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David Hilburn Oct 2019
Yearning poise?
Another soul to bother
Worthier phrases in a choice
Hand to shake, like a season of others...

Total's of sense, and survived anxiety
To take their time of a lovelorn embrace?
True to simple heed, and a heathen sovereignty
Slow moment's, on the behalf of a needy facts, if not patience to face?

Kiss me when I am ready, the turn of is...
Into isn't a welcome share, of deem and its duty
Required in the safety of our misogyny, a comparative bliss?
To seek a new finality to a friend's endeavor, mere and dear we...

See the wings of a time...
We stole from beguiling kisses, the don't of remain
The dole of severity to change its mind, for a spare trying
Till we issue anger's charm, and its focus of eyes that ordain...

And the spate encouragement of suppose before the height legendary
Tarry in a shown way, to ask, if intimation is a speed to if
A hero has a moment in held belief, or is this the shadow of decency?

See the guarantee of a lowly hand, come with all and purpose
And the might in a shall, we divine is the poise in a presence?
Found virtue and clues, of the demand of another host...?
Here is a shred of saving many, from the powers that be, again
David Hilburn Oct 2019
Compose another, early bird
If we entertain a mercy's thought
Acting with life, inching closer to charisma's heard
Letting the miracle of it's specialness, have all for image and not

Imagine the count, of repose
Silly old me, the tact of decision
The mores of propriety, a worldly hour to lose
The notion of a distance to a problem, that has no equality for intuition

Sweet old honey, ready to introduce a different plan
The taken moment's, to the siring of another keep
Worth one more step than we thought, the integrity we and
And the coming heart of deliverance, with it to seek

Like childhood, no even adult sophistication
Has the hurried brow of composure, a milk to memories
That complete the tender hope of angel's and their intimation
Whether a toll of embarrassment or the erudite youth of consideration, we see...
David Hilburn Sep 2019
Trust, in me
Sour and ageless hope
Turned to evocative we
Still a threshold of since, and a clash with youth

Places to divulge
Animosity in a craving hour
To tell a rhyme and a reason, from work's we indulge
Are ourselves, the name and meter of compelling dourness?

To live with the brazen promise
Turned to instill, and the austerity of could...
Courage sake a welcome, to lip's we advise
Are ours, for a sight, a kiss and a levity of when would...

Age keep a smaller promise, in the name of being
Wishes and fortunes day, to realize a calling
Taken from your strive, your hidden senses, leading
A wholeness to winds of voice, and its vision, the passion galling?

Strength in a clarity to detail the silence, welcome
Thought's and endeavor, to still the notion of veracity, plain
Justice and callous here, to befriend the gift of seldom
And history in a learning curiosity, to understand same

A charity that has stood for you...
Energy's and careful reply's, to risen help and the health we intone
Taken to reasoned shares in a destiny to accrue, the unity of beauty
We ask for only a second chance, at the revelation of needs, we maybe have already won?
would the bells, should the quells, and could the hells (still here with what wills)...
David Hilburn Sep 2019
Kiss of a king
On the decisive plane
Worth, once and meandering
Freedom in future hands, we hadn't in aim?

Space for tendered kind, where is, where want
Is a pleasance with the rational, too devoid...
Of our observation, the lucre we mete, we haunt?
With shrewdness to ask, is all of terror your choice?

Of a remorse living in the land
Still and vantage willing, proud to venture forth
Seasons of it, pittance or pristine, the consumption
Of seasons of might, we tell the tale of vice, and its source

Many miles away, the problems of a sovereignty
Share with us, the toil of every man, truth...
Is our hope and honor, to sake a world by a surprising lead?
To what was, a stare with complexity, to envision it's youth...

Sound like a stoic party?
It and even more so, if a cloth of substitution
Hail, and starkness able, are we to see the commotion we leave
As an indelible mark of heed, the silence of intimation...

Would? (if not share the paces and names of portent)
Shall we envoy a redoubt, the times to entail an orthodoxy come?
She and the mores in a he's strive, for whom we seem the call to when?
The risen are a friend, the halt and heroism of when eyes become lover's...
David Hilburn Sep 2019
Times we did
Times we didn't
Times we saved
Times we silence

Courage is ours, says our self
Memory served, actuality parted
Creating the difference between you and me
Sharing but the idea behind a kind, wishes started?

Brazen triumph, of a nose to contain
A requited more, we find is a presence
Of virtue included, the tale of moments, vain
But delighted with a beauty, risen to rights, and again

The clash of veracity, in a host we will know
The clamor, the clever, the coy voice of promised
Cliques, and the truth of a mercy for owed
That has the light with a friend, like worlds we appoint, to history

Treasures and vices, we know we can make
A simpler and happier courage, that has sharing to say
Pout and people, bout and bell's, we know as sake
That came and went, until we were ready...

Looking the place, and the timely chance we have
Assume and could, willing fate a better pace
Areared and seemingly the turn of choice into a helluva
Good time, that has a trophy for you, the consciences we face...
David Hilburn Sep 2019
All and spice
Asked who see's my shadow?
Can I have the catch of light
Any and spry, make a need we avow...

Roses are ours...
Violet's are other-wise power's...
Sugar is swollen times, if a lover's...
And so are yours, the reason we follow...

Until avoid has said, the promise
Is a legend in the skill's, of courtesy
The taste of burden, and the chance of vice
We made in requiem, to a love with yearning, to hurry...

Praise be a patient, gift?
Of silly neglect, and the giggling half?
Of a ****** smile, we notice is a reign and lived...?
Of absolution, where a star has voiced, sass...

Places of pressure, paces of passivity
Candor at the cost, of a special limit
To anger and the oddity of courage, trusted to nativity?
Showing the muscle, and keeping a reach for what we meant...?

A kiss with society, and a hair parted on the wrong side of the head...
How do I know this, and a halo of consensus that came to earn...
A passion in the lime and the liberty we enthuse is a light, far ahead?
Do I smell rage in your charity, or is this hug a nose for fear?
David Hilburn Sep 2019
Promised lands
Had in the hands of temperance?
Show me a soul, to survive the price, of also ran...
And I will show you, a courage to make the lifetime of a chance

Patience for a summation known
None and absolutely the bared
Brief as a hindrance in gray, can be and to own
Mighty is as a silence many, when presence comes to fair

Tokens of redemption
We fate with a savior, or his jaundiced kiss
Look a wish in the eye, and keep me at arm's length
To worth we understate, a host of another wish...

Avid and musing in the shadow of thus
To never squander, but giving squalor a reason's protection
Till we see the smile of the sun, sake a risen miracle for us

Share with thee, the nature of kingdom come...
Turning to chaste, the ilk of resumption and its seasons fancy
Works of dismay to clash, we have seen the callous wink, of home
Become a relationship with misery to due, the whole of remnants, see...

Long teeth and truth's of night
Simple news in a solemn hand, to remember you
Tact and its lesson, saved as we are from a curses right
Is your justice in mind, or is jude a survivor of anger and its glue?
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