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568 · Feb 2019
Being Mystified
Be my beginning my beloved
Be my breath give me life
Beaming mystical shades of Beryl
Be my eyes shed your light
Beguiled by the mystery of your smile
Bestow my lips with a kiss
Bewitched mysteriously belonging only to you
Be my skin protect my heart
Beseeching myself to never betray
Be my betrothed a vow impart
Behold my love the fragrance of myrrh
Be the aroma of my delight
Beautifully mythical we can concur
Be my king for I am your queen
Believably mystifying this all may seem
Being my love defies everything
© 2/11/2019
417 · Dec 2018
D. E.A.R
Dear Eager and Ready,

Darling the distance between us is daunting
Eager to feel your touch is haunting
Amorously in love with the gentleness of your smile
Romance is what I desire all the while

Delicious I imagine the taste of your mouth
Easily persuaded because I'm never in doubt
Anticipating the day that we'll be together
Relinquishing my love to you is my pleasure

Devotion to you I will promise forever
Elation guaranteed that will be my endeavor
Anxiously waiting for the magic to commence
Ready my love don't leave me in suspense
© 11/30/2018 by Elizabeth P. Reynolds
408 · Mar 2019
My Soul
Sweet dreams are harmonious like melodies is to music it sings to my soul
Love is unselfish like food is sumptuous feeding my soul
Contentment is peaceful it flows like a river that cleanses my soul
Joy is happiness like the rays from the sun it lights up my soul
Laughter is cheerfulness as breath is to life it elevates my soul
Affection is tenderness like soft whispers of love it captures my soul
Passion is hypnotic like stargazing is mesmerizing it captivates my soul
Immortality is forever as his love is everlasting it preserves my soul
© 2018
395 · Jan 2019
What is it really?
The substance of who I am?
Is it just a phase?
Does it exhibit the true elements my face displays?
Is it my inner parts?
Does it truly reflect mirror images that flow from my heart?
It is pretentious, ridiculous, ostentatious, relentless
Vanity, insanity, outrageous
© 7/30/2018
What if......two musicians sub-consciously were synchronized in time?
An epiphany they experienced but to us was sublime
Did Freddie know while he was composing Bohemian Rhapsody?
That Marvin Gaye was recovering from a personal tradegy
Marvin was compelled to write about the signs of the times
He began with mother, mother and then asked the questions why
Freddie wrote "mama I don't want to die"
Each calling out to mother but with a different cry
Freddie's words reflected self-acceptance and self-conflicted war
But Marvin realized the war related conflicts, the world chose to ignore
Freddie wanted us to"open our eyes and see"
While Marvin sang " talk to me so you can see," that was his plea
The harmonization between the two revealed the torments of conflict and pain
Each reasoned within their hearts the complexities of change
Marvin expressed his desire for the world to see " what's going on?"
Freddie in his operatic vibrato sang " nothing really matters to me"
"Anywhere the Wind Blows"
307 · Jan 2019
During the time we are apart
I long to hear the beating of his heart
Longing to feel the strength of his embrace
Stirring my soul between time and space
The warmth of his love ignites my desire
The golden circle binds our union with fire
True love, momentous, magical and free
My love, hear my heart, and come to me
288 · Apr 2019
She Ruffled Her Feathers
She lifted her voice in song the greatest performance of her life
Lavished in delicate feathers a splendid delight
The voice of an angel with the body of a goddess
Diamonds and rubies embellished on her bodice
The curves of her frame were arrayed in blues
Royal and turquoise whispers of gold tinted hues
An aria this melody a love song with a plea
It resonated with the spectators their tears were flowing free
But far off in the corner adjacent to the stage
There sat the love of her life her song did not faze
His heart was stone cold an empty black hole
Piercing eyes as he watched this swindler of souls
While serenading the crowd she sought out his face
Their eyes fastened on each other similar to an embrace
But something was amiss about the love in his eyes
Passion smoldering in ashes as the fire dies
In the saddest of moments it utterly comes together
With just an inkling she ruffled her feathers
© 4/18/2019
284 · Apr 2019
Choosers of the Slain
There was a looming darkness that consumed a crimson red sky
The cries of the wounded could be heard as it echoed far and wide
A warrior saturated in his own blood a badge of honor this sweet savage death
He held on with courageous valor until he breathed his final breath
Remembering tender moments of his true love as they quickly began to fade
His heart spilling his life force as it flows from beneath the blade
While he succumbs to an eternal sleep a soft hand embraces his face
Perhaps it is the woman he loves that even death cannot erase
Above the scent of scattered bodies an unfamiliar odor fills the air
Just a hint of mandrakes rises above the cries of despair
A voice the warrior has never heard before comforts him with these words
“No worries my love I am here for you,” but in the shadows he saw black birds
In a daze his eyes caught a glimpse of the woman who had kneeled by his side
An alluring dark angel with her elongated wings spread across the great divide
She wore a golden helmet embedded with dark feathered wings
Her curvaceous ***** shielded with a breastplate designed by Odin her king
The Valkyrie planted a gentle kiss upon the warrior’s lips
As his spirit departed from his body it was captured with a mighty grip
They ascended towards the heavens dark skies on her powerful steed
A mighty dominion of Valkyries trailed behind with relentless speed
To Valhalla is the warrior’s destination another battle he must face
In Ragnarok fighting alongside Odin with departed warriors who were transported to this place
Perhaps it was magic the Valkyries used to enchant the blood splattered terrain?
