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Haydn Jacobsen Feb 2019
You where a rose unlike any other
You invited me to grip you tight
You knew your thorns shined bright
Yet I gripped with all my might
Just to have my blood come to sight
“It’s love” I said
“Look at all the red”
Haydn Jacobsen Feb 2019
I was never the angel that gave life to the forest in the beginning
I am the demon that tore the land apart so their was room for more life
There is no evil, there is just cycles of light and dark that need each other.
Your heart needed to be hurt for an angel to reveal its self to give life to it.
It was a necessity that shall never be given thanks.
I am not sorry for my actions, but if you hate me so be it
My job is done.
I will wander praying I will be the angel in someone else’s life.

— The End —