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Jim Feb 2019
Trot trot goes the jolly young trotter
Who runs down the beach with the help of her spotter
And *** *** goes the silly putty potter
Who pots all his pots with the help of his daughter

The young trotting trotter and the silly putty potter
Are the two proud parents of the little darling daughter
The sibling of the daughter is the sure stepping spotter
He runs down the beach keeping an eye on Ma trotter.
Jim Feb 2019
Vertical lines met horizontal ones
They were different, it was sad
Until they mixed with one another..
Together they were plaid.
Jim Feb 2019
I walk along the withered night where none will seem to tarry
Until the Earth breaks morning light, this load is mine to carry

To carry, to share, to mourn the fact
To shape the world and not hold back
Of lovers dance and family pact
I hold this true to me

To test, to move, to run a muck
To sell your time to make a buck
Never look back, couldn't give up
Yes, I hold this true to me

So walk yourself down weary way
And hold this true to you
Some time will come the day
Our burdens will be through
Jim Feb 2019
The shackles will not break for you
The sea waves will not cease
The dawn it does not shine for you
Fair lily in the weeds

The wind it does not howl for you
The thunder does not crack
The eagle flies not on your breath
Dear princess draped in black

The lion does not hunt for you
No song birds sing your name
The earth will quake in spite of you
No other will feel your pain

And though the moon may shine on you
And the leaves crunch as you step
Though the crow, he may call to you
And the bull may fear your whip

I alone live for thee
You are my every breath
If you and I together are whole
You are the greater half

— The End —