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Dec 2020 · 53
Once in a blue while
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Once in a blue while,
Under a green sky,
Yellow birds will fly.
Dec 2020 · 44
Words, once said, stay
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Words, once said, stay,
Thoughts stay too,
Only people go.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
If something is glowing in the dark,
Let it glow, let it be in the dark,
Let it stay as unknown specific.
Dec 2020 · 60
Time will stand still
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Time will stand still
On the last oil fields,
Back to growing old.
Dec 2020 · 58
Town is left
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Town is left,
All toasts are brown,
Only birds with forgotten names
Choosing each a suitable lawn.
Dec 2020 · 39
'I am an idiot'
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
"I am an idiot"
Is a double definition,
Just repeat it twice.
Dec 2020 · 51
Every man is an island
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Every man is an island,
Every woman is also an island,
The whole world is like a map of Indonesia.
Dec 2020 · 52
This winter is waiting
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
This winter is waiting till winter comes,
Which creates a certain paradox,
Keeping the weather warm.
Dec 2020 · 118
Where I come from
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Where I come from,
It was going nowhere,
So I'm not going back.
Dec 2020 · 48
I told you so
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
I told you so,
But you wouldn't listen,
You never do.
Dec 2020 · 42
Three questions
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Three questions, that I have to any suggestion this morning:
Dec 2020 · 48
We can be high
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
We can be high
For so many reasons and, most beautifully,
For no reason at all.
Dec 2020 · 45
A rainy Christmas
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
A rainy Christmas
Came and gone,
The year's moan.
Dec 2020 · 217
I am a ledger
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
I am a ledger!
No, I am a legend!
Well, anyway, I am drunk.
Dec 2020 · 49
I was making sense
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
I was making sense,
It was terrible.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Everything will be alright and we will have a nice cake,
This is my news, and this news is not fake.
Dec 2020 · 30
There is only one life
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
There is only one life
And so much things to get it wrong,
But do it right.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
The only good kind of coffee
Is a coffee right now.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
There are too many midnights
Until the next morning.
Dec 2020 · 67
A cat has nine lives
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
A cat has nine lives,
But only one curiosity.
Dec 2020 · 39
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
A couple of hours later
It's still too late.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
To control myself is getting difficult,
As I misplaced myself somewhere.
Dec 2020 · 25
Eliminate the impossible
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Eliminate the impossible,
And whatever is left
Must be you.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
I can't think of anything that I don't know,
Still having the feeling, that I know nothing.
Dec 2020 · 44
It's not what you think
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
It's not what you think,
It's even not what I think it is,
It's something totally else.
Dec 2020 · 40
It's not you
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
It's not you,
It's me without you.
Dec 2020 · 41
We are happening
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
We are happening,
Oblivious to this matter.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Your breathing in this silence
Makes the silence real.
Dec 2020 · 51
Winter came
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Winter came,
It's cold now,
Let's wait.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
I'm trying to have the best friends,
Skipping friends as such.
Dec 2020 · 56
In a rainy day
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
In a rainy day, I'll get by with syllables,
But it will be a hard pillow to swallow.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Normally, I am crazy about you,
But how can you laugh at all this comedy?
Dec 2020 · 44
Where I come from
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Where I come from,
It was going nowhere.
Dec 2020 · 32
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Basically, we are born and put on hold,
Or somehow recovering.
Dec 2020 · 34
In our relationship
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
In our relationship,
My entropy is bigger than yours.
Dec 2020 · 44
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
We were gorgeous.
Dec 2020 · 31
I didn't mean
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
I didn't mean
What you think I would mean
By saying this.
Dec 2020 · 44
Your behaviour is good
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Your behaviour is good,
Your choice are often mistakes,
But that's nothing to do with the behaviour.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
If nihilism is to be believed,
There is a lot of nothing.
Dec 2020 · 45
My bubble of support
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
My bubble of support is bursting
Into the interstellar void and cold,
With no vaccine, that would need it.
Dec 2020 · 56
Take a breath
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Take a breath,
Take a bath,
Give me space.
Dec 2020 · 39
It's not too difficult
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
It's not too difficult,
It's only impossible,
You can do it.
Dec 2020 · 44
Simple things
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Simple things like a beautiful weather and nothing being wrong are quite enough for any eternity worth caring about.
Dec 2020 · 30
No cranberries
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
No cranberries,
No fairies or ladies,
But the absolute truth of a ******* up mind.
Dec 2020 · 32
It was very in
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
It was very in,
Then totally out,
Nobody knew, what was it about.
Dec 2020 · 40
Try or die
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Try trying or die dying,
But make up your mind.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
What happened on the island,
Will stay on the island,
Until it's water under the bridge.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
If you think  that you had a bad day,
Well, maybe you did have a bad day,
I'm not the one to judge, anyway.
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Tomorrow, I will be once again whole,
But today is a bad hair day
Of my soul.
Dec 2020 · 35
Can I, please?
Kafka Joint Dec 2020
Can I, please?
- No, you can only disappoint.
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