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Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A hill
Once proclaimed itself a mountain,
And so the huge crowds of tourists came,
Taking the whole hill away, piece by piece,
As souvenirs.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A horse was lost in a desert,
It swam through the sand of dunes,
Like an unusual snake,
Looking for a suitable lake,
To swim in its cold waters.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
A huge ocean
Of strange emotions
Is washing over me.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A human:
   - A machine will never be better than a human.
A mashine:
   - What is "better"?
The human:
   - ... *******.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
A human being is an animal,
Who can thank an another human being
For being.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A knight in shining armour
Worked as a desert mirage,
But quit for a night job.
Kafka Joint Apr 2021
Alice, go home,
Rabbits are getting hungry.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
All garden statues are broken,
And on winter verandas
Are sitting last sommer guests,
Slowly drinking ice tea.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
All I ever wanted was a good sandwich,
How did I land in this neighbourhood so late in the evening?
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
All is well,
But nothing is good.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
All my life
I'm getting out of strange situations
Only to get into weird ones.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
All my thoughts are real,
I am not.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
All spaces should be secluded
From each other,
All problems come from overlapping spaces.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
All the points of no return
Are telling me
That I'm gone.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
all these people, all these smells and sounds,
and absurd questions,
and no one has closed eyes
or is absentmindedly smiling.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
All this coffee,
All these hopes,
All the heat during the day and nothing else.
Kafka Joint May 2020
All this night,
Be forever with me.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
all this poetry...
it doesn't rhyme with anything,
does it?
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
all-too-few feelings,
with strange endings, without beginnings,
in a no man's land of my soul.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
All your thoughts
Are written on your face,
I barely see your eyes
Through this word maze.
Kafka Joint Nov 2019
A lonely raft
In a huge ocean
Is less lost then me.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
A look of a train station:
ready to go,
not sure why,
a lot of bad coffee.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
Is it a "yes"?
- No, it's a "maybe".
- "Maybe" like a "yes"?
- No.
- Oh.
- Yes.
- "Yes" like a "yes"?
- Maybe.
  (go to the beginning).
Kafka Joint Mar 2020
A lot of me
Is nonessential,
The rest is precious and existential.
Kafka Joint Feb 2020
A lot of things
Are not quite fair,
Of which we are
All too aware.
Kafka Joint Apr 2020
A lot of things are sudden.
Actually, all of them.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
A lot of years from now,
When some muesli for breakfast will be my morning ***,
I will tenderly think about your buttocks
And our beautiful know-how.
Kafka Joint May 2021
Always dancing, never thinking. Some people can be happy just like this.
Any situation should be current. Beware of permanent ones.
Normal people are having strange thoughts, weird dreams and boring lives.
Points of no return are all coming back and asking for permission to stay.
I don't have what it takes, to give it back. So, I'll keep it.
Kafka Joint Nov 2020
Always keep it simple,
In a cool and dry place.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A man and a boat
Once went on the road,
To quietly float,
To never come back.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
A man without any profession
Was left alone on a beautiful planet,
As the Almighty got distracted halfway through the Creation.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
Am I a good person
Or a real one,
Breathing happiness and weirdness?
Kafka Joint May 2020
A midnight omelette
Could be a heaven on earth,
Although some eggs might beg to differ.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
a miracle
is always around the corner,
wherever you turn,
it's right behind your back.
Kafka Joint Oct 2019
There were people around and there was a lot of laughing. That's all I remember, and it stuck with me for years thereafter. It helps me now, though, somehow.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
A mysterious lady in the black dress
Is smiling from a huge painting,
Longing for her lovely small world.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
This health advice
Is better than a few:
I should sleep more,
And probably with you.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
An alcohol
Is like a pull of gravity,
That is lifting you up into the sky
And leaving you to fall down.
Kafka Joint Jun 2020
A narrow desert road,
Full of stones,
Is what I usually need,
When I am alone.
I would wake up
And walk the road,
Throwing the stones
Into the sky,
Getting better.
And after all this,
I would write you a letter,
A beautiful letter, full of laugh,
And so my day won't be tough.
Kafka Joint Jan 2020
An awkwardness is the basic human condition, mitigated at times by a wonderful winter blue sky and other such everlasting niceties.
Kafka Joint Jul 2020
an awkward question,
an honest answer,
an offended silence.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
An awkward squad
Is a good team,
After they get to know each other.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Ancient languages
Couldn't even grasp,
Why the food should be fast.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
And every morning,
It's an uphill struggle
To get myself from the bed.
Kafka Joint Oct 2020
"And here we go again",
Said the Same ****
And went on.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
And I replied,
With a lot of conviction,
That I wasn't really sure.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
And suddenly I thought.
It was a frightful moment
Of a sudden thinking.
Kafka Joint Dec 2019
Can you be the voice in my head?
And then, can you be the voice in my sleep?
And then, can you be me?
And then, can you leave me forever alone?
Kafka Joint Mar 2021
An eerie road has come to a stop,
And at the end of the stop
Is standing a mob, in masks, and barring the road in town,
I hope, that masks are only because of the local lockdown.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
An elephant and a dolphin played together,
By a good weather or by a bad weather,
The elephant got bored, the dolphin got tired,
Their boss then came, and both were fired.
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