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Tshepo mashiane Nov 2019
Write about anything you would like to write about because we mostly like what we desire and this is all driven by emotion and in the creative writing process emotion sets everything in motion. Have you ever wondered how most people became writers? Most of these people were facing overwhelming emotions whether they were positive or negative these emotions were so powerful they needed an outlet and writing was the answer. The power of these emotions overcame the resistance so easily that their brains had no choice but to come up with masterpieces and when it was all done and dusted  these people gazed at what they have done then they appreciated and then curiosity found it's way, "am I capable of doing this again?" then the journey began.
Since we live in an era ruled by critical thinking, we don't have to wait for a tragedy.
write about the unordinary and  train your mind to flow naturally without any disturbances. this is the route most people that you call  "geniuses" have taken.
Tshepo mashiane Nov 2019
How can one be creative if one does not know the rules?, building a proper foundation is necessary.  
Rules are not there to marginalise your creativity. When a child is put in a walking ring the child learns  how to walk PROPERLY! first.
Learning as many aspects as you can about literature because this will nature your creativity to work in your favor, not against you. Never be mislead by clichés like "break all the rules", just be encouraged by them because first of all you would have to know the rules in order for you to break them.
No matter how unconventional your ideas are, for perfect execution you need to be technical and what is technique without rules?
The golden rule is to read as much as you write.
Tshepo mashiane Nov 2019
It's essential to learn the fundamentals of construction and the dark arts of destruction.


• Constructing articles, short paragraphs or essays in your own words is basic training for your mind to adapt to any type of writing style.
•BY re-writing and re-adjusting things is teaching yourself how to re-customize a concept without ruining it.


This is the fundamentals of anything abstract, the dark arts of finding beauty in loss. Taking something significant from a concept and replacing it with something that's sentimental or rather odd feature just to add a twist to the concept. Destructing a connection to cause suspense or distortion, this art art should be practiced after reading the ninth law.

The highest form of construction is destruction and the deepest form of destruction is construction.

    The truth about the human mind when it comes to creative writing

The human mind has alot of resistance when you start from the bottom even experienced writers can experience "the mojo" not being there. We should always bear in mind that these laws encourage hard work not hardship, so working with what is already there is more time efficient and this law has alot to do with connecting things - the true essence of creativity.
"creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something they feel a bit guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something" -Steve jobs

       The difference between an editor and a writer

• An editor is always a bit more technical than a writer.
• A writer is more artistic than an editor.
• An editor eliminates all the possible glitches.
• Creative writers tend to be delusional.
All these points show that its not all about who wrote the manuscript, it's just about who understands the concept more.

       What makes a writer delusional?

There's no such thing as a "stupid idea", that's just another of saying you ****, They're only two things when it comes to the final product:
• delusion  or,
• proper execution
We should consider that any failed idea could be made a success with proper execution. This required a fair amount of artistry and technicality.
Tshepo mashiane Nov 2019
Music connects us with our inner selves and thee environment, when we hear music we let go of our thoughts so they can be whatever they want to be, this lets our creative juices flow freely. Our minds become more visual, more expressive and most importantly more free!. In essence music has the power to overcome resistance  and when there's no resistance nothing interrupts your train of thought.
Always remember that poetry and music make your heart smarter than your brain. Research shows that the broca's area of your brain is used to express music and that specific area enables us to produce speech and that is not a coincidence because in the past music was considered to be a form of communication.
Music also improves memory, attention and mental development.

              Dangers of music
Do not obsess over this art or any type of art or any type of art because it can be a drug-a very addictive drug because it also acts on the same part of the brain as an illegal drug.
Tshepo mashiane Nov 2019
Talent has nothing to do with the journey of becoming what we call "a good writer",  reality has proven that anyone can become a good writer. ounce the art is understood then the performance will follow effortlessly.

We've all heard that cliché from every couch, "not everyone has talent but anyone can be explosive". I don't think anyone would be ungrateful if they were a fraction of a second slower than usain bolt-the fastest athlete ever. Remember that god created eagles but human beings created helicopters, jets and everything mechanical that flies in the air.
Talent is a phenomenon that's greatly misunderstood because people think a creative writer is a certain type of person that was born "that way", rather than thinking that's what a person becomes ounce they make writing a priority. It is very understandable why people feel that way because the main question would be..."where do I start and how?". The best place to start is poetry
                  Why poetry?

Poetry is undoubtedly the highest level of creative writing and the best part about this is that with or without experience anyone can write poetry. without following any rules.  This is extensive proof that we are all artistic. Any poem no matter how long or short it is, you can feel the emotion in it. Emotion is the basic pillar of creative writing.        poetry takes any type of shape, idea or concept. Ounce our brains register that they are no rules it becomes spontaneous.
Resistance is the main focus in these laws and this will be solved  ounce your done studying these laws

      A fixed and an un-fixed mindset
A fixed mindset consists of patterns that are hard to break, this is what causes the resistance that we need to break. This resistance makes it difficult when you try to express yourself using words. A fixed mindset is not keen on new ideas because it's set to a certain type of thinking that limits you not just artistically even analytically and then you wonder "where do people get such ideas?". A fixed mindset restricts your imagination, the heart and soul of your expression and eternity.
An un-fixed mindset is open to anything because it's responsible for opening up your mind. An unfixed mindset is more flexible around problems, it's more understanding and sets your imagination free. Ounce you attain such a mind you won't have any fear of failure and the possibilities are endless.
Tshepo mashiane Jul 2019
Seeing you for the first time was a reality check.I turned my head the other way really quick Your braces were shinning to the max.

Seeing you for the first time made me hate the person who invented the watch, Because with such beauty you don't need a silly gadget on your wrist to remind you that you not getting any younger.

The idiot who invented the clock clearly envied Your effortless beauty.
You give me mixed emotions you make me hate and love at the same time.

you make me hate the people who manufacture shoes....because when I saw your caramel toes I felt like buying you a hundred sandals and I would make winter skip a couple of seasons.

You make me want to be next to you after Many heartfelt decades...for the first time ever a human face will beat the unequal hands of time, even after fifty years your spotless face would still be a great work of art.

A moment of honesty on a perfect carpet called grass made me forget about your beauty. The seconds  later turning to minutes were passing by and I didn't notice your beauty anymore.

You made me want to be a surgeon, not to temper with your skin but to take a sharp knife, cut you open and steal your heart...your heart is too precious for you to share it with someone else.

I write to express but I did not have words for that moment of the recklessly drifting time made me notice how many men have desire in their eyes as you hit the scene, I only stand to admire your aura.

I don't want to posses you, I just need you to infect me with your rare energy.
As long as you still breath I will wish and pray that you will always enjoy your days
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