A slight of hand with a twist of fate the choosers of the slain.
© 4/23/2019
270 · Feb 2019
The White Rose
There stood a white rose
Tender in nature
Untouched without blemish
Hidden love would await her
A crimson red rose
Exotic and tempting
Appeared by her side
So brazen unrelenting
Her petals were embraced
By the crimson red rose
So gentle with care
She began to blush
Cautious not to malign
Her petals of purity
The crimson rose refrained
From the act of vulgarity
Instead declared true love
With her blessing assured
A vow bounded by love
Sealed absence a kiss
True love in its purity
The White Rose in her bliss
© 5/2/2018
267 · Dec 2018
My Imagination
I just want to lie in your arms in the stillness of the night
Feel the tenderness of your kiss as it guides me to the light
I want to hear your whispers of love caress my ear
I need the warmth of your breath so that I know you are near
I feel the beating of your heart in the crevice of my back
You possess my soul and body there is nothing that I lack
But when I reach out for you I feel nothing but air
It was just my imagination longing for you to be there
© 2018
255 · Jan 2019
Her Way
Is it the way she smiles or laughs?
The softness of her touch
Is it the fragrance of her essence ?
That you love so much
Is it her love or her hate?
Is it her joy and her pain?
Is it her alluring presence?
That compels you to remain
Is it the sway of her hips?
Is it the way she pouts her lips?
Is it the way she calls out your name?
Is it the way she hides her shame?
Is it the way she gives her love?
Is it her way or yours?
250 · Dec 2018
Can't move can't feel can't hear can't speak
Can't cry can't scream can't drink can't eat
Can't laugh, can't smile, can't frown, can't wink
Can't touch, can't smell, can't taste, can't blink
Can't love, can't hate, can't dance, can't sing
Motionless, emotionless, can't do anything
His final performance, his mood was contrite
His mating call lasted through most of the night
He sang a sweet melody to capture a mate
The nest is now empty for him, it's too late
A long time ago he was happy and free
He copulated with eagerness, and nestled upon the tree
The young were nurtured in order to mature
Each flew their own way equipped and secure
His mate no longer useful so death took its toll
Now the nest is empty as the Nightngale's soul
At early dawn, with his heart beating to a crawl
The Nightingale's final breath, the last curtain call
219 · Feb 2019
Drift Away to Paradise
I will follow you my love to Paradise
Where we can bathe in the everlasting waters of Eden
The path appears turbulent at first glance but we will seize the moment
For our love will not weigh us down similar to an anchor
But it will keep us afloat as a life perserver securing our heats
We shall drift away together in a blissful lake of tranquility
The rays of the sun will serve as our guide before the clouds hinder our journey
The darkness appears just over the horizon with perilous intent
But we can survive from the light that exist between us
A glorious brightness that is able to penetrate the obscurities of life
Embrace the warmth of these waters as we immerse in the passion from our love
Let us drift away together in Paradise
205 · Jan 2019
Forsaken she was forced to live among those considered pure
Her rose colored appearance seduced the most worthily assured
Unfamiliar with the customs she adapted none the less
She hid her femininity adorned in modest dress
Naive and unaware of her affect upon others
She congregated in the meeting house with her fellow sisters and brothers
There he stood over the crowd mesmerized by her rare beauty
The passion arose in him but he held onto his duty
Eventually with time their love grew with intensity
Their insatiable passion they attributed to divinity
They could no longer hide the physical propensity
To ****** without regard for the choice they both made
Now her brazen red color has become a crusade
She was no longer an innocent but seen as a harlot
The beautiful red color is better known as scarlet
Imagine a prison formed from flesh and skin
A place you could never escape from or invite anyone in
Confined to a sick bed watching the world from above
Wondering in misery if you’ll ever find love
This was Frida’s fate just a young pretty girl
Who had aspirations and dreams this shiny new pearl
In the darkest of hours she fought with unbearable pain
Disturbing images and anguish played over in her brain
Yet she knew her spirit was able to fly
She opened up her heart and closed her ears to the lies
With broken bones clamped together from her pelvis to her neck
She created from her soul her truth and allowed the paintbrush to reflect
Though her self portraits were disturbing in demeanor and theme
Profound in raw beauty her body depicted in the extreme
Noted as a revolutionary perhaps a feminist with a cause
Yet she married her Diego twice maybe one of her flaws
Her poetic form was expressive and colorful as her flowers
She adorned her hair and garden so alluring engaged in her power
In spite of her suffering Frida kept eyes her on the prize
“Feet, why do I need you when I have wings to fly.”
