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Kafka Joint Oct 2021
To live with you feels at times like to be attached to a wall,
With this wall erratically moving.
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
I'm waiting for you with bells,
Books and candles,
Just to make you wonder.
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Any thinking is optional, weird and not necessary. Once the thinking takes over, they will soon have a civilisation, recycling issues and whatever else they might happen to be thinking about.
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Very stressful was yesterday,
Today is unbearably calm.
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Let's wait,
As it is fate
And anyway it's late.
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
The absence hits us the most,
We are lost,
But the point of no return will be back
Kafka Joint Oct 2021
Sit down,
Make your meaning,
I will do the understanding.
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