Told you weren't worth it to her
by other people
never knowing the truth
always wanting her
to hold you
to kiss you on the cheek
to say I love you
to never let you go again
Find out she wants you
start you search
to ask
what did I do
why was I not enough
enough for you
Find so many phone numbers
call each and every one
it's not her
I cry
I hate
I love
I get scared
I'm never gonna find her
find one of her friends
get another phone number
I am too scared to call
I want to find her
is it worth it
is she worth it
is it really her
Your best friend sees
the number
they call
they ask if its her
it is
She wants to talk to you
no one made you feel so loved
so hurt
so abandoned
as her
She cares for me
she remembers things
that I said
our first call
I was scared
I found her