river that flows,  I always
Take the path of least resistance
And I just thank the Lord above
For my Life & Existence

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
The Warning —A Rock Trio From Mexico.
Three Sisters who learned English from listening to American Classic Rock.
They are very talented and they are very pretty and I love them!!!
They have Three CD’S and a fourth one is being released in June. I used the titles of all four and my favorite song from their second release. I use them in order, this is my way to share my new music passion and love for them. Also included is a Spanish translation of my poem that was done by another fan Please enjoy!!!!
Twenty First Century Blood
Queen Of The ****** Scene
Song from this CD is (Dust To Dust)
Keep Me Fed

          Keep Me Fed

       Hear the warning, hear the warning
It’s so refreshing unlike the recent crud
I was sold from the very beginning
With their Twenty First Century Blood

My life has been reborn and you can
Love or Hate but there’s no in between
As for me I surrender, loving Dust to Dust
From Queen Of The ****** Scene

I am blessed even more and Its been
So long since I’ve received such pleasure
My stereo echoes with music from
The treasure of their latest Error

And it thrills me so very much it’s like
Making love for the first time
It’s hard to explain to the ones who have
No clue, hear their poetry sublime

With another one coming in June
On the cover they’re dressed in red
And I’m so hungry for more, oh
The Warning Keep Me Fed

Written By:Charles Kean

Mantenme alimentado

     Escucha la advertencia.

Es tan refrescante a diferencia de la basura reciente.
Me vendieron desde el principio.
Con su sangre del siglo XXI

Mi vida ha renacido y tu puedes
Amor u odio pero no hay término medio
En cuanto a mí me entrego, amando a Dust to Dust
De la reina de la escena del asesinato

Estoy aún más bendecido y ha sido
Hace mucho que no recibí tal placer
Mi estéreo resuena con música de
El tesoro de su último Error

Y me emociona tanto que es como
Haciendo el amor por primera vez
Es difícil de explicar a los que tienen
Ni idea, escucha su poesía sublime.

Con otro llegando en junio
En la portada van vestidos de rojo.
Y tengo tanta hambre de más, oh
La advertencia mantenme alimentado

Escrito por: Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
The Spore

     It lies in waiting in the darkness
Like a spider patiently waiting to strike
It attacks with the swiftness and the
Ruthlessness of a shrike

There’s no rhyme or reason
Just it’s desperation to find a host
Its victims never see it coming for
It’s as stealth as a ghost

It’s deadly as a black widow or the
The most venomous of snakes
The mere thought of it gives me chills
And the uncontrollable shakes

Its evolution has risen to the extreme
Its destruction is very evident
Death is definitely inevitable
Its superiority is overwhelmingly prevalent

Human existence is on the edge of extinction
In my heart and soul I deeply deplore
And caution the world of the Evil invaders
Humans will soon succumb to The Spore

Written By:Charles Kean
Chuck Kean Mar 2024

        Well it’s all in the past
You know the way that it was
You know the way we were
It’s gone

Lost is the tingle
Lost is the wanting
Lost is the needing
It’s gone

I can’t find the passion
I can’t find a reason
I can’t find my way
It’s gone

Lost in the darkness
Lost in the pain
Lost in my mind
It’s gone

I can’t find the feeling
I can’t even fake it
I can’t explain it
It’s gone

Written By:Charles Kean

    I Can’t Stop The Rain

       Now that it’s Gone
My Heart and soul are empty
I have become completely numb
I can’t stop the rain

How can I continue on
How can I pick up the pieces
How can I put myself together again
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder who I am
Now I wonder if I’ll ever love again
Now I wonder about tomorrow
I can’t stop the rain

How can I soften my heart
How can I let my guard down
How can I allow myself to be vulnerable
I can’t stop the rain

Now I wonder if I can find strength
Now I wonder if I even want to try
Now I wonder about everything
I Can’t Stop The Rain

Written By:Charles Kean

   Starting Over Again

           Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Now time has passed and I am
Starting over again

Every time I see a pretty face
Every time I see a smile
Every time I see beautiful eyes
Starting over again

I can’t bring myself to look
I can’t bring myself to conversation
I can’t bring myself to even speak
Starting over again

Every time I think I can
Every time I see her face
Every time I tell myself I can’t
Starting over again

I can’t even imagine it
I can’t begin to believe it
I can’t bare to breathe
Starting over again

Written By:Charles Kean

The Damage Done

      Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Starting over again
The damage done

I am so badly broken
I am so deeply defeated
I am so lost in self pity
The damage done

Take away my eyes
Take away my heart
Take away my mind
The damage done

I am so lost without her
I am so deep in depression
I am so very hopeless
The damage done

Take away the Sun
Take away my dreams
Take away my desires
The Damage Done

Written By:Charles Kean
Just Poetry
Chuck Kean Mar 2024
The Damage Done

      Now that it’s gone
I can’t stop the rain
Starting over again
The damage done

I am so badly broken
I am so deeply defeated
I am so lost in self pity
The damage done

Take away my eyes
Take away my heart
Take away my mind
The damage done

I am so lost without her
I am so deep in depression
I am so very hopeless
The damage done

Take away the Sun
Take away my dreams
Take away my desires
The Damage Done

Written By:Charles Kean
Just Poetry
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