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Aug 2020 · 11
In the night
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
In the night,
I open the windows
To make things alright.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Every time I see you naked,
My loves moves a bit
Into the right direction.
Aug 2020 · 7
The brutality of life
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The brutality of life
Is like a knife,
It's cutting suddenly, unknowingly,
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
My "please" is not enough,
My look into your eyes is not sufficient,
How can I spoil you more?
Aug 2020 · 7
You are right
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
You are right, however
You are always too clever,
And that's why never happy.
Aug 2020 · 12
Lost in space
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Lost in space,
Forgotten in time,
I am fine,
I am totally fine.
Aug 2020 · 12
Enjoy the moment
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Enjoy the moment,
As long as the eternity is not looking.
Aug 2020 · 15
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Feelings are images of thoughts,
Words are their reflections.
Aug 2020 · 11
Just leave it at that
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Just leave it at that.
- What is that?
- Oh, just leave it.
Aug 2020 · 20
A simple poem
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A simple poem
Can knock you out
Through a sheer love.
Aug 2020 · 55
A black strong tee
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A black strong tee
Is the best,
But for a black and equally strong coffee.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
I have a door to lock up for the night,
And whenever I want I can write,
Or sleep tight,
It's the best I can have in this world.
Aug 2020 · 7
So much
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
So much of a "new normal",
I really miss all this "old crazy".
Aug 2020 · 16
Everything is so quick
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Everything is so quick,
That you just have to sit down for a bit,
And things will turn around the Globe and reach you from behind.
Aug 2020 · 55
It was too soon
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
It was too soon,
And then it was too late,
I wonder, why this **** is called fate.
Aug 2020 · 13
If we don't move
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
If we don't move, some pieces of us will fall down,
Imagine the streets in each and every town,
Thus blocked for circulation.
Aug 2020 · 35
In a few weeks
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
In a few weeks
The first autumn rains
Will hit window pains.
Aug 2020 · 7
She likes me
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
She likes me,
I like her,
What's the matter with us?
Aug 2020 · 9
Too many of me
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Too many of me
Too many of you,
We can't understand each other.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The Black Matter is coming,
With a lot of energy,
To do something nice.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
One day, you'll understand,
That all your dreams
Already happened.
Aug 2020 · 21
And every morning
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
And every morning,
It's an uphill struggle
To get myself from the bed.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Normally, if there's one door opened
And a lot of other doors closed,
I'd try one of the closed doors.
Aug 2020 · 6
The supernatural power
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The supernatural power
To stay at the window, looking at the rain outside,
And enjoy the moment.
Aug 2020 · 6
We came to this bridge
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
We came to this bridge, and you crossed it,
Back and forth, back and forth,
Just to prove your point.
Aug 2020 · 15
At some point
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
At some point
In our future
We'll have a beautiful past.
Aug 2020 · 10
Be yourself
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Be yourself,
But wear the mask.
Aug 2020 · 11
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Like a stranger
In a stupid land.
Aug 2020 · 49
A good music
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A good music
Makes you do all these things,
That you'll never regret afterwards.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The smallest possible unit of me
Is a timid glance
Towards you.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
It's just an accommodation,
A place to put and arrange your things,
Like feelings and hopes.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The car stopped and let a cat out,
The cat stopped and let a cry out,
The cry stopped me, because it was loud.
Aug 2020 · 11
I am burning inside
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
I am burning inside,
Can't you see it
Through my eyes?
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Random accumulations of things in my bag
Are beautiful in their own way,
Making me smile on a rainy day.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A desert is just a waiting room,
An ocean is a bank, open for new deposits,
A sky is a lazy supervisor of deserts and oceans.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The world of half-cooked spaghetti
Is closing up on me,
I want to get out.
Aug 2020 · 8
The shop is closed
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The shop is closed,
The bus left the station,
The people are lost
To the indoctrination.
Aug 2020 · 8
Keep walking
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Keep walking,
Keep talking,
Keep screaming,
Keep living.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
This place is too crowded
To feel lost,
Quite stupidly, I'm feeling lost.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
I am suffering, don't you see, I am suffering,
I suffer a lot, as you don't see,
That I am suffering.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
The Martians abandoned the canals,
The Martians abandoned their Mars,
The Martians abandoned even us.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
In duty-free shops of the airport of Reykjavik,
A deep-frozen fish is looking at me from the stalls,
With the Scandinavian nonchalance.
Aug 2020 · 6
We left it at that
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
We left it at that
And went outside for a stroll,
It's a beautiful life,
Where you can leave things at that.
Aug 2020 · 60
Stars are like people
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Stars are like people, who,
In addition to all the other problems,
Also have the Eternity to deal with.
Aug 2020 · 8
What is the meaning?
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
What is the meaning
Of spending the nights in bed,
Nights with no beginning,
Nights, that still have to end?
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
I thought of calling you up,
But never did,
And as a revenge,
You didn't call back.
Aug 2020 · 80
A bit of this
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A bit of this,
A bit of that,
A bit of karma,
And so we met.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
This is not a river of my dreams,
This is not a river of my nightmares,
This is a river I've never seen,
Or so it appears.
Aug 2020 · 47
A good poetry is scary
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
A good poetry is scary,
After reading it,
You will have to live in the world
With higher standards.
Kafka Joint Aug 2020
Across deserts full of dunes,
Across writting tables full of papers,
I will come and make you happy,
Before disappearing in new oceans.
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