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J Nightingale Dec 2022
Why do I live such a solitude life
No one caring
Doing everything for everyone elsw
You give so much
But receive vastly less
You try your hardest but you fail
I'm just a failure to make that loved one happy
To see her love so much at the begining
Just for it to dwindle like a flame
The passion we once had flickers by the day
Because she no longer wants
Just to find out you hate yourself more and more
Day by day
Because you blame yourself for her not wanting
What did I do wrong
What can I do better for her
But I guess the promise we once made
No longer matters
In her eyes.
Or so it seems.
J Nightingale Jul 2022
So little time
But so profoundly amazing
Within your comfort is a saving grace
And always to be embraced
For with every second I spend with you
They will be cherished for eternity

With such radiant beauty is breathtaking
You take my breath away everytime you enter a room.
Spending time with you is like a dream
For this dream, I would spend forever dreaming.

For what she grants to me
Her warming touch of grace
My lustful desire unending
And finally my happiness which was thought lost. long ago.
J Nightingale Nov 2021
A voice so gentle
A voice so charming
A voice to touch the souls of others
A voice to even rival the divine, as the cherubs dance to the mere sound.

As a voice like yours harmonises with a symphony
It takes many to be as perfect in tone
As beauty radiates off your voice
Even the angels weep before you
As everyone succumbs to desire.
J Nightingale Nov 2021
Obsession posses as love or is love amplified
For love is complicated beyond belief
Seeking to posses as one loves so whole heartedly
Wanting too protect them from harm
Obsession is a disease. No. An infection
As I love more, the more it deepens and takes root
For as the roots of evil are planted
Hidden from me, but seen by all
Becoming the very thing I hate

As men gather for her attention
My envy runs rampant, by their mere sight
And as my teeth seethe with grief knowing how good I am not
For she is radiance incarnate, and I cannot help but pursue.
For I have a crush.
I'm obsessed.
J Nightingale Jul 2021
A heart so broken
A heart so open, like a wound festering
Deeper and deeper
seethng with pain
Tormented by the memories that keep you together
To forget would shatter the image and heal the pain
But to forget would be abandoning myself.

Everday without you is anguish i would not wish on anyone
An anguish so bad, I have to make numb
A numbness I need to survive.

Wishing I could feel your warm touch once again
To feel those Pale red lips against mine
To have what I once had, the compasionate, intimate love.

I love you and I always will, to **** that love would be to **** me
My love will forever burn bright, never to go out.
J Nightingale Dec 2020
A feeling so pure
A feeling so amazing
This is a feeling we all crave
To have it, is to be unimaginably lucky.

The feeling that we all call love
The one worthy of going to the depths of hell for
For it is the light at the end.

To feel cherished
To be loved unconditionally without faulter
To know you have the one you seek. No matter what.
J Nightingale Jul 2020
My heart trembles when walking up to you.
Fluttering as if it were a butterfly.
Rapidly beating to the sound of your voice.
Syncing in harmony to my heart.

You are as radiant as the first day i saw you.
With skin so fair.
With a smile to bring beauty to the world.
Hair, vibrant and lively as your personality.

You sweep yourself through the crowds with such poise.
Making the people around you, intoxicated with your presence.
You have the world at your feet, enthralled.
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