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Life is a list of expectations .
Each day has a special intonation.
One day for your birth
The other day for your death.
The day you leave
No one will believe
That your life was just an illusion
Has anyone got this confusion?
yesterday. He's a blazing
heatwave. Her emerald-green grass
cut down to hay. His sidewalk you can fry

an egg. She walked across and burned
her feet. Blisters popped
every chance they meet. She singed

herself dancing in fire. When you run so fast
you're bound tire. She was spring once,
in full bloom. Her sweetness filling

every room, spilled perfume. He was thirsty from
the draught. Hung-over with mouth hung out. She
nursed him back to health. But this sickness

you cannot see. No, this sickness did not
leave. It was their shadow. Hanging on, wrapping
around them as a cloak, sticking to them as

egg-yolk in the frying pan. Some call this the stuff
fairy tales are made of. A slave to the dance,
the sickness, the trance. The heat, the high.

She's not as she is. She's not herself.
And she's not his.
I got the fantasy thing goin' on
The real world is not enough
Where is the Holy Grail?
Calyx and his friends

Life is mystery
I cannot comprehend
Postcards in the mail
Florida my mind on you

The candy cost 1.37
Dancing in the Dark
Hellhound on his trial
Jesus slips away

Not the Dalai Lama
Not Richard Gere
George Clooney to prevail
I drive the Odyssey deep South

  Somethin' brave from your mouth
From one perspective mysticism
From another mental illness
Listen to the doctors?
Listen to the priests?

If I am a shaman
Born too late
I sing for the forgotten
Vegetarian my feast

I just cannot find Her
She slips away at night
Her dress is black and white
My tears fall like Purple Rain

Santa Rosa knows ya
So does Toledo, Ohio
Boston to Buenos Aires
I take the Downbound Train

     Downbound Tray aya ayain!
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