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309 · Jul 2020
Asher Jul 2020
Those who took much of her
**** her
Forbid her in the smallest measures
They took much of her, rebranding it as they often do
She is everywhere though
She is the breath of everything
She is the gratitude for the smallest of small things
And with the gratitude she brings a connection
She will marry you to this world happily ever after
I decided I don’t like religion (though I respect it, it’s not my thing). Since I’m not Christian, I can learn what I want. Which is how I found out witchcraft isn’t a religion, imo it’s a craft, science, and philosophy. It seems to be in everything. To me, appreciating is witchcraft. Though I’m not pagan I heard in the religion you’re taught to respect each bite or something, so I tried it. I thought of all the work that goes into all I have and how others suffered and how it benefits me. So I decided I want to take all they gave me and use it to help me help others however I can. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more connected or in love. That being said, it is to be taken seriously and if you don’t want to, there’s no obligation. If it doesn’t hurt anyone/anything, why not?
263 · Nov 2019
Where mushrooms grow
Asher Nov 2019
I’m beginning to wonder if maybe
Turnips rot because it seems like mine are
My wings are bald and useless from plucking at them
I’m beginning to wonder if maybe
Tomorrow just holds another pointless day like this
I’m beginning to wonder if maybe
I’ll ever reach that place I only recently could almost feel
215 · Nov 2019
Impatient tree
Asher Nov 2019
I want to grow so fast
Everyone says to slow down
But it’s hard to see yourself
Where you don’t want to be
214 · Nov 2019
More of a moment
Asher Nov 2019
It feels familiar and warm
My friends lying on the ground, backs against the wall
His hand is swaying blindly to the music
She says she doesn’t like oldies
He says he likes oldies
I don’t mind one way or another but it felt familiar and warm and I wish it could’ve lasted longer than it had
173 · Nov 2019
Purple is my favorite color
Asher Nov 2019
Purple for all that’s not pink or blue
Purple for all that’s blue disguised as pink
Purple for all that’s pink disguised as blue
Purple for the sake of purple
158 · Dec 2019
Asher Dec 2019
Call me Prometheus and show me where the rock is so I can lie down
Chain me and bring a hungry eagle
I didn’t give any fire but to myself
I couldn’t help it, I was cold
It feels it was set up this way from the day I was called into existence
Even feeling that, is cause for punishment
Call me Prometheus, and my anxiety an eagle
Give me religion so I may be chained and knowledge of who I am so I may be ****** either way
People say religion is good for your mental health, but for me, it’s not. I’m bi and trans and I can’t help but accept myself and that causes tension with my beliefs. The best advice anyone has is to go to a church where they’ll say it’s fine but if I did I’d just worry I was lying to myself and it wasn’t fine and I’m going to hell. I don’t mind living, but that I exist means something’s gonna happen after I die and I’m technically in control. But I want to live my life for me, which means loving who I love and transitioning, which is a sin. It feels so unfair I was made to exist, especially like this, and I’m supposed to live for my God either way, and I’m just going to hell if I don’t and even feeling and thinking about this is sin.

Edit: when I wrote this I was still catholic. I’m Christian but not catholic anymore because I realized Catholicism was making me bitter and hurt like this. I’m at peace with myself and my beliefs now, my perception on things or whatever might not be completely evolved, or maybe they never will be, but neither are causing my harm like in the past
138 · Jan 2020
Thank you and I’m sorry
Asher Jan 2020
I’m sorry you felt you had reached a dead end
Im sorry you had it rough
I wish you’d stuck around, if only for another year
You would’ve been 18 and you would’ve seen the world change like you wanted
I’m sorry you felt you had to die to make things right
But thank you, because people say it is better now
For you, and only you, I painted my nails pink
Jan 6 is paint it pink for Leelah. As in, paint your ring fingernail pink for Leelah Alcorn, a 17 yo trans girl who killed herself in 2014. She came out at 14, when she learned what transgender meant and was abused by her parents since then. She felt she had nothing to do but **** herself. In her suicide note, she wanted her death to mean something, and for trans people to one day be treated as the normal people we are. Her parents never accepted her as their daughter, not in life nor in death. She would have been 23 this year.
131 · Nov 2019
Asher Nov 2019
Throw it in my face
Punch me in the gut
Scream it in my ear
To hell with curtesy (I’m not out so I can’t blame anyone, it’s just annoying that even with my jacket and my hair I don’t pass at all)
125 · Nov 2019
Ghosts and Turnips
Asher Nov 2019
I’ve sat with ghosts that whispered and shrieked and breathed and moaned that there was nothing beyond the past
That there was no point to go into the unknown because it wasn’t the past and it wasn’t known so it wasn’t definitely safe
So it wasn’t definitely worth it, so it wasn’t worth it.
And I sat until I began to rot.
Until one day I stood up and I started walking around, still in the safe zone
Until one day I realized I didn’t need this place
Everything changes and that can be really scary but it’s really just an opportunity and for however much it *****, it’ll still be worth it and everything will turnip better then it started, if you grow from it. And why not grow from it?
122 · Nov 2019
Why we’re alive
Asher Nov 2019
We’re alive for whatever **** reason we choose to be alive for

— The End —