*A quote by Frida Kahlo. This quote inspired me to write this poem.
186 · Oct 2020
The Moon Appears to Cry
One stormy night among the heavens the moon appears to cry
She felt alone for there were no stars twinkling in the skies
The clouds drew near to surround the orb with their soft embrace
Hidden beneath the cloudy night the sun wouldn't show his face
Such a lonely place to be when your primary task is to shine
Shedding light amid the twilight hours a part of the great design
Yet even when the moon in all of its glory can sometimes lose her way
Abandoned at times and solely forgotten by the discontented and dismayed
If only for one stormy night will these waters grace the skies?
Whereas once again she'll cast her brightness and leave behind the cries.
© 8/22/2020
184 · Sep 2019
Time has no beginning, middle, or end it simply exist
It does not reason, nor does it love or hate
There is no standard or moral compass that is abides by
It does not possess the characteristics of human nature
Nor does time touch, taste, hear, smell, or need
However everything in the universe evolves with time
The sun rises and sets at an appointed time in the heavens
After the light fades the moon appears to cast its illuminating light against the shadows
Also the seasons assimilate with time by springing forward and falling back
Even King Solomon wrote "there is nothing new under the sun; for there is a time and place for everything under heaven.'
Life desires time because without it there is no hope or purpose
Yet time does not pause or stand still in anticipation
Nonetheless time is essential; it is significant, and precious.
© 9/6/19
This poem was inspired by a prompt " The Triad of Time."
He remains still during sunrise
For it is at this specific moment when his true love awakens
He watches motionless while the light reveals her unique beauty
He knows that he is defying the very nature of his existence
Nevertheless he does it because of his love for her
He whispers her name gently to not startle her
She remains silent mainly because she understands her delicate circumstances
Her time is brief
So she chooses to not be impetuous but instead,
She expresses her love by exposing her vulnerability
Her behavior is demur yet she allures him with her bold fragrance
He surrenders willingly transforming their union into a subtle breeze
While these two forces of nature consummate their love
The world spins in motion with its troubles oblivious to what has taken place
Finally she peaks fully blossoming with no regrets because she has served her purpose
The warm air begins to stir as he releases his tender embrace
The winds taken by cherry blossoms
© 2019
Inspired by a prompt.  Cherry blossoms life span is around two weeks after fully blossoming their petals fall.
169 · Jun 2019
The Seed of Truth
Here lays the truth scattered among the ashes
Observe how the truth manages to remain a seedling inside of its protective shell
It will only sprout in soil that is fertile
As a society it has been bequeathed upon us to live in truth
Yet we rather camouflage ourselves in deceit because the truth is far more painful than the lies
Oftentimes the truth is left to waste as ******* because no one desires to embrace it
Lies is a stench that pollutes the air leaving behind misinformation and corruption
However the seed of truth will continue to prevail
Simply because it germinates whenever it is nourished and received with love and maturity
Hence it flourishes with resilience through diligent cultivation which successfully results in a bountiful harvest
Where the seed has not taken root the ravenous beast will ****** it up satisfying his hunger
Whatever remains will degrade and eventually turn to dust
Therefor let us celebrate in the harvest by cultivating the seed of truth
© 6/4/2019
This poem was inspired by the "Chernobyl" a docu-series on HBO™
166 · Feb 2019
Our First Kiss
I imagine our first kiss
Will it be delicious or a miss?
Soft and tender are your lips
The sound of violin strings soft as angels wings
Echoes of heavenly music the desire it brings
I imagine our first kiss
Will it be sweet as the nectar in honey?
Aromatic wild flowers fill the air after the rain
The taste of morning dew, the smell of you, insane
I imagine our first kiss
The feel of your tongue smooth as velvet
Warm and inviting subtle but exciting
Sensually vicious melting away my inhibitions
I imagine our first kiss
166 · Jan 2019
I just want
I just want to love
I just want to fly
I just want to write
Let my thoughts take flight
I just want to sing
Kiss the man I love
I just want to pray
To my God above
I just want to eat chocolate
Drink my ginger tea with honey
I just want to live
And not worry about money
I just want to star gaze
Admire the moon above
I just want to live in peace
Who are you to judge?
© 12/21/2018
166 · Mar 2019
Optical illusion
On the surface we emerge into the sunset, two bodies moving forward in motion
A harmonious love traveling in the same direction
But buried beneath the surface we are projecting a different path
An illusion eluding to love
I hear your voice echoing in the wind beneath the clouds
You are pleading me to stay
You want me to see things through your eyes
But our love is an optical illusion
Let me go and allow me to wander off into the sunset
© 2/13/2019
164 · Aug 2020
Red suffuses the cosmos often subtle to the naked eye
Yet its vibrancy expands the universe similar to a crimson colored sky
Often red resembles decadence perhaps signifying shame
Hidden behind decaying backstreets where lust seems to be the game
Presuming a sign of power its mere presence commands attention
Even the brightest star in the galaxy will approach with apprehension
Signifying profound love red rages against the norm    
An impostor of shooting stars a violent cataclysmic storm
Red bares the shade of Sacrifice cleansing all humanity from sin
Covered first in scarlet red now transformed to pure from within
Red has the longest wavelength yet its energy appears quite low
But it’s the primary color of the life force with an iridescent glow
© 4/30/2020
163 · Jul 2019
The Wind Stays Outside
Imagine being confined where you cannot escape
Trapped in unforeseen circumstances caught in the trickery of fate
Delving through a labyrinth of tunnels while trying to breathe
To be transported by the wind is a granted reprieve
The walls closing in on you but you try not to fall
Being smothered in the darkness your path is stunted to a crawl
The labyrinth seems indestructible so panic creeps in
You try rising to the surface searching for the wind
Your breath is stifled in captivity from the deliverer of hope
So you excavate those tunnels striving to widen the scope
An aperture appears but your passage is denied
So you remain in solitary while the wind stays outside
© 7/05/2019
Inspired by a prompt
162 · Dec 2018
The Promised Rainbow
A promise of love my beautiful pearl
I vowed to forgive the hate in the world
The deeds of the sincere have reached my ears
My devotion to you may seem unclear
Your loyalty will never go unnoticed, I vow
My mercy will cover the humble and proud
I observed your short comings, frailties and weakness
I never promised your lives wouldn't be shrouded in bleakness
My presence appears unreachable but do not despair
I'm not up in the clouds I exist everywhere
Assuredly I say look towards the heavens and not below
For my eternal gift to you is the promised rainbow
© 11/7/2018
159 · Jan 2019
The Offender
You ever notice at the beginning your were known as his baby
But as time goes by you are just a maybe
You loved and laughed it's so delicious
Now the words between you have become so viscious
His kisses were sweet so warm and tender
Another entered his space now he becomes the offender
He moved the earth with his sensual embrace
Those moments dissapated like Halley's comet in space
It was beautiful in the beginning, a love so deep
His memories are a waste, I hope he sows what he reaps
© 12/04/2018
159 · Jul 2019
Passion is my eponym for I will surround you with my love
Unknowingly your soul will be caressed by stardust from the universe above
Relinquish your heart do not fear for these fingertips will strike the chord for each beat
Pleiades will transform our bodies into heavenly constellations where the planets meet
Love is decreed amid the stars spontaneous as a stellar explosion
Eternally our love will scorch the skies in deep ruby and amethyst bursting with emotion.
158 · Dec 2018
See Me!
See me not look at me
I am much more than skin and flesh
Inside lies beauty and love with secrets
Complicated with imperfections, delicacy and completeness
Vulnerable and fearless but surrounded by weakness
Idealistic and passionate slightly detailed with bleakness
See me not look at me!
I am much more than curves
Unassumingly gracious more than just sinews and nerves
Weathered and worn from troublesome times
Ignore all the wrinkles, creases and lines
See me not look at me!
I am just more than human
Masquerading the lies because I am a woman

© 5/5/2018 written by Elizabeth P. Reynolds
158 · Apr 2019
The breath is a connection to the soul something that can't be seen
Breath is the essence of who we are
It clings to life so it seems
But as time passes by we all ponder why
Our purpose, this life, we just live then we die?
Nevertheless breath is a link to consciousness without it the body can't survive
Yet the soul remains with the spirit
Without breath the body is no longer alive
Human eyes have never beheld the spirit or contemplated the beauty of the soul
Miraculous energy occupies the body then depart and move on that's the goal
The breath is to life as the soul is to death
But the soul does not die in spite of any breath
It's formless yet priceless, a spiritual gift worth something
But from the soul devoid of love when they  look out they see nothing!
© 4/5/2019
152 · Jan 2019
Calypso's Lament
Do not be deceived by my beauty for I am turbulent like the sea
I appear calm but there is an undercurrent stirring within my belly
I am raging with passion but I cannot find release
Before the storm many have explored my waters and were satisfied
But I am discontented; suffering from an unrequited love
Drown and be baptized in my unfulfilled ocean of sorrow
Woe to those who dare to sail the waves of my emotion
Do not ignore my cries
They emerge in tidal waves from the deep
The winds are saturated with my tears, beating against the barge
What I seek is a soul, pure enough to embrace my sorrow
A sacrifice of true love to succumb to the sea
© 1/09/2019
146 · Sep 2019
Who will?
Hidden within a word there is a meaning
Within the line of every sentence there is a message
Who will understand it?
A melody played in a song is inspiration
Between each note lies a symphony
Who will listen?
A cry in the night is like glass shattering
It rattles the silence beneath the darkness
Who will embrace the mourner?
A mouth that thirst should be satisfied
For their soul is longing to be quenched
Who will offer them a drink?
The heart is a place where love dwells
But when it is broken love is without a home
Who will give it shelter
145 · Dec 2018
Oh but to love again!
Imagine the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach
Raging war against my natural instinct
Fleeing quickly from what I already know
It will fail again because I have been there before
Oh but to love again would restore the balance I once knew
The happiness I felt when everything was anew
My heart betrayed me before, how is it different this time
Second guessing and presupposing it's not worth it, I get it
But to love again will it survive life's test?
Will I give it my all, will I try my best?
Should I follow my instinct or listen to my heart?
Oh but to love again would be a great start!
140 · Dec 2018
The Perfect Duet
My senses are dull and my soul cries for you my love
I desire to be fed with your words for my heart is hollow
The beating of it plays a strange song I do not recognize
The rhythm we shared was familiar, the melody flowed in unison
It never missed a beat
Now I cannot hear your voice
The music is gone
I am left with a single note that plays a solo
A song of melancholy
What is missing?
It's the harmonious sound of a perfect duet
© 2018 by Elizabeth P. Reynolds
139 · Jan 2020
The Kiss
The Kiss
An insatiable taste so sweet
Is bestowed upon my purity
Merely an embrace indiscreet
For my heart waits in obscurity
Delicate are these petals untouched
Yet they yearn to be blemished by love
Could my judgement relinquish too much
Akin to fallen angels from above
So how long from your sweetness I’ll endure?
Since my lips crave for the taste of your kiss
Will I relent to pleasure or remain pure?
To shower in this heavenly bliss
Instead I will offer my cheek
In exchange for my virtue you seek
© 12/3/2019
This piece was inspired by the painting "The Kiss".....Gustav Klimt
132 · Feb 2020
Daughter of the Sun
Alluring daughter of the Sun, luminous princess of the night
The heavens are your majestic domain shine through the shadows with your light
Be still above the rushing waters for they will obey your commands
Basking in your splendor that you stroke with a lover’s hand
The rhythmic movements of the clouds disperse to the melody of the winds
The stars hidden within the mist peek through as the darkness trickles in
The fleeting moments of passion infuse the air with a subtle caress
While madness creates nightmarish dreams upon those who are not at rest
Luminescent daughter of the night so many faces that you wear
A tranquil look, smoldering eyes with a touch of insanity and despair
You are more than just particles of dust and rocks evolved from a cosmic mix
Without your celestial form above all life would cease to exist  
© 2/10/20
113 · May 2020
Winds Dance with Me
Winds dance with me under the moonlight
Capture my loneliness into your void
For my true love is far from my sight
Surrounded in solitude that even the stars hide
Grey shadows drift into the folds of the night
While my beating heart a divine action soars towards the heavens
I am a wandering soul seeking the tone of his rhythm
Entrusting the moonlight’s glow to be my guide
It will divide the grey that separates us
Rescued from solitude I’m resolved by the hands of fate
Now I shall rest into the passion of his love
© 3/27/20

— The